This Game is Unusual

Chapter 2009 Xuan Thirteen

"Chaos beast?" The old man's face showed doubt.

Xiao Zhi waved his hand lightly, and a light mist emerged, condensing into a holographic image in the air.

The holographic image showed a series of huge and ferocious figures, which were the Chaos beasts.

The old man's eyes fell on the holographic image and said, "This is the guard."

"Guard?" Xiao Zhi frowned.

The old man explained: "The guard system was established by the master. In every reincarnation of the era, there will be many prodigies and strong men appearing, but according to the rules of the universe, only less than ten great realms have the opportunity to continue. The prodigies and strong men in the rest of the great realms will be eliminated by the universe. The master couldn't bear to see these prodigies and strong men being eliminated, so he established the guard system, giving these prodigies and strong men who should have died a glimmer of hope."

Xiao Zhi's face showed a thoughtful expression.

The face of the Great Power Buddha also showed a thoughtful expression.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi asked, "Why do you want to turn them into such a ghostly appearance?"

The old man said, "This is the price you must pay to survive."

Xiao Zhi continued to ask, "Why do you want to deprive them of their consciousness?"

The old man sighed and said, "This is also a last resort."

Xiao Zhi made an expression of listening attentively.

The old man said, "After the master fell asleep, a few epochs later, the guards rebelled. They wanted to kill the master and seize the master's survival base. I suppressed them. I am just the housekeeper here, with limited ability. When the master was asleep, I was unable to manage these guards. In order to prevent them from making trouble again, I could only temporarily deprive them of their consciousness and return it to them when the master woke up."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "What you said sounds like the case."

The old man said, "Because this is the fact, there is no need for me to deceive you."

Xiao Zhi said: "But you deceived me at the beginning."

The old man's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "I had no choice."

Xiao Zhi said: "Since your master is a creator-level strongman with the ability to change the rules, why doesn't he stop the reincarnation of this universe?"

The old man said: "Because the master doesn't think it's necessary. He thinks that the reincarnation of the eras can help him select the real strong ones. He needs more strong people to fight for him."

The old man paused and continued: "Before he fell into a coma, the master had been in the endless In the multiverse, a huge civilization was established. However, later, in the endless multiverse, wars broke out between powerful civilizations. The civilization established by the master was unfortunately defeated and fell apart. The master had no choice but to return to his original universe, but was still hunted down by the creation-level of the hostile civilization. The master could only close this universe and exile it to the depths of the chaotic void to avoid being hunted down and try to make a comeback. "

The old man stared at Xiao Zhi and said, "My friend, your strength is not bad. The master's men are in need of strong people like you."

Xiao Zhi said, "You and I have said so much, just to pull me in and let me serve your master as a subordinate? "

"Yes." The old man nodded and said: "Fighting for the master, fighting for this universe, this is your mission."

Xiao Zhi nodded without comment, and said: "You want to turn me into a guard like that monster?"

The old man shook his head and said: "No, with your strength, how can you be just a guard? As long as you are willing to join the master, you can immediately get the title of general and become a general under the master."

"What about him?" Xiao Zhi pointed to the Great Power Buddha standing beside him.

The old man's eyes fell on the Great Power Buddha and said: "This young friend has good potential and has the appearance of a general. If he is willing to join the master, I can mobilize the resources in the survival base to help him become a general."

The Great Power Buddha clasped his hands together and said: "Thank you for your kindness."

He stretched out his hand, and golden light surged from his hand, turning into a holographic image.

The image showed a black cicada.

The Great Power Buddha said, "Do you recognize it?"

The old man's eyes fell on the black cicada and he said, "This is a guard of our survival base, codenamed Xuan Shisan. It just became a guard in the last era. I don't know what method it used to retain its consciousness. Some time ago, it took several guards to break through the many restrictions of the survival base and escaped from the survival base. The survival base started at 60% power this time and cruised in the universe. The purpose is to capture this Xuan Shisan."

Xiao Zhi and the Great Power Buddha looked at each other.

This so-called survival base cruises in the universe to capture the Lord of Yongtu?

If it is true as the old man said, then some things can be explained.

The Lord of Yongtu knew that something was chasing him and it would not take too long before he would be arrested. That's why he used Zitu as bait and hastily set up a trap to ambush Xiao Zhi and the Great Power Buddha.

As for why he could accurately find the trace of Zitu in the vast and boundless chaotic void, this is also easy to explain.

The power of cause and effect is in the hands of the Lord of Yongtu.

There are countless causal connections between Zitu and the Lord of Yongtu.

With the Lord of Yongtu's ability, it is not particularly difficult to track Zitu through these countless causal connections.

'Could it be that the truth is really as this puppet old man said? ' Unconsciously, Xiao Zhi had such a thought in his mind.

But soon, he forced down this thought in his mind.

At his level, it is impossible to believe only one side of the other party.

It is very simple to make him believe these things. As long as the puppet old man in front of him can call out the so-called guardian of the universe and let him take a look, he will kneel down on the spot.

For the sake of life, kneeling down and kowtow is nothing.

Moreover, it is not shameful to kowtow to a creation level.

If he can't call it out, no matter how much the other party says, no matter how exaggerated, he will not believe it.

The Great Power Buddha put his hands together and said: "Xuan Shisan, the master of Yongtu, is the enemy of the two of us. He escaped from the survival base just to kill us."

"It seems that he should have failed." The old man smiled.

"Yes." The Great Power Buddha nodded.

The old man's eyes swept back and forth between Xiao Zhi and the Great Power Buddha, and said: "What do you two mean?"

The Great Power Buddha looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi said, "I want to see your master, Yu Lao."

The old man showed a trace of apology on his face, and said, "The master is sleeping, so it is inconvenient to see guests."

Xiao Zhi said, "It's okay, I can just take a look from a distance, it won't affect Yu Lao."

The old man's face showed embarrassment.

Xiao Zhi sneered in his heart.

'This so-called Yu Lao, it seems that he can't see people...'

What does this mean?

This means that this so-called Yu Lao may be made up by the puppet old man in front of him.

Xiao Zhi said again, "Don't worry, Yu Lao is a peerless powerhouse of the creation level, I am just a small immortal level, even if Yu Lao is asleep, I will not pose any threat to him."

The old man nodded after hearing this: "Yes, since you two want to see Yu Lao, please follow me. Remember, after arriving at Yu Lao's residence, you can only watch from a distance and don't make loud noises."

Xiao Zhi was stunned.

Really let me see Yu Lao...

Is it so straightforward...

Then, should I go or not?

No, this could be a trap!

Xiao Zhi, who was cautious by nature, was suspicious again.

‘We are now at the edge of this so-called survival base. If this puppet old man takes this opportunity to lead us to the deepest part of this survival base, and then block and kill us, I and the Great Power Buddha may really die here! ’

As soon as this thought came to Xiao Zhi’s mind, Xiao Zhi felt a pulling force acting on him.

This is the transmission power of the system.

The puppet old man actually wanted to use the system of this survival base to directly transmit him there!

Xiao Zhi was even more vigilant!

If he was allowed to be transmitted by the system, God knows where the system would transmit him to.

If things go wrong, he would be transmitted to the heavy encirclement!

Xiao Zhi’s body shook, and he easily broke free from the transmission power of the survival base system acting on him.

Almost at the same time, the Great Power Buddha also broke free from the transmission power of the survival base.

Obviously, he was also afraid.

"Why is that, you two?" The smile on the old man's face gradually faded.

Xiao Zhi said, "I suddenly feel that it is a bit presumptuous to go to see Master Yu now. I will go to see him when I have a chance in the future."

"Okay." The old man nodded.

The Great Power Buddha put his hands together and said, "This donor, you once said that Master Yu is eager to recruit talents and wants to recruit the strong people in this universe to work with him on great things, right?"

"Yes." The old man nodded.

The Great Power Buddha said, "So many epochs and reincarnations have passed, and I believe you have recruited many generals, right? Can you invite a few immortal-level generals to come out and meet us?"

The old man said calmly, "I have indeed recruited some immortal-level generals in these reincarnations. If you want to see them, please follow me."

As soon as the puppet old man finished speaking, Xiao Zhi felt a strong pulling force acting on himself again.

Xiao Zhi almost broke free from the pulling force without hesitation, his face a little cold: "Old man, the Heavenly Buddha has just said it very clearly. We asked you to invite several generals to come out and let them come to see us, not us to see them."

The puppet old man's face was also a little cold: "Sorry, the generals are of high status, and only you can go to see them. They are impossible to take the initiative to show up to see you."

Xiao Zhi's face was completely cold at this time, and he said: "You asked the two of us to join the Jade Elder, but you didn't show any sincerity. How can you ask the two of us to trust you?"

The puppet old man was silent for a while, and said: "Give me some time, I will contact several generals to see if they are willing to see you."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded and said lightly: "Sorry for the trouble."

The voice of the Great Power Heavenly Buddha sounded in Xiao Zhi's mind: 'Lord, what do you think? '

This is a magical power of the Great Power Heavenly Buddha to enter the mind. Compared with the traditional sound transmission, it is much more concealed and safe.

Xiao Zhi replied: ‘It’s probably a fraud.’

Dawei Tianfo: ‘I think so too.’

From the current situation, this puppet old man is trying to teleport them, and the destination is completely unknown, which inevitably makes people suspicious.

Moreover, from the time they came into contact with the shadow sphere until now, all the people who appeared were puppets and not a single living being was seen, which is equally suspicious.

Xiao Zhi: ‘He is probably stalling for time, Tianfo, what do you think we should do? ’

Xiao Zhi was seeking advice from the mighty Buddha.

He already had an idea in his mind.

He wanted to hear the opinion of the mighty Buddha.

The mighty Buddha said: ‘Catch this puppet in front of you, and all doubts will be solved. ’

Xiao Zhi: ‘That’s exactly what I meant. ’

He thought so too.

The two reached a consensus on this matter.

The two were communicating rapidly through spiritual thoughts, and they had communicated hundreds of times between breaths.

After the exchange, Xiao Zhi walked towards the old man and said, "Old man, after so many epochs, there should be a lot of essence of the universe stored in your survival base, right?"

The old man nodded and said: "There is indeed some inventory. After you join my lord's command, you can use the essence of the universe in this inventory..."

When he said this, the old man realized that something was wrong, his silver hair flew into the air, and his body suddenly retreated!

But there was a golden stream of light that struck at a faster speed than him, turning into a golden net and covering him in it.

This is the mantra cage, which can trap nothing, and has extremely strong sealing ability.

As soon as the golden net took shape, it collapsed instantly, and the old man's body burned with dazzling silver flames, turning into a silver stream of light and retreating at a speed several times faster than before.

However, as soon as he made a move, a figure was already holding a knife and stood firmly behind him.

The moment Xiao Zhi appeared, he slashed at the old puppet with his sword.

At the same time, there were circles of water-like gradient color ripples, centered on Xiao Zhi, rippling in all directions at an incredible speed, instantly covering the old puppet.

The next moment, the sky-opening sword arrived.

The Kaitian Sword, burning with gradient light, slashed diagonally at the old puppet's shoulder, directly splitting the old puppet's body into two pieces!

No blood flowed out from the broken part of the old puppet's body.

The old puppet leader's eyes were about to split, and he shouted: "You are seeking death!"

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand, grabbed the old puppet's head like lightning, grabbed the old puppet's head in his hand, and sneered: "There is no such thing as Mr. Yu, you made everything up. You It’s ridiculous that a mere puppet wants to play with us!”

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