This Game is Unusual

Chapter 254 Return

Just like the last action, they were actually scheming against each other.

Jiang Chengzi, a player from the enemy country alone, would definitely not be able to set up such a situation. Behind him, there are many players from Xuanming Kingdom cooperating and serving as his eyeliner. Behind him, someone is planning for him.

They are counting on enemy players, and enemy players are counting on them.

This is not a battle of one man, but a collision of two worlds.

Zhu Changwu nodded, and said: "Yes, what you said is not bad. They may also be able to think of the plans we can think of, but it is still worth a try. Xiao Zhi, you are the number one player in our world, so there is no room for loss. Even if this operation fails and fails to lure Jiang Chengzi out, it will be a price to ask the strong to escort you back to Linwu County."

Xiao Zhi glanced at Zhu Changwu, and suddenly smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a day, how do I feel that you have changed, Zhu Changwu, and you have become sophisticated?"

Zhu Changwu was stunned, and then laughed: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't think about it that much, these old guys came up with these things, I'm just in charge of conveying them."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "Which Jindan Realm overhaul is going to be invited by the All Beings Group to escort me back to Linwu County?"

Zhu Changwu said: "Zi Ri Zhenren, one of my uncles in Tianlei Sect, his strength is not bad, a great monk in the middle stage of Golden Core Realm."

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised when he heard this.

Zhu Changwu said: "This is the meaning of the sentient beings group. Let me try to contact the Zongmen. After talking about this matter, the Zongmen agreed and said that Master Ziri would come over as soon as possible."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said nothing more.

For him, it doesn't matter who escorts him, no matter if it's a strong man from the government or a strong man from the sect, as long as the strong man who escorts him has reached the golden core level, there will be no problem.

After chatting for a while, Zhu Changwu took his leave and left.

After seeing off Zhu Changwu, Xiao Zhi sat back on the bed, supported his head with his hands, and fell into deep thought.

After contemplating for a while, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice the 'Canglong Visualization Picture'.

Cultivation depends on the accumulation of time and time, and there must be no slack in the slightest.

Soon, one day passed.

The morning of the second day.

Among the Pingshan county government.

Martial Zhu handed three exquisite small bags to the three of Xiao Zhi respectively.

Xiao Zhi opened the bag and saw that there were ten spirit stones emitting bright light lying in the bag.

In one operation, he harvested 10 spirit stones, equivalent to 1 million yuan. Xiao Zhi was quite satisfied with this.

Yang Xu and Chen Yousong also opened the bag and looked at it, but said nothing.

Now that the reward for this operation has been obtained, it is time to leave here.

This is a signal arranged by the sentient beings group.

Soon, the three of Xiao Zhi left Pingshan County on a dragon horse.

When riding his horse out of Pingshan County, Xiao Zhi glanced at the vast mountains outside Pingshan City.

Among the vast mountains, there might be one pair, or even several pairs of eyes staring at him.

These eyes belong to enemy players.

The mountains and forests are vast, and trying to find people in the mountains and forests is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Even if Xiao Zhi has the supernatural power of 'Sky Eye', it is impossible to do it.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi clamped the horse's belly, and the dragon horse under his crotch neighed, and rushed forward along the horse path like lightning.

Behind him, Yang Xu and Chen Yousong followed up on horseback.

They are all aborigines in the world of sentient beings. Some things involve the real world, which they cannot understand.

Therefore, Xiao Zhi did not explain many things to them.

In fact, even if you want to explain it, you can't explain it, because once the matter touches reality, the game system will block what he said.

Therefore, on this return journey, only Xiao Zhi knew that there might be pairs of eyes belonging to players from the enemy country secretly watching them in the forest beside the horse road.

Only Xiao Zhi knew that there was a powerful monk at the Golden Core level hiding near them.

The Golden Core cultivator hides in the void, silently, unless he shows up on his own initiative, otherwise, Xiao Zhi will not be able to find him at all.

The entry-level 'Sky Eye' magical power is really too weak, basically it can only be used as a night vision device and a low-power telescope, it is really a bit good.

It seems that in the future, I have to find a way to improve the level of this 'eye of the sky'.

Otherwise, it would be fine if the person hiding by his side was one of his own, but if it was an enemy, it would be dangerous if his 'eyes of heaven' couldn't see through the opponent's whereabouts.

No, the 'Sky Eye' supernatural power is just a basic supernatural power. It's okay in the early stage. Once everyone's strength has improved in the late stage, I'm afraid it's not enough.

In the future, I have to find an opportunity to learn a more advanced 'detection' type of magical power.

It's just, money, all of these need money.

Where did he get so much money now.

He has more than 2 million yuan in total if he counts all the newly acquired spirit stones. With this money, he can only buy another book of basic supernatural powers.

Thinking about this silently in his heart, Xiao Zhi continued to gallop.

Linwu County is less than 600 miles away from Pingshan County.

With a dragon colt instead, the three of them could rush back to Linwu County in less than an hour.

Even knowing that there are powerful monks in the Jindan state nearby, when Xiao Zhi rode his horse and galloped along the horse path, his heart was still hanging.

Especially when passing through some rivers and lakes along the way, he always felt that the water surface of those rivers and lakes would suddenly explode, and Jiang Chengzi would come out of the water.

It turned out that half of the road was gone, and the surrounding area was very quiet, not to mention the enemy player Jiang Chengzi, not even a monster blocking the road.

He rode his horse and ran for a while on the bridle path, but Xiao Zhi hoped that the enemy player Jiang Chengzi would jump out and attack him sooner.

However, the time passed by every minute and every second, and the surrounding area was still very quiet, and there was not a single ghost in sight.

Xiao Zhi sighed in his heart, he had a hunch in his heart that this plan might fail.

Soon, Linwu County is already in sight.

It's all here, but Jiang Chengzi still hasn't appeared. This time's plan can basically be judged as a failure.

Soon, the three of them rode their horses and approached the gate of Linwu County.

Chen Yousong rode his horse and charged straight into the city.

Yang Xu pulled the reins, stopped about a hundred feet away from the city gate, and said to Xiao Zhi: "Brother Zhi, I'm back to Heping Village."

Xiao Zhi nodded: "Okay, be careful on the road."

Yang Xu glanced at Xiao Zhi, turned his horse's head, and left without looking back.

Looking at Yang Xu's back when he left, Xiao Zhi suddenly acted like a ghost, and said to the void: "Really, if you don't want to return empty-handed, you can go to Heping Village with Yang Xu, maybe you will gain something. "

The surrounding was very quiet, Xiao Zhi's words did not receive any response.

Could it be that he has already left?

Xiao Zhi glanced around, but didn't stay long in front of the city gate, and rode his horse into the city gate.

Thanks to the literary connoisseurs at the end point, no CP bookworms, and the cool breeze Xu Lai la la la for the reward.

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