This Game is Unusual

Chapter 256 Heaven, Materials and Earth Treasures

Hu Yang said in surprise: "Brother Zhi, what you said is true?"

Xiao Zhi said: "What are you doing to lie to you? It's just a hundred catties of monster meat. Is it necessary for me to lie to you?"

Hu Yang chuckled and said: "That's true, brother Zhi, what kind of person are you, how could you deceive your most loyal fans for this bit of beastly meat."

Xiao Zhi didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, and said: "Will you agree? If you agree, after you persuade Yang Xu, come to Wu County with Yang Xu. When you arrive in Linwu County, the one hundred catties of monster meat You are indispensable."

"Yes, of course I agree, that..." Hu Yang hurriedly said.

He is still very confident in his ability to fool.

What kind of person Yang Xu is, what kind of character he is, these days, he has figured it out clearly, it is not difficult for him to fool Yang Xu to go to Linwu County.

"Just promise, then you go to work, I'll hang up." After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

On the other side of the phone, Hu Yang was sitting on a stool with his mouth open, a little dazed.

He still didn't finish his sentence, why did he hang up.

He just wanted to say, 100 catties is too little, for such a big thing, at least 200 catties!

How did it hang up so fast.

It seems that his skin is too thin, and when he asks for benefits, he is too coy and not direct enough.

After thinking about it in his heart for a while, Hu Yang put down his phone with some annoyance, and began to rub his face with his hands, to see if he could make his thin skin thicker in this way.

What Hu Yang was thinking, Xiao Zhi naturally didn't know, after hanging up the WeChat call with Hu Yang, Xiao Zhi sent a WeChat message to Liu Yi from the sentient beings group: "Group Leader Liu, the plan is successful, Jiang Chengzi has been taken over by Ziri Real people killed."

After all, he polished up a little what Hu Yang reported to him before, and sent it in the form of voice.

This time, it took a full 2 ​​minutes before Liu Yi replied: "Got it, Xiao Zhi, you did a good job this time, and the sentient beings group will reward you with a contribution point from the government. Pay attention to check."

Xiao Zhi: "Well, Team Leader Liu, to tell you the truth, my need for property is not particularly large. The government contribution points in my account are actually enough."

At the headquarters of the sentient beings group, Liu Yi, who was sitting in the office, couldn't help being stunned after seeing this message, and forgot to put down the hand holding the teacup.

This Xiao Zhi, regards money as nothing, a good young man, his character is irrelevant, he must find a way to absorb him into the sentient beings group.

Before he could open his mouth, Xiao Zhi continued: "So, Team Leader Liu, the government's contribution point rewards are fine. If possible, can you replace them with other rewards?"

The corner of Liu Yi's mouth twitched, he put down the teacup, pressed his voice, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, what's the reward?"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and simply called Liu Yi on WeChat.

A few seconds later, the call was connected, and Xiao Zhi said, "Group Leader Liu, there are tens of millions of Xia players in every corner of Dachang Kingdom. Dachang Kingdom is so vast that its territory is similar to Baicuiguo. There must be a lot of treasures that can speed up human cultivation. Around these treasures, there are usually powerful monsters guarding them. It is very dangerous. If you find such a place, you can actually send the coordinates of the location to Team Leader Liu. offered to me."

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued: "I just want to work hard to improve my strength and make myself stronger. Only when my strength is improved can I make more contributions to the motherland and the world. Team leader Liu, what do you say? right?"

On the other side of the phone, Liu Yi was silent for a long time before saying: "We will consider this."

What Xiao Zhi said is right, Dachang Kingdom is very large and vast, and there are indeed many natural resources and treasures in it.

Before, the strength of the players was still very weak, and there was no way to explore this Guangmao world.

Even if you go to explore, limited by your strength, you can only explore around Xinshou Village and the county seat. Some of the more dangerous places, let alone go in, can't even get close.

But as the strength of the players has gradually become stronger, the number of players who have cultivated to the acquired limit and broken through to the innate realm has become more and more.

This situation has gradually changed.

The stronger the strength, the more places you can explore.

The probability of discovering all kinds of natural treasures is also greater.

In fact, in these days, some players have already discovered some natural treasures in the vast and boundless territory of Dachang Kingdom.

However, there are usually monsters entrenched around these treasures of heaven and earth.

For example, near the Baique fruit tree that Xiao Zhi met before, there was a powerful monster snake entrenched.

With the existence of these powerful guardian monsters, these players, even if they are lucky enough to find some natural treasures, can only watch from afar, watching the spiritual fruits and plants ripen, and then being picked up by monsters Walk.

In the recent period of time, the sentient beings group has actually organized several powerful secret operation teams.

Through the players scattered throughout the Dachang Kingdom, some specific locations where the treasures of heaven and earth were born were collected.

These secret treasure hunting teams have been dispatched several times, trying to seize the treasure.

After a period of time, the sentient beings group also obtained some spiritual fruits and spiritual plants that are helpful for cultivation.

However, the more precious the treasures of heaven and earth, the more powerful monsters can be attracted to protect them.

Some of the more precious treasures of heaven and earth, and the guardian monsters are all at the level of big monsters. With the current strength of those treasure hunting teams, they can't deal with them at all.

To forcibly seize the treasure is courting death.

Xiao Zhi hadn't mentioned this before, and Liu Yi hadn't given it much thought.

Now that Xiao Zhi took the initiative to bring up this matter, Liu Yi felt that it might be possible to hand over those 'treasure lands' guarded by great demons to Taoist players like Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi, the player, has always been in charge of him, and he has been following him for a long time.

At least for now, Xiao Zhi is still trustworthy and can be entrusted with important tasks.

It's just that this matter is related to some secrets of the sentient beings group, and he can't make the decision by himself. He has to discuss it with other high-level people in the sentient beings group before he can give Xiao Zhi an answer.

After finishing the call with Liu Yi, Xiao Zhi made a thought, and his consciousness entered the world of sentient beings. He sat in the inner courtyard of the mansion and continued to practice his "Canglong Visualization Map".

A day passed like this.

The next day, early in the morning, Hu Yang sent Xiao Zhi a message: "Brother Zhi, it's done, Yang Xu has been persuaded by me, and agreed to come to Wu County with me."

"Boy, it's not bad, it's quite neat." Xiao Zhi praised.

"Hey, I will spare no effort to do things for you, brother Zhi, and I will not hesitate to die. It's just a trivial matter, it's nothing." Hu Yang said modestly.

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