This Game is Unusual

Chapter 275 Quota

In the morning of the next day, Xiao Zhi and his team arrived at Baisang County, a military town on the border of Dachang Kingdom.

The city of Baisang County is a military town, and the last time Xiao Zhi came to Baisang County, Baisang County was already heavily guarded.

This time, there was even a large army gathered, and the whole city was full of sergeants in armor and armed with spears.

There are also quite a few monks. They wear hair buns and long robes, and they look like immortals. They seem a bit out of place with those sergeants who are wearing armor and holding swords, full of chilling intentions.

"My lord, this way please, the guard will meet you at the guard mansion." A group of sergeants led the way.

Xiao Zhi, who was wearing the official robe of a tour envoy, nodded slightly, and followed behind the group of sergeants.

Yang Xu was also wearing the robes of a tour envoy, walking side by side with Xiao Zhi.

As for Li Pingfeng and the others, they only had the innate strength of the ninth stage, so they could only follow behind Xiao Zhi and the others and dress up as entourages.

In the guard mansion, Xiao Zhi saw the guard Wei Guanglin again.

"Subordinate, Xiao Zhi, I have met Lord Guardian." Xiao Zhi bowed and saluted.

"Subordinate Yang Xu, I have met Lord Guardian." Yang Xu saluted along with him.

Wei Guanglin, a Golden Core Realm Martial Cultivator with a stout body like a bear, sat on a high seat and said, "What are the two tour envoys here for?"

"Please fight!" Xiao Zhi said solemnly: "Xuanming Kingdom is hateful, colluded with that red feathered blood eagle to cause harm to Bei Landao, the demon! Destroy the city! The subordinates almost died in its hands! This battle is only to kill the enemy , and please fulfill my lord..."

After some generous speeches, both Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu were qualified to participate in the war.

Xiao Zhi fought hard again, and won a total of 200 places to participate in the war, 100 places under his name, and 100 places under Yang Xu's name.

This is already the limit he can strive for as a tour envoy of Beilan Road.

On the Qingshi street in Baisang County, groups of sergeants walked by wearing armor and holding blades. A stool appeared in the handle of Xiao, and he sat by the street. After sitting down, he closed his eyes and leaned against the wall.

In the real world, Xiao Zhi called Liu Yi from the sentient beings group: "I'm in Baisang County right now, and I've won a total of 200 places to participate in the war. Where are our people now?"

Liu Yi said: "We have more than 2,000 people here, and there are only 200 places, which is a bit small..."

Xiao Zhi was a little helpless: "I have tried my best. I only have the title of a tour envoy in Beilan Road, and I am not a high-ranking official. The 200 places are already the limit I can win."

Liu Yi was silent for a while, and said: "200 is 200, you go to the southwest of Baisang County, 20 miles away, there is a small lake, our people are stationed by the small lake, you go to meet them, At that time, there will be 200 people walking with you."

Xiao Zhi: "Okay, I'll go there now."

It turned out that the players were not in Baisang County, but stationed outside Baisang County, and there was still a distance between Baisang County and Baisang County.

It's normal to think about it. Today's Baisang County is extremely heavily guarded. Without any official status, it is impossible to enter.

These more than 2,000 players don't have any official identities. When they gather together, let alone enter Baisang County, even if they are close to Baisang County, it is probably dangerous. Dispersion is light, and they may be regarded as The bandits were wiped out.

Soon, Xiao Zhi rode the dragon horse and came to the small lake that Liu Yi had mentioned.

Sure enough, there were already 200 players waiting in line for him.

Xiao Zhi didn't know most of the players, but among them, Xiao Zhi still saw some acquaintances.

For example, Yang Bin, a young man with an inch cut, who stood at the front, Meng Chuan and Tan You, these people had fought side by side with Xiao Zhi.

These 200 players are all innate realm, and the weakest have the strength of the innate early stage.

Among the other players who were brushed down, there were quite a few players with acquired limit. They hadn't left yet, but stood or sat by the lake, acting as spectators.

Xiao Zhi's arrival caused a lot of commotion, and the onlookers all gathered towards Xiao Zhi, many of them were curious.

Xiao Zhi is now considered a celebrity.

There are quite a few people who have watched his interview video.

As the number one player, many players in this world remember him.

Xiao Zhi didn't have time to enjoy this star-like treatment. His time now is very precious. After he rode his horse and approached these people, he cut to the chase and said, "Players, follow me!"

After shouting these words, he turned his horse's head and trotted towards the direction of Baisang County.

The 200 players in line hurriedly followed.

Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu have a total of 200 places to participate in the battle, and with the addition of Li Pingfeng, the number has actually been exceeded.

It's just that it's not a big deal to exceed a few quotas. After Xiao Zhi brought these players into the city, the quartermaster didn't say much about it when he distributed armor and weapons to them by head.

After the distribution of armor and weapons, the players were arranged in a simple barracks in the city.

Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu, who are Daoist parade envoys, are treated better. They don't need to sleep in Datong bunk and have their own independent room.

Tomorrow, guard Wei Guanglin will personally lead the battle, and Xiao Zhi and these players will follow him into the battlefield.

At nightfall, Xiao Zhi was sitting cross-legged in the house, practicing, when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Xiao Zhi retreated from the visualization space and said.

The door was pushed open, and Yang Bin walked in wearing a black armor.

After entering the door, Yang Bin didn't talk nonsense, took out an animal skin bag from his arms, and handed it to Xiao Zhi.

"This is?" Xiao Zhi took the animal skin bag, opened it, and found that there were two spirit stones in the animal skin bag.

Yang Bin glanced at Xiao Zhi, and said, "This is given to you by the sentient beings group. The spirit stones can be used to supplement the consumed real energy. The sentient beings group has a lot of money to spend now, so I can only provide you with two for this battle." Lingshi."

Xiao Zhi accepted the Lingshi and nodded to Yang Bin: "Thank you."

Yang Bin also nodded to him, saying: "After going to the battlefield, be careful, don't die."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "You too."

After Yang Bin left, Xiao Zhi put the two spirit stones into the storage ring.

In his storage ring, there are now a total of more than ten spirit stones.

These spirit stones are not only money, but also a consumable.

With these more than ten spirit stones, his battery life should still be guaranteed.

In this simple room, Xiao Zhi practiced the "Canglong Visualization Map" for a while. After getting tired, he consciously returned to the real world, picked up his mobile phone, and ordered a takeaway for himself.

While waiting for the takeaway, Xiao Zhi gently rubbed his temples with his hands.

Tomorrow he will go to the battlefield, and he is thinking about how to save his life after going to the battlefield, and how to get the national war merit points.

Thanks to Liu Kong and book friends 20200309224229081 for the reward.

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