"Here." Xiao Zhi handed the bone awl to Yang Xu.

After Yang Xu took the bone awl, he jumped a few times on the spot and swung his arms a few times. Then he let out a low growl, bursting out with body strength, and stabbed the bone awl in his hand fiercely forward!

With a scoff, the tip of the bone awl pierced into the trunk, the big tree shook slightly, the leaves made a rustling sound, and a few dead leaves dangled and fell off.

Xiao Zhi rotated the screen slightly and looked forward.

The bone awl penetrated the tree trunk about 10 centimeters, which is not bad for ordinary people.

There is still a big gap between ordinary people and warriors who have used their real strength.

"Brother, what happened to your hand?" Yang Xu exclaimed from the side.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi also turned the screen slightly, looking at Yang Xu's hand holding the bone awl.

Yang Xu tightly held the hand of the bone awl, and between the fingers, blood was oozing out, staining his hand red.

Yang Xu looked a little frustrated, he shook his head: "The awl is rough, and I used too much force, it just scratched the skin a bit, it's okay."

When a warrior uses his true power, not only will his attack power increase significantly, but his defense power will also increase a lot.

Because of the powerful body protection, when Xiao Zhi pierced the bone awl, he was not as rough as Yang Xu, who was worn out by the rough bone awl.

"Brother, let's go back, I'll apply some herbs for you, and it will heal faster." Yang Xi walked over, carefully cleaning the wound on his brother Yang Xu, with a distressed expression on his face.

'It's true that brothers and sisters love each other deeply. Why don't I have such a sensible, obedient and understanding sister? ’ Xiao Zhi thought sourly.

He did have an older sister who was two years older than him, but when he was eleven or twelve years old, his older sister was not very understanding and always fought with him, the past was unbearable.

On the way back, Xiao Zhi said cheekily: "Yang Xu, there is not much left of my food, and it is almost finished. You should still have a lot of food, right?"

"Xiao Zhi, what do you want to do? That's the food rations for me and Xiao Xi these days, and your share has already been given to you, so don't try to get on with us!" When it came to food, Yang Xu, a half-sized You will become very vigilant.

Xiao Zhi sighed, and said, "Yang Xu, you know that martial artist cultivation is very costly, and I have no choice."

"No!" Yang Xu shook his head firmly.

Xiao Zhidao: "I'm not taking your food for nothing, I'm just borrowing it temporarily. When I break through and become a Houtian third-level warrior and become stronger, I will take you to hunt. Duan Wu Zhe's strength, are you afraid that you won't be able to hunt wild animals?"

Yang Xu pursed his lips, he really wanted to say, it is so easy for a warrior to break through. When you break through to the third stage of the day after tomorrow, I don't know if it will be the year of the monkey. An ordinary person wandering here is now a second-stage acquired martial artist. This person cannot be treated with common sense at all, so he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Xiao Zhi, you can go hunting wild animals in the mountains and forests now, why do you have to wait until after you break through and become a third-tier martial artist?" Yang Xu asked suspiciously.

Xiao Zhidao: "The stronger the strength, the higher the possibility of success when hunting wild animals. After going deep into the mountains, the danger will be less. Are you right?"

Under Xiao Zhixiao's persuasion with affection and reason, Yang Xu, the penny-pinching iron rooster, finally let go and agreed to "temporarily lend" food to Xiao Zhi.

After returning to the village, Xiao Zhi, who got food again from Yang Xu and Yang Xi brothers and sisters, continued his cultivation.

Xiao Zhi did not lie to the siblings.

The decisions he made were the result of his careful consideration.

He is a more cautious person. He likes to make decisions before taking action in everything he does, and he doesn't like taking risks.

If there is no more food now, he will definitely bring Yang Xu and Yang Xi brothers and sisters into the mountains to hunt wild animals together.

But Yang Xu and Yang Xi still have a lot of food. According to his calculations, this food is enough for him to break through from the second stage of the day after tomorrow to the third stage of the day after tomorrow. Wouldn't it be good for him to enter the mountain after he breaks through to become a third-level fighter in Houtian in a few days?

After all, the strength of the third stage of the day after tomorrow is more guaranteed than the strength of the second stage of the day after tomorrow, right?

In the forest outside the village, there are not only wild beasts, but also man-eating beasts.

Take the ferocious tiger with the eye-catching eyes that was hunted in the village a few days ago as an example. Wang Ji, the patrol captain of the 9th stage the day after tomorrow, personally led the team. A total of more than ten warriors were dispatched from the village. It took more than half a day to hunt it down. kill.

The strength of the beast can be seen.

Xiao Zhi didn't think that the current him would be the opponent of a ferocious beast.

If he went hunting in the mountains and unfortunately encountered a ferocious beast, the strength of the acquired third stage was higher than that of the acquired second stage, the probability of escape would always be higher, wouldn't it?

It is not easy for him to have the strength he has now in the 'World of All Beings'. If he accidentally dies in the mouth of a fierce beast, he will probably hit a wall.

When the character is practicing "Nine Bulls Explosive Power", it is actually very boring.

Xiao Zhi clicked on the screen every few seconds while turning on the computer.

He ordered two latest flagship mobile phones online, one for 3,000 yuan and the other for 3,500 yuan.

After spending more than 6,000 yuan all at once, Xiao Zhi felt a little distressed in his heart.

However, if a worker wants to be good at his work, he must first sharpen his tools. In order to prevent accidents, he still needs two spare machines.

This can be regarded as a rainy day.

After ordering the mobile phone, Xiao Zhi tried to search for "The World of Sentient Beings" again. As before, except for the dedicated game forum of "The World of Sentient Beings", which still exists tenaciously, there is no search on the Internet. Any information about the game 'The World of All Beings' is here.

Xiao Zhi habitually clicked into the exclusive game forum of "The World of All Beings".

A few days passed, and the game exclusive forum of "The World of All Beings" became even more deserted.

Xiao Zhi flipped through it, and there were less than 100 new posts today.

When 'The World of All Beings' was the most popular, there were more than 10,000 new posts a day.

Brother Jiutu's live post still exists, but since that day, Gaowan Jiutu seems to have evaporated, and has never appeared again.

Not only did it disappear from the 'World of All Beings' forum, Xiao Zhi deliberately searched, and Gaowan Jiutu also disappeared on Weibo, Penguin and other platforms.

Xiao Zhi was lost in thought.

It's just that he knew too little information, and after thinking about it for a long time, he had nothing to gain except a dull pain in his head.

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