This Game is Unusual

Chapter 279 Battlefield

(Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, the double monthly pass is coming to an end on the 7th, everyone who has a monthly pass, don’t hide it~ there is a monthly pass event in the starting point book friend circle~)

Players from the enemy country only entered the world of sentient beings a month earlier than them, but they have produced so many Taoist players, including limitless warriors and monks at the peak of Qi training, and the number of high-end warriors is even more innumerable.

On the other hand, in their world, even now, it seems that only he and Zhu Changwu are Taoist monks, not to mention the innate limit, the number of innate high-level warriors is very small.

This gap is really a bit big.

The world where the player from the enemy country is located has already been destroyed once by the ancient Heavenly Demon. Even now, it seems that there is only a little over 100 million people.

Those who know are good, but those who don't know think that the players from the enemy country entered the world of sentient beings half a year earlier than them, or even a year.

One month early? How could so many strong players be born?

However, if you think about it carefully, you can actually figure it out.

The world where the player from the enemy country is located, decades ago, had the experience of conquering the world of sentient beings. The national war failed, and the ancient demon came to the world, and the whole world was almost destroyed.

After learning the painful lesson from the previous incident, as soon as the 'World of All Beings' appeared, they might all be soldiers. All the people of the right age probably entered the World of All Beings, and they won't be defeated just for this!

On the other hand, what about the world Xiao Zhi and the others live in? Like Xiao Zhi, how many people logged into the game as soon as the 'World of All Beings' was 'opened'?

Even if the number of players gradually increased later, compared to the total population of the world, that was not worth mentioning.

It wasn't until the truth about the enemy players was obtained from the enemy players that the governments of all countries in the world really paid attention to this matter.

All the people are soldiers, even now it is still in preparation and has not yet been implemented.

In this way, is the gap between their world and the world of the enemy players really only one month?

It is estimated that there will be more than two or three months!

In an instant, Xiao Zhi thought of all these things.

Fortunately, their side has a huge population advantage, 8 billion versus 100 million, so what if the other side is two or three months ahead? As long as they can stabilize, under this huge population advantage, the longer it lasts, the more dominant they will be!

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly flashed in Xiao Zhi's mind.

Was this war between Dachang Kingdom and Xuanming Kingdom intentionally planned by players from Xuanming Kingdom?

He can think that the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be to the enemy player. Could it be that no one can imagine the world where the enemy player lives?

Therefore, they racked their brains to plan the incident of the red feather blood eagle destroying the city of demons and fleeing into Xuanming Kingdom, and using this incident as a trigger, it triggered a great battle between Xuanming Kingdom and Dachang Kingdom!

The world where the players of Dachang Kingdom live has a population of 8 billion, while the world where the players of Xuanming Kingdom live has a population of only 120 million.

The longer this national war drags on, the better it will be for the Dachang Kingdom!

Therefore, what the enemy players want is a quick decision!

Xiao Zhi suddenly had such a clear understanding in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more Xiao Zhi felt that what he was thinking was right.

He has already decided that after this battle, he will tell the people in the sentient beings group what he thought of.

The staff members of the sentient beings group may have thought of this, or they may not have thought of it.

It would be better if he thought about it, but if he didn't think about it, he would be a wake-up call to the sentient beings group.

The battlefield where the two sides fought was just a dozen miles away from the barracks.

This is a fairly wide wasteland, perhaps because it has been soaked in too much blood, the land here is reddish-brown in color, exuding a faint smell of blood.

The two armies are facing each other thousands of feet apart.

The army on the side of the Dachang Kingdom is dressed in black and armor, and the flags they unfurl are also black, full of chilling intent.

The Xuanming Kingdom's army, in red clothes and red armor, was burning like a ball of flames.

At the edge of the battlefield, Xiao Zhi, who was wearing a black general's armor, rode on a dragon horse, staring at the Xuanming army formation in the distance, and couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart.

Damn, it turned out to be red.

The light coming out of the player from the enemy country is also red.

In this case, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult to distinguish the enemy players from the enemy army.

The game system of the world of sentient beings is intentional, right?

Deliberately create an advantage for enemy players on the battlefield?

Yang Xu, who was riding a dragon horse and standing side by side with Xiao Zhi, stared at the fiery red army formation of Xuanming Kingdom, his expression did not change because he was an aborigine in the world of sentient beings.

As for the team of players standing behind Xiao Zhi, some couldn't help cursing.

The voice was very familiar, it was Duan Yi's voice.

Afterwards, Yang Bin's voice also sounded: "Don't worry, it's just that the distance is far away, and you can't see clearly. Once the distance is shortened, the red glow on the enemy player's body is actually very obvious. , it is easy to distinguish them."

"I hope so." Duan Yi snorted.

The players' speech was blocked by the world system of sentient beings because it involved reality. The aboriginal army array next to the player array did not respond to this.

Even the military judge who rode his horse around the military formation turned a blind eye to it.

On the contrary, in some army formations, a few sergeants in armor and armor seemed to have heard something, and secretly glanced here.

These sergeants looking around are obviously players like Xiao Zhi and the others.

After the armies of the two countries confronted each other for a while, there was no commander scolding the formation, and no generals fighting in front of the formation, only a loud voice was heard in the army formation: "Jiakui army goes to battle! Bosang army goes to battle! Panlong army goes to battle! "

The sound of armor colliding sounded, and huge military formations began to move forward one by one.

Above the army formation, there were figures hanging in the air. Among these suspended figures, Xiao Zhi saw the figure of Wei Guanglin, a martial artist in the Golden Core Realm.

As for the monks in the foundation building period, no one floated in the air, but went out to fight with the army!

On Xuanming Country's side, there was also a large army marching forward.

A black torrent and a red flame quickly collided together.

The battle has begun, and the shouts of killing are loud!

The monks and warriors in the foundation building period fought on the ground.

The golden core monks confronted and fought in the sky.

The fighting continued, and there were roars, screams, and roars that erupted when the Foundation Establishment monks and Golden Core monks were fighting, and they sounded from time to time.

Under the command of the commander, some army formations advanced towards the battlefield, and some army formations that were disabled retreated from the front line.

However, Xiao Zhi's army has not been ordered to fight for a long time.

Without an order to fight, they could only wait in place.

"Damn it, how long do we have to wait? I've waited until the day lily is going to be cold." Duan Yi muttered again in displeasure.

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