This Game is Unusual

Chapter 282 Need to Change Strategy

Yang Xu left, Xiao Zhi was still resting in place.

It's not that he was terrified by that arrow, but that he is now, after the previous battle, there is not much real energy left in his body.

True element reserves: 14%.

With only such a little true energy left, if he rushed to the front line foolishly, he would be courting death.

In fact, it wasn't just him, many sergeants whose strength had reached the innate realm would retreat to the back to rest when their true qi was about to be exhausted, and take Qi Juqi pills and other pills to restore the consumed true qi.

As for Yang Xu, he was so active on the front line, and he didn't see him resting, as if the energy in his body was endless.

Xiao Zhi felt that this should be related to the dead air on the battlefield.

Death Qi is also a kind of energy. This is a battlefield. The two armies of Dachang Kingdom and Xuanming Kingdom are at war, and people are dying every moment. As a corpse demon, Yang Xu, in this case, obtaining Death Qi It's so easy.

With the support of this endless stream of dead energy, Yang Xu's battery life will naturally become extremely durable.

In another environment, if the aura is extremely abundant and almost liquefied, a monk like Xiao Zhi's combat effectiveness will become extremely durable.

Not long after, Long Ju snorted and trotted over.

The dragon colt is very intelligent. After Xiao Zhi jumped off its back, it immediately escaped from the front line and fled to the rear.

At this moment, seeing that the master had also retreated to the rear, he rushed over to look for the master.

Xiao Zhi touched its horse's head, took out a piece of jerky beast meat from his bosom, and fed it to it.

After feeding Longju a piece of jerky beast meat, Xiao Zhi ignored it, but took out a spirit stone from the storage ring and began to absorb it.

True Yuan reserves: 14%...15%...16%...

It's not just the true energy in the body that needs to be restored. After using the 'Burning Blood' secret technique, it puts a heavy load on the body, and the side effects are not small. This also takes time to recover.

Fortunately, since he reached the middle stage of foundation establishment, he began to temper his bones with true essence, and his physical fitness gradually became stronger. The side effects of the 'burning blood' secret technique and the burden on his body are gradually decreasing.

The 'burning blood' secret technique, the 'boiling blood' secret technique, these secret techniques that stimulate the potential of the human body, their side effects will gradually become smaller as the physical fitness of the human being becomes stronger, and the duration that can last will also become longer and longer. Longer, Xiao Zhi knew this as early as the warrior period.

For example, the secret technique of 'boiling blood' that can be mastered by extreme warriors acquired.

The day after tomorrow extreme martial artist used the secret technique of 'boiling blood', which not only lasted for a short time, but also had very serious side effects. After a few seconds, he probably couldn't bear it anymore. He was covered in sweat and rolled all over the floor in pain.

But once a warrior's strength reaches the innate high level, the side effects of using the 'boiling blood' secret technique have actually been reduced a lot, and the duration of it has also been greatly improved.

This is certainly related to the ability of innate warriors to use their true qi and suppress side effects, but the main reason is that the physical fitness of innate high-level warriors far exceeds that of acquired limit warriors.

The same is true for the 'burning blood' secret technique.

The 'burning blood' secret technique can be regarded as an enhanced version of the 'boiling blood' secret technique, and the requirements for the physical fitness of the warrior are even higher.

Innate extreme warriors are barely able to use the 'burning blood' secret technique.

If only the physical quality of the Acquired Ultimate Martial Artist was the only one, even if he could use the 'burning blood' secret technique, his body would probably not be able to bear it, and he would directly collapse to death.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi made a thought and called out his attribute panel.

National war meritorious service: 1155.

Before Xiao Zhi joined the battle, he had 1040 national war merit points, that is to say, in the battle just now, he had gained a total of 115 national war merit points.

After seeing this value, Xiao Zhi was a little dumbfounded.

Is this too little?

Although he was entangled by the gun-wielding martial artist later on, he had killed quite a few enemies before.

In fact, the national war merit points obtained by the players are all recorded and can be queried.

Because behind the value of the national war meritorious value, there is a "details" option.

Xiao Zhi frowned, and clicked on the details:

‘Kill 1 player in the early stage of the enemy country’s foundation establishment, and reward 1000 national war meritorious service. '

This is the record left by Xiao Zhi who once killed the enemy Wu Xiuyaozi.

The innate limit player who kills the enemy country can get 200 national war meritorious service points, and the player who kills the enemy country's early foundation establishment player can get five times the reward, reaching 1000 points.

How much is this? Xiao Zhi didn't think it was much.

Because the foundation-building stage monks are much stronger than the innate warriors, let alone five times the reward value, even if it is ten times, Xiao Zhi doesn't think it is too much.

‘Kill one warrior in the middle of Houtian in the enemy country, and reward 1 point of meritorious service in the national war. '

‘Kill 1 high-ranking martial artist from the enemy country, and reward 2 points of meritorious service in the national war. '

‘Kill 1 warrior in the early days of the enemy’s country, and reward 0 points of national war meritorious service. '


‘Kill 1 innate high-level martial artist from the enemy country, and reward 50 national war meritorious service points. '

1 o'clock, 2 o'clock is fine, but there is still 0 o'clock, Xiao Zhi is a little tired.

It turns out that the Houtian early stage warriors who kill the enemy country cannot get the meritorious value of the national war.

Killing the Houtian mid-level warriors and the Houtian high-level warriors has very little gain. The merit points of 1 point and 2 points are really pitifully small.

In other words, killing an innate warrior can obtain double-digit national war meritorious value.

After looking at the records of national war meritorious service for a while, Xiao Zhi waved away the translucent light curtain in front of him, and began to think in his heart.

It seems that the battle strategy has to be changed.

Driving Wushuang on the battlefield, invincible, it feels great, but the rewards are less.

The operation was as fierce as a tiger for a while, and seeing the score of 115, it really didn't feel good in my heart.

No, I can no longer learn from tigers, I have to learn from poisonous snakes, and only pick out the innate warriors of the enemy army. This is the best way to get merit points in the national war.

Thinking of this, the light of the Lingshi held in Xiao Xie's hand was completely dimmed. With a light click, it shattered into a pile of powder in Xiao Xie's hand.

A complete spirit stone was sucked dry, Xiao Zhinei looked at himself.

True Yuan reserves: 74%.

A spirit stone can fully restore the true energy in the body of a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, but it can only restore 60% of the true energy in the current Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi took out another spirit stone from the storage ring, began to absorb the energy in the spirit stone, and continued to recover his true energy.

It wasn't until the true energy was restored to 100% that Xiao Zhi took back the half-absorbed spirit stone into the storage ring.

He took a deep breath and prepared to go to battle.

But after walking a few steps forward, he stopped again.

Thanks to Xia Yu and Mu Youcai who pretended to be Xianyu for their hard work and rewards.

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