This Game is Unusual

Chapter 340 Taking Pictures

I don't know if the All Living Army has any understanding of these strange things, and whether they know what they are.

There should be some understanding.

Inside the Army of All Beings, there is an organization called the Research Group, which gathers a large number of researchers, and likes to collect some weird things, or secrets about the world of all beings, for research, and they may be interested in this There is research.

When I have lunch in the real world next time, I will describe this thing to Liu Ji and ask her to help report it.

After all, text descriptions are not as realistic as photos. If you can take a picture of this transparent human silhouette and send it as a photo, the effect will definitely be much better.


This is indeed feasible, as long as his consciousness returns to the real world and he controls the character with his mobile phone, he can take pictures.

It's just that this is not a safe place, and doing so may be dangerous.

Then pull Yang Xu to protect him.

On the top of the snow-capped mountain, amidst the wind and snow, Xiao Zhi stood up and disappeared in a flash.

A moment later, Xiao Zhi reappeared on the top of the snow mountain. At this time, there was an extra figure beside him, it was Yang Xu.

"Xiao Zhi, what are you doing here with such heavy snow?" Yang Xu seemed a little dissatisfied with being forcibly pulled over by Xiao Zhi, and even changed his address to Xiao Zhi.

"Look at the snow scene, what a beautiful snow scene, frozen for thousands of miles, snow drifting for thousands of miles, Xiao Xu, you must have a pair of eyes to discover beauty, otherwise, life will be very boring." Xiao Zhiyu said earnestly.

Yang Xu glanced at Xiao Zhi, a little dubious.

Xiao Zhi no longer paid attention to Yang Xu, and with a thought, his consciousness returned to the real world.

In the real world, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes. After getting up from the bed, he began to search through boxes and cabinets, and soon found his long-lost gaming phone.

Tried turning on the screen, but no response.

Long press the power button, also no response.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but be surprised, the phone must be broken, right?

Fortunately, shortly after the charging cable was connected, the screen of the mobile phone finally turned on. It turned out that the mobile phone was out of power.

Turn on the phone, click on the game icon of "The World of All Beings", and the game screen that Xiao Zhi felt was both familiar and unfamiliar soon popped up.

Since he reached the innate limit of his cultivation, he has left his mobile phone, and he no longer needs to rely on his mobile phone to practice, nor does he need to rely on his mobile phone to enter the game.

Looking back now, when I used my mobile phone to practice Houtian Gong and Xiantian Gong, those scenes are like yesterday.

Xiao Zhi holds the mobile phone in both hands, looking at the familiar picture on the screen of the mobile phone, he can't help feeling a little emotional.

In the picture, Yang Xu turned to look at him: "Xiao Zhi, the snow has stopped, there is nothing to see."

Yes, the snow has stopped. The snow here is like the summer rain in the real world. It falls as soon as it is said, and stops as soon as it is said.

Xiao Zhi ignored him. After familiarizing himself with the game interface, he soon found the icon of the 'Sky Eye' supernatural power on the edge of the game interface.

Sure enough, through the screen of the mobile phone, the character can also display the supernatural power of 'Sky Eye'.

Xiao Zhi started to move the character's perspective with his fingers, and 'fixed' the two small black dots on the snow mountain in the distance, representing the ice prison blood lotus and the white scale python, in the middle of the screen, and then he One pointed on the icon of the 'eye of the sky' supernatural power.

Immediately, the picture was zoomed in, as if in a shooting game, when the magnifying glass was opened.

The ice prison blood lotus and the white scale python became clearly visible, and the silhouette of the human figure sitting beside the ice prison blood lotus also appeared in the picture.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, pointed at the screen of the mobile phone in front of him, and took several shots in a row.

Then I chose the one with the clearest picture and sent it to Liu Ji.

Another long voice was sent, describing in detail the 'nothingness' characteristic of this humanoid outline, and its record in the battle of the big monster, and asked Liu Ji to help report all of these.

After sending this voice, without waiting for Liu Ji's reply, he lay back on the bed directly, and his consciousness re-entered the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, his place is not considered safe, even with Yang Xu by his side, he is not at ease.

In this case, in the real world, stay as little as possible.

Xiao Zhi returned to the deep cave with Yang Xu.

At this time, Zhao Nan, who was lying on the cold cave wall, had already woken up.

Seeing Xiao Zhi's return, Zhao Nan hurriedly stood up and said, "Xiao Zhi, the information you just provided is really too little. There is not enough information, and the army of sentient beings can't guess anything."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "It's okay, I've already reported this matter."

On this day, near dusk, another powerful monster took the initiative to challenge the white-scaled python coiled next to the blood lotus in the ice prison.

After the commotion broke out, countless monsters and humans who were dormant nearby all moved after hearing the news and moved closer to watch the battle.

Xiao Zhi was no exception, Yang Xu also passed, and even Zhao Nan and Shi Zhiming passed together.

Only the big black eagle was still huddled in the deep hole and was unwilling to come out. It was not interested in such things as fighting and killing.

The one who challenged the white-scaled python this time was a huge snow eagle over ten feet long.

Unlike humans, monster beasts and monster birds, their size is often directly proportional to their strength.

This huge snow eagle, which was more than ten feet long, was indeed very powerful, obviously surpassing the three-tailed demon fox that was killed before.

Not long after the battle, the white-scaled boa constrictor was scratched and bitten to a bloody mess, dripping with blood.

The shrill hissing of the white-scaled boa constrictor could be clearly heard even if it was more than ten miles away.

Avalanches occurred on several nearby snow-capped mountains.

Xiao Zhi stood less than 1,000 meters away from them. His eyes were shining brightly. What he was looking at was not the two monsters fighting fiercely together, but the transparent human silhouette.

The humanoid silhouette was floating in midair at this moment, floating like a ghost, and the two monsters that were fighting were only separated by a distance of less than 10 meters.

The white-scaled boa constrictor was completely at a disadvantage at this time, and was firmly pressed to the ground by the snow eagle's claws, and the blade-like beak pecked at its eyes.

The eyes are very fragile, whether it is for humans or monsters, it can be regarded as a weakness.

Especially monsters, because of their huge size, their eyes are also very big, relatively speaking, they are easier to be attacked.

The white-scaled boa constrictor shook its ferocious head desperately, so that it was not blinded by Xue Ying.

It neighed even more horribly, and it seemed that it couldn't last much longer.

At this moment, the transparent silhouette of a human figure floating in mid-air made a move.

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