This Game is Unusual

Chapter 35 Li Pingfeng's Secret

Xiao Zhi said, "You think too much."

Li Pingfeng said: "Don't rush to deny it, Xiao Zhi, you are just testing me, using these words to test me, to see if I am from the government, right?"

Xiao Zhi's face in front of the mobile phone screen couldn't help but change.

He didn't expect that Li Pingfeng, a rich second generation, would be so sensitive.

Seeing Xiao Zhi's silence, Li Pingfeng continued: "You were afraid of meeting people from the government, so you came out to test me at that time to see if I was from the government. Could it be that you are a fugitive in hiding?"

When Xiao Zhi heard this, his face darkened immediately: "Li Pingfeng, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. You are slandering me!"

"Since you are not a fugitive in hiding, why are you afraid of meeting people from the government?"

"Who said I'm afraid of meeting people in the government? As a good citizen who abides by the law, I'm afraid of people in the government? You really think too much."

"Let me guess, you should have noticed that this game is unusual, so you are so cautious, and you don't want to meet people from the government, am I right?"

After a pause, Li Pingfeng continued: "Actually, you can't be blamed for being so cautious. After all, the information about the game 'World of All Beings' has been blocked by the entire network. Anyone with an online IQ can sniff it." Seeing the danger, it is reasonable to be cautious.”

Xiao Zhi's expression changed again in front of the phone screen.

He tried his best to make his voice appear calm: "Li Pingfeng, who are you?"

Li Pingfeng's voice seemed very relaxed: "I'm Li Pingfeng. My dad opened a game company and made a little money. I can barely be regarded as a rich second generation. I just go to work in my dad's company. The kind that eats and waits to die.”

Seeing that Xiao Zhi didn't answer, Li Pingfeng continued: "'The World of All Beings' is a very special game. On the surface, it contains many cutting-edge technologies. Some cutting-edge technologies are still being tested in the laboratory, such as face scanning. Character modeling technology, and some cutting-edge technologies, are even hypothetical and theoretical, and cannot even enter the laboratory. For example, the intelligent NPC system, the game "The World of All Beings" is too advanced, which naturally causes It caught the attention of game companies like us, after all, colleagues are enemies, my dad's company also set up a research team to study this game, and I was fortunate to participate in it."

"It's okay if you don't study it. Once you study it in depth, all kinds of incredible things will surface. These things can't be explained by science at all. This is not a game. This is simply a different world. Ah! It’s the kind of different world in fantasy novels, Xiao Zhi, you are young like me, you should be able to understand this thing, right?”

"I understand." Xiao Zhi said.

He can understand more than that, he himself is the creator of this kind of fantasy novel, okay?

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and asked, "Since you have discovered that this game is unusual, have you reported this matter to the government?"

"Reported, of course." Li Pingfeng said: "Reporting is actually an attitude, an attitude of submitting to the government. After all, the power of the government is not comparable to that of our small game company. People in the government estimate We knew a lot earlier that this game was unusual."

"Then what was the government's reaction after you reported it?" Xiao Zhi asked again, which was a point he was more concerned about.

Li Pingfeng said: "The government has issued instructions to us. They will try to investigate this matter and find out the truth. They told us to block this news and not spread it. If this news accidentally spreads, it will make the people uneasy. , causing social turmoil, we have become sinners through the ages, and no one can afford this responsibility."

'This is quite in line with the government's style. Everything starts with stability and everything focuses on the overall situation. ’ Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

It is estimated that the number of units, groups, and individuals who received this instruction should be quite a few. This has formed a blockade of the entire network, and the relevant information of the "World of All Beings" has disappeared from the Internet.

Of course, the game exclusive forum of "The World of All Beings" is excluded.

It seems that in this world, there are more people who know the unusual game of 'World of All Beings' than he imagined.

Perhaps, at this time, only ordinary people are kept in the dark.

"Since the government asked you to block the news so as not to cause social unrest, why did you tell me all these things?" Xiao Zhi asked.

"You don't count, you've already found out part of the truth, and it's no big deal if I tell you these things." Li Pingfeng said.

"Thank you, thank you for telling me this." After a few seconds of silence, Xiao Zhi thanked Li Pingfeng.

"You're welcome." Li Pingfeng said: "After all, Xiao Zhi, you are now a warrior, and you have strong strength, and there are only two of us in this Heping Village. For the next period of time, I will have to rely on What about you, if you don't say these words, with your neurotic and hidden appearance, there is no way for us to communicate at all."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he heard this, and said to himself, what can I do? I'm not like you, I'm well-informed, I have a father who runs a game company, and I'm just a little commoner with little knowledge and no information.

After discovering the unusualness of the game 'The World of All Beings', after discovering the information about the game 'The World of All Beings' and being blocked by the whole network, I was careless, why should I still go to the street to talk to People hype this up? Then he was invited to drink tea by people from relevant departments?

When thinking about this, Xiao Zhi said: "You said, you still have to rely on me for the next period of time? Do you want to develop in this 'world of living beings' for a long time?"

"That's natural." Li Pingfeng said calmly: "If I don't want to develop here, why should I spend so much money to buy clothes and food from you? How much money is a fool?"

"You misunderstood. I never doubt the IQ of rich people. After all, if IQ is not enough, you can't become rich." Xiao Zhi said sincerely.

"Hahaha, I love to hear that." Li Pingfeng smiled happily: "Xiao Zhi, we've already finished talking, you see I'm so honest, how about making friends?"

"Okay..." Xiao Zhi hesitated for a few seconds, but finally agreed.

He felt that there should be no harm in making Li Pingfeng a friend.

"Since we are friends now, can I discuss something with you?" Li Pingfeng said.

"What is it?" Xiao Zhi was a little wary.

Thanks to Buliuhuyang for the reward, a new day, please collect, please recommend tickets, please ask for various~

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