This Game is Unusual

Chapter 362 Lost City and Land

It took about 20 minutes for two military off-road vehicles to arrive at an airport near Shao City.

At this time, Xiao Zhi's special plane had not yet arrived. While waiting in the waiting room, the food was brought over. The overall food was light, and Xiao Zhi was not picky about food, so he began to eat and drink.

After eating, while taking a break, Xiao Zhi's exclusive correspondent, Liu Ji, called.

"Xiao Zhi, are you okay?" Liu Ji said in a concerned tone.

Xiao Zhi smiled and said: "It's okay, a little matter, it has been resolved now."

After speaking, he briefly told Liu Ji about his current situation.

After Liu Ji listened, he seemed very happy for Xiao Zhi, and said with a smile, "Xiao Zhi, you are a blessing in disguise."

"It's just good luck." Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "By the way, what happened after Dachang Kingdom was defeated?"

Liu Ji's voice was a little low: "Not too good, the military town of Baisang City has been breached, and most of Changfeng County and Chigu County have fallen. Not only Dachang Kingdom, our players also suffered heavy losses in the battle."

Changfeng County and Chigu County are both counties under the jurisdiction of Beilan Road. They are located in the border area of ​​Beilan Road. Longyan County, where Xiao Zhi was born, belongs to the hinterland of Beilan Road.

After Xiao Zhi heard the news, he couldn't help but feel a little dignified.

In the first battle, Dachang Kingdom lost.

In the second battle, Dachang Kingdom lost again, even worse than the first battle.

The first battle was lost, at least the city was not lost, the second battle was over, not only the military town of Baisang City was lost, but the two counties of Changfeng County and Chigu County were also lost.

The situation is not good.

Liu Ji said in a low voice: "Changfeng County was attacked by several Nascent Soul Realm monks from Xuanming Kingdom. The county lord of Changfeng County died in a fierce battle after the battle was broken. The situation in Chigu County is different. , the King of Jindan Realm in Chigu County surrendered to Xuanming Kingdom before the city guard formation was breached by those Nascent Soul Realm monks from Xuanming Kingdom."

Volunteering to surrender to Xuanming Kingdom...

Xiao Zhi was startled for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

Isn't it normal to surrender to the enemy in times of war?

In the real world, in the history of the Xia Kingdom, there are few examples of people who were defeated and surrendered to the enemy, or even voluntarily surrendered to the enemy when there was a big war, or when the dynasty changed.

Those county monarchs and county officials in Dachang Kingdom are also human beings, and they are also afraid of death. Isn’t it normal to surrender to the enemy?

Players like them can't join the enemy, they can only fight desperately with the hostile country. It doesn't mean that the aborigines in the world of sentient beings also need to fight desperately.

He took it for granted.

When Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, Liu Ji continued to say in a low voice: "Most of the monks and warriors in Chigu County joined Xuanming Kingdom with him, and a small number of monks and warriors who were unwilling to join the enemy were suppressed and killed. As for the players we stayed in Chigu County, almost all of them were found and killed by the players from the enemy country.

Not only the players in the counties, but also the players in the counties under the jurisdiction of these two counties, many of them who had no time to escape, were found and killed by the enemy players after the county surrendered or was captured.

The All Living Army has a special statistics agency, and after doing some statistics, after the defeat of Dachang Kingdom this time, in just two days, our innate-level players died in more than 5,000 people. As for non-innate-level players, the number of deaths in battle is even higher There are many, reaching hundreds of thousands! "

Xiao Zhi was silent.

The city of Dachang Kingdom was breached. As long as the aborigines of Dachang Kingdom choose to surrender to Xuanming Kingdom, they still have a great hope of surviving, but these players...

These players, in the eyes of the players from the enemy country, are all glowing red, and they can be recognized at a glance. There is nothing to hide, and there is nothing to hide. Once they are caught, they can only fight to the death and then be killed.

Listening to Liu Ji's words, Xiao Zhi's original good mood had disappeared before he knew it.

This is the war between players...

Under the rules of the game of "The World of All Beings", the war between players is more cruel than the war between the aborigines in the "World of All Beings". Either you die or I die, and there is no room for change.

At this moment, an airport worker knocked on the door and came in, saying, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, your special plane is ready."

Liu Ji on the other side of the phone seemed to have heard this voice, and said, "Xiao Zhi, since your special plane has arrived, I won't bother you anymore. I wish you a smooth journey."

After finishing the call, Xiao Zhi walked out of the waiting room under the protection of Major Wang Yong and several soldiers from the Ministry of National Security.

Xiao Zhi saw from a distance that a small passenger plane was parked on the smooth airstrip hundreds of meters away.

Next to the small passenger plane, airport personnel were performing routine maintenance and inspections on the passenger plane, adding fuel and so on. There were also soldiers from the Ministry of State Security holding some instruments to check inside and outside the cabin of the plane.

This security measure is well done... It is estimated that the head of state travels, it is nothing more than that...

Xiao Zhi and others waited by the passenger plane for a short time. After the routine inspection was completed, Xiao Zhi was told that they could board the plane.

So Xiao Zhi, surrounded by soldiers from the Ministry of State Security, boarded the small airliner.

The small airliner took off immediately.

Maybe it's because he is used to flying in the world of sentient beings and has been carried by the big black eagle. Although it is the first time to take a plane, Xiao Zhi doesn't feel much.

After the plane has gone through the ascent period, it appears to be very stable in flight.

Xiao Zhi, who was sitting by the window, looked out of the porthole for a while, then withdrew his gaze, and said to Major Wang Yong who was sitting next to him: "I am in the world of sentient beings, and I still have some things to deal with. If the plane lands , if I haven't woken up yet, you just take me to my place and throw me on the bed or sofa, that's fine."

"Well, okay." Major Wang Yong nodded and agreed.

"Then it's hard work for you." After Xiao Zhi said this, he lay back on the seat and closed his eyes.

With a thought, his consciousness broke away from the real world and entered the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged on the wilderness ground, slowly opened his eyes.

"Is it better?" Yang Xu, who was sitting beside him, asked.

Not far away, Li Kuo, the ghost, is standing.

Farther away, a big black eagle folded its wings and lay on the ground, but its eagle eyes were opened, looking towards this side.

"It's better." Xiao Zhi stood up, patted the dust on his butt with his hands, and said, "Okay, let's go."

The big black eagle soared into the sky again and flew towards the far sky.

What it flew towards was not Beilan Road, which was located in the north of Shanhan Road, but Yunhe Road, which was located in the west of Shanhan Road.

Yes, Xiao Zhi went not to Beilan Road this time, but to Yunhe Road.

Zishui County is located in Yunhe Road.

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