This Game is Unusual

Chapter 366 Return to Beilan Road

It's not his family's reunion, so why would he join in the fun there.

But having said that, Xiao Zhi is still very happy for their family.

While happy, she was a little envious at the same time, envious that Li Kuo had such a good wife.

It's no wonder that Li Kuo has such a strong desire to survive, even if he dies, he can become a ghost, and then evolve into a ghost...

If it were Li Kuo, he wouldn't want to die either...

Shaking his head, not thinking about these things, Xiao Zhi leaned his back against the outer wall of the mansion, and began to think about other things.

Soon, the door of the mansion opened with a creak.

Xue Niang came out with her son Li Teng, and when she saw Xiao Zhi, she knelt down without saying a word.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly pulled her back: "What are you going to do?"

Xueniang's eyes were red, and she cried: "Since you are my husband's master, you are also my Xueniang's master, I..."

The boy Li Teng followed his mother, but kept his head down and didn't speak.

Li Kuo also came out at this time, seeing this scene, he also remained silent.

He is clear about what kind of contract he signed with Xiao Zhi.

After signing this contract, even if he doesn't want to admit it in his heart, it still can't change the fact that he, Li Kuo, is now the servant of the young man in front of him.

Are you unwilling... are you angry...

Of course there is.

But after seeing his wife and children, he suddenly became less unwilling and less angry.

As long as they can do well, then... everything he has done is worth it.

Xiao Zhi looked at Li Kuo who was standing at the door: "Did you say everything?"

"En." Li Kuo hummed lightly.

"Actually, you don't need to talk about these things." Xiao Zhi sighed, and said to the woman Xueniang who was being lifted up by him in front of him: "Don't call me master, I am not Li Kuo's master, Li Kuo and I, It’s just a cooperative relationship, it can be regarded as a friend, and you will become a comrade-in-arms in the future, you can just call me by my name, just call me Xiao Zhi.”

"As for you little guy, just call me uncle, call me uncle, uncle will give you sweets." Xiao Zhi looked at the boy who was being pulled by the woman.

Li Teng, the boy who had kept his head down, raised his head at this time, glared at Xiao Zhi and said, "I'm not young anymore. I practiced martial arts since I was a child. Many adults can't beat me. I'm an adult now, so I don't want to." Eat the candy you gave me!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help laughing.

Li Kuo, who was standing at the door, also smiled at this moment, a bright smile, only to feel that the cloud that had shrouded him before had suddenly dissipated.

He could feel the sincerity in Xiao Zhi's words.

If Xiao Zhizhen was going to treat him like a slave, just now Xueniang took Teng'er to kneel down to him, he would definitely accept it and would not say what he said just now.

After half a quarter of an hour.

High above the sky, the big black eagle is flying.

Li Kuo, the demon, swelled up significantly, and sat in front, covering Xue Niang, Li Teng, mother and son behind them, and blocked the strong wind pressure above the sky.

Not only that, but he also stretched out two hands, one holding Xueniang's arm, and the other holding his son Li Teng's arm. He held them very firmly, for fear that they would be blown away by the strong wind.

Xue Niang, who was held by Li Kuo's arm, was telling what she had experienced during the five years since Li Kuo was away.

When Li Kuo is gone, the sky of this family will collapse. Fortunately, Li Kuo died on duty after all, and the county government also gave a sum of compensation money. With a little care, those green-skinned scoundrels in the county would not dare to think about this orphan and widow.

It was the little Li Teng who started clamoring for martial arts.

The so-called poor culture and rich martial arts, learning martial arts since childhood in the county town is a very expensive thing.

In order to train her son to be as powerful as his father, Xueniang not only spent all her inheritance in the family, but also had to entrust a former colleague of Li Kuo who had a good relationship with him to find a job as a weaver in the county government. Live, used to subsidize the family.

Xiao Zhi, who was listening on the sidelines, couldn't help but sigh in his heart, pity the parents of the world.

In fact, it's the same everywhere. In the real world, Xiao Zhi had seen a news report before.

In a certain family in Kyoto, in order not to let their children lose at the starting line, the parents do their best to provide the best quality education for their children, and even go into debt of millions!

As for whether the children have been cultivated into talents useful to society under the blessing of millions of dollars of wealth, there is no follow-up report on this.

For this matter, Xiao Zhi has never been a father, not even a girlfriend, so it is not easy for him to judge.

As she talked, Xue Niang began to regret their family's mansion in Zishui County, as well as the furniture, quilts and other items in the mansion.

Li Kuo glanced at his wife and said helplessly, "Xue Niang, the mansion is right there, and no one else can steal it away. What are you worried about?"

Xue Niang said with a distressed expression: "The mansion cannot be stolen, but the items in the house will decay after a long time."

Xiao Zhi chewed a piece of big demon jerky, swallowed it, and said with a smile, "If it's rotten, replace it with a new one."

He looked at Li Kuo, and said: "This time I went to Beilan Road, after much deliberation, I think it is the safest place in Beilan Road. I have the identity of a Beilan Road patrol envoy in Beilan Road. There is also a quiet and spacious small courtyard in Ya Nei, the courtyard is very empty and there are not many people living there, Li Kuo, your family will live in this small courtyard for the time being, okay?"

"Okay." Li Kuo nodded and agreed.

Zishui County on Yunhe Road is also tens of thousands of miles away from Beilan Road City in Beilan Road.

This distance, if an ordinary person travels all the way, it is estimated that it will not be able to cover it in a year. Fortunately, there is a big black eagle, a big monster, and it still only took a day. Xiao Zhi and his party came to Beilan Dao City .

According to the rules of Daocheng, the big demon is not allowed to enter the city without permission.

Cultivators below Yuanying are not allowed to fly in the sky.

It was Yang Xu who was still waiting outside Daocheng with the big black eagle, while Xiao Zhi led Li Kuo's family into the bustling Beilan Daocheng.

Xiao Zhi's brother-in-law, Fan Xun, is still practicing in the quiet courtyard belonging to Xiao Zhi in the patrol envoy's office.

With Xiao Zhi's sufficient supply of resources, Fan Xun is now a second-tier martial artist.

This strength is really nothing in front of Xiao Zhi today, but in the entire player group, such strength can already be regarded as a master player.

During this period of time, although Xiao Zhi and his brother-in-law Fan Xun have not met in person, they have also had some contact through WeChat.

Fan Xun is more obstinate, he doesn't want to go out to fight yet, he wants to go out to fight and kill all sides after he has immersed himself in hard work to the innate limit.

"Brother, you're back." Seeing Xiao Zhi's sudden return, Fan Xun, who was practicing innate skills, seemed a little surprised.

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