This Game is Unusual

Chapter 389 Heading to the enemy-occupied area

When Xiao Zhi left the courtyard, he saw a government clerk standing respectfully outside the courtyard.

"My lord, the Daoist Mansion invites all my lords to go to the Daoist Mansion to discuss matters." The official clerk said respectfully.

In the main hall of Beilan Taoist Mansion, Taoist Ji Yuanrong sat on the main seat.

Below, including Beilan Daocheng, several Jindan cultivators sat on the futons, and further below, Xiao Zhi and other Beilan Dao patrol envoys sat.

Including Xiao Zhi, there were 23 roving envoys who came to the Taoist government this time to discuss matters.

Among them are men and women, old and young.

The old man was getting old and gray-haired, while the young man looked younger than Xiao Zhi, looking like a pure and lovely girl of seventeen or eighteen.

Of course, this is just an appearance. The gray-haired old monk may not be really old. A female nun who looks only seventeen or eighteen years old may be older than Xiao Zhi's grandmother.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, the old Taoist stood up and said, "Recently, the Xuanming Kingdom aggressively invaded our Dachang Kingdom, resulting in the fall of a large part of our Dachang Kingdom. The imperial city was shaken by it, and the Daoist cannot sleep at night. They are all my patrol envoys in Beilan Road, with the duty of traveling around and defending the country, are you willing to share the worries of the Taoist Lord and go to the occupied areas to kill the enemy?"

Hearing this, the parade envoys all bowed their heads in silence, and there was no expression of surprise on their faces, because they already knew what the Taoist government was discussing this time.

"My subordinates are willing to go." The first person to come out was the pure and lovely female cultivator who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, but when she spoke, her voice seemed very vicissitudes.

"My subordinates are willing to go." The rest of the parade envoys also came out one after another, expressing their attitude.

The same goes for Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu standing in the crowd.

"Then it will be hard work for everyone." Daoist Beilan, who was sitting on a high seat, nodded, and he looked at Daocheng.

Dao Cheng waved his hand, and a jade plaque appeared in midair out of thin air, and then was pulled by an infinite force, and flew towards Xiao Zhi and the patrol envoys.

A jade badge flew straight to Xiao Zhi, but Xiao Zhi raised his hand and grabbed it.

Daocheng said: "The jade tablet contains some information about the subjugated area, you can take a look."

A tour envoy directly pasted the jade plaque on his forehead, and closed his eyes to examine it.

Xiao Zhi also followed suit, pasting the jade plaque on his forehead and closing his eyes.

In a trance, it's like being in the world created by VR. Although it can't achieve the immersive effect, it is much clearer and more real than the VR in the real world.

Before Xiao Zhi's eyes, a topographic map of Chigu County first appeared.

In particular, the topography and landforms around Chigu County City are extremely detailed.

In addition to the map, Xiao Zhi also saw some lifelike images of people.

Ranked first is Chigu County Junyan Pond!

Yan Chi is a middle-aged man who looks a little fatter, with an unattractive appearance, wearing an official robe representing the status of a county lord, with a pleasant smile.

Xiao Zhi's consciousness sank into the jade tablet, not only could he 'see' Yan Chi's appearance, but he could also clearly sense the aura emanating from Yan Chi's body.

The so-called breath is essentially the fluctuation of the soul, and the scientific explanation is the magnetic field of life.

Everyone's soul fluctuations are unique. This is different from appearance. Appearance can be changed in some ways, but soul fluctuations cannot be changed.

Therefore, unlike warriors, Taoist cultivators usually only use their appearance as a reference when they identify each other's identity. What they really 'sense' is actually the breath of the opponent, that is, the fluctuation of the soul.

Below Yan Chi's image, there is still a paragraph of text.

'Yan Chi, a traitor of the Dachang Kingdom, formerly the Junjun of Chigu County in Beilan Road, a martial artist in the late stage of the Jindan Realm of the power route, the idea of ​​​​building a foundation is [Canglong Visualization Map], and the idea of ​​​​Golden Elixir is [Hai Kun Guan] Thinking], good at using swords, swordsmanship intermediate supernatural power [Rainbow Piercing Heaven Sword] mastery, saber is the spiritual treasure 'Bright Sword', basic supernatural power 'Thunderstorm' Dharma Eye mastery, the highest record is, three years ago, Ren Chigu During the Junjun period, he fought against the demon king Shaking the Earth Ape King in the mid-term, and killed the Shaking Earth Ape King on the bank of the Zhiyang River. '

Spirit treasures that surpassed treasure soldiers, mid-level supernatural powers like swordsmanship, and the record of killing mid-term demon kings...

Xiao Zhi looked at these and felt a little bitter in his heart. This is the opponent he needs to face in this action.

Even though he still had the big killer weapon given to him by Taoist Bei Lan in his arms, why did he still feel a little panicked?

Among the jade cards, there is not only the image of Yan Chi, Xiao Zhi collected himself and continued to look at it.

The second place is Chigu County's prefect, No. Guyue Zhenren.

This is a tall, thin, middle-aged Taoist with a gloomy appearance. He is wearing a black Taoist uniform, and there is also a clear aura exuding from his body.

"Guyue Zhenren, a traitor of the Dachang Kingdom, formerly the magistrate of Chigu County in Beilan Road, the early spiritual practice of the Jindan Realm who understands the way of life and death, the idea of ​​​​building a foundation is [Picture of the Three Towns of the Underworld], and the idea of ​​Jindan Shiguan is [Picture of Hell and Underworld]...'

After that, there are some images of characters.

These images, without exception, are all Golden Core Realm monks.

In Chigu County, there are not only two monks in the Golden Core Realm, the Junjun Yanchi and the Juncheng Guyue Zhenren. In addition to the golden elixir on the surface, there are also golden elixir realm monks from the sects in the territory, and the golden elixir realm monks stationed in Chigu County in Xuanming Kingdom.

Xiao Zhi carefully 'looked' over one by one, and felt that he was a bit hopeless.

These are all Golden Core Realm, if any one is released, he is not an opponent.

What a headache.

Not long after, a ten-foot-long goshawk spread its wings and flew high in the sky.

On Goshawk's head stood Daocheng Beilan, and on Goshawk's back stood or sat Xiao Zhi and the others, the patrolling envoys of Beilan Dao.

Yang Xu is also there, even the big black eagle who is a big monster is there.

The big black eagle folded its wings, crouched on the back of the giant goshawk, and chirped from time to time.

Sometimes the giant goshawk didn't bother to pay attention to it, and sometimes it was annoyed by its barking, and would respond to it with a few tweets.

After the giant goshawk flew high in the sky for a while, Dao Cheng, who stood on the head of the giant goshawk with his hands behind his back and looked into the distance, withdrew his gaze, turned his head, and said with a faint smile to Xiao Zhi, the parade envoys of Beilan Road: "More than a hundred miles ahead is the occupied area of ​​the country, so come here, I hope you will fight the enemy bravely and show the prestige of my Beilan Road!"

"We will live up to Dao Cheng's expectations." The parade envoys saluted one after another.

Dao Cheng nodded, and said with a faint smile: "After killing the enemy, you can leave the body or head behind. When you triumphantly kill the enemy, the Taoist master and I will personally celebrate for you."

After saying a few more words, the tour envoys jumped off the back of the giant goshawk one after another.

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