This Game is Unusual

Chapter 391 Arrogance

May 23, 2021.

The twilight hour of the day.

In Chigu County, in a dense forest.

Yang Xu is feeding jerky to the big black eagle.

Li Kuo, who was in the invisible state, stood on the top of the tallest tree in the vicinity, guarding the surroundings for Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi sat on the protruding roots of a big tree, munching on the jerky of the big monster while thinking about something.

They have been in Chigu County for a long time, and Xiao Zhi has figured out some situations, and he plans to take a rest before starting to act.

After a while, it was completely dark.

Shuanglin County, this is a small county in Chigu County.

At this time, the gate of the county seat was closed, and Xiao Zhi and his party hid in a forest outside the city.

A somewhat thin figure rushed out of the woods under the cover of the night, and approached to a place less than twenty feet away from the county town through some bunkers such as banners, fences, earth and rocks, stood for a while, and then retreated. In the forest.

This figure is not someone else, but Yang Xu.

"Xiao Xu, did you feel anything?" In the dense forest, Xiao Zhi asked in a low voice.

Yang Xu shook his head and said: "There are several strong angers in the city, but there is no particularly strong anger, nor is there any particularly strong death energy."

As a corpse demon, Yang Xu can sense anger and death.

The 'extremely strong' in his mouth refers to the strong aura of Jindan level.

His ability is sometimes more effective than Xiao Zhi's supernatural power of 'Sky Eye'.

Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly, and said, "That's it, that's it."

Now, the only ones he is afraid of are Jindan and above monks, and he has no fear of those foundation-building monks.

He took out a piece of cloth from his bosom, covered his mouth and nose, and then held a spare sharp weapon grade saber, bursting out of his physical strength, he rushed out of the dense forest and rushed towards Shuanglin County.

At the peak of Foundation Establishment, even if he only used his physical strength, his combat power is no less than that of ordinary innate extreme warriors.

Soon, Xiao Zhi came to the gate of Shuanglin County.

When he got closer to less than ten feet away from Shuanglin County, a light red light curtain appeared out of thin air and blocked him outside.

This is the new moat formation in Shuanglin County.

These protective formations in the world of sentient beings, like the security inspection system in the real world, have the function of "identifying friend or foe".

Xiao Zhi's status as a parade envoy to Beilan Road was recognized by the large formations protecting the city of Dachang Kingdom, but he was judged as an enemy by the large formation protecting the city in front of him and intercepted him.

"Who?!" Someone shouted on the city wall.

"Your grandfather!" Xiao Zhi replied, and he began to swing his knife, slashing at the light red light curtain blocking his eyes.

He still only used physical strength.

Even if he only used his physical strength, every time he slashed, there was immense force, causing the air to emit piercing explosions, and causing the light red light curtain in front of his eyes to ripple slightly.

"Presumptuous!" the man on the city wall yelled.

The masked Xiao Zhi looked up.

He saw a dozen or so soldiers in red armor standing on the city wall several feet high.

These red-armored sergeants are all Xuanming soldiers.

These counties and counties of Dachang Kingdom were all controlled by Xuanming Kingdom's military after they were captured.

The person who just shouted is a high-level innate martial artist in the Xuanming National Army. He is a captain of the gate of Shuanglin County, and is responsible for guarding the gate of Shuanglin County.

"Presumptuous? Your grandpa is presumptuous, what can you do with me? Do you dare to come down and fight with me?" Xiao Zhi continued to brandish his sharp long knife, slashing at the red light curtain in front of him, with an arrogant attitude .

The captain of the city gate had an ugly expression on his face, but he didn't impulsively jump off the tower.

Because the strength that Xiao Zhi showed now is stronger than him, he was really inspired to jump down, just looking for death.

The noise from this side woke up the Xuanming soldiers who were stationed near the city gate.

Soon, there were many Xuanming soldiers wearing fiery red armor on the city wall.

Quite a number of soldiers of the Xuanming Kingdom exploded their true strength or true energy, drew their bows and set up arrows, and pointed the arrows that shone coldly at Xiao Zhi.

Dozens of arrows tore through the air and shot at Xiao Zhi, but they were easily intercepted by Xiao Zhi's sharp sword.

"A group of weak chickens from Xuanming Kingdom, so many people can't do anything to me alone, what a waste." Xiao Zhi continued to mock, his attitude was still arrogant.

He saw that there was a player from Xuanming Kingdom appearing on the city wall, but this player's strength was not considered strong, he was just an innate mid-level martial artist.

With Xiao Zhi's current strength, and at such a close distance, Xiao Zhi can tell the specific strength of these warriors at a glance.

As soon as Xiao Zhi said this, the Xuanming soldiers on the city wall showed expressions of righteous indignation.

That Xuanming country player also had an angry expression on his face.

In the eyes of the players from the enemy country, there was a red light shining on each other, so he could tell the identity of the player Xiao Zhi at a glance.

This Dachang country player who appeared suddenly was really too arrogant.

Since the start of the war between the two countries, Xuanming Kingdom has won consecutive battles, killing the players on the opposite side crying for their father and mother, and shitting. He has seen too many players from Dachang Kingdom disgraced and fleeing in embarrassment. Such an arrogant Dachang Kingdom player, he really It's the first time I've seen it.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi was still provoking arrogantly in front of the city gate, the Xuanming country player couldn't bear it any longer, snorted coldly and said, "Trash, why are you so arrogant, the population of your world is so large that we are With so few people in the world like this, do you still have the face to be arrogant? No, you don’t have a face at all, you cover your face and dare not show your face, how dare you be arrogant here? "

This is a bit worrying.

Not only Xiao Zhi, but even the world where Xiao Zhi lives, has been pierced.

Xiao Zhi snorted coldly and said, "Who are you talking about rubbish? You can talk quite well, but who can't speak loudly? If you have the guts, come down and fight with me. Let's see if I kill you or you kill me." kill me?"

"Hmph!" The Xuanming country player snorted with an ugly face, and said, "You can continue to be arrogant if you are rubbish. If you have the guts, stay here and don't leave. I won't kill you!"

The Xuanming country player wanted to continue talking, but at this moment, the Xuanming country's city gate lieutenant said sharply: "All the troops form an army, it is legal for me, wait for me to go down and kill this beast! "

"Kill!" At this time, the city wall was already full of Xuanming Kingdom's red-armored soldiers, and these red-armored soldiers spoke together, shouting loudly, and their power shook the sky!

This is a joint attack method.

Under the blessing of the combination attack method, the aura of this Xuanming Kingdom's city gate captain suddenly rose!

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