This Game is Unusual

Chapter 403 Information Support

The call was connected quickly.

"This is the service hotline of the All Living Army, please tell me if you have anything to do." A female voice rang from the phone.

"I'm Wei Yangcheng, I just died in battle." The player said, his face still a little pale.

"Can you explain the specific process of your death in battle?" the female voice said.

"Okay, just 2 minutes ago, in a forest about 20 miles northwest of Huishi Village, I encountered a surprise attack by a warrior from Xuanming Kingdom. The warrior is very strong, he is a natural high-level warrior, I am not his opponent, I was hacked to death by him with a single knife." Player Wei Yangcheng said.

"Okay, your situation, we will verify it later. If the verification is correct, your pension will be deposited into your bank account within 7 days. Please pay attention to check."

"Okay, okay, thank you." Player Wei Yangcheng let out a long breath.

"You're welcome, this is what you deserve. Thank you for your contribution to our world in the world of sentient beings. I hope to see your heroic appearance when you fight again." The female voice said seriously.

"Yes, after I rest for two days, I will come back and continue to fight in the world of sentient beings!" Player Wei Yangcheng also said seriously.

At the end of the call, the information about Wei Yangcheng's death in the battle was quickly reported by the female customer service to the information technology department of the All Living Army, and entered into the information database by the staff of the information technology department.

In fact, the battle information shown in the 'Battle Zone' app that Xiao Zhi came into contact with was constructed bit by bit in this way.

In today's occupied area, almost all Xia players have become the eyes and ears of the All Living Army, collecting all kinds of information for the All Living Army.

Even Xiao Zhi is no exception.

For example, the details of the breach of Shuanglin County were provided by Xiao Zhi to the All Living Army.

However, in Shuanglin County, the blue double-knife icon actually existed before Xiao Zhi reported the battle situation to the All Living Army.

Because, some players reported this matter before Xiao Zhi.

What Xiao Zhi didn't know was that in this huge enemy-occupied area, except for those players who were hiding and dormant in the city and were lucky enough to escape the raids, there were actually still dormant players in the forest outside the city. Some observers of the All Living Army.

Even, near most of the villages in the enemy-occupied areas, there are dormant observers. Their task is to observe whether there are any changes in these cities and villages.

These sentient army observers are different from ordinary players. They are all soldiers born with strong obedience and discipline. They are also innate fighters of the agile route, good at concealment, speed and detection.

In fact, not only Xia Kingdom's All Life Army, other countries also have similar organizations.

Even the players of Xuanming Kingdom have a similar organization.

A few months ago, when Xiao Zhicai had just entered the foundation building period, when he fought with Jiang Chengzi, the foundation building player of the Xuanming Kingdom, the world where the players of the Xuanming Kingdom were located sent out many observers to hibernate in various places in Longyan County. To provide information support for foundation builders like Jiang Chengzi.

Information is a key to modern warfare.

Whether it is the real world where Xiao Zhi lives, or the real world where Xuan Mingguo players were born, they all deeply understand this point.

In the world of sentient beings.

The big black eagle carried Xiao Zhi and the others, and soon came to the area marked with double knives 600 miles away.

"Death, I feel death." Yang Xu said in a muffled voice.

Sitting on the back of the big black eagle, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up brightly, scanning in all directions.

He also quickly discovered the corpses on the ground.

Some of the corpses were fairly well preserved, while others were being devoured and bitten by wild beasts and ferocious beasts, and had already become extremely damaged. There was even a corpse with only a few bones left.

As for the weapons and the like, Xiao Zhi didn't see them, and they should have been taken away by Xuan Mingguo's centurion as spoils of war.

Xiao Zhi turned on the magical power of 'Sky Eye', and after scanning for a while, he asked, "Xiao Xu, do you feel any anger?"

"Angry? Let me feel it carefully." Yang Xu said in a muffled voice.

His ability to sense death is stronger than anger. The life breath of those foundation-building monks and Jindan monks is particularly strong. After he gets close, he can sense it. Dao realm, close range is fine, but it is a bit difficult to sense the life breath of the warrior at a long distance.

"No, apart from them, there's no other breath of life here." Yang Xu pointed to a wild wolf that was biting a corpse a hundred feet away, and said.

Xiao Zhi nodded when he heard the words. After all, so much time had passed, and since the battle was over, it was normal for the Centurion from Xuanming Kingdom to leave. Xiao Zhi expected all of this.

Xiao Zhi issued an order to the big black eagle: "Turn around here."

The big black eagle chirped a few times, but was still very obedient, and began to circle around here.

Under Xiao Zhi's guidance, it continuously expanded its search area circle by circle.

After flying for a while, Yang Xu, who was sitting on the eagle's back and closed his eyes to sense, opened his eyes suddenly, pointed to a direction, and said: "Here, there is vitality, and many life breaths gather together."

The breath of life of a warrior is much weaker than that of a Taoist cultivator, but when a large number of warriors gather together, the breath of life will become stronger after accumulating.

The big black eagle was not stupid either, immediately chirped, turned around, and spread its wings towards the direction Yang Xu was pointing at.

It is still an ultra-low altitude flight close to the forest.

When the big black eagle was flying, Xiao Zhi also activated his 'eyes of the sky' again, and his eyes radiated a bright light, looking into the distance.

Soon, he saw more than a hundred warriors in armor and holding blades were standing or sitting by a small stream, and their horses were tied to the trees.

Most of these warriors were wearing fiery red Xuanming country-style armor. They were resting, and they also arranged for warriors to stand guard.

Because they were still a little far away, and because the big black eagle was flying at an ultra-low altitude, the warriors who were in charge of guarding sentries hadn't noticed Xiao Zhi's approach yet.

"Stop!" Xiao Zhi yelled in a low voice.

The big black eagle spread its wings obediently and hovered at a low altitude.

Xiao Zhi said in a low voice: "I'll just go there. After I've cleaned up these people, Xiao Xu, come here to absorb the dead energy."

Yang Xu glanced at Xiao Zhi, and said with dissatisfaction, "I also want to fight."

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