This Game is Unusual

Chapter 430 Dao Soldiers

This is a spiritual cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment. Even if he saw his colleague killed with his own eyes, he still couldn't tell who the attacker was or where he was.

The only thing he could do was to push his body-protecting essence to the extreme, and then subconsciously moved away from the corpse of his colleague.

While staying away from his colleague's corpse, he opened his mouth, wanting to shout, but before he could speak, his eyes widened.

On his forehead, there was also a finger-wide blood hole, as if an invisible sword had pierced his head.

This spiritual cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment, like the previous martial artist in the early stage of foundation establishment, died instantly, quietly, and the dead body fell to the ground on its back with a plop.

In a short period of time, two Foundation Establishment cultivators from Xuanming Kingdom died at the hands of the demon Li Kuo.

In the eyes of warriors, these foundation-building monks are high-ranking Taoist monks with powerful strength and detached status, but in the eyes of stronger people, they are nothing more than that, and there is nothing special about them.

In Daxiang Village, there were a total of four Foundation Establishment cultivators, and now two of them have been killed by the demon Li Kuo, leaving only two.

Among the remaining two Foundation Establishment cultivators, one is the commander of the army, wearing a fiery red general armor, holding up the treasure-level sword in his hand, shouting at the top of his voice, trying to keep the army from breaking up.

Another foundation builder is the base builder from Xuanming Kingdom.

This is a very strong young man with a height of over 1.9 meters.

The young man was wearing a red military uniform, and stared in horror at Xiao Zhi, who was not far away, who was massacring the Xuanming country sergeant.

At this time, he was mixed among some terrified Xuanming soldiers, and was following these soldiers, constantly retreating backwards, trying to escape from here.

Li Kuo, the demon, still maintained a state of nothingness. His body only paused for a moment in mid-air before he made a decision. Like a ghost, he floated towards the foundation-builder from Xuanming Kingdom.

Xiao Zhi gave him the order that, during the battle, try not to let any of the Foundation Establishment cultivators escape.

For Xiao Zhi, these foundation-building monks from the enemy country are worth a lot of national war merit points. How could Xiao Zhi miss these national war merit points?

In the blink of an eye, Li Kuo, the demon, had already floated above the head of the player who established the foundation of Xuanming Kingdom.

He dodged again and floated to the back of this Xuanming Kingdom foundation builder, and then stabbed out with a sword in silence!

Something unexpected happened.

The sword stabbed by Li Kuo, the demon, failed to pierce the head of the player who established the foundation of Xuanming Kingdom, but only pierced the flesh on his head, but failed to pierce his skull.

It was like a long sword piercing the steel plate, and there was a thumping sound.

From the back of the head of this Xuanming Country Foundation Builder, a dazzling golden light burst out!

After being stabbed, the Xuanming country player let out a low growl like a wild beast. During the low growl, he turned his body around, stretched out his hand to grab the void, and directly grabbed one of the demon Li Kuo's arms!

At the moment when the demon launches an attack, he cannot maintain a state of absolute nothingness. His body will become materialized and can be touched and damaged by physical attacks.

This Xuanming country foundation player would suddenly make this move. Obviously, Xuanming country has already deduced what this invisible existence following Xiao Zhi's side is based on some clues.

It's a demon!

After stretching out his hand and grabbing one arm of the demon Li Kuo, in the eyes of this Xuanming Kingdom Foundation Builder player, where is there any trace of panic?

He roared: "Kill it! Kill it for me!"

The Xuanming soldiers beside him, after hearing his yell, showed blank expressions on their terrified faces.

But he saw a sergeant of the Xuanming Kingdom who was wearing red soldier armor and a helmet, appearing not far away out of thin air.

As soon as the soldier of Xuanming country dodged, he appeared beside the foundation builder of Xuanming country, raised his hand and slashed at the void that the base builder of Xuanming country was grasping.

This knife was cut down quickly and accurately, causing a slight ripple visible to the naked eye to appear in the space.

A scream sounded from the void.

A small half of Li Kuo's body was cut off by this knife.

This Xuan Mingguo sergeant wearing the fiery red soldier's armor slashed down like lightning again, but this slash was in the empty space, and failed to cut the demon Li Kuo in two.

Because at this moment, Li Kuo's body has turned into absolute nothingness, and he can no longer be harmed by pure physical attacks.

Li Kuo, who lost half of his body, flew into the air, his whole body trembling with pain.

Xuan Mingguo's Foundation Establishment player showed an obvious disappointed expression on his face, but this disappointed expression only lasted on his face for a moment, and the next moment, he pointed at Xiao Zhi, and said sharply: "Go! Give it to me!" kill him!"

Sergeant Xuan Mingguo, who was wearing the fiery red soldier armor, did not make a sound, and with a saber in his hand, he rushed towards Xiao Zhi directly!

As soon as he took a step forward, he broke the speed of sound, causing a terrifying sonic boom.

When he rushed towards Xiao Zhi with a knife, he didn't deliberately avoid the Xuanming soldiers along the way, but rushed straight along the straight line!

Wherever they passed, at least dozens of Xuanming soldiers who had no time to dodge were knocked to the point of spitting blood, and flew upside down, life or death unknown!

At this time, Xiao Zhi had given up killing the enemy, and was staring at the Xuanming soldier who charged towards him with a knife with his bright eyes!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's pupils have shrunk into needlepoints!

In fact, as early as when something happened to Li Kuo, the demon, he, who kept communicating with Li Kuo at any time, realized that something was wrong, and immediately looked at the place where the players from Xuanming Kingdom were. place.

His Dacheng-level 'eye of the sky' can not only see through illusory illusions, but also has a strong ability to see through.

He could tell right away that there was something wrong with the Xuanming soldier who appeared out of thin air.

Inside the fiery red soldier's armor, there is not a flesh and blood soldier, but a metal robot similar to the real world science fiction movies!

Today's Xiao Zhi is no longer the young man who knows nothing about the world of sentient beings. With the growth of his strength, his knowledge is also constantly increasing.

He recognized it at a glance, it was a Taoist soldier!

This creation, which resembles a metal robot, is called a Taoist soldier in the world of sentient beings!

Dao Bing, Xiao Zhi has seen it more than once.

In the corner of the first floor of the Canggong Building in Linwu County, there is a dilapidated Taoist soldier covered in dust.

When his strength was only in the early stage of foundation establishment, he had participated in an operation against the enemy country's foundation establishment players, and had also encountered a Taoist soldier whose strength was comparable to that of the late foundation establishment period.

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