This Game is Unusual

Chapter 442 Records

After finishing the call with his parents, he called his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji again.

The call was quickly connected, and Xiao Zhi asked him to obtain the Jindan Taoist soldier, return to Beilan Dao City, and practice the high-level magical power [Mie Shen Dao] to his exclusive The correspondent explained.

After that, he put down his phone, picked up the tablet that he carried with him, opened the 'Battle Zone' app, and checked it.

Checking out the 'War Zone' app has become a habit of his.

After browsing for a while, it was already late at night, so Xiao Zhi put the tablet back on the bedside table, covered himself with a quilt, and buried his head in sleep.

He hasn't slept in the real world for a long time, and he often eats and sleeps in the world of sentient beings.

This time, I slept peacefully and comfortably.

The next day, May 30th, Xiao Zhi woke up on time just after dawn.

Xiao Zhi, who used to be a night owl, used to go to bed late and wake up late, but since he entered the world of sentient beings, getting up early has almost become his instinct.

On this day, Xiao Zhi went to the Forbidden City in Kyoto and climbed the Great Wall.

Kyoto is very prosperous. Even though the flow of people and vehicles in Kyoto is much less than before because of the 'World of All Beings', congestion still occurs from time to time.

This is Kyoto, the capital of Xia Kingdom.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Xiao Zhi returned to the 'Dachang Garden' villa area in his special car.

At 2:37 p.m., Xiao Zhi, who was lying on the bed in his bedroom, entered the world of sentient beings on time after finishing his study of the high-level supernatural power [Mie Shen Dao].

In the world of sentient beings, in a meditation room in the Canggong Building of the Taoist Mansion, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged on a futon, slowly opened his eyes.

There was a light click, and a clear crack appeared on the jade tablet in his hand that recorded the supernatural power of [Mie Shen Dao].

Soon came the second, third, and soon, the cracks covered the entire jade plaque like a spider web, and the jade plaque was completely shattered, turning into a puddle of jade powder in Xiao Xie's hands.

The shattering of the jade tablet means that Xiao Zhi has completed his study of [Mie Shen Dao].

Xiao Zhi sprinkled the jade powder in his hand on the ground, and with a thought, he called out his attribute panel.

Name: Xiao Zhi

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Title: Tourist of Beilan Road

Strength: Foundation Establishment peak monk

Attributes: Constitution 1087, strength 2026, agility 1033.

National war meritorious service: 183656.

Conceptual thoughts: "Canglong Visualization Picture" is complete (the concept of building a foundation)

Gongfa: "Ten Elephant True Power Jue" is perfect (basic innate skills), "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue" is perfect (basic acquired skills), "Canglong Breaking Seal" is perfect (combat merit), "Whale Swallowing Gong" is a minor success (supplementary skills) )

Secret Technique: Boiling Blood Secret Technique, Burning Blood Secret Technique.

Supernatural powers: Introduction to "Royal Kongshu" (basic supernatural powers), mastery of "Eye of the Sky" (basic supernatural powers), introduction to "Mie Shen Dao" (advanced supernatural powers)

Bloodline: None

Parasitism: Li Kuo, a demon, State: Variation, State: Parasitism of All Beings.

How powerful is the entry-level [Mie Shen Dao]? If the national war merit points are used, after upgrading the [Destroyer Knife], what will its power be like?

Xiao Zhi stood up from the futon, thinking silently in his heart that he was going to wait and try and do some experiments.

The reason why I have to wait is because doing this requires the consumption of national war merit points.

This requires the staff of the All Living Army to record it for him.

Xiao Zhi has not forgotten the operation of "occupied area" carried out by all countries in the world.

According to the rules of the "Occupied Area" operation, the Foundation Establishment cultivators participating in the operation, by killing enemies in the occupied area, can exchange for 1 year's worth of natural materials and earthly treasures for every 2,000 national war merit points obtained.

In order to raise his strength to the peak level of foundation establishment as soon as possible, Xiao Zhi made an advance payment before he acted.

At that time, he had spent a total of 33 years of training time in advance. If converted into national war merit points, that would be 66,000 national war merit points.

In other words, he had to collect the 66,000 National War Merit Points by killing the enemy in this operation in the "occupied area" before he could return the advanced treasures.

At that time, his recorded national war meritorious service was 11650 points.

Now he has 183,656 national war merit points, that is to say, he has obtained a total of 172,006 national war merit points in this operation in the occupied area, even if the 66,000 national war merit points that need to be paid back are deducted He still has 106,006 national war merit points left.

With the 106,006 national war merit points, he can also obtain heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the army of sentient beings that can increase the merit of 53 years of cultivation.

This is another extremely rich fortune for him.

No, it should be said that things like these spiritual fruits can be encountered but not sought after. To him, they are more important than pure wealth.

With a thought, Xiao Zhi went back to the real world, called his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji, and asked her to contact the All Living Army, and asked the All Living Army to send personnel over to notarize him.

Liu Ji soon got a reply, saying that the All Living Army had sent someone stationed in Beilan Dao City, and he could just wait in the parade envoy's office.

After getting this answer, Xiao Zhi hung up the phone and returned to the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, when Xiao Zhi left the quiet room, he did not see Beilan Daocheng.

This is actually normal, after all, this is Beilan Daocheng, he is the No. 2 figure in the entire Beilan Road in name, there are too many things to deal with, and he is not Xiao Zhi's little follower, how can he follow him all the time By Xiao Zhi's side?

Dao Cheng first took him to the Finance Department, and then brought him to the Canggong Tower of the Dao Mansion himself. This is considered to have shown enough importance to him, and it has already given him a lot of face.

After Xiao Zhi left the Canggong Tower of the Daoist Mansion, he went to meet with the Daoist Master Beilan and the Daocheng, and after talking with him, he returned to his parade envoy's office.

Xiao Zhi was patrolling the envoy's office, and after a short wait, members of the All Living Army came over.

Xiao Zhi set the details page of his meritorious service in the national war to be visible to all, presenting it in front of these sentient soldiers.

After seeing the series of numbers representing the meritorious service value of the national war, these soldiers of all living beings all widened their eyes and showed a shocked expression.

There are more than 180,000 national war merit points. They have seen a lot of foundation-level high-level players. Among these high-level players, it is extremely rare for national war merit points to exceed 10,000, let alone Say one hundred thousand.

"As expected of being the No. 1 player in my country of Xia, it's really amazing." These staff members all praised from the bottom of their hearts.

These sentient army personnel left soon after the recording was completed.

Only then did Xiao Zhi return to the quiet courtyard where he was touring the envoy's office.

Li Kuo, who had been hiding all this time, reappeared in the courtyard and went to find his wife and children.

Xiao Zhi also talked with his brother-in-law Fan Xun for a while, then found a quiet corner in the courtyard and sat down cross-legged.

He is ready to use his national war meritorious service.

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