This Game is Unusual

Chapter 46 The day after tomorrow limit!

"If you don't enter the Dao realm, you will be a mortal after all..." Xiao Zhi murmured these words, and there was a faint light shining in his eyes.

After being silent for a while, Xiao Zhi said: "It takes several years or ten years to become an extreme warrior. That's the aborigines in the 'world of all living beings'. We players are different. Compared with this The aborigines of the world come, and the progress of cultivation is much faster."

An obvious example.

Yang Xu, a half-baby, has good cultivation qualifications, and he has perseverance and perseverance. He has worked hard to exercise his body and built up his strength for several years, but he has not yet broken through to become a warrior. There is still a gap between him and the warrior. A line of distance.

On the contrary, players called "outsiders" like Xiao Zhi and Li Pingfeng, as long as they work hard enough and have enough food, they can break through and become warriors within a few days or more than ten days.

This is the gap between players and natives.

The gap is so big that it cannot be counted.

"That's right, we are players, and there is still a big difference between us and the aborigines of this world. The aborigines of this world don't dare to try at the level of Acquired Ultimate Warrior, but we players can give it a try. Try it." Li Pingfeng said with a smile.

In fact, he's already doing it.

Young people have the pride and confidence that belong to young people.

No matter how restrained and peaceful the appearance is, the inside is proud and confident.

This is true for Xiao Zhi, and it is even more true for Li Pingfeng, who grew up in a wealthy family.

In a blink of an eye, a few more days passed.

Today is December 21, 2020 in the Earth calendar.

In 2020, there is only a small tail left.

In a flash, it has been more than three months since Xiao Zhi came into contact with the game "The World of All Beings".

The weather is also getting colder.

Today's temperature is only 9 degrees, which is still the indoor temperature, and the outdoor temperature will only be lower.

Xiao Zhi did not lie on the bed and play games, but put on a thick cotton coat, moved a stool, and sat and played games in front of the balcony of the rented house.

While he was manipulating the character and practicing the "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue", he was chatting with Li Pingfeng, who was also practicing more than ten meters away.

More than a month has passed, and his character is still unable to break through to the acquired limit and become the acquired limit warrior.

Xiao Zhi's mentality was fairly stable, and he didn't feel anxious because of it.

"In my dad's company, there is another person today who broke through and became a Houtian Jiudan warrior. Including me, there are now 5 Houtian Jiudan warriors in the company." Li Pingfeng said while controlling the character training.

"They don't have to go to work? Are they playing games all day like you?" Xiao Zhi asked casually.

"That's right, after I refused to listen to my dad's dissuasion and insisted on playing this game, my dad had no other choice, so he specially recruited 100 young people who are good at playing games to join the company, with a monthly salary of 10,000. Their jobs Just play the game, play this game with me, collect all kinds of information for me in the game, and when necessary, the company will provide them with the necessary financial support. These people are game masters, and the speed of upgrading is not slow. "Li Pingfeng said.

"Your father is really kind to you." Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"That's not right, I'm the only son after all." Li Pingfeng laughed a few times, and after he finished laughing, he said a little annoyed: "It's just that my luck is a bit unlucky, none of these people were assigned to Heping Village , It's really regrettable."

Xiao Zhi didn't answer the call and chose to ignore it.

"By the way, Xiao Zhi, we've known each other for so long, I still don't know what you were doing in real life?" Li Pingfeng asked suddenly.

Xiao Zhi said: "I, I'm just an ordinary person. If it weren't for this game, I guess I wouldn't have any interaction with a rich man like Li Shao in this life. What kind of work do I do? It doesn't matter, right? ?”

Li Pingfeng said: "I'm just curious, isn't it convenient to say?"

Xiao Zhidao: "It's nothing inconvenient. Before I was a writer, I was a full-time online writer."

"Wow, I can't tell. I didn't expect Xiao Zhi to be a great talent. You really can't be judged by your appearance!" Li Pingfeng said in a surprised and exaggerated tone.

"What do you mean by appearance? Am I ugly?" Xiao Zhi's face darkened.

"Actually, it's not bad, it's just a little bit uglier than me." Li Pingfeng said boldly.

Xiao Zhi chuckled in his heart, and just as he was about to retort, a line of golden text flowed across the screen of his mobile phone like flowing water:

"Congratulations! After arduous training, you have perfected the "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue", and your strength has reached the acquired limit!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The surprise came unexpectedly.

When Xiao Zhi came to his senses, a sense of joy welled up in his heart!

After more than a month, the character has finally cultivated from the acquired nine-dan to the acquired limit. It's really not easy...

Xiao Zhi was about to tell Li Pingfeng the good news that he had broken through, but at this moment, he felt his head in a trance.

This trance feeling only lasted for a short moment. When he woke up again, the scene he saw before him had become completely different.

As far as the eye can see, it is no longer the balcony of the rented house, and the high-rise buildings and the narrow sky outside the balcony, but a dilapidated fence and a big tree that has lost all its leaves.

The sky was a little drowsy, and the cool wind was blowing coldly.

Not far away from him, there was a young man in an old gray suit, who was doing a set of punches in a very weird posture, but he looked decent, and looked like a strong head bull.

This young man is none other than Li Pingfeng!

Everything he saw in front of his eyes was so familiar yet strange.

Here... where is it?

As soon as this idea came to mind, Xiao Zhi already had the answer in his heart - this is the world of sentient beings!

The world that could only be seen through the screen of the mobile phone before was so clearly presented in front of him at this moment!

Could it be that he had been playing games for too long and had hallucinations by accident?

Xiao Zhi shook his head vigorously, then stretched out his hand, and squeezed his other arm.

He immediately gasped, grinning in pain, pain! it hurts!

Everything in front of me is so real, even the pain from my hand is so real!

Obviously, everything he saw before his eyes was real.

This is not an illusion!

At this moment, a line of words shining with golden light flashed across the air in front of his eyes like flowing water.

"You have practiced the "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue" to perfection, and you have mastered the secret technique of 'Boiling Blood'."

Soon, another line of words shining with golden light passed before his eyes like flowing water.

"As the first player in this world to become an acquired extreme warrior, you have been rewarded with 5 root bones."

Immediately afterwards, another line of golden text appeared:

"In this world, Houtian Ultimate Warrior has been born, and the restrictions outside the village will be lifted in 3 days."

It’s New Year’s Eve, let’s post today’s two chapters together, everyone, happy New Year’s Eve, please ask for a recommendation ticket~ After reading the new chapter, it’s a good habit to vote for a recommendation ticket, eh.

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