This Game is Unusual

Chapter 494 Breaking the Formation

"The big formation may be broken." Xiao Zhi said with an ugly face.

"What?" Yang Xu's face changed drastically when he heard the words: "How is it possible? Didn't you just say that the formation looks stable and should be able to last for a while?"

"It's broken..." Xiao Zhi's expression became even uglier.

Just when he was speaking, a hundred miles away, the light golden mask covering the Dao City of Beilan, after a violent fluctuation, suddenly fell apart and shattered into golden light spots all over the sky.

From the violent fluctuation of the moat formation to the destruction of the moat formation, only a few breaths of time have passed.

Things happened so fast, Xiao Zhi, who was watching the battle from a distance, didn't even understand how the large defensive formation of Beilan Dao City was breached.

In the world of sentient beings, if the formation is broken, it means that the city is broken.

At the moment when the city was broken, not only Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu who were watching the battle, but also everyone in Beilandao City, whether they were monks, warriors, or ordinary people, all lost their minds at this moment.

The Nascent Soul Daxiu of the two countries are still fighting in mid-air.

Dozens of dazzling light clusters collided and entangled in mid-air, and the rays of light that erupted when they collided were more dazzling than the sun, making people afraid to look directly at them.

In the past, there was a large moat formation that blocked the aftermath of the energy spilled by the Dao realm monks when they fought for Beilan Daocheng. Now, without the protection of the large moat formation, the aftermath of these powerful monks' battles overflowed, blinking, In Dao City, more than a dozen houses and palaces were affected, and they collapsed into ruins in an instant.

The people in these houses and palaces were naturally not spared, and they all died silently.

A voice shouted: "Your Highness, Beilan City has been breached, how should we deal with it?"

The voice was full of killing intent, and it spread throughout the entire Beilan Dao City in an instant.

The monks who can do this are not weak, at least they all have the strength of Jindan level.

"Those who surrender will not be killed! Those who do not surrender will be killed!" A voice said coldly.

"Yes! Your Highness!" Except for the Nascent Soul Great Cultivator, the rest of the Xuanming Dao Realm monks responded in unison. The sound shook the four directions and spread far, far away.

The Taoist cultivators below the Yuanying cultivators in Xuanming Kingdom bypassed the Nascent Soul cultivator's battlefield, and rushed towards the Dachang realm cultivators with a murderous look.

Although they lost half in the previous siege battle, even so, they still had a great advantage over the monks of Dachang Kingdom, both in number and strength.

A Taoist cultivator from the Dachang Kingdom dropped the weapon in his hand, sighed and chose to surrender.

Surrender is only a small part.

Most of the Taoist monks from the Dachang Kingdom displayed their supernatural powers and fought with the Taoist monks from the Xuanming Kingdom.

Even if the city is broken, they are still not defeated.

Because, their Nascent Soul Overhaul is still there.

Nascent Soul Overhaul is the decisive force in this battle.

A hundred miles away, Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu were still watching the battle on the mountainside surrounded by clouds and mist.

Xiao Zhi's face was ugly, and he didn't say a word.

Compared to Xiao Zhi, Yang Xu's face looked uglier. His fists were clenched tightly, and some sharp nails pierced the skin and sank into the flesh. What flowed out was not bright red blood, but traces of black smoke.

This black smoke is the purest dead energy.

At this time, another voice shouted: "Venerable Chang Guo Yimu has been put to death! My Xuanming Kingdom is victorious!"

This voice spread throughout the entire Beilan Dao City in an instant, and soon reached Xiao Zhi's ears.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Zhi's heart sank again.

At this moment, he saw that in the sky where the monks in the Nascent Soul Realm of the two countries were fighting, several blurred light clusters left the battlefield and fled towards the distant sky. After a flash, they disappeared from Xiao Zhi's vision. .

And in the next moment, several blurred light clusters also left the battlefield and chased them out through the air.

Another voice came over, like rolling thunder, shaking the world: "Ji Yuanrong! They have all run away, why don't you run away?!"

"You two are worthy of letting me escape?" A voice laughed loudly, which also shook the world.

Xiao Zhi recognized that it was the voice of Beilan Daoist Ji Yuanrong.

Xiao Zhi poured his true energy into his brain, and started to think quickly through the information received by his brain.

On the side of Dachang Kingdom, there are a total of 5 Yuanying Realm monks.

A Nascent Soul Realm monk named Yi Mu Venerable was killed just now, and there are still 4 Nascent Soul Realm monks left.

Immediately afterwards, three Nascent Soul cultivators fled, while the Taoist Master Beilan, who was in charge of Beilan Dao City, chose to stay.

Hearing what Taoist Beilan said just now, what he needs to face now are two Nascent Soul Realm monks from Xuanming Kingdom.

In other words, just now, five Nascent Soul Realm monks from Xuanming Kingdom went to chase the three Nascent Soul Realm monks from Dachang Kingdom who fled.

It's just, what's the use of knowing these things, I can only watch, and can't change anything.

Xiao Zhi, who was watching the battle from a distance, felt powerless.

The battle continues.

In Xiao Zhi's eyes, the three rays of light representing the Nascent Soul cultivator were still colliding and entangled high above the sky.

Daoist Beilan fought one against two, and he didn't seem to be at the slightest disadvantage, and he looked very brave.

A big golden eagle appeared, soared into the sky, and stared at all directions. This was a bird, not the big eagle that Xiao Zhi thought.

"Chiyu Yaozun, please take action and deal with Ji Yuanrong together!" Seeing that the two of them joined forces and still couldn't take down Beilan Daoist Ji Yuanrong, a loud voice said.

The Red Feather Blood Eagle didn't move, and was still floating high in the sky, with a cloud of blood rolling beside him.

"Above Jindan, hurry up and kill Ji Yuanrong!" Another voice said coldly.

Immediately, a dozen Golden Core cultivators responded, turned into streamers, and rushed towards the battlefield where the Nascent Soul was fighting.

A single Golden Core cultivator would naturally not be a match for a Nascent Soul cultivator.

But when more than a dozen Jindan monks are united, they can still be useful on the Nascent Soul level battlefield.

However, with these ten Jindan monks joining the battlefield, Ji Yuanrong, the master of Beilan Road, is still alive and well, showing no signs of defeat.

"Chiyu Yaozun, please take action! As long as you can kill Ji Yuanrong, the benefits will be indispensable to you!" Hong Da's voice said again.

Akabane Blood Eagle seemed to be attracted by the benefits that Hong Da's voice said, and finally made a move.

It spread its wings and flew towards the battlefield, and the blood mist around it surged like a cloud of blood.

This time, Beilan Daoist Ji Yuanrong is no longer a one-on-two, but a one-on-three.

Under the siege of three strong men of the same realm, can he survive?

If it can last, how long can it last?

Xiao Zhi was thinking silently in his heart.

At this moment, he really wanted to rush over, to help Ji Yuanrong in the battle, to help Ji Yuanrong out of the siege.

But with his current strength, how can he rescue Ji Yuanrong from the Nascent Soul Realm?

The dozen or so Jindan cultivators from Xuanming Kingdom are nothing more than cannon fodder on this Nascent Soul-level battlefield.

He, the Foundation Establishment Cultivator, is nothing.

If it really rushed over, it would be death.

Thanks to fkingbitch for the reward.

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