This Game is Unusual

Chapter 506 Search

At this time, Xiao Zhi of Hualong had already fled into the clouds above the sky and disappeared in the clouds.

After watching for a while, Yang Xu withdrew his gaze towards the sky.

He frowned slightly.

Before leaving, Xiao Zhi said that he would come to join them when it was safe.

However, Xiao Zhi didn't point out the meeting place at that time, so it's troublesome now...

Xiao Zhi is at large.

Transforming into a dragon, he swung his tail lightly, swimming silently among the thick clouds.

Dragons are born with the ability to call the wind and rain, and ride the clouds and fog.

Xiao Zhi, who turned into a green dragon, also inherited part of this ability, coupled with Li Kuo's talent for concealment, he is like a fish in water among the clouds.

In the enemy-occupied area before, he used this method to avoid the chasing and killing of the golden core monks of Xuanming Kingdom time and time again.

Li Kuo, the demon who possessed him at that time and gave him the ability to hide, was only in the late stage of the great demon.

Now, as Li Kuo's strength has grown to the peak of the great monster, his ability to hide has also been further enhanced. After Hualong escapes into the clouds, it will be more difficult to be found than before.

Therefore, although there are three Golden Core monks from Xuanming Kingdom and more than twenty Foundation Establishment monks from Xuanming Kingdom chasing and killing him, Xiao Zhi is not panicked at all.

Because of such a scene, he has experienced it several times, and he has already experienced it.

Xiao Zhi, who was in hiding, swung his tail lightly, passing through clouds one after another.

After flying for dozens of kilometers in the clouds, he stopped in a thick lead cloud.

He turned and looked behind him.

Sure enough, as before, no one could find out the exact location of his hiding place.

The monks from the Xuanming Kingdom who were chasing after him, whether they were the Foundation Establishment monks or the three Golden Core monks, were scurrying around in the sky like headless chickens.

Pieces of clouds high in the sky were bombarded by various spells and supernatural powers, and they were torn apart.

However, the closest distance between these defeated clouds and the cloud where Xiao Zhi was hiding was more than ten miles.

Xiao Zhi just floated in the clouds, watching all this quietly.

A spirit stone appeared in front of him out of nowhere, he grabbed it with his claws, stuffed it into the dragon's mouth, then closed his mouth, and chewed lightly.

He no longer remembered how many spirit stones this was consumed today.

In the world of sentient beings, spirit stones belong to hard currency, and each spirit stone is worth 100,000 yuan. Converted into the Xia Kingdom coins in the real world, it is millions. This is enough for the first-tier cities of Xia Kingdom in the real world. Bought a suite in full.

Thinking about it this way, every battle he has experienced now is burning money.

But this is also impossible.

If he does not use spirit stones to supplement the consumed true energy, and wants to rely on natural recovery to restore the true energy in his body, with his current reserve of true energy, once the true energy in his body is exhausted, it may take half a month. It may even take a month to restore full strength.

The true energy of Taoist monks, if they want to rely on natural recovery, the recovery speed is too slow.

Soon, another shimmering spirit stone appeared in front of Xiao Zhi. Xiao Zhi grabbed it with his claws, put it into his mouth, and slowly chewed it.

No way, even if he didn't use the Boiling Yuan Pill, with his current reserve of true energy, he would need several spirit stones to replenish the true energy in his body.

While chewing on the spirit stone, Xiao Zhi peered through the clouds at those Taoist monks from Xuanming Kingdom.

The three players at the top of Xuanming Kingdom's Foundation Establishment were also in the ranks of chasing and killing him.

Xiao Zhi still pays close attention to these three players at the top of Xuanming Kingdom's Foundation Establishment. Except for the three Golden Core cultivators from Xuanming Kingdom, Xiao Zhi almost puts most of his attention on these three players. body.

That somewhat rough-looking player from the Xuanming Kingdom turned into a howling wind and sand, rushing high above the sky.

The female player with white wings quietly floated in mid-air, turning her head, her eyes emitting an inexplicable light, scanning her surroundings.

The last young man in Taoist uniform sat cross-legged on a white dragon, and the white dragon led him aimlessly in the sky.

The gazes of the three players did not deliberately look at him, and even if they glanced at him occasionally, they just swept past them without stopping.

Apparently, they, like other Daoist cultivators of Xuanming Kingdom, were unable to find Xiao Zhi out of the clouds.

After hiding in the clouds and watching for a while, Xiao Zhi had chewed and absorbed the energy in the second spirit stone.

He didn't continue to wait and see, but flicked the dragon's tail lightly, his figure began to move among the clouds, and he swam towards the far sky.

Xiao Zhi was about to leave here.

In fact, after getting rid of these Taoist monks of Xuanming Kingdom who were chasing him, he can go around in a circle and return to Beilan Dao City again, where he can hunt and kill Dao realm monks of Xuanming Kingdom in Beilan Dao City to earn national war merits value.

But after thinking about it for a while, Xiao Zhi gave up this plan.

There are two reasons.

One is that after breaking the city, those Xuanming Kingdom Yuanying monks who went to hunt down Dachang Kingdom Yuanying monks may return to Beilan Dao City at any time. The chaos in Landao City will be calmed down quickly. At that time, it will be very difficult for Xiao Zhi to escape from Beilandao City under Yuanying Daxiu's nose.

The second reason is that Yang Xu, who can sense the breath of life, was called by him to protect Sun Li and his group. Without Yang Xu to sense the breath of a strong man, he entered Beilan Dao City alone. The level of danger will undoubtedly increase greatly.

Xiao Zhi has always been a relatively cautious person and rarely takes risks, and this time is no exception.

You can earn more after the national war meritorious value is gone.

If life is gone, then everything is gone.

When Xiao Zhi, who was transforming into a dragon, shuttled through the depths of the clouds and quietly left this area, the eyes of the young man in Taoist clothes sitting cross-legged on the white dragon moved slightly, and through sound transmission into the secret magical power, he contacted the rough youth not far away with him. The female player with white wings: "Just now, the target has left."

A piece of wind and sand whizzing high above the sky slowed down, and the figure of the rough and bold youth emerged from it. He also passed the sound transmission into the secret supernatural power, and said to the Taoist youth: "Shall we chase after it now?"

The Taoist youth said: "Don't worry, wait a little longer, my Dharma Elephant Heavenly Eyes can see him, no matter where he flees, he can't escape my eyes."

The woman with a pair of pure white wings said, "Aren't you going to tell them about Xiao Zhi's whereabouts?"

What she used was also the magical power of sound transmission.

Thank you for the reward.

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