Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "That's right, on our side, Dao Cheng is a monk at the peak of Jindan, and the real person Huanhua who is about to rush over is also a monk at the peak of Jindan. In this way, the high-end combat power of our side is not inferior. Yu Xuanming is on the side, plus I am also a Golden Core cultivator, and there are two other Golden Core cultivators in the Taoist mansion. Our comprehensive combat power at the Golden Core level has already surpassed those two Bingridge old men. The strength has already surpassed, why not fight with the opponent? Why run away?"

The two warrior players were startled when they heard the words.

They suddenly felt that what Xiao Zhi said made sense. Their own strength was not inferior to the opponent's, and even surpassed the opponent's, so why did they run away?

Before, they were only thinking about how to escape, and some fell into a misunderstanding.

Xiao Zhi looked at them, but sighed in his heart, and thought: Young people must have the vigor of young people. The two guys in front of them seem to be only in their early twenties, and they are younger than themselves. He's almost ten years younger. Why doesn't such a young man have any vigor at all?

Maybe it was too many defeats.

Dachang Kingdom was defeated one after another, and this defeat was indeed a bit shocking.

At this time, the last warrior player also woke up and opened his eyes.

Unlike the previous two players, the player who woke up last said excitedly: "Xiao Zhi, good news! The latest news is that another strong person has been invited to make a move. This time, it is a Yuan The big monk of the infant land!"

What? Overhaul of Nascent Soul Realm?

This time, not only the other two warriors present were shocked, but even Xiao Zhi was shocked.

In the past, he was trapped in the Beilan Dao Mansion, and he had no hope for the All Living Army. He was surprised that the All Living Army could invite a monk at the peak of Jindan to rescue him.

And now, the Army of All Living Beings has invited another Daxiu from the Nascent Soul Realm!

Since when did the All Living Army have such great energy?

Under the current circumstances, the chance of this warrior player who just 'go online' lying is extremely small, so Xiao Zhi didn't ask 'Are you lying', 'Is this true', etc. Instead, after gathering his composure, he said, "Tell me all the information about this Nascent Soul cultivator, as long as you know it."

The warrior player nodded, and said: "This Nascent Soul Daxiu, named Yun Cangzi, is a casual cultivator who lives in seclusion in Yunhe Road, and is coming from Yunhe Road now."

Yun Cangzi... Yun Hedao...

Yunhe Road is a road adjacent to Dachang Kingdom and Beilan Road, and there are tens of thousands of miles away from Beilan Road, because Li Kuo's hometown is in Yunhe Road, so Xiao Zhi also went to Cross the cloud river once.

As for this Yun Cangzi who lived in seclusion in Yunhe Road, Xiao Zhi had never heard of his name.

However, since he is a reclusive monk, it is normal that he has never heard of his name.

Xiao Zhi said: "Could it be another player from our Xia Kingdom, who has excellent cultivation aptitude and talent, and was taken as a disciple by this Nascent Soul Realm casual cultivator?"

A surprised expression appeared on the warrior player's face: "Xiao Zhi, how do you know this?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help looking up at the sky.

how could I know? It's a good guess or not.

If this is not the case, with the current background of the army of all living beings, it is probably very difficult to recruit a Jindan monk, so how can they invite a great monk in the Nascent Soul Realm?

This person is afraid of comparison.

Look at others, at the beginning of the game, a natural spirit body will be given away, and a master in the Nascent Soul Realm will be given as a gift.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi, he was eating ashes in Heping Village at the beginning, and he didn't have anything to ask for. Even now, he doesn't know what the species of Master looks like.

If it wasn't for the 'open server' of the world of sentient beings, he would enter this world and work hard, hard work, what would a player with his qualifications do to fight against these open-ended gangsters?

Fortunately, when the world of sentient beings was 'opened', the number of players who entered the world of sentient beings with Xiao Zhi was relatively small, and most of them were persuaded by the boring game. , There are not even monk players, let alone this kind of cowardly players with natural spiritual bodies.

Otherwise, Xiao Zhi wanted to take the first place? Go dreaming!

Xiao Zhi sighed in his heart for a while, then stood up, and said: "The time is coming, I should go out, if there is any latest news at the headquarters of the All Living Forces Army in the real world, remember to notify me as soon as possible, the situation If it's urgent, just call my name, I can hear you."

In fact, Xiao Zhi had been silently counting the time while talking with these three warrior players.

Counting the time, the real Huanhua from the Thousand Illusions Sect is almost here.

The three players also stood up, and the player who woke up first said, "Xiao Zhi, isn't that Nascent Soul Daxiu named Yun Cangzi on his way here? Why don't you wait?"

Xiao Zhi just smiled.

I have to admit that there is really a gap in intelligence between people.

The door of the palace was opened, Xiao Zhi's figure flashed, and disappeared from the sight of the three players.

The player who woke up first froze in place: "Why didn't Xiao Zhi answer my question, did I say something wrong?"

Player Gao Chuan sighed, and said: "Brother, Yunhe Road is tens of thousands of miles away from Beilan Road where we are. It's too far away. Even a great monk in Nascent Soul Realm won't be able to catch up in a short while. So, this can only be considered as a thought at most, do you understand?"

After Xiao Zhi walked out of the palace, he appeared on the top of the palace in a flash.

His eyes shone brightly, scanning in all directions.

His eyes radiate bright light, which is a sign that he has displayed the supernatural power of the 'Eye of the Sky' at the Dacheng level.

Since stepping into the Golden Core Realm, Xiao Zhi felt that the effect of his 'Heavenly Eye' supernatural power seemed to have improved a bit after the true energy in his body had undergone a transformation.

Thinking about it carefully, this is also normal. After all, the so-called supernatural powers are activated by the power of true energy. When the quality of the power of true energy improves, the effect of the supernatural power will naturally improve.

After scanning in all directions and finding nothing unusual, Xiao Zhi took out a spirit stone from the storage ring, held it in his hand and absorbed it.

He was preparing to replenish the true energy in his body and prepare for the upcoming battle.

The light on the surface of the spirit stone held by Xiao Zhi is dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After becoming a Jindan monk, Xiao Zhi's speed of absorbing spirit stones has also become much faster than before.

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