This Game is Unusual

Chapter 541 Communication before the war

on the tower.

The three peak foundation players of Xuanming Kingdom still stood here and did not leave.

Sha Wu, who was leaning against the wall of the high tower, opened his eyes and said with a relaxed expression: "The Strategy Department has given me a clear answer. They have already used our player's network to move three Jindan peak-level players. The monks and a big monk in the Nascent Soul Realm came here, and they spent a lot of money to buy a prince, and let the prince issue an order to the two old men of Bingridge, let them take action now, Attack Beilan Daofu."

Before Xiao Zhi savagely slaughtered all directions in the occupied area, the reason why people from Xuanming Kingdom did not invite these powerful people to deal with him was because he seemed arrogant at that time, but in fact he seemed extremely cautious and his whereabouts were erratic. It is also too good at hiding, and it may take a lot of time to kill him.

If you are unlucky, it may take ten days and half a month.

In this world where strength is a symbol of status, how can those high-ranking powerhouses in Xuanming Kingdom have so much time wasted on 'catching bugs'?

These high-ranking, distinguished powerhouses are not the fathers of those players in Xuanming Kingdom.

Naturally, they are unwilling to do such a thankless task.

Things are a little different now.

Now, Xiao Zhi is trapped in the Beilan Taoist Mansion, with a clear goal, and it doesn't take long to go back and forth.

Moreover, the people from the strategy department also revealed that Xiao Zhi had two spiritual treasures, a Lingbao-level sword obtained from Yan Chi, and a pair of Lingbao-level inner armor.

In the world of sentient beings, spirit treasures are extremely precious. Most monks in the early and middle stages of Golden Core do not have Lingbao-level weapons in their hands, and Lingbao-level armors are even more expensive than Lingbao-level weapons It is much more precious, and these two spirit treasures added together, even a monk at the peak of Jindan would be envious.

It's not just Xiao Zhi who has good things, the Beilan Taoist Mansion, as the core power organization of the entire Beilan Road, must have a lot of good things in it.

Therefore, in the world where the players of Xuanming Kingdom are located, the Strategy Department of the World of All Beings, through various factors, successfully invited three monks at the peak of Jindan and a big monk at the Nascent Soul to rush over here.

After hearing Sha Wu's words, Long San had a smile on his face and said, "It seems that the people in the Strategy Department still attach great importance to Xiao Zhi."

Sha Wu sneered and said, "Who told this guy to jump like this and be so arrogant? If I were a high-level executive in the strategy department, I would also want to kill him at all costs!"

Yu Jiu, who was standing beside him, said: "Unfortunately, with so many strong people coming, the good things in this Xiao Zhi must not be ours."

Hearing this, Long San said calmly: "Don't think too much, in fact, at the moment Xiao Zhi broke through and became a Golden Core cultivator, those good things on him no longer belong to us."

At this time, Sha Wu patted his buttocks, stood up and said, "Long San, you have more ideas than us, tell me, what should we do next?"

Long San pondered for a while, and said: "Wait, we'll wait here. If everything goes well, we can just stand here and watch the show. If things don't go well, if something unexpected happens, the three of us will have something to do anyway. Gold-level combat strength, if you participate in the battle, you can still play some role."

After a pause, his gaze became deep, and he said in a low voice: "If that Xiao Zhi wants to take advantage of the chaos and escape, the three of us join forces. Although we are not his opponent now, we can still do it if we want to stop him for a while." Arrived."

"What if Xiao Zhi was seriously injured when he ran away?" Yu Jiu asked.

Sha Wu laughed grimly and said, "Needless to say, then we will fall behind him and chase him down. His head and all the good things on him will be ours."

But Long San shook his head, and said lightly: "Whether he is intact or seriously injured, we just need to stop him, don't have other messy thoughts, those good things on him don't belong to us."

Sha Wu glanced at Long San with some puzzlement: "Long San, you are too timid, Xiao Zhi just broke through to the Golden Core Realm, and you are so afraid of him, even when he was seriously injured, you didn't chase after him. Do you have the courage to kill him?"

Long San glanced at Sha Wu, and said lightly: "Sha Wu, didn't you notice a detail? When Xiao Zhi rushed into the Beilan Dao Mansion, he suffered a blow from the old man Bingridge, and his whole body was injured. It was frozen, but not long after, he appeared in Beilan Dao Mansion intact and in our field of vision, what does this mean?"

When Sha Wu heard these words, his expression changed involuntarily.

Yu Jiu, who was standing on the side, couldn't help but sneered and said, "What a brainless idiot!"

At this time, in Beilan Road Mansion.

Including Xiao Zhi, the four Golden Core cultivators stood on the top of a hall in the Beilan Taoist Mansion, waiting silently.

Xiao Zhi had already taken the Explosive Yuan Pill and Burning Blood Pill at this time.

Holding a spirit stone in one hand, he was absorbing the energy in the spirit stone, and said at the same time: "After Master Huanhua comes over, Mr. Daocheng, please remember to send him a sound transmission as soon as possible, and ask him to cooperate with us. Don't be stingy with the benefits that should be given..."

This Immortal Huanhua was only invited to rescue him by the army of sentient beings, he didn't come here to fight the two old men on Bingridge in front of the Taoist mansion.

Master Huan Hua knew nothing about the battle plan that Xiao Zhi had discussed with Dao Cheng and the others.

In this situation of unequal information, Xiao Zhi still felt that a pre-war communication was very necessary.

Promising benefits in advance is also very necessary. After all, without enough benefits, who is willing to go all out and fight desperately.

You must know that those monks in the hidden world sect have a very weak sense of belonging to Dachang Kingdom. It is very unrealistic for them to die for Dachang Kingdom and Beilan Dao like Daocheng.

In fact, Xiao Zhi wanted to have a pre-battle communication with the upcoming Immortal Huanhua himself.

It's just that he still doesn't know the supernatural power of sound transmission.

So I can only entrust the matter of 'communication before the war' to Dao Cheng.

Listening to Xiao Zhi's broken thoughts, Dao Cheng turned his head slightly, and looked at Xiao Zhi speechlessly.

He is the prime minister of the line, a monk at the peak of the Golden Core Realm who has lived for hundreds of years, do you still need to be taught by you, a brat who is only thirty years old, about these things?

Yes, in Dao Cheng's eyes, Xiao Zhi is just a brat.

Under Dao Cheng's staring eyes, Xiao Zhi smiled embarrassingly, stopped thinking, and stopped talking.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly lit up outside the Taoist mansion.

In Section 522 of the main text (the success rate of crossing the catastrophe of Er Er Tian Jie), the number is wrong, 61% of the success rate of crossing the catastrophe should be 66%, because the VIP chapter cannot be changed after a certain period of time, explain it here, okay Well, the author's mathematics was taught by the elementary school physical education teacher. If you want to beat me up, please be gentle and don't hit me in the face...

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