This Game is Unusual

Chapter 576: One Million National War Meritorious Values

490,000 points, close to 500,000 points of national war meritorious service.

Except for Xiao Zhi, the others in the room were all Xiantian-level players. Many Xiantian-level players had never been on the battlefield, and their National War Merit option was still zero.

Regardless of whether these Xiantian players have been on the battlefield or not, Xiao Zhi's national war merit value of nearly 500,000 points is an astronomical figure for these players.

Is this the number one player in the world, the merits of the national war? This figure is too exaggerated.

The Xia country player sitting across the table didn't have any surprised expression on his face, he said: "Mr. Xiao Zhi's national war merit points obtained during the operation are not limited to these, because he has consumed a considerable A part of the national war merit points are used to increase the level of supernatural powers, but it doesn’t matter, the national war merit points have a details page, you only need to check the details, and you can accurately calculate how many national war merits Mr. Xiao Zhi has obtained in the battle meritorious service."

In fact, Xiao Zhi once returned to Beilan Dao City halfway to buy the [Mie Shen Knife], and after upgrading the [Mie Shen Knife], he asked the staff of the All Living Army to make a record.

However, this time only the value of the national war meritorious service was recorded, and the level of Xiao Zhi's skills was not recorded (required for confidentiality).

Therefore, when Xiao Zhi later used the National War Merit Points to upgrade the [Mie Shen Dao] to the perfection level, the last record became meaningless.

The most important thing is that this time the operation in the enemy-occupied area was jointly initiated by countries all over the world, and Xia Guo was not the only one involved, and the rewards that needed to be distributed were also borne by all countries in the world.

Therefore, in this small room, there are players from other countries.

The All Living Army's suggestion to Xiao Zhi is that it is best to use the details of the National War Merit Points to determine how many National War Merit Points he has gained during operations in the occupied areas.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi chose to agree.

Now he doesn't need to race against time to practice, he can still take it out in just a few hours.

Thus, in this hut, the long and boring investigation of the merits of the national war began.

In the house, a few players were responsible for recording and taking pictures, and a few players were in charge of monitoring. Occasionally, they would point to some kill data in the details interface that had obtained a relatively large national war merit value, and asked Xiao Zhi some questions. Answered one by one.

Several players sat cross-legged in the corner of the house, sometimes looking at the detailed interface of national war merits displayed by Xiao Zhi, whispering a few words with the players in charge of supervision in their country, and sometimes closing their eyes and sitting cross-legged in the room In the corner, they should go offline to report the situation to their own leaders.

These were all seen by Xiao Zhi, and he didn't say much about it, but under the prompt of the recorder, he used his thoughts to flip through the details page of the meritorious service value of the national war again and again.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

"How much?" A staff member of the Xia Kingdom's All Living Army asked in a low voice.

"It's more than 690,000." Another staff member of the Xia Guo Zhongsheng Army replied in a low voice, with a hint of excitement on his face.

The faces of the staff from other countries are not so good-looking. As time goes by, their faces become a little ugly.

This scene was also noticed by Xiao Zhi.

He naturally knew why the faces of these foreign players became more and more ugly.

Because this time the operation in the occupied areas was jointly initiated by countries all over the world, and the rewards that need to be distributed are also borne by all countries in the world.

The more national war merit points he obtained, the more blood the governments of all countries in the world need to shed.

Therefore, it is not only Xia's sentient army that needs to bleed this time, other countries also need to bleed heavily.

He is from the Xia Kingdom, and the Xia Kingdom government will naturally have no objection to this.

Other countries are different.

If Xiao Zhi's meritorious service in the national war this time can be exchanged for 500-year-old treasures of heaven and earth, then according to the rules, other countries will get ten or ten years of treasures of heaven and earth. Some countries such as Canada, India, and the United Arab Emirates even need to produce natural treasures that are more than 100 years old.

Isn't it good to use these treasures of heaven and earth to train talented players in the country? It just fell on Xia Guoxiao Zhi's body and made a wedding dress for him. No matter how I think about it, I feel uncomfortable!

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Narrow-minded, these foreign players are still too narrow-minded. Thinking that I, Xiao Zhi, went through life and death, and bravely killed the enemy, not only for the country of Xia, but also for the whole world. Now we are grasshoppers on the same rope. It’s okay if the war is won, but if the country is defeated, the ancient heavenly demon descends on the real world, and when the world is destroyed, it doesn’t care which country you belong to. All the countries in this world will be doomed!

‘I hope that the leaders of these countries will not be as narrow-minded as their players, and their vision will not be limited to this petty profit, but they can take a long-term view. ’ Xiao Zhi secretly said in his heart.

In this way, about half a quarter of an hour passed.

Finally, Xiao Zhi turned to the last page of the details page of meritorious service in the national war.

Almost at the same time, the results came out.

Xiao Zhi obtained a total of 1,105,713 national war merit points in this operation in the occupied areas.

A total of 1.1 million national war merit points!

Even Xiao Zhi himself felt a little astonished when he saw it.

After the results came out, a Canadian Caucasian player who had been sitting cross-legged in the corner suddenly stood up, spoke fluent Xia language, and said, "Everyone, I think this is a bit inappropriate."

"It's calculated in this way, it's clear and clear, what's wrong with it?" A staff member of the Xia Guosheng Army asked.

The Canadian Caucasian player glanced at the players in the room, and said, "This operation is called the Occupied Area Operation. I don't have any objections to the merits of the national war that Mr. Xiao Zhi obtained earlier. After killing Yan Chi and the others, Mr. Xiao Zhi's subsequent kill data is all in Beilan Dao City, which is not an occupied area. Therefore, Mr. Xiao Zhi's later kill data is not the same as this One operation in the enemy-occupied area doesn't matter, does it?"

"George, what you said is very reasonable, and I think so too." A black player hurriedly expressed his agreement.

"I also think it makes sense." Another player agreed.

For a while, most of the foreign players in the room agreed with what the Canadian player George said, while a few chose to remain silent, as if they were waiting to see a good show.

Thanks to the lord, I and the wind are passers-by for the reward of 20,000 starting points, and thanks to Qi丨Hua for the reward.

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