This Game is Unusual

Chapter 578: Golden Elixir Middle Stage

Time passed by every minute and every second, and jade boxes containing heaven, material and earth treasures were opened one by one.

After being recorded by the staff of the All Living Army, they were eaten by Xiao Zhi one by one.

Some Tiancaidibao can only be taken once by a player at most. If you take it a second time, not only will it have no effect, but it will be very poisonous.

Although some Tiancaidibao can be taken many times, the effect will become weaker and weaker. After taking two or three times in a row, there is almost no effect.

The heavenly materials and earthly treasures collected by the army of all living beings are also different. If Xiao Zhi had eaten this kind of heavenly materials and earthly treasures before, it would have no effect if he ate them again now.

Xiao Zhi ate another jade-like treasure of heaven, material and earth. After digesting it, he glanced at the jade box left on the wooden table, and said to the staff of the All Living Army who was in charge of recording: " How much did I eat in total?"

After hearing Xiao Zhi's inquiry, the staff responsible for recording said with a slightly dull expression: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, you have already eaten the 49-year-old treasure."

Seeing his sluggish expression, it is obvious that the consciousness of the staff member in charge of recording did not stay in the world of sentient beings, but stayed in the real world. Through the modern equipment in the real world, he is recording this everything.

Xiao Zhi nodded, and reached out to open a jade box.

Bingyu fruit, it's a new one, change it.

Baining vermilion fruit, the one he had eaten before, has changed to another one.

Liuliguo, warrior monks can take miraculous effects, it can be equal to 5 years of practice, and a player can take at most one piece.

This one has never been eaten before, Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand, stuffed the glazed fruit into his mouth, and began to chew.

In the depths of Xiao Zhi's sea of ​​consciousness, in the inner space of Jindan, it rained heavily again.

The little green dragon was swimming happily in the air, its body exuded a faint blue light, and it became more and more solid.

Down below, the barren gravel ground has long been submerged by accumulated water, forming a small lake. In the lake, the kun, which was the size of a tadpole at first, is now as big as an adult's palm. In the heavy rain, it Swimming happily in the water.

After the heavy rain fell for a while, it seemed that he had reached a point where Xiao Zhi's entire inner space of the golden core trembled slightly.

In the depths of Xiao Zhi's sea of ​​consciousness, the inner space of the golden core trembled slightly, while expanding in all directions, its volume was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The little green dragon swimming in mid-air opened its mouth to absorb water.

Kun swimming in the water is also opening his mouth to absorb water.

A vague figure appeared out of thin air in this small space, this is the phantom projected by Xiao Zhizhi's thoughts.

The phantom floated in mid-air, turned its head, and looked at everything in front of it with some curiosity.

After the inner space of the golden core became stable again, the water accumulated on the ground had completely disappeared, turning into a barren sandy and gravel ground again.

Xiao Zhi checked with his eyes, and the area of ​​the inner space of his golden core has increased from a radius of 1,000 feet to 1,200 feet, and the area has expanded significantly.

The green dragon walking in the sky has not changed much except that its appearance is more solid than before.

Kun has changed a bit. Before, it was only the size of an adult's palm, but now it is as big as a two- or three-year-old child.

Dehydrated, it kept wagging its black tail on the barren gravel ground, struggling stubbornly, looking pitiful.

Looking down at the phantom transformed by Xiao Zhi's thoughts, he didn't panic.

This is the fabled Kun, not an ordinary fish. Xiao Zhi didn't realize that the Kun would dry up and die after leaving the water.

He shouted in his heart, can't you turn into a roc, but you can turn into a big roc and show me.

There are golden words, like flowing water, flowing past his eyes:

"Congratulations! You have a certain understanding of the 'Hai Kun Visualization Map', and your 'Hai Kun Visual Map' is a small success!"

"Congratulations! Your strength has risen to the middle stage of Jindan."

Relying on the treasures of heaven and earth, in less than half an hour, Xiao Zhi's cultivation level was raised from the early stage of Golden Core to the middle stage of Golden Core, and his strength had another obvious increase.

Xiao Zhi was quite happy about this.

He was not in a hurry, so his consciousness did not rush back to the world of sentient beings, but still stayed in the inner space of Jindan.

He really wanted to see if his dehydrated kun could transform into a roc and fly high.

In the end, Xiao Zhi was disappointed. Kun lay on his side on the gravel ground and struggled, showing no sign of turning into a roc.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Zhi had no choice but to retreat from the sea of ​​consciousness space.

The changes were not limited to the inner space of the golden core in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. His physical qualities had also been significantly improved, and the true energy in his body had also become more vigorous.

Still the same sentence, the promotion of the realm of cultivation is a promotion on a comprehensive level, and both the soul and the body will be improved to a certain extent.

After Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, Ning Ji, the middle-aged man who had been standing silently by the side, asked with some expectation: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, did your realm improve just now?"

"Yes." Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "I just broke through, from the early stage of Golden Core to the middle stage of Golden Core."

The staff responsible for recording quickly recorded this matter.

After speaking a few words with the person in charge Ning Ji, Xiao Zhi continued his 'work'.

The jade boxes were opened one by one. If there were repeated treasures of heaven, material and earth, Xiao Zhi would close the jade boxes and put them aside.

The ones that were not repeated were taken out by him and eaten into his mouth.

Gradually, Xiao Zhi frowned slightly. As he ate more and more natural treasures, he encountered more and more repeated natural treasures.

Sometimes three or four jade boxes are opened one after another, and the treasures of heaven, material and earth contained in them are all repeated.

The person in charge, Ning Ji, also frowned.

He secretly thought in his heart that in the future, the jade boxes containing these natural materials and earthly treasures must be labeled on the outside of the jade boxes. It is too troublesome to search one by one like this.

Although this is a small matter, it must be paid attention to.

There is a saying in Xia Guo that if you have no hair on your mouth, you can't do things well. These young people under his hands are still a little too edgy, and they don't pay attention to these details.

Soon, Xiao Zhi opened the last jade box.

The jade box contained a mango-like, golden fruit.

Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that this was a golden body fruit.

It's all over again.

Thank you cloud reward.

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