This Game is Unusual

Chapter 581 Newly Arrived Nascent Soul Cultivator

(Happy Double Festival everyone, be sure to be happy~)

This is like a wireless network in the real world.

There is a network within the coverage of the communication base station, and the closer the communication base station is, the better the network will be.

Countless communication base stations form a huge wireless network.

In areas where the communication base station cannot cover, the network signal will be missing. In Xiao Zhi's knowledge, the remote mountain villages in Xia Kingdom belong to the weak area of ​​the network signal, and the signal sometimes disappears.

The same is true for the formation network of Beilan Road.

In Beilan Road, the destruction of the large protective formations in those counties and county towns is equivalent to the destruction of communication base stations, making it a blind spot for the entire formation network.

With this kind of blind spot, when Jindan and Nascent Soul monks from the enemy country enter, the formation network of Beilan Road will not be able to perceive their existence.

The protective formation of Beilan Dao City can be regarded as a large-scale communication base station, which can cover a wide range. Once the Jindan and Nascent Soul cultivators of the enemy country approach within a thousand miles of Beilan Dao City, they will be given by the formation. Feel it instantly.

But what about areas thousands of miles away? As the moat formations of those county towns and county towns were breached, it has become a dark and dangerous area.

When Dao Cheng talked about this matter with Xiao Zhi, his face was full of regret and helplessness.

As Beilan Daocheng, he was responsible for guarding the land, but in the end he had to hide in Beilan Dao City, watching the counties and counties under his jurisdiction being attacked one by one by the people of Xuanming Kingdom, but he was helpless.

There was really nothing he could do.

The Nascent Soul cultivator Wang Jiufeng of Xuanming Kingdom made a move. He took over the city of Longyan County where Xiao Zhi was born, and Muchun County under the jurisdiction of Beilan Road.

As a Daocheng, he is simply unable to send reinforcements to help these counties. The only thing he can do is to order the chief officials of these counties to abandon the city with the effective force of the government in the city through the sound transmission jade talisman. Go, escape into the mountains and forests, so as to preserve a useful body.

Xiao Zhi asked at the time, why not invite Yun Cangzi, who is also in the Nascent Soul Realm, to deal with Wang Jiufeng?

When Yun Cangzi came to Beilan Dao City before, he had a battle with Wang Jiufeng, a Nascent Soul cultivator from Xuanming Kingdom. Wang Jiufeng would be defeated at the first touch and fled in a hurry.

The answer Daocheng gave was that he had visited Yun Cangzi and asked Yun Cangzi to take action against Wang Jiufeng, but Yun Cangzi refused.

Yun Cangzi was a casual cultivator and did not belong to the government system. He refused to take action, and Daocheng had nothing to do about it.

This is very helpless.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi turned into an afterimage and soared into the sky.

Not long after, his figure appeared in front of a remote courtyard in the northwest corner of Daocheng.

As soon as Xiao Zhi appeared in front of this quiet courtyard, there were several pairs of eyes all over the street looking at him.

These are the Innate Realm Guards of the Dao Mansion, sent by the Dao Cheng to maintain law and order in this area.

Yun Cangzi liked to be quiet, but he couldn't let the noise overwhelm him.

These Taoist guards naturally recognized Xiao Zhi, a newly promoted Jindan monk, and immediately bowed to Xiao Zhi.

Soon, Yun Cangzi's disciple Yunchenzi Zhao Yan walked out of the quiet courtyard and met Xiao Zhi.

"Why is Senior Yun Cangzi unwilling to fight?" Xiao Zhi lowered his voice and asked straight to the point.

Zhao Yan, who was more beautiful than a woman, glanced at Xiao Zhi, and said in a low voice, "This is the meaning of the army of all living beings."

"What does the All Living Army mean?" Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning: "Does the All Living Army want the entire Beilan Dao, except for Beilan Dao City, to become a piece of wasteland?"

Zhao Yan shook his head when he heard the words, and said with a solemn expression: "It's not what you think. According to the report from the observers of the All Living Army, a new Nascent Soul cultivator from Xuanming State has entered the country."

"A new Nascent Soul cultivator has entered the country?" Xiao Zhi was startled when he heard that.

"That's right, a Nascent Soul cultivator from Xuanming Kingdom entered the country, and our observer happened to see it." Zhao Yan said.

"Such a coincidence?"

"Yes, some things are just so coincidental."

"That's not right. With the speed of the Nascent Soul cultivator, our observers probably can't even see his shadow, right?"

Zhao Yan glanced at Xiao Zhi, and said, "Who said that our observers are only innate warriors? This is already a long time ago, okay? Now, in the territory of Beilan Road, the number of observers in the foundation period is not small. There are 10 of them, Minxiu in the foundation building stage, combined with a magical power like pupil technique, the detection ability is still very strong."

There are no less than 10 observers in the foundation building period?

Xiao Zhi was taken aback again, he didn't usually pay much attention to this.

Unexpectedly, before he knew it, Xia Guo's foundation-building monks had sprung up like mushrooms, just like the explosion of the innate realm.

Zhao Yan paused, and continued: "Furthermore, when the Nascent Soul monks are on their way, they don't burst out at full speed. If they don't burst out at full speed, our observers can barely capture their flight trajectory."

Xiao Zhi nodded thoughtfully.

If that was the case, Yun Cangzi really shouldn't have left Beilan Dao City.

Once he left Beilan Dao City and was ambushed by more than two Nascent Soul monks from Xuanming Kingdom, it would be terrible.

Xuan Mingguo's side probably had this kind of thinking in mind.

Otherwise, why did this new Nascent Soul cultivator from Xuanming Kingdom hold back his hand? It was always Wang Jiufeng, who had just entered the Nascent Soul Realm, attacking the city and conquering territory in Beilan Road, jumping up and down?

Saying goodbye to Zhao Yan, Xiao Zhi returned to the quiet courtyard where he was touring the envoy's office full of thoughts.

In fact, with his current strength in the Golden Core Realm, he is fully qualified to change to a larger and more luxurious mansion in Beilan Road City as his residence.

But now Xiao Zhi doesn't care about this at all, and he has not been very concerned about the place where he lives all the time.

Li Kuo's wife and children, and Xiao Zhi's brother-in-law Fan Xun are all in this courtyard.

Xiao Zhi met with them, and after speaking a few words, he found a secluded place in the secluded courtyard and sat down cross-legged.

He took out a jade tablet emitting a light green light from his pocket.

This is a jade tablet that records the high-level supernatural power [shrink the ground into an inch].

Xiao Zhi stared at the jade tablet, and soon, lines of golden words appeared in front of him like flowing water:

Prompt: "You are studying high-level supernatural powers [Shrink the ground into an inch]..."

Tip: "According to your foundation, it will take you 12 hours, 22 minutes and 19 seconds to study [Shrinking the Earth into an Inch]. Please wait patiently."

The next second, Xiao Zhi felt a trance, and when he came out of the trance, he was already in the real world.

Xiao Zhi opened his eyes and slowly got up from the bed.

He picked up his phone and looked at the time:

June 10, 2021, at 11:51.

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