The white light was getting closer and closer.

At first it was as bright as a star, but now it is as bright as a moon.

The white light seems to be able to break through the thick black fog, allowing people far away to see it, which is very special in itself.

As he got closer to the white light, Xiao Zhi slowed down a little.

According to the routine in the online novel, if the strange treasure really appeared in the world, there must be a treasure box monster in this treasure place, and the treasure box monster must be much stronger than those mobs condensed from the black mist.

Therefore, when approaching it, it is definitely not wrong to make more preparations.

While thinking about this in his heart, Xiao Qinglong had already been summoned by Xiao Zhi, and then swam around Xiao Zhi, and merged into Xiao Zhi's body like water.

With a soft click, Xiao Zhi's body swelled a circle, turning into a dragon man about 1.8 meters tall with some blue scales visible on his body.

'go! ’ When the distance got closer, Xiao Zhi’s speed became slower. Through his thoughts, he issued a life to the demon Li Kuo floating above his head.

Li Kuo, who was in hiding, suddenly floated forward like a ghost, acting as Xiao Zhi's trailblazer.

The demon Li Kuo in Zhusheng Xumi Realm is not the real demon Li Kuo. He is just a puppet without much self-consciousness. Such a puppet is suitable for exploring the way, even if he encounters danger while exploring If it is lost, Xiao Zhi will not have any psychological burden.

Seeing this scene, Long San couldn't help but look a little ugly.

He didn't expect Xiao Zhi to be so cautious.

Other players in Xuanming Kingdom could not see Li Kuo, who was floating in mid-air and was in an invisible state. He, who had mastered the high-level magical power [Dharma Elephant Sky Eye], saw Li Kuo's existence at a glance.

"Back!" Long San made a back gesture, stepping back step by step.

Although the other players were puzzled, they also retreated together.

The ghost floated in front of the hazy white light like a ghost, circled around the white light, then got close to the white light, and looked at it carefully.

It was not attacked, and found no danger.

At such a close distance, even if the demon has not mastered the magical powers of the pupil technique, it can still see the faintly visible golden round pill in this hazy white light.

It stretched out its hand again, reaching forward, but was blocked by this white halo, which should be something similar to a defensive restriction.

Almost in an instant, everything observed by the demon was passed on to Xiao Zhi through its thoughts.

'Golden round pill? Could it be a golden elixir? ’ Xiao Zhi muttered in his heart, and through his thoughts, he gave the order to attack the demon.

The demon faithfully carried out Xiao Zhi's order. A rapier appeared in its hand, and then it held the rapier in both hands, and slashed fiercely at the white light in front of it.

With a bang, the long sword held by the demon slashed at the hazy white light, causing the white light to tremble violently, and the light became obviously dimmer.

Next, there was a constant puffing sound, and the demon held a long sword in his hand, and slashed at the white light with one sword after another, chopping the hazy white light to the point of crumbling, and the light became dimmer and dimmer.

As for Xiao Zhi, he stopped walking tens of feet away from the hazy white light, and stopped moving forward.

Since Li Kuo's attack power is enough to break through this hazy white light, then why did he take the risk to go further?

Standing in the darkness, Xiao Zhi had a pair of bright eyes, turned his head slightly, and looked around.

However, he couldn't see anything except the white light in front of him.

'It seems that after going out this time, I have to find a book about supernatural powers of high-level pupil technique. ’ Xiao Zhi secretly said in his heart.

He has really had enough of this state of blindness.

In the black mist, Long San still maintained his composure. The Xuanming Kingdom Golden Core players beside him were a little anxious when they saw the hazy white light in front of them that had been hacked and kept getting darker.

"Long San... Hurry up if you want to do it, it will be too late." Several gold core players from Xuanming Kingdom anxiously transmitted voice to Long San.

Long Sanyi gritted his teeth, and said via voice transmission: "I'll deal with this demon, Mo Yi, you lead someone to hold Xiao Zhi, and after I finish the demon, we will surround and kill Xiao Zhi."

He pointed to a long-faced Xuanming Kingdom Golden Core player, and said, "Cheng Qing, you are in charge of leading the way."

In this world of all living beings, not everyone is like him, mastering high-level pupil-like supernatural powers. Most of the Jindan players are actually the same as Xiao Zhi, only mastering a basic pupil-like magical power. Supernatural powers, in this case, if there is no one with good eyesight to lead the way, it will not be easy for them to find Xiao Zhi's position in the black mist.

"Okay." The long-faced player Cheng Qing nodded.

"Let's do it." Long San said via voice transmission.

Cheng Qing, the long-faced player, waved his hand immediately, and led Mo Yi, Sha Wu and other Xuanming Golden Core players, and quietly walked towards the darkness where Xiao Zhi was standing.

Long San watched them walk away, and was not in a hurry to attack Xiao Zhi's demon.

It wasn't until Moyi and the others were less than 30 feet away from where Xiao Zhi was standing that he turned his head and looked at the demon who was slashing at the hazy white light with his sword.

Perhaps it was because the sound of the ghost holding a sword and slashing at the hazy halo covered other sounds. It wasn't until Mo Yi and other players from Xuanming Kingdom approached Xiao Zhi less than fifteen feet away that Xiao Zhi subconsciously deflected it. Head, found these approaching enemies.

He was startled immediately, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he took a step back subconsciously.

"Kill!" Mo Yi let out a low growl like a howl of magic, holding a black wide-edged sword in his hand, and rushed towards Xiao Zhi first.

At this time, his skin was purple-black, his face was ferocious, his eyes were red, and the flames of magic were boiling all over his body, like a demon who had just crawled out of the Nine Nether Hell.

"Kill!" Sha Wu also uttered a loud roar. At this time, he had transformed into a sand giant. When he ran, sand and stones fell from his body.

The rest of the Golden Core cultivators of Xuanming Kingdom also shouted.

Almost at the same time, Long San attacked the demon who was attacking the white hazy light group.

He didn't move, just staring at the demon with his eyes wide open, the golden flames burning in his eye sockets burned even more intensely.

At this moment, the ghost, who was thirty feet away from him, suddenly screamed as if struck by lightning, and the empty figure flew backwards.

At this time, Mo Yi had already approached Xiao Zhi, and the black wide-edged sword in his hand tore through the air, and slashed towards Xiao Zhi.

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