Someone called him.

From the caller ID, the person who called was none other than Liu Yi, the army of sentient beings.

"Hello?" Xiao Zhi answered the phone.

On the other side of the phone, a middle-aged male voice said solemnly: "I'm Liu Yi, Xiao Zhi, can you tell us in detail about the situation of the 'Zhusheng Xumi Realm', as well as those commodities, and what's going on?"

us? instead of me?

Xiao Zhi noticed this detail in Liu Yi's words very keenly, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

In other words, on the other side of the phone, not only Liu Yi stayed up late at night, but also many people did the same?

Could it be that they stayed awake in the middle of the night waiting for the result of my exploration of the 'Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings'?

In fact, as Xiao Zhi thought, Liu Yi and other high-level officials of the Army of All Living Beings were staying up all night waiting for the results of Xiao Zhi's exploration of the 'Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings'.

In a small conference room at the headquarters of the All Living Army, more than a dozen senior officials of the All Living Army gathered here.

Those who can become the top ranks of the All Living Army are middle-aged and elderly people. Some of them have tea cups in front of them, and some have coffee cups in front of them. No matter tea or coffee, they are used to refresh themselves.

But at this time, after Liu Yi dialed Xiao Zhi's phone number, all the high-level officials of the All Living Army in the meeting room cheered up and listened attentively.

On the conference table in front of them, there is a tablet computer, and what is shown on the tablet computer are the pictures that Xiao Zhi sent to Liu Yi through WeChat before.

Several staff members in overalls also held their breath and stopped making any noise.

For a while, the meeting room became very quiet.

After Liu Yi dialed Xiao Zhi's phone number, the staff immediately connected the call to the audio equipment in this conference room through technical means.

Hearing Xiao Zhi's voice, through the audio equipment in the conference room, it sounded clearly in this small conference room: "Okay, Team Leader Liu, I will share my experience in the 'Zhusheng Xumi Realm' , in detail."

After sorting out his thoughts for a while, Xiao Zhi began to tell: "All living beings in the Sumeru Realm, this is a world full of black mist. In this world, not only vision is affected by the ubiquitous black mist, It will be greatly suppressed, and the player's strength will also be greatly suppressed. Personally, my strength should be suppressed dozens of times. My eyesight... If I don't use magical powers, I can only see clearly ahead For things that are less than 2 feet away, once I use the Dacheng-level basic supernatural power that I have mastered - the 'eye of the sky' magic power, I can probably see things that are 20 feet away in front of me."

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued: "Spiritual stones used to replenish true energy, exploding essence pills, burning blood pills and other buff-type pills cannot be brought into the Sumeru Realm of life. Weapons and armor such as spirit treasures can be brought in. After entering the Sumeru Realm, I was placed on a small hill. This hill looks very ordinary. At the beginning, I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. , I later found out that this small hill is actually the birth point of the players in our world, and it can also be regarded as our safe zone in the Sumeru Realm of all lives..."

The high-level members of the All Living Army are all listening attentively.

Among the staff in the conference room, there was someone who was quickly recording what Xiao Zhi said.

Every word that Xiao Zhi utters now will be recorded, but these recordings are not as clear and clear as the text after all.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Most of the time, Xiao Zhi was reporting the situation. Occasionally, Liu Yi would ask a few questions, and Xiao Zhi answered them one by one.

When Xiao Zhi said that he was attracted by the white light in the darkness, sent out the demon to seize the treasure, and accidentally fell into the siege of players from Xuanming Kingdom, in the conference room, no matter the high-level people present, The staff who were still standing felt tense in their hearts.

When they heard that Xiao Zhi showed his supernatural power and used the [Destroyer Knife] to slash the enemy with one sword, defeating the crowd with one sword, and gaining a clear upper hand, everyone in the meeting room breathed a sigh of relief. There was a smile on his face.

"Xiao Zhi is a very good person, and he is worthy of our army's efforts to cultivate him." An old man took a sip from the teacup on the table, turned sideways, and said to an old man beside him.

The old man nodded when he heard the words, expressing his agreement.

When they heard that Xiao Zhi had fallen into the illusion, and his five senses were blocked, unable to break free, everyone in the conference room couldn't help becoming nervous again.

An old man with the appearance of an old pedant sighed softly, and said: "In the world of sentient beings, illusions and other control methods are still very scary, enough to defeat the strong with the weak. talent, we can provide him with more resources.”

The people sitting beside the old man nodded slightly when they heard what he said.

When they heard that Xiao Zhi, with his superiority in the realm of cultivation, forcibly tore apart the illusion through the supernatural power of the 'eyes of heaven', everyone in the meeting room couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

After talking for a while, Xiao Zhi talked about the treasure he had snatched from the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings—the fourth-grade elixir, the elixir of heavenly tribulation!

After Xiao Zhi explained the data of this Heavenly Tribulation Pill in detail, everyone in the conference room, including the chief, couldn't help but hold their breath.

Although the high-level executives of the All Living Army present here have never entered the world of sentient beings, as the management of the All Living Army, they are faced with intelligence and materials about the world of all living beings all day long, and they are very familiar with the world of living beings. What do these data mean.

This is a magical pill that can increase the success rate of the Erer Tianjie by 40%!

With this Heavenly Tribulation Elixir, it is equivalent to Xia Guo. After Xiao Zhi, there will be another Golden Core player.

This time, before Liu Yi could speak, the head of the All Living Army said, "Xiao Zhi, what do you plan to do with this Heavenly Tribulation Elixir?"

This somewhat old voice obviously did not belong to Liu Yi, but to another old man.

After being stunned for a moment, Xiao Zhi said: "This elixir is very precious, and it must not be wasted. I think it can be given to one of our peak foundation players to use. It is best for the type who is good at illusion, so that he can enter it smoothly. Golden Core Realm, so, our Xia Kingdom has two Golden Core cultivators in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, so we won’t be isolated and helpless.”

In fact, Xiao Zhi already had this plan in his heart when he got this Heavenly Tribulation Elixir.

Although the Heavenly Tribulation Elixir is priceless and extremely precious, under the current circumstances, Xiao Zhi has no intention of swallowing it at all. If he wanted to swallow it, he would not say it up.

Although he has some small thoughts and calculations of his own, he is not the kind of person who is particularly greedy and stingy, and he can still be clear about the big things.

After hearing what Xiao Zhi said, the chief nodded with satisfaction and said: "Xiao Zhi, you are very good, not bad, the country will always remember these contributions you made, if you have any requests , even if you mention it, the country will try its best to satisfy you."

Who is this person? His tone is quite loud.

Xiao Zhi tentatively asked, "Who is this?"

Liu Yi's voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone: "Xiao Zhi, the person who is talking to you is the leader of the All Living Army, Mr. Yang."

The current sentient beings army has great power, it is no different from the previous sentient beings group, it is the real power department of the Xia Kingdom, and it also belongs to the absolute core leadership within the Xia Kingdom.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly changed his tone of respect, and said, "Hello, Mr. Yang, it's a great honor to be able to talk with you. What I have done is what I should do as a citizen of the Xia Kingdom. I personally do not There is no request..."

Immediately, Xiao Zhi's tone gradually turned serious, and he said, "I just have a small request. If that day really comes...I hope my family can be moved into the protection range of the defensive formation."

As soon as Xiao Zhi said this, everyone in the small conference room at the headquarters of the All Living Army fell into silence.

They have seen all the pictures that Xiao Zhi sent to Liu Yi through WeChat before, so they naturally know what Xiao Zhi said.

After a while of silence, the head of the All Living Army said: "Xiao Zhi, you don't need to ask for this, we will do it, your family, we will be responsible for protecting it, and we will never let you rush to the forefront like you The soldiers shed blood and tears, you can rest assured about this."

"So, thank you very much." Xiao Zhi said gratefully.

"No, we are the ones who should say thank you." The chief said with a serious expression, "Xiao Zhi, you are the hero of our Xia Kingdom."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help being flattered when he heard this.

"Okay, Xiao Zhi, you can continue talking, we are all listening." Liu Yi's voice.

"Oh, okay." Xiao Zhi nodded and continued.

As the night darkened, Xiao Zhi, who had just hung up the call with Liu Yi, received another call.

It was a young voice who called this time.

The young voice seemed very polite: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, I am from the Technology Department of the All Living Army, please tell me the physical characteristics of the Xuanming Kingdom players you met in the 'Zhusheng Xumi Realm', as well as the physical characteristics they have. capabilities, describe them in detail so we can build a profile for them."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded, recalled in his mind for a while, and then said: "I met a total of 8 players from Xuanming Kingdom in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives, and the one with the strongest fighting power is A guy holding a black broad-bladed epee, this guy has purple-black skin, a ferocious face, red eyes, looks like a demon..."

With that said, another quarter of an hour passed.

Xiao Zhi hung up the phone, closed his eyes and lay down on the bed for a while, then with a thought, his consciousness returned to the world of sentient beings.

Opening his eyes, what he saw was still a thick black mist, and he was still on the hill.

Xiao Zhi silently recited the words "all living beings in the Sumeru Realm", and two translucent light curtains emerged out of thin air, appearing in front of him.

After looking at the light curtain and studying it for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, Xiao Zhi silently recited the words 'return to the world of sentient beings' in his heart according to the method he had researched during this period of time.

He couldn't help being in a trance for a while, and when he regained consciousness, what he saw was a quiet courtyard.

This is his courtyard in the world of sentient beings.

Staying in a dark environment with a very close visual distance for a long time will make people feel depressed.

As soon as I returned to the world of sentient beings, the sky was high and the earth was wide, and the stars in the night sky could be seen at a glance, and this depressive feeling disappeared immediately.

After returning to the world of sentient beings, the first thing Xiao Zhi did was to look around.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he found Li Kuo, the demon, in the pavilion not far from him, concentrating on reading miscellaneous books.

In the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, the demon Li Kuo was killed, but Li Kuo, the demon in the world of living beings, did nothing. It seems that his guess in the Sumeru Realm of Living Beings was correct. The Li Kuo in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives is indeed just a puppet copied by the system, not the real Li Kuo.

He consciously probed into the storage ring again and sensed it.

The Lingbao Jade Light Sword that he lost in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives still exists in the storage ring.

The spirit stone piled as high as a hill is also there.

Even the carved wooden chair that he used to test the turbid river water was well stored in the storage ring.

The point is, that Heavenly Tribulation Elixir lying quietly in the corner of the storage space.

This heavenly tribulation elixir is Xiao Zhi's biggest gain from this trip to the Sumeru Realm, not one of them.

After all, the information he obtained when he explored the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings can be easily obtained by other players as long as it takes a little time.

But this incomparably precious Heavenly Tribulation Elixir, if you want to obtain it, you should need a certain amount of luck.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi raised his head as if feeling something, and saw a big blue bird hovering in mid-air a hundred feet above his head.

Xiao Zhi stood up, his figure suddenly became blurred, and when he reappeared, he was already floating in mid-air outside the courtyard.

Glancing around, Xiao Zhi dodged again, and when his figure reappeared, he had already appeared on the wide street outside the parade envoy's office.

Under the night sky, on the silent street, there were two people standing at this moment.

One of them was wearing a dark blue taoist uniform and looked gentle.

One was dressed in white, as handsome as a woman.

It was the player Lu Zhong and the player Zhao Yan.

Xiao Zhi glanced at the two of them, and said with a smile, "It's a little earlier than I expected."

Wearing a dark blue Taoist uniform, the gentle-looking Lu Zhong smiled and said: "This is a great opportunity to step into the Golden Core Realm. As soon as I received a call from the All Living Army, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep at night, and I came here immediately. "

Zhao Yan nodded: "Me too."

The top floor of a high tower in Beilandao City.

Xiao Zhi and the other three players were leaning on the railing and looking into the distance.

Xiao Zhi said, "You two should not be the only players secretly trained by the All Living Army?"

Thanks to the book friend 20190909225100587 for the reward.

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