This Game is Unusual

Chapter 60 Encounter and Innate Qi!

Over the past few months, the players have already tested the various 'miracles' of the air wall outside the Novice Village.

This air wall will only block players.

As for the others, whether it is the aborigines of the world of sentient beings, living creatures such as birds and beasts, or dead objects such as soil blocks and stones, they can shuttle among them without the slightest hindrance.

It was as if the wall of air did not exist in front of them.

After staying in front of the air wall for a while, Xiao Zhi sat down on the protruding roots of a big tree.

He took out a bamboo tube from his arms, unscrewed the lid, raised his head, and poured the clear water in the bamboo tube into his mouth.

Some cold mountain wind blew on Xiao Zhi's body.

Xiao Zhi was only wearing a single shirt, but he didn't feel cold.

His physique as high as 198 points is no joke.

Behind him is a sea-like mountain forest with no road.

In front of him, there are rolling mountains, and there is no road.

But Xiao Zhi knew that if he walked straight ahead, he only needed to walk about 270 miles to reach Linwu County.

In Linwu County, you can learn innate skills.

The world of sentient beings should be a world of immortals. Xiao Zhi has never seen what the cities in the world of cultivating immortals look like.

Is it as described in Xianxia novels, with high city walls, impenetrable moats, pavilions, towers and jade buildings?

I really want to see it...

Fortunately, that day is not far away.

Tomorrow, once the restrictions outside Novice Village are lifted, he will leave the Heping Village where he has lived for several months, and head north all the way to Linwu County!

After sitting on the root of the big tree for a while, Xiao Zhi stood up, patted his buttocks, and was about to leave here and return to Heping Village.

He stopped suddenly and listened carefully.

Just now, he heard a voice.

Not the sound of the wind, nor the rustling of dead branches and leaves being blown by the wind.

This sound is very similar to the sound of horseshoes.

In modern society, creatures like horses are rare, but they can still be seen in various costume movies and TV dramas.

Therefore, Xiao Zhi is still very familiar with the sound of horseshoes.

At the beginning, the sound was still very slight, and you had to listen carefully to hear it.

Gradually, this voice became more and more obvious.

It was indeed the sound of hooves.

The sound of horseshoes is coming from far and near!

Xiao Zhi acted very cautiously. He dodged and hid behind a piece of withered grass up to his waist beside the big tree.

The sound of horseshoes became more obvious, and it was still very dense. Obviously, this was not a single horse running, but a group of horses running!

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhi, who was hiding behind the withered grass, saw that on the other side of the small river more than 30 meters away from him, there were more than a dozen blue horses galloping along the river!

I don't know what breed these green horses are, they are very fast, even faster than the sprint champion Cheetah in the real world.

There were people sitting on the green horse, all of them were wearing bamboo hats and gray coir raincoats, and they all held knives and bows.

Where the green horse ran past, dead leaves swirled and flew.

Because of the distance, Xiao Zhi couldn't see the specific appearance of these people.

Behind the dozen or so blue horses, about 200 meters away, there is a big bay red horse running wildly, carrying a knight in a black suit.

Those blue horses in front were moving very fast, and this big bay red horse was even faster. It carried the rider on its back, and was closing the distance between it and those green horses at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Apparently, Xiao Zhi encountered a chasing and fleeing battle. Those who escaped were the dozen or so people on green horses, and there was only one person who was chasing him, that knight in black costume.

Chasing and killing more than a dozen people with the power of one person, how powerful is this knight? Where exactly is it sacred?

"Shoot arrows! Shoot horses!" A low-pitched male voice yelled.

Xiao Zhi could clearly hear the voice even though it was hundreds of meters away.

The men in coir raincoats on the green horses took off their longbows and arrows from their backs one after another, turned around and shot arrows!

The sharp piercing sound of the arrow can be heard clearly even at a distance of hundreds of meters.

Xiao Zhi's heart shuddered.

These people in coir raincoats are not ordinary people, they are all warriors!

Only warriors can have such strong arm strength, making the arrows make the sound of piercing the air!

The arrow pierced through the air, so fast that it was hard to see with the naked eye!

The knight on the back of the bay red horse made a move.

His weapon is a sword, and the speed at which the long sword swings is also too fast to be seen by the naked eye!

The bay red horse suddenly neighed, its running body suddenly trembled, and then rolled over to the side of the river.

At the moment before this big red horse fell into the water, Xiao Zhi finally saw clearly that there was a bloody arrow coming out from its tail!

The knight in black costume jumped up just before the bay red horse lost control and fell into the water.

He held his sword and stepped in the air, every step he stepped on in the air seemed to be on the ground, and his body would shoot tens of meters forward!

Lingkong crossing...

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi was really shocked.

After stepping a distance of more than 50 meters in midair, the man in black landed. After landing, he ran wildly on the ground with a sword in his hand. It's going to be a lot faster!

The distance between them is rapidly being shortened.

At this time, the distance between these people on the other side of the river and Xiao Zhi has been extended to more than 200 meters.

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Zhi directly used the martial artist's true strength!

With the blessing of a warrior's true strength, Xiao Zhi's five senses of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body will all be greatly enhanced.

After using the warrior's true strength, Xiao Zhi stood up, like a nimble monkey, climbed up the big tree beside him, and hid again in the withered and yellow leaves of the big tree.

The taller you are, the farther you can see.

This chasing and fleeing battle is still going on.

The ear-piercing screams were endless, this was the sound of arrows piercing through the air, but none of the arrows could hit the man in black with the sword.

When the distance was shortened to less than 20 meters, the man in black with the sword jumped off the ground again and rushed forward!

The man in black who volleyed in the air swung the sword in his hand.

The sword is three feet long, but a white ray of light burst out from the tip of the sword!

This is... Sword Qi!

It can also be said to be infuriating!

The innate qi that only innate warriors can display!

Warriors are divided into acquired and innate.

Acquired warriors possess true power, and true power can only flow within the warrior's body, which can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the warrior, but it cannot come out through the body and act on the outside world.

What a congenital warrior masters is true qi, which is different. It can not only flow in the warrior's body, but also come out through the body and act on the armor, making the armor sharper and tougher!

A high-level innate warrior can even turn the true energy in his body into sword energy, and can kill the enemy from a long distance without getting close!

A new day, please collect, please recommend tickets, please seek various~

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