This Game is Unusual

Chapter 602 Dachang Imperial City, Dachang True Monarch

Xiao insisted on flying high above the sky, as fast as lightning and as swift as thunder.

The scenery below is rapidly moving backwards.

There are mountains, rivers, villages, market towns, and cities. Occasionally, they will pass through some mountain gates and dojos of cultivation sects.

There are Taoist monks sitting in the temple gates and dojos of the Zongmen, and they are also equipped with magic circles to sense the surroundings.

When Xiao Zhi's figure passed by these mountain gates and dojos, there would always be monks flying up into the air, staring at Xiao Zhi, watching Xiao Zhi leave.

When some monks looked at Xiao Zhi, their eyes looked quite vigilant.

Some monks had a more friendly attitude and bowed to Xiao Zhi from a distance. When encountering such a situation, Xiao Zhi would usually choose to return the salute.

Later, he deliberately avoided these cultivating sects, and flew towards the location of Dachang Imperial City at high speed.

He didn't really come here to play in the mountains and rivers, but he had his own mission and purpose.

He has to raise his own strength to the peak of Jindan as soon as possible, and then practice high-level supernatural powers suitable for him, so as to make his own strength as strong as possible. Only in this way can he always occupy the upper hand in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings .

In a word, whether it is in the world of sentient beings or in the world of living beings, one's own strength is fundamental.

At night, Xiao Zhi, who spent a day flying in the sky and spent dozens of spirit stones, finally approached the capital of the Dachang Kingdom—the Dachang Imperial City!

At Xiao Zhi's current level of cultivation and state, the night is no different from the day. Even if the night is very dark, the huge city in front of him is still completely visible in his eyes.

Looking from a distance, the imperial city has a higher and thicker city wall than Beilan Dao City. The city wall exudes a pale golden light, and there will be a faint golden light flowing through the city wall from time to time.

Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that the city wall was reinforced by the special runes of the Taoist sect. Although it is a stone wall, it may be several times stronger than the steel city wall in the real world.

Not only does it have a taller and stronger city wall, but the city area of ​​Dachang Imperial City is also several times that of Beilan Dao City.

According to the information collected by the All Living Army, there is a rough estimate that there are a total of 14 million people in the entire Dachang Imperial City!

With a population of 14 million, what kind of concept is this?

Even in the real world where there are many high-rise buildings and the urban area can be fully utilized, a city with a population of 14 million can be regarded as a first-tier metropolis.

But in the world of sentient beings, such a city, among many cities, definitely belongs to the level of a giant. In this huge world of sentient beings, the high places are extremely cold, and the mountains are small at a glance.

The imperial city is divided into inner city and outer city.

The urban area of ​​the outer city is much larger than that of the inner city, and most of the residents are ordinary people, mixed with good and bad people. The security here is not good, but it is not bad either.

The environment in the inner city is much better than that in the outer city. People who are eligible to live in the inner city are either rich or expensive, let alone ordinary people. Even most of the innate warriors are not eligible to live in the inner city. city.

Of course, the Foundation Establishment cultivator is already extraordinary and refined, so he must be qualified to live in the inner city.

As for a Jindan cultivator like Xiao Zhi, even in the Dachang Imperial City where there are so many strong people, he can be regarded as the number one person. If he wants to live in the inner city, it is a breeze.

The Dachang Shenmen is located in the central area of ​​the inner city.

Inside the Divine Gate, there is a huge statue, which is thousands of feet high and as majestic as a mountain.

This is a statue of an old man with immortal demeanor. The old man is wearing a loose Taoist uniform, combing a Taoist hairpin, holding a sword in his hand, slightly raised his head and staring at the front, with long eyebrows drooping, with a compassionate expression on his face.

Even though it was still a long distance away, Xiao Zhi saw the statue in the Dachang God Gate at a glance, because this statue was so conspicuous and recognizable.

In modern terms, this is called the landmark building of the city.

According to the information collected by the Zhongsheng Army, this statue is the statue of the master of Dachang Shenmen, and it has been standing here for an unknown number of years.

As the political, economic, and cultural center of the entire Dachang Kingdom, the Dachang Imperial City also has a large protective formation.

The name of the protective formation is called Heaven and Earth Nine Condensation Formation.

Nine numbers are extremely high, which means that within the territory of Dachang Kingdom, the nine condensed formations of heaven and earth in Dachang Imperial City are already the limit of the country's defense formation.

It is said that once the Nine Condensation Formation of Heaven and Earth is attacked, it will bloom gorgeous colorful light, which is so beautiful that Xiao Zhi has never seen it before, so he does not know if it is true.

Floating high in the sky, after gazing into the distance for a while, Xiao Zhi lowered his head again and took a closer look at several gates of Dachang Imperial City facing this direction.

Every gate in Dachang Imperial City has its own name.

Daxing Gate, Longchang Gate, Yongsheng Gate...

When he saw the Yongsheng Gate, Xiao Zhi had a thought and cast [Shrink the ground into an inch], his figure flickered a few times, and then came to the ground, appearing in the huge and magnificent city of Dachang Imperial City before the door.

Then he took a step and walked towards the Yongsheng City Gate step by step.

At the gate of the city, there is a city guard guarding the name and armor.

Xiao Zhi's current level of cultivation, with a casual glance, he found that each of these city guards has innate high-level strength, and the captain of the city guards at the head is even a martial artist in the middle stage of foundation establishment!

There is such a luxurious lineup of guards for a single city gate.

If this is placed on Beilan Road, a congenital high-level warrior can already become a guerrilla in a county, and his status is only below the county's honor.

But in the imperial city, the innate high-level warriors can only serve as guards.

In addition to these city guards responsible for guarding the city gate, Xiao Zhi also found a figure that was different from ordinary people.

This is a cast-iron figure standing in the shadow of the city gate. When Xiao Zhi saw it, his eyes fixed and he recognized it at a glance. It was a Taoist soldier, a foundation-level Taoist soldier .

When Xiao Zhi approached the city gate, before the city guards could make any moves, the Taoist soldier's eyes lit up, and he said in a somewhat stiff voice: "Xiao Zhi, the patrol envoy of Beilan Dao, Jindan Late martial arts, normal."

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised that his reality could be seen by this Taoist soldier with his 'electronic eyes' at a glance.

Is this the legendary Internet of Everything?

Who said that the world of sentient beings is ignorant and backward?

There are Internet networks in the real world, and they also exist in this world of sentient beings. Have you heard of Wanzhen Internet?

After hearing the words from the Taoist soldiers, the arrogant expressions on the faces of the city guards who were in charge of guarding the city gate disappeared immediately, and they all saluted Xiao Zhi respectfully: "My lord! "

Even the city gate captain who has the strength in the middle stage of foundation establishment is no exception.

It would be fine if the person who came was a Foundation Establishment cultivator, but the person who came was actually a late Golden Core cultivator!

Such an existence, even in the Dachang Imperial City where there are so many strong people, can be regarded as a big shot. Facing such a big shot, they dare not neglect.

Facing the respectful salutes of these city guards, Xiao Zhi just nodded slightly, and walked into the city gate.

When passing the Taoist soldier, Xiao Zhi took a deep look at it.

When Xiao Zhi passed through the city gate and entered the city, he glanced over and saw a young man in black military uniform standing in front of a memorial arch not far from the city gate.

The young man's eyes never left the city gate. When he saw Xiao Zhi, he immediately walked up to him.

"Mr. Xiao Zhi, I am Qian Yong, the army of all living beings, and I have finally waited for you." There was a hint of excitement in the young man's tone.

"Hello." Xiao Zhi nodded slightly at the young man.

"Mr. Xiao Zhi, please follow me." The young man made a gesture of invitation to Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi nodded, and the young man began to lead the way.

This is an innate extreme warrior. When he runs at full speed on the street, he is running like a gust of wind.

Xiao Zhi walked casually, as if strolling in a garden, following behind the young man unhurriedly.

It's just that this speed didn't last for long. Once it reached a street with more pedestrians, the speed had to be slowed down.

In this way, he ran through more than a dozen streets in a row. Some streets were not crowded with pedestrians, and some streets were bustling streets, so Xiao Zhi and the others had to move forward a little bit like turtles.

This made Xiao Zhi feel helpless.

This damn air ban.

The Dachang Imperial City also has a prohibition order, and the prohibition is even stricter, unless it is an extraordinary moment, otherwise, even those high-ranking Nascent Soul Overhauls are forbidden to vacate.

Don't talk about vacating, ordinary warriors and monks, even if they fly over the walls of the imperial city, that is a serious crime, and once they are caught, they will be severely punished.

If there is no such ban, with his current cultivation level, he should be able to reach his destination in less than ten breaths.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Zhi followed a young man named Qian Yong from the All Living Army to an office of the All Living Army stationed in the Dachang Imperial City.

This is a rather spacious private house. In the private house, dozens of people are busy. There are men and women. They are all young people, and only a few are middle-aged.

After Xiao Zhi entered this private house, he looked around and asked with some doubts, "It's also the office of the All Living Army stationed in the Imperial City, with only such a small number of people and such a small size?"

His gaze is very sharp, and the magical power of the 'Heavenly Eye' has the ability to see through. With a glance, he can get the general situation of this mansion into his eyes.

There are a total of 42 people here, including 32 men and 10 women. Almost all of them are innate warriors. There is only one ordinary-looking young man who is a martial artist in the early stage of foundation establishment.

A middle-aged man accompanying him heard the words and quickly explained: "Our All Living Army has not only one office in the imperial city, but a total of twelve offices, including three in the inner city and nine in the outer city. Our place is the seventh office in the outer city, and I am the director of the seventh office, my name is Lu Yongnian."

"I see." Xiao Zhi nodded thoughtfully.

The director of the seventh division, Lu Yongnian, is just a martial artist at the early stage of innate talent, but he is the person in charge here. The foundation-building martial artist is instead his subordinate, at his disposal.

This is an incredible thing in the world of sentient beings, but in the real world, it is quite normal.

Qian Yong continued: "This time, the higher-ups issued an order to let us in the seven offices of the outer city be responsible for entertaining you, Mr. Xiao Zhi. We have already arranged a room for you in the house. It will take two or three days for Dibao to be delivered, so please wait patiently, Mr. Xiao Zhi."

It will take two or three days...

Xiao Zhi was quite disappointed when he heard this, but he didn't show it on his face, but nodded to show that he knew.

The room arranged by Zhongshengjun for Xiao Zhi is located in the deep part of the house. It is relatively quiet here, and a simple soundproof barrier is arranged around the room, making it even quieter.

Xiao Zhi, who had been flying all day, also felt a little tired. After he entered the room, he sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

After closing his eyes for a while, he was about to consciously enter the Sumeru Realm of All Beings to check the situation, but at this moment, there was a light knock on the door of the room.

Xiao Zhi waved his hand, and a trace of true energy gushed out from his body, pulled the door and opened it.

Standing outside the door was Lu Yongnian, the person in charge of this office.

"Mr. Xiao Zhi, excuse me, the higher-ups asked me to give this to you." Lu Yongnian walked in with a smile on his face, took out a blue jade tablet from his arms, and handed it to Xiao Zhi.

"This is?" Xiao Zhi took the jade tablet, feeling a little puzzled.

"You'll find out later, so don't disturb Mr. Xiao Zhi and rest." After finishing speaking, Lu Yongnian walked out of the room, and gently closed the door for Xiao Zhi.

This is a jade tablet that records information.

After Lu Yongping left, Xiao Zhi pressed the jade plaque on his forehead.

Immediately, some graphic information appeared in his mind.

What is recorded in this jade tablet is actually the current division of main forces in Dachang Kingdom...

Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face, and hurriedly looked at it carefully.

In today's Dachang Kingdom, there are a total of four major forces, namely the Three Lines of Shenmen and the Sect Alliance.

The current King of Dachang is the head of Dachang Divine Sect. It is said that he is an extraordinary existence beyond the Nascent Soul Realm. He is called Dachang Zhenjun. Dachang Zhenjun sits down. Xu Zi, and Yu Xu Zi.

When Zhenjun Dachang was around, he sat down with these three disciples and governed the entire Dachang Kingdom for him, and the world was at peace, without any major turmoil.

But Zhenjun Dachang hasn't shown up since fourteen years ago, as if he had evaporated from the world.

Some people say that he has encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation and is practicing in seclusion. Some people say that he has sneaked into the world and is wandering around. Some people say that he has seen through the world and hid himself in the mountains. Emperor Xuanming fought in the Nine Nether Absolute Territory, and the world collapsed, and the sun and the moon were darkened. In the end, both sides died, and their remnants were buried in the depths of the Absolute Territory.

All kinds of speculation spread, who is true and who is false, no one can tell.

The only thing that is certain is that since Dachang Zhenjun last manifested himself fourteen years ago, he has indeed never appeared again until today.

As for the three disciples seated by Zhenjun Dachang, they were quite peaceful in the past few years, but after a few years passed, they began to have differences.

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