This Game is Unusual

Chapter 669: Zhao Yan's Flying Sword

Zhao Yan, who received Xiao Zhi's voice transmission, manipulated two flying swords to pierce the air, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the two hideous dark purple piranhas, and smashed them into pieces.

Xiao Zhi also used his supernatural power [Shrink the ground into an inch], and within a few steps, he arrived in front of the black player, and slashed out a long-prepared sword to kill the body!

There was a heavy shadow covering the blade of Beichun Dao, and the blade stretched several feet forward, straight to the head of the black player from Xuanming Kingdom.

The aura of [Mie Shen Dao] has firmly locked on the black player.

When locked by the [Destroyer Knife]'s aura, the expression on the black player's face became ferocious again.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help being vigilant, wondering if the black man was going to use some weird means to save his life, but he didn't even look at Xiao Zhi's killing move when he saw that the black player didn't dodge or evade Xiao Zhi's killing move. Xiang Xiaozhi, but a pair of eyes blinked and turned into blood, and looked straight in a certain direction.

Before the shadow sword glow approached, the flesh and blood on the black player began to melt strangely, and strange green leaves grew out from between his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

With a click, a blood-red flower broke through the black player's cap and grew out of it.

this flower...

Seeing this strange scene, Xiao Zhi had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't turn his head back, and the shadow knife flashed, instantly cutting through the protective energy around the black player, and then, the black player The player's head is separated from the body and thrown out.

The separated head of the black player, the flesh and blood on it, and even the bones under the flesh and blood, are still rapidly melting, and finally only the strange big red flower that bloomed from his celestial spirit cover is left. Blood.

This strange big red flower that was as red as blood began to wither after it fully bloomed.

Almost at the same time, Lu Zhong, who was floating one meter above the ground, more than a hundred feet away from Xiao Zhi, let out a muffled groan, with a painful expression on his face, and there was blood from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. When it flowed out, the landscape scroll surrounding him also became blurred.

The black mist not far from Lu Zhong suddenly boiled and rolled, and a figure jumped out of the black mist, it was Mo Yi!

Wearing a pitch-black armor with many scars on his body, Mo Yi rushed towards Lu Zhong as soon as he appeared, raised his pitch-black broad-bladed epee high up, and slashed towards Lu Zhong.

The sword-wielding figure guarding Lu Zhong's side immediately held the sword to meet Mo Yi, but under Mo Yi's sword, the figure shattered on the spot and turned into a puddle of thick ink and sprinkled on the ground.

Zhao Yan floated not far from Lu Zhong. Seeing Lu Zhong being attacked, he hurriedly summoned his two flying swords, controlled them, and attacked Mo Yi! Use this to rescue Lu Zhong.

The flying sword tore the magic flame from Mo Yi's body, and chopped it on Mo Yi's body.

Even with a Lingbao-level armor to protect him, Zhao Yan's flying sword cut Mo Yi's body with shocking bloody gashs.

Not only Zhao Yan, but also several Jindan spirit cultivators from Dachang Kingdom nearby, all showed their magical powers and attacked Mo Yi.

Mo Yi didn't care about these attacks, and let them create wounds on his body. He just swung his pitch-black epee, attacked Lu Zhong fiercely, and slashed out with another sword, painting the landscape surrounding Lu Chong. The volume was split to pieces.

Lu Zhong's body was flying backwards, and blood still flowed from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, with an expression of extreme pain on his face.

He tried to open his eyes wide, trying to use illusion to control Mo Yi in front of him.

It's just that his state at this time is obviously very bad.

At the critical juncture, there was a flaw in the illusion, and the cast failed.

Among the Jindan monks, the speed of fighting is as fast as lightning.

Lu Zhong failed to perform the illusion this time, and the result was already doomed. It was too late for Lu Zhong to perform the illusion for the second time. The pitch-black epee arrived, and with the monstrous demonic flames, he slashed at Lu Zhong's body with one sword, killing Lu Chong. His body was cut into two pieces.

A blue smoke came out, and before it could condense into a shape, it was burned into nothingness by the black magic flame rising from Mo Yi's body.

"Damn it!" This scene was caught by Xiao Zhi. He was using his supernatural power [Shrink the ground into an inch] to rush this way, but it was too late, and he could only watch helplessly as Lu Zhong was suddenly popped up. The coming Mo Yi beheaded him on the spot.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for Mo Yi to kill Lu Zhong so easily.

It's that damn black player again!

When the black player was beheaded by him with the [Mie Shen Dao] just now, the direction he was looking at was exactly where Lu Zhong was!

Before Lu Zhong was killed, he saw the pitiful appearance of bleeding from the seven orifices.

Reminiscent of the strange appearance of the black player with flowers growing on his head before his head was separated, as long as he is not a fool, he can see that the reason why Lu Zhong was bleeding from his seven orifices just now must be related to the vision of the black player before he died. open contact.

The situation had completely deviated from the previous plan, Xiao Zhi's face was extremely ugly, and his brain was running crazily.

After a few sword strikes, after finishing off Lu Zhong, Mo Yi's injuries became more severe, but he didn't seem to notice it, and with a few strikes like lightning, Zhao Yan's two flying swords were knocked away. After that, he attacked Zhao Yan again.

Lingxiu was not good at melee combat. Zhao Yan, who was dressed in white, flew backwards, manipulating two flying swords to try his best to block Mo Yi's approach.

Even so, Mo Yi is still closing the distance with Zhao Yan very quickly.

However, before he could kill Zhao Yan, Xiao Zhi had already arrived with a knife.

Without hesitation, Xiao Zhi hit Mo Yi directly with the Mishen Saber.

Mo Yi, who was locked by the [Mie Shen Dao] air mechanism, could not dodge, so he had to turn around and swing his sword to resist.

With a bang, the seriously injured Mo Yi was directly chopped off by Xiao Zhi's knife, and black blood spilled from midair.

Xiao Zhi chased after him like a shadow, but when Mo Yi was still in the air, he exploded into a ball of boiling black magic flames.

Xiao Zhi's Beichun knife soared several feet, and it slashed on the black magic flame, but it passed through the magic flame and slashed in the empty space.

It's that damn escape technique again!

A month has passed, and Mo Yi has become more and more proficient at performing this weird evasion technique.

Mo Yi escaped, Zhao Yan didn't need to back away anymore, he looked at Xiao Zhi, and said through voice transmission with lingering fear: "Lu Zhong was killed! flying sword can't hit that Mo Yi severely!"

Lu Zhong was the core force of their side, more important than everyone else, and died in the hands of Mo Yi inexplicably.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the players on Xiao Zhi's side!

Xiao Zhi calmly transmitted voice: "Zhao Yan, don't panic, don't panic, we still have a chance, they killed Lu Zhong, we will kill their Long San, no matter what, this Long San must die! "

This Long San is Lu Yi who came to the real world a few days ago, he must be killed once in this battle, if he is not killed once, this battle will be in vain.

Xiao Zhi sent voice transmission to Zhu Changwu, who was dozens of feet away, and Singer, who was chasing after Long San.

Several people communicated with each other through sound transmission, quickly discussing countermeasures, discussing how to kill Long San.

When monks fight in groups, sound transmission is a very important means of communication.

Just now, the black player from Xuanming Kingdom used a strange technique that hurt others and hurt himself before separating his head, and instantly severely injured Lu Zhong. This cooperation is so tacit, if it is said that there is no sound transmission between them to communicate, and only relying on their fighting intuition to fight so seamlessly, Xiao Zhi wrote his name upside down!

The sound transmission communication between Jindan monks is only in the blink of an eye.

Iron Man Singer became even crazier, waving a pair of black iron fists, chasing and beating Long San.

Long San felt a little aggrieved, other than Lu Zhong, this 'similar', this was the first time he had encountered such an existence whose illusion attacks were almost ineffective.

The attack method he is best at is the illusion attack. If the illusion attack is ineffective, he becomes very passive. He can only defend passively, almost being pressed and beaten.

Fortunately, the black iron man in front of him doesn't have strong attack power. If the person in front of him was Xiao Zhi, he wouldn't be able to last at all.

Although the attack power of the black iron man in front of him is not strong, but the defense power of this black iron man is a bit too strong.

In addition to illusion attacks, Long San also possesses some offensive magic powers. His visualization, the white dragon, also has quite impressive attack power, but these attacks cannot break through the black iron man's body. defense.

"Concentrate fire on this black iron man in front of me! Everyone concentrate on attacking this black iron man in front of me!" Long San sent a voice transmission to Mo Yi and the others.

He is calm.

Although he felt a little aggrieved after being chased and beaten by Iron Man Singer, the new Jindan player in Changguo, Long San remained calm in his heart.

The reason why he sent a voice transmission to Moyi and the others to let Moyi and the others set fire to attack Iron Man Singer was due to personal emotions. The most important thing was that he wanted to see how strong the black iron man in front of him was. How resistant to beating.

Among the current Xuanming Kingdom players, Long San is faintly headed.

As soon as Long San sent the sound transmission, Sha Wu and Mo Yi, who was seriously injured, reacted immediately. The sandy Sha Wu swung the giant Guan knife, and with a horizontal slash, cut a martial artist from Dachang Kingdom to the ground. After hitting the ground, he immediately retreated and aimed the knife at Iron Man Singer, and Mo Yi did the same.

Not only them, but also several gold core players from Xuanming Kingdom also participated in the attack on Iron Man Singer.

All kinds of attacks landed on Iron Man Singer, just like forging iron, with constant bang bang.

On the chaotic battlefield, Xiao Zhi shrunk to an inch, his figure flickering, and rushed towards Long San silently.

Behind him, there are two flying swords the size of willow leaves.

This is Zhao Yan's flying sword, but it is hidden behind Xiao Zhi at this time, and he does not draw it out.

Tens of feet away, a dragon made of thunder and lightning was swimming in the chaotic battlefield. This thunder dragon belonged to Zhu Changwu's visualization.

Although Mo Yi was severely wounded one after another, he was already seriously injured, but the combat power he displayed was still very impressive.

Facing the concentrated fire attack of Sha Wu, Mo Yi and others, amidst the bang bang sound like iron forging, Iron Man Singer soon couldn't hold it anymore.

In a short time, his black iron body was cracked and deformed.

At this time, Xiao Zhi had also crossed a distance of hundreds of feet, and he was about to rush in front of Long San.

Long San didn't hesitate, and decisively flew back.

Iron Man Singer roared with a metallic trill, he grabbed Long San's visualization object, the white dragon, and attacked the white dragon frantically, preventing it from escaping with Long San.

Losing the white dragon that could be ridden, the speed of Long San's flying backwards was somewhat affected and dropped a lot.

Xiao Zhi cast [Shrink the ground into an inch], and with just one dodge, he has already rushed in front of Long San.

He only felt that his eyes went dark, and he lost all perception of the outside world.

King Kong dazzles!

Xiao Zhi pushed the supernatural power [Diamond Eyes] to the extreme, and the golden light that burst out from his eyes, like two laser beams, almost turned into substance.

When Xiao Zhi was caught by Long San's illusion and fell into endless darkness, the two flying swords sprang out from behind Xiao Zhi, one left and one right, like two small silver fishes. Mang, attack and kill Long San!

Long San's pupils shrank sharply, and his body continued to fly backwards. When his body was flying backwards, a blue mask emerged, resisting the two flying swords attacking him.

Affected by this, the effect of Long San's illusion became weaker, and Xiao Zhi, relying on the supernatural power of [King Kong Dazzling Eyes], broke through the illusion in an instant!

Xiao Zhi, who came out of the illusion, held the Beichun Dao, and a thick shadow covered the blade of the Beichun Dao, and charged towards Long San again.

At the same time, a thunder dragon made of thunder and lightning also flew out from the chaotic battlefield and rushed towards Long San!

For a while, Iron Man Singer on the player side of the Dachang Kingdom was under fire attack by Mo Yi, Sha Wu, and several Jindan players from the Xuanming Kingdom, while Long San on the player side of the Xuanming Kingdom fell into the trap of Xiao Zhi, Zhao Yan and Zhu Changwu. These Dachang Kingdom players are under siege.

A second later, Iron Man Singer's black iron body was beaten to pieces.

Almost at the same time, Long San's defense was also breached, and then he was cut into two pieces by Xiao Zhi with a single blow.

"That white dragon!" Xiao Zhi yelled, out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the white dragon that was bruised by the iron man Singer before he died.

Before he could finish his words, he saw a pitch-black flying sword tore through the black mist, and pierced through the white dragon's head in an instant!

A trace of blue smoke came out, and before it could condense into shape, another pitch-black flying sword appeared to tear through the black mist, cutting off the smoke with one blow.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being a little surprised.

Zhao Yan's voice appeared next to Xiao Zhi's ear, with a hint of pride: "Ordinary sword cultivators can control multiple flying swords at the same time, let alone me, Xiao Zhi, you don't think I can only control two flying swords at the same time." Swords? The reason why I only control two is because the two flying swords I often use are spiritual treasures bestowed by my master. They are the most powerful. Although the other flying swords are weaker, they can be used to deal with these Long San's contemplation objects and remnant souls are more than enough."

Thank you for the reward from me and the wind.

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