This Game is Unusual

Chapter 672 September 15th

"Clone!" Xiao Zhi muttered again.

Next to him, with a swipe, a figure that looked exactly like him appeared, followed by the second, third, and fourth...

These are his water bodies.

In a short period of time, Xiao Zhi condensed hundreds of water bodies.

Hundreds of figures densely floated in mid-air, looking spectacular.

However, the more the figures are condensed, the more their details are missing, and the more blurred and illusory they appear.

When Xiao Zhi condensed thousands of avatars, the faces of these water avatars he condensed were blurred, as if his face had been mosaiced.

‘It seems that I still have a long way to go before I want to be truly omnipotent. ’ Xiao Zhi sighed softly in his heart.

The thousands of water bodies he condensed suddenly lost their color, collapsed into water, and the collapsed water began to recombine again, forming countless water knives, water swords, water guns, and water spears. These weapons condensed from water, when Xiao Zhi Inside the rudimentary form of the domain, he swung his chopping chop and made a whooshing sound.

'Try the strength of these 'water-made' weapons. ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

A long knife with a bright blade roared out from Xiao Zhi's body, hovering in mid-air, it was Xiao Zhi's Spirit Treasure Grade Sad Spring Knife.

A water knife roared towards the Beichun knife.

The two knives chopped together, and the water knife collapsed on the spot.

"The strength is not very good, barely reaching the level of a sharp weapon, but the victory lies in the large quantity, tens of thousands of weapons flying around, it is shocking to think about it, after having the prototype of the water field, the shortcoming of the powerlessness of the martial arts group attack Even if the board is completed, once the field is opened, I can make the sky drop bullets, and I can also let the sky drop knives! '

It's just that controlling so many 'water-made' weapons at the same time consumes a lot of energy...

It only took a few seconds to expand the domain, and Xiao Zhi felt a tingling pain in his head.

Xiao Zhi thought again, the various weapons flying all over the sky collapsed into water splashes with a splash, and the broken water started a new round of reorganization under the control of Xiao Zhi's thoughts.

Soon, a mountain peak completely condensed by water appeared, with a height of tens of feet.

Details such as rocks, winding mountain roads, and vegetation began to appear on this mountain, and it has a color different from that of water.

Not enough, not enough.

On the surface of the lake below, a large amount of lake water was pulled into the air by an invisible force and became part of the mountain.

With the injection of the lake water, the mountain began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming bigger and bigger.

One hundred feet... Two hundred feet... Three hundred feet...

Around the peak, there were other mountains, one, two, three, and even the clouds on the mountainside were created by Xiao Zhi's water mist.

Hundreds of miles away, the two golden elixirs who entered the Zhenjun Dojo with Xiao Zhi to practice were watching from afar, and the expressions on their faces became more complicated.

In Xiao Zhi's domain, the demon Li Kuo floated in the air, surrounded by hundreds of drops of water.

After Xiao Zhi, the host, mastered the prototype of the water field, Li Kuo, the demon, also gained some ability to manipulate water.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was already in the air, using lake water to condense more than ten hundred-foot-high peaks. His face began to turn pale, his forehead was sweating, and he felt that the true energy in his body was like a flood flooding At the same time, the tingling pain in his head became more intense.

This means that he has almost reached his limit.

"I can't, I can't hold it any longer." Xiao Zhi, who was already close to the limit, gave up control of the water.

The mountain peaks condensed by him with the lake water, like faded paintings, instantly lost their color and became transparent, and then fell towards the lake like a toppled building. The rumbling sound continued, causing the lake to set off huge waves .

Xiao Zhi was floating in mid-air, gasping for breath.

After tossing around for a while, he has almost figured out that the prototype of this field does have many magical features, but it also has its limits and follows the law of energy conservation.

No matter in the field of condensation or diffusion, it needs to consume true energy.

Condensing avatars, condensing water knives and swords, condensing water peaks and mountains, all of these require the consumption of true energy.

The more the prototype of the field is spread out, the more grand the scene is made, the more true energy will be consumed.

"Shrink!" Xiao Zhi thought again.

The prototype of the light blue domain that he expanded to a range of thousands of feet before began to shrink inward.

The embryonic form of the domain shrinks inward, and Xiao Zhi feels that his control over the embryonic form of the domain is becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the embryonic form of his water domain was shrunk to the limit by him, shrinking into a dark blue ball with a diameter of less than one foot, and Xiao Zhi's control over the embryonic domain also reached the extreme.

This dark blue ball hangs in the air, shining brightly, looking from a distance, it looks like a blue sun.

Xiao Zhi, who was in it, suddenly felt a little dazed.

This scene made him feel very familiar.

The battle forms of those Nascent Soul Overhauls seem to be the same.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression on his face.

Soon, Xiao Zhi returned to the real world.

In the real world, in the Dachangyuan villa area on the outskirts of Kyoto, Xiao Zhi slowly opened his eyes in the room.

As soon as his eyes opened, he felt a sting.

The glare was so dazzling that Xiao Zhi subconsciously closed his eyes again.

This is because Xiao Zhi has closed his eyes for too long, and his fragile eyeballs can no longer adapt to the light outside.

After squinting and getting used to it, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes again.

The image in front of him changed from blurry to clear.

What caught his eyes was a scene that made him feel familiar.

This is the bedroom he has lived in for a long time. There are all kinds of complicated medical instruments in the bedroom. Some of the instruments are dimly lit, which means that these instruments are operating normally. When they are operating, they make very little sound , so small that if you don't listen carefully, you won't hear any sound at all.

At the door of the bedroom, there was a stool. A little nurse in a white nurse uniform was sitting on the stool, tilting her head slightly, staring at the ceiling above her head in a daze.

Well, it looks a little strange, it's not the little nurse from before.

Xiao Zhi's eyes only glanced at the little nurse, and then passed her. He turned his head with some difficulty, and looked at his bedside table.

The bedside table was empty, with nothing on it.

Hey, where's my phone? Xiao Zhi couldn't help being surprised.

He remembered that before 'falling asleep', he put his mobile phone on the bedside table.

Xiao Zhi struggled to get up, trying to find his mobile phone, which made the data cables attached to his body and the tubes plugged into him make a rattling sound.

Although the sound was very weak, it seemed harsh in such an extremely quiet environment.

The little nurse sitting on the stool by the door suddenly turned her head and looked towards Xiao Zhi.

Seeing this, she couldn't help widening her eyes, and then a surprised expression appeared on her face: "Xiao...Xiao Zhi...are you awake?"

'I woke up? Isn't this nonsense? Am I awake? Could it be that I have cheated the corpse? ’ Xiao Zhi complained in his heart, and said, "Come here, and pull out these needles for me."

It may be because he hasn't spoken for a long time, Xiao Zhi's words are hoarse and unpleasant, and he can't speak loudly.

He once had the experience of randomly pulling out the needle by himself before, the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe, and the blood flowed out. Xiao Zhi, who had learned his lesson, did not dare to pull out the needle indiscriminately this time.

He desperately wanted to pull out these messy things on his body, and then find a mobile phone or something to check the time and see what day it is today.

Who would have imagined that the little nurse who was in charge of taking care of him would turn a deaf ear to his words.

The little nurse stood up and ran out in small steps, shouting as she ran, "Xiao Zhi is awake! Xiao Zhi is awake!"

Xiao Zhi supported his head with his hands with difficulty, and looked at the back of the little nurse when he left with resentful eyes.

Before long, Xiao Zhi's bedroom was full of people, including the nurse who was in charge of taking care of Xiao Zhi, the staff of the Dachangyuan villa area, and Wang Yong and other soldiers from the Ministry of National Security who were in charge of protecting Xiao Zhi's safety.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? The patient has just woken up and needs to rest and a quiet environment. Get out, you all get out!"

An old doctor in a white coat, a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and half-white hair walked into Xiao Zhi's bedroom while yelling at him.

Xiao Zhi looked at him with some resentment.

patient? When did I become a patient? You are the patient!

This old doctor in a white coat seemed to be very prestigious. Under his scolding, except for the young nurse who was in charge of taking care of Xiao Zhi, everyone else, including Wang Yong, left in despair. .

"Little nurse, come here and pull out the needle on my body." Xiao Zhi said again in a hoarse and weak voice.

"Oh, good... good." The little nurse trotted up to Xiao Zhi, and began to gently pull out the needle for Xiao Zhi.

Soon, in the restaurant of the villa, the lights were soft, and there was a bowl of millet porridge in front of Xiao Zhi, who was sipping it with a spoon.

In the real world, he hasn't eaten for a long time, and he really wants to have a good meal. Big fish and meat are his favorites, and carbonated drinks are his favorites, but here, the old man The doctor's words seem to be more effective than his words. The old doctor said that he can only drink porridge now, so the only food that the staff brought him was warm millet porridge.

Millet porridge is just millet porridge. It's a bit bland, but it still tastes good.

After drinking half a bowl of millet porridge, Wang Yong came over, gently placed a mobile phone in front of Xiao Zhi, bent down and said softly: "Xiao Zhi, this is your mobile phone. Doctor Luo said that it is best not to use a mobile phone." It was placed close to your head, so we took your mobile phone out of the bedroom and kept it for you temporarily."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and said to himself: I said, why has no one called me for such a long time, and I have never even heard the beeping sound when the message came. It was taken away by you.

He nodded and said with a smile on his face, "Thank you for your hard work."

He stretched out his hand, turned on the phone, and found that the phone was fully charged, and the time was 9:57 in the evening.

Below is a line of smaller words: September 15th.

September 15, 2021.

After checking the time on his mobile phone, Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

'This time flies so fast, before you know it, more than a month has passed. ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but sighed in his heart.

After sighing, Xiao Zhi looked at Wang Yong, and was about to speak, but Wang Yong spoke first, "Xiao Zhi, have you raised the progress bar of the law of water movement to 100%?"

Wang Yong's expression was full of expectation.

Not only Wang Yong, but in the restaurant of the villa, an old doctor and a nurse in a white coat standing not far away, a staff member of the villa area who was in charge of Xiao Zhi's diet, and two soldiers from the Ministry of State Security standing at the gate were all facing each other. Lu Xiji looked expectantly at Xiao Zhi.

Under the eyes of everyone, Xiao Zhi tried his best to make the expression on his face calm, he nodded calmly, and said lightly: "Of course, I have only one purpose for this retreat, and that is to improve the progress of the law of water movement. The bar is full, and I have mastered the prototype of the water movement law. I have already started the water movement law, and I have successfully mastered the water movement law's domain prototype. This retreat can be regarded as a successful completion."

"Great!" A young State Security soldier on duty at the gate waved his arms excitedly, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

In normal times, if a soldier in charge of duty made such a move during his duty, he would definitely be reprimanded by the superior, and confinement would be inevitable.

But now, his superior Wang Yong couldn't care less about scolding the little soldier.

Wang Yong also showed an excited expression on his face.

The little nurse's expression was agitated, her little face flushed slightly, and the old doctor's face was also a little flushed, and it was hard to hide the excitement in his heart.

"Great, really great, I'll report Xiao Zhi's situation to you now." Wang Yong said, then walked to the side, took out a special mobile phone from his pocket, and began to report to his superiors .

Xiao Zhi: "..."

He was going to ask Wang Yong about some things just now, but Wang Yong turned his head and went to report the situation before the matter was revealed.

Well, do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, let me do it myself.

While sipping millet porridge, Xiao Zhi turned on his mobile phone. He was going to contact his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji through WeChat, and ask Liu Ji what happened during his retreat. Something big.

Click on WeChat and see that there are some unread messages.

Some from his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji, and some from Li Pingfeng, Lu Zhong, and Zhu Changwu.

Xiao Zhi checked them one by one, but none of the information was very important or outdated, so Xiao Zhi didn't bother to reply one by one.

He scrolled down and saw another unread message, his eyes could not help but focus.

Thank you for the rewards from me and the wind are passers-by, and thanks to Piao_fly, Happy nm, book friends 20201222153915424, 123A9 for the rewards.

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