This Game is Unusual

Chapter 674 The Situation Continues to Worse

On August 22, 2021, in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, a treasure appeared in the world. After a lot of fighting, the treasure was finally obtained by our side and belonged to Lu Zhong.

This is a Lingbao-level armor - a bright yellow cassock.

On August 25, 2021, the Canadian player Ares descended on the enemy world, and returned to the real world 20 minutes later, killing millions of people, celebrating with the whole world, with details attached.

‘This should be a vengeful coming. ’ Xiao Zhi muttered in his heart when he flipped through the details.

‘Killing a million people should have a lot of moisture. '

After all, players come to the enemy world and kill people in the enemy world, but there are no witnesses. How many people are killed and how many cities are destroyed are all decided by the players who come. Will not question anything.

After all, if the matter of "killing millions of lives" is true, it is a very encouraging thing. All countries are now grasshoppers on the same rope, and only fools will question it.

Xiao Zhi naturally didn't question it deliberately, but felt that the first player who came to the enemy's world, Lu Zhong, was a little too sincere. Why didn't he think of false propaganda at the time?

On August 27, 2021, Xuanmingguo assembled more than a dozen Yuanying major repairs, and pressed against Beilan Dao City with a crushing force. , and Venerable Ran Ri of Dachang Shenmen, abandoned the city and fled with his elite disciples, and escaped from Beilan Dao City. Died in battle, Beilan Road fell completely.

This text is very short, only a few crosses, but Xiao Zhi stared at this text for a long time without saying a word.

After persisting for a long time, Beilan Dao City finally fell.

Daocheng Beilan... died in battle.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but see the old and kind face of Daocheng Beilan in his mind. This is a very nice old man who treated him very well, but now that he is dead, Xiao Zhi only feels that his heart hurts. The feeling of being squeezed took a long time to ease.

"Dao Cheng, I will try my best to avenge you after we met once, and I will take back Beilan Dao City for you. I will do my best." Xiao Zhi said silently in his heart.

This is his promise to a deceased person, and no one else needs to know it, as long as he himself knows it.

For Yun Cangzi and Patriarch Qian Huan who abandoned the city and fled, Xiao Zhi had no complaints in his heart.

This was within his expectations.

In the situation where the strength of the enemy and the enemy are very different, Yun Cangzi and Patriarch Qian Huan, they are not members of the government, and they have no obligation to guard Beilan Dao City. Besides, Ran Rizun who sits with them in Beilan Dao City Those who are 'inside the system', didn't they also run away?

Not to mention these aboriginal Yuanying monks, Xiao Zhi asked himself, if he broke through to the Yuanying realm, he would most likely abandon the city and flee if he encountered such a situation.

Fighting and dying to defend the city is tragic and impressive, but Xiao Zhi feels that the matter of preserving vitality is even more important.

After being silent for a while, Xiao Zhi continued to read the following documents.

Beilan Road fell completely, and a new round of war broke out.

On August 29, 2021, the Yunhe Road adjacent to Beilan Road fell completely, the owner of the Yunhe Road was killed, and the Venerable Ran Ri who fled to the Yunhe Road was also killed, and most of the Shanhan Road fell.

The senior leaders of Dachang Kingdom who were keen on fighting in the nest before, and regarded the invasion of Xuanming Kingdom as a border conflict and a great opportunity to cut off dissidents, finally paid attention to it. Shenmen Taixu and Shenmen Qingxu, sectarian alliances The major forces of all parties have sent Yuanying Daxiu to the border area.

The Nascent Soul Daxiu of the two sides confronted each other at the edge of the occupied area, and Xuanming's offensive momentum was finally stopped.

Details of this battle are attached.

Battle details are a dedicated document.

Is it just that the offensive momentum has been curbed?

Didn't even want to counterattack and regain lost ground?

Xiao Zhi looked at the text displayed on the phone screen, and couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Before he saw that the senior officials of Dachang Kingdom finally paid attention to this war and sent Yuanying Daxiu, who was in the power, to the border area, he was a little excited in his heart, thinking that these big powers in Dachang Kingdom would finally unite. Hit the invading enemies hard.

As a result, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Relying on these people to win this war is simply a dream!

War is accompanied by the dead. Although there are no low-level monks, warriors, or ordinary people in this war, there are quite a few people who died in the war.

Xiao Zhi opened the document about the details of this battle and read it carefully.

After reading it, he felt that every word in this document was stained with blood.

Those Jindan players in Xuanming Kingdom acted together with those Nascent Soul Daxiu.

Every time a city is destroyed, the players of Xuanming Kingdom will massacre the city. Those who are killed are not only the players who exist in these cities, but also the aborigines.

Their purpose in doing this is to obtain as many national war merit points as possible.

The national war merit points they have obtained can be used to upgrade their martial arts and supernatural powers to further enhance their combat effectiveness.

Countless players from the Dachang Kingdom were killed, many of them were from the Foundation Establishment period, and more players fled into the forest and wilderness outside the city, where they fought against the players from the Xuanming Kingdom who flooded in.

Ten times more Dachang country aboriginal warriors and monks than players were killed.

Even if the players have a sense of crisis, they can also learn some news through the real world. After knowing that something is wrong, they flee to the mountains in advance. The aborigines of Dachang Kingdom do not have this sense of crisis. Shouting that Xuanming Kingdom's Nascent Soul Great Repair is coming, and that the city will be slaughtered after the city is broken, many aboriginal monks and warriors didn't believe it at all, and it was too late to regret it until the butcher knife really fell on them.

In the past two days, the territory of Yunhe Road and Shanhan Road has been raining blood almost all the time, and the ground has been dyed red, which is shocking.

On August 31, 2021, in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, there are treasures appearing in the world, and another battle for treasures broke out.

In this battle for treasures, the players from the Dachang Kingdom were crushed by the players from the Xuanming Kingdom with a huge advantage in combat power.

The reason is also very simple. The Golden Core players on the Xuanming Kingdom's side have gained extremely rich national war merit points in the previous few days of battle. They use these national war merit points to upgrade their supernatural powers.

Sequence players such as Mo Yi and Long San have almost all mastered two to three high-level magical powers of the perfection level.

Even ordinary Xuanming Kingdom Golden Core players generally have mastered one or two high-level magical powers of the Perfection level.

On the other hand, the gold elixir players on the side of Dachang Kingdom, in this battle, have no chance to obtain the national war merit points, not to mention ordinary gold elixir players such as Yang Bin and Li Pingfeng, even the gold elixir players like Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan Peak players, when their Nascent Soul overhaul is not strong enough, they can only choose to shrink back, not daring to take the lead, watching those Jindan players in Xuanming Kingdom slaughter all sides on the battlefield and slaughter their own monks and warriors.

Because in this situation, once they show up, what awaits them is definitely a dead word.

The gap between Jindan and Yuanying is really too big to count.

Because there are no national war merits, even the top players like Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan who have reached the peak of Jindan, the level of high-level magical powers they have mastered is generally only upgraded to the Dacheng level, and some even stay there. At the Xiaocheng level, let alone ordinary Golden Core players like Yang Bin and Li Pingfeng.

The gap in the levels of the two sides broke the previous balance of power, making the battle in the Xumi Realm almost one-sided.

After this battle for treasures, the players from the Xuanming Kingdom moved their spawn point to a place only a thousand feet away from the spawn point of the players from the Dachang Kingdom. several times.

The players of the Dachang Kingdom had to consume a large amount of sentient beings points, and started their escape journey with their birth points. While avoiding the pursuit of players from the Xuanming Kingdom, they struggled to accumulate sentient beings points.

Xiao Zhi looked at the lines of text on the screen of the mobile phone, his hands clenched tightly, his eyes were a little red, and he felt a fire in his heart, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Too much deception!

It's really deceiving!

Over the past few days, so many big things have happened, and the situation continues to deteriorate step by step, why didn't they tell me these things?

Why didn't they tell me?

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists for a while, Xiao Zhi seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and lay down on the soft sofa with a slumped expression on his face.

What's the use of telling him about these big things?

What can he change?

The two-digit Nascent Soul Daxiu from the Xuanming Kingdom invaded the territory of Dachang Kingdom, causing a large area of ​​Dachang Kingdom to fall, countless people died, and countless cities were destroyed. In this battle, he, a mere Golden Core cultivator, can still turn the tide?

The Golden Core players from the Xuanming Kingdom killed all sides in the Sumi Realm. They wiped out the players from the Dachang Kingdom several times, and killed the players from the Dachang Kingdom until they ran away like a bereaved dog. Could it be that he has changed this situation? Ability?

No, he has no such ability.

He was no longer the opponent of Mo Yi before.

By the time of August 31st, he was no longer the opponent of this magic one.

Not to mention Mo Yi, maybe even Sha Wu, he is no longer his opponent.

In this case, does it make sense to tell him this?

Apart from letting him be abused with Lu Zhong and the others in the Sumeru World of All Lives, other than making him feel aggrieved, his mood deteriorates, his mentality explodes, and he has no intention of cultivating, what is the point?

Exhaling lightly, Xiao Zhi picked up the phone and continued to look down.

On September 3, 2020, Lu Yi, a player from the enemy country, came to the real world again.

This time, he landed in the UAE.

The UAE is not a country, but an alliance composed of dozens of countries. It can be regarded as an alliance government. Most of the countries in this alliance are dominated by blacks, and the yellow and white races belong to the minority.

The technology of the UAE is not well developed, and it is even a bit backward overall, but the UAE has the largest population in the world.

This time, what the enemy player Lu Yi brought was also a disaster.

In the vast and lush territory of the Emirates, he summoned the entrance to the depths of hell.

Countless vicious ghosts rushed out from the entrance of hell and rushed into the real world.

These evil spirits from the depths of hell, they are terrifying and evil, they will kill anyone they see, not to mention human beings, even flies and mosquitoes will not be spared, everything they pass will be dead, in the real world, set off There was a bloodbath after another.

In just one day, tens of millions of people died.

On the second day, tens of millions of people still died.

The third person has more deaths, exceeding 100 million.

Some of the human beings and other creatures killed by the evil spirits of hell will be transformed into new ghosts or walking corpses, and together they will wreak havoc on the land of the UAE, just like a plague.

At this time, more than 10 countries in the UAE have perished.

This piece of land looks no different from the hell world.

People who have no choice but to move the population on a large scale near this area ravaged by hell and evil spirits, set up isolation zones, and set up barbed wire fences with high-voltage electricity outside the isolation zones.

The isolation zone with a width of more than 10 kilometers finally stopped the continued spread of this hell world, barely confining this disaster to this area.

As for those who are still alive in the blockade, the world is no longer capable of rescuing them, so they can only be left to fend for themselves.

Later, after rough statistics, the disaster killed at least 300 million people and displaced more people. Within the UAE, more than 20 countries perished, and the countries that did not perish also fell into turmoil, with anti-government everywhere Armed...

Xiao Zhi looked at the lines of text on the screen of the mobile phone and was shocked.

This Lu Yi... this Lu Yi...he deserves to die! He really deserves to be damned!

Lu Yi is the sequence player Long San of Xuanming Kingdom.

Rosen is the magic number one among players in the Xuanming Kingdom sequence.

Both of these people should be damned!

On September 9, 2020, new treasures appeared in the Sumeru Realm of Zhusheng, and a new battle for treasures broke out.

Under the huge disparity in the strength of the enemy and ourselves, without any suspense, the treasure was taken away by the players from the Xuanming Kingdom.

On September 13, 2020, the day before yesterday, Chen Yihua, a player from the enemy country, landed in the territory of Xia Kingdom. In the territory of Xia Kingdom, a sandstorm filled the sky, and destroyed Jindu City, the capital city of Sichuan Province, in the sandstorm. , causing tens of millions of casualties.

The player Zhao Yan came to the real world to meet the enemy.

The two players fought in Sichuan Province, and the aftermath of the battle almost turned the towns and villages along the way into ruins, causing tens of thousands of casualties.

This Chen Yihua is Sha Wu, the sequence player of Xuanming Kingdom.

In this battle, Zhao Yan lost to Sha Wu and was almost beaten to death by Sha Wu.

At the risk of being beaten to death, he tried his best to drag Sha Wu until Sha Wu's living being points were exhausted, and he returned to the world of living beings, and the battle was declared over.

Thanks to Immortal Xiaoyao Dao and Tang Ziyi for the reward.

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