This Game is Unusual

Chapter 678 One vs. Two

When Zhao Yan heard the voice and turned to look beside him, Xiao Zhi's figure was already 200 feet away.

Relying on the supernatural power of speed [Shrink the ground into an inch], Xiao Zhi took one step and could only cover a distance of 10 feet. Relying on the prototype of the domain, Xiao Zhi was able to cover a distance of 200 feet at a time.

Of course, this method of movement can only be used once in a short period of time, because with this step, he has reached the edge of the prototype of his domain, and his prototype of the domain does not teleport along with him Yes, there will be a moving process.

After striding a distance of 200 feet in one step, Xiao Zhi restrained the prototype of his own domain, and while using [Shrink the ground into an inch] to step forward, he expanded his prototype of the domain again.

After expanding the prototype of his own domain almost to the limit, Xiao Zhi took another step forward, and in an instant he stepped forward a distance of 200 feet.

Then he restrained the prototype of his own domain, and used the supernatural power [Shrink the ground into an inch] to run forward.

This repetition made Xiao Zhi's movement speed at least twice as fast as his previous one!

In a few breaths, Xiao Zhi moved forward over a distance of more than 1,000 feet!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's pupils suddenly shrank.

Through the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling], he saw that there was a figure running desperately in the black mist, rushing towards this side.

It is the werewolfized Ares.

At this time, Ares had a large piece of wolf hair torn off on his waist and abdomen, and dark golden blood flowed, revealing the snow-white bones and crystal-like internal organs inside.

Behind him, Sha Wu, who has turned into a sand giant, carries a giant Guan knife on his shoulder, chasing Ares like a cat and a mouse.

Yu Jiu spread out a pair of angel-like white wings, and a feathered sword shone brightly with white light, which looked like a sword of light in the hands of an angel. She came to the werewolf Ares in a flash, and stabbed out with a sword. .

"Ah!" The werewolf Ares in the explosive state, his combat power is still very good, he howled, turned around and swung his sword, resisting Yu Jiu's sword, and then borrowed the power of this sword , and his body jumped forward tens of feet.

At this time, I saw the giant Guan Dao in Sha Wu's hand suddenly expanded tens of feet in length, brought a piece of flying sand and rocks, and slashed towards Ares' head.

This was a killer move, and under the lock of the killer move, Ares couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to.

Ares howled again, turned his body around, and crossed his two knives in front of his chest. The blades of the two knives erupted with a dazzling red light, trying to resist the knife.

There was a bang, the ground shook violently, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Ares was cut deeply into the soil by Sha Wu's knife.

Obviously, he is not Sha Wu's opponent at all when the ultimate move collides.

The next moment, a figure burst out from the smoke, it was the werewolf Ares.

Ares looked very embarrassed at this time, with golden blood oozing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, he gritted his teeth, and continued to run forward in a miserable appearance.

In one-on-one, he was no match for Sha Wu and Yu Jiu, and against these two at the same time, he had no choice but to run for his life.

The problem is, his speed is far inferior to the opponent's, he can't fight and can't escape.

With a hissing sound like insects, he hissed and laughed: "Ares the wolf dog, if you are a man, don't run away, why are you running, you should stop for me, come and kill me!"

The werewolf Ares kept silent, and continued to run forward in a state of embarrassment.

Xiao Zhi used his supernatural power [shrink the ground into an inch], and ran forward with all his strength, his speed was like a gust of wind.

At this time, he was less than 600 feet away from the werewolf Ares.

At this time, Yu Jiu's pair of white angel-like wings shook again, and appeared beside the werewolf Ares as if teleporting. The feather sword shining bright white light stabbed at the werewolf Ares. heart position.

It seems that he was seriously injured in the fight with Sha Wu's killing move before. The reaction speed of the werewolf Ares was obviously slower than before. After dodging, he couldn't completely avoid it Open, the sword pierced through the shoulder blade in an instant, and under the explosion of energy, most of his shoulders were gone, and his entire arm was torn.

"Wow!" Ares let out a painful wolf howl, and continued to flee forward frantically.

"Ares the wolf dog, what's wrong with you? Aren't you very powerful? Why are you running away so happily now? You should stop." The hissing sound like insects was full of sarcasm.

The worm-man Jamie shook his wings and floated less than 100 feet away from the werewolf Ares, taunting Ares in various ways.

The werewolf Ares continued to run forward without saying a word. After losing an arm, his injuries became more serious, and his speed was obviously affected.

Ares the werewolf stared forward with red eyes.

Naturally, he also saw Xiao Zhi, and saw the light blue brilliance that filled the space around Xiao Zhi like water waves, which belonged to the rudimentary form of the domain.

He heard Xiao Zhi's voice transmission: "Quick! Ares, hurry up, as long as you enter the range of my domain prototype, you will be safe, hold on! Don't be killed!"

Although in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, even if you are killed, you can be reborn. It seems that there is no loss, but once you are killed, it is not only humiliating, but also a kind of asset to the enemy, allowing the enemy to get 1000 sentient beings points for nothing.

Ares didn't reply to Xiao Zhi through voice transmission. Now he is busy running for his life and can't care about anything else. How can he have time to reply to Xiao Zhi?

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, it's less than 300 feet away.

The werewolf Ares continued to flee forward frantically, causing a series of terrifying sonic booms.

"Ares the wolf dog, don't run away, let grandpa die quickly! After killing you, grandpa will go and kill Xiao Zhi. If you come here specially this time, it will be considered complete." A giant Guan knife with a length of up to After reaching several tens of feet, wrapped in sand and gravel, he slashed towards Ares again!

The werewolf Ares gritted his teeth and twisted his arm, and with one arm he slashed out the knife in his hand. The blade glowed with dazzling red light, and faced the giant Guan knife.

With two knives in hand and a duel of ultimate moves before, the werewolf Ares was no match for Sha Wu, but now that he only has one arm left, he was even less of a match for Sha Wu in a duel with ultimate moves.

With a bang, golden blood splashed, and a deep pit like a crater appeared on the ground.

The deep pit exploded, and the werewolf Ares, who had become bloody and bloody, sprang out of the deep pit.

The moment he rushed out of the deep pit, a feathered sword seemed to appear out of thin air, stabbing straight at the head of the werewolf Ares!

Ares twisted his head with difficulty. His current situation is very bad. With his current state, he can no longer avoid this sword.


A desperate and unwilling expression appeared on Ares' wolf face.

At this moment, he felt as if icy cold water had flowed over his body, as if his body had been immersed in cool water.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi finally included the werewolf Ares with his prototype of the water field.

Seeing that Yu Jiu's feather sword was about to pierce the head of the werewolf Ares, a figure appeared in front of Ares as if teleporting!

It was Xiao Zhi who appeared in front of Ares.

Through the prototype of the domain, Xiao Zhi, who appeared in a teleportation, had already prepared his ultimate move [Mie Shen Dao], and the moment he appeared, he slashed at Yu Jiu!

Facing Xiao Zhi who suddenly appeared, Yu Jiu had a look of astonishment on her face, she screamed and backed away, her body glowed with dazzling white brilliance.

With the Mishen Dao approaching, Yu Jiu hastily returned the sword to resist.

With a bang, Yu Jiu with a pair of pure white wings was sent flying like a cannonball.

I didn't die, I didn't die, it was Xiao Zhi who rushed over to save me in time.

The seriously injured werewolf Ares felt a sense of relief in his heart.

He suddenly felt a pulling force, as if there was water around him trying to flow with him. He circulated the true energy in his body, and instinctively wanted to resist this pulling force, but he heard Xiao Zhi's voice: "Don't Resistance, I will use my domain prototype to send you to the rear."

The prototype of the domain has infinite mysteries, but it is only the prototype of the domain after all. When the golden core monk tried to resist, he could not use the prototype of the domain to move a golden core monk.

After receiving Xiao Zhi's sound transmission, Ares restrained the true energy in his body, and in an instant, his figure disappeared on the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already 400 feet away.

In the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, the domain Xiao Zhi expanded looks like a circle with a radius of about 200 feet, and the distance from one side of the circle to the other is exactly 400 feet.

After using the domain to transfer the werewolf Ares away, Xiao Zhi looked forward and squinted his eyes.

After saving the werewolf Ares, he can then concentrate on dealing with Sha Wu and Yu Jiu.

Sha Wu and Yu Jiu, the two Xuanming Kingdom's sequence players, have significantly improved their strength compared to more than a month ago.

With the prototype of the domain he has just mastered, can he defeat these two with one against two?

To be honest, Xiao Zhi was a little uncertain, but even so, he still wanted to fight!

Now he is already the player of Dachang Kingdom, the last face, and there are many comrades behind him watching him, at this time he must not back down!

So, how should he fight this battle?

There is light blue light circulating around Xiao Zhi like water waves, and he is thinking quickly in his mind.

The prototype of the field he possesses does not actually increase his real combat power much. It mainly makes his combat more flexible and diverse.

"Is this the domain?" Yu Jiu's figure, which was thrown like a cannonball, stopped abruptly in mid-air after being thrown back tens of feet. The golden blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"Wrong, it's not the domain, it's just the prototype of the domain. What's there to be afraid of when the domain is just a prototype? Wait for me to smash it!" Sha Wu, who turned into a sand giant, let out a dull roar like thunder.

He strode forward and swung the huge Guan knife in his hand.

The huge and long Guan Dao brought up a piece of flying sand and rocks, and slashed towards Xiao Zhi with a momentum of overwhelming the top!

The black mist was torn apart, the air was also torn apart, and the light blue light like water waves in front of Xiao Zhi was also torn apart by this knife.

Xiao Zhi faced the knife directly, locked on by Sha Wu's ultimate move, and seemed to sense something, his pupils shrank slightly.

Facing the ultimate move, he can actually...

Xiao Zhi also roared loudly, holding the Beichun Dao in both hands, the Beichun Dao quickly became longer and thicker, and at the same time, a layer of shadow-like darkness filled the blade, facing the giant Guan Dao that Sha Wu Chopped!

When the Beichun Knife collided with Guan Knife, the loud noise that had been imagined did not resound.

Xiao Zhi was cut in half by the giant Guan Dao with a knife, and his split body was torn to pieces by the terrifying aura contained in the giant Guan Dao.

Sha Wu, who turned into a sand giant, stared at his eyes that were bigger than a basketball.

When did this Xiao Zhi become so vulnerable?

No! wrong! There is definitely a problem! Sha Wu suddenly became vigilant.

Wow, Xiao Zhi's shattered body turned into a puddle of water and fell down. In the light blue light representing the embryonic form of the domain, a figure emerged, it was Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi cast [shrink the ground into an inch], and in a few dodges, he came to Sha Wu, who had turned into a sand giant.

Sha Wu, who had just slashed out an ultimate move with the giant Guan knife, had no time to prepare another ultimate move in the face of Xiao Zhi's sudden attack, so he could only bite the bullet and put on a defensive posture. Raise the knife to resist.

Then there was a bang, the loud noise was like thunder, and the five-foot-tall sand giant transformed by Sha Wu was smashed into the ground, the ground collapsed, smoke and dust rose, and the shock wave spread in all directions visible to the naked eye, and scattered the surrounding area A large area of ​​black fog.

Like a white rainbow, Yu Jiu tore open the embryonic form of Xiao Zhi's domain. The feather sword in his hand shone with dazzling white light.

The speed of Yu Jiu's stabbing sword was so fast that Xiao Zhi had no time to dodge, and was directly pierced through the head by this sword!

But in the next moment, Xiao Zhi's body collapsed into a puddle of water after being pierced through his head.

In this pale blue light, Xiao Zhi's figure appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Zhi, who appeared out of nowhere, was less than 20 feet away from Yu Jiu. As soon as he appeared, he held the Beichun Knife in both hands. The Beichun Knife cast a heavy shadow and slashed towards Yu Jiu!

Yu Jiu let out a scream, but was firmly locked in by Xiao Zhi's ultimate move [Destroyer Knife], as if she was stuck in a swamp, and it was difficult to escape.

Amidst the exclamation, Yu Jiu withdrew Yujian and swung it out to resist Xiao Zhi's killing move.

boom! Yu Jiu also fell obliquely to the hard ground below like a meteorite.

There was another bang, and a deep pit was formed on the ground, sand and gravel were splashed, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

With one against two, Xiao Zhi is not only not at a disadvantage, but also has a clear upper hand based on the prototype of the field he has just mastered!

About a thousand feet away from the battle, the werewolf Ares, who had lost an arm and whose long brown-gray hair had been soaked in golden blood, stared dumbfounded with his red eyes.

Thank you for the reward from me and the wind.

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