This Game is Unusual

Chapter 704 Terrible Space Rift

Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan naturally heard Xiao Zhi's shout.

Zhao Yan became even more anxious, and said to Lu Zhong on the flying boat: "What should we do? What should we do? We can't just watch Xiao Zhi die!"

Lu Zhong replied via voice transmission: "I can't persuade my master at all. No matter what I say, he won't agree to make a move."

Zhao Yan voice transmission: "Me too, I can't persuade my master, what should we do, we can't just watch Xiao Zhi die, right? If Xiao Zhi really died, we would be sinners, so many People are watching!"

They are not the only players in this hundreds of miles range.

There are also quite a few Gold Core players and Foundation Establishment players who are dormant in this ice and snow field, and they are all watching.

No, not only watching, some people have already taken action.

As far as Zhao Yan could see, he saw several black dots jumping out from the ice and snow, soaring into the sky, and rushed towards the place where Xiao Zhi was trapped.

These are some players in the foundation building period, not strong, but they are very brave at this time.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yan was startled and angry, and shouted with his true energy, "What are you doing!? What are you doing!? Are you going to kill yourself? Why don't you go back!?"

These people who rushed out looked like Xiao Zhi's brainless fans at first glance. When they saw their idols in trouble, they rushed over desperately. They didn't even want their own lives, and they didn't care how much they weighed.

Xiao Zhi is now besieged by those Nascent Soul cultivators from Xuanming Kingdom, and even their two Golden Core peaks can only stare blankly, anxious, not daring to go one step further, these foundation-builders who are not even Golden Cores, have passed It's really about delivering food, as much as you go.

As soon as Zhao Yan yelled this sentence, a voice responded to him at the top of his voice: "If Zhishen dies, there will be no hope for our world. If he dies, what's the point of our life?"

"If you are obsessed with God, I will die with him!"

"We must not abandon the spirit!"

Although the Foundation Establishment cultivators are at the bottom of the Dao Realm, once they use their true energy when speaking, their voice can still be heard for a long distance.

"Crazy, you're all crazy, all of you crazy fans are crazy!" Zhao Yan's face flushed.

These brainless fans are really unreasonable!

At this time, a voice came over: "Everyone go back to me! Did you hear me, all go back to me! Don't worry, my fate is very hard and I won't die! Brothers, if you are so in vain because of me! If I die, I will become a sinner in our world, brothers! Don't harm me!"

This is Xiao Zhi's voice, also shouting at the top of his voice.

After hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the Foundation Establishment players who rushed out from the hiding place hesitated a little, hovering in mid-air one by one.

"Why don't you hesitate, come here, this is your savior, if you don't come to save him, he will die!" A voice shouted.

This is Mo Yi's voice.

He definitely welcomes these Dachang Country Foundation Establishment players who rushed over with enthusiasm.

For him, these are all national war merits!

National war meritorious service is worth this thing, naturally the more the better.

"Go back, let me go back, don't worry, I will never die, don't make trouble for me!" Xiao Zhi shouted again at the top of his voice.

"Come here! Hurry up, come and save him, he is lying to you, how could he not die, under the siege of our three Nascent Soul Daxiu, how could he not die? If you don't come here again, he will really die!" I'm going to die!" Mo Yi's voice.

"Moyi! I'm going to kill you! Do you dare to come out and fight me! I want to fight you!" Xiao Zhi shouted.

Mo Yi just sneered upon hearing this.

In the current situation, he just won by lying down, and he would go to a duel with Xiao Zhi only if he was stupid.

On the leaf flying boat, Lu Zhong, who was calm and silent, suddenly sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yan: "At this point, we can only force the palace!"

"Forcing the palace?" Zhao Yan was startled.

Lu Zhong then said via voice transmission: "Let's attack together later, and attack those Nascent Soul cultivators from Xuanming Kingdom. Once we attack those Nascent Soul cultivators from Xuanming Kingdom, it's impossible for them to stay out of the matter. I can take action to save Xiao Zhi!"

Zhao Yan couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Good way! Okay, let's do it like this!"

Lu Zhong's voice transmission: " it!"

Lu Zhong jumped off the flying boat and turned into a stream of light, rushing forward.

Almost at the same time, Zhao Yan also jumped off the back of the big white crane.

call out! A silver light flashed, and under his control, a silver flying sword tore through the air, and shot forward for a thousand meters in an instant.

However, this silver flying sword just sprang forward less than 10 miles away, when there was a sound, a ball of fire burst out, like a thunderbolt!

A flying sword as thin as a cicada's wing flew across the sky, shining brightly, easily blocking Zhao Yan's silver flying sword.

Another big hand with white light appeared out of thin air, and when the big hand grabbed it, it grabbed Zhao Yan in it.

"Master! Let me go! He is one of the few friends I have in this world. I will save him no matter what!" Zhao Yan struggled and shouted.

"Sinister, come back to me!" Yun Cangzi was unmoved by this, and grabbed Zhao Yan with his real yuan.

Lu Zhong's ending was not much better. At this moment, his eyes were blank, and he turned around and flew back without being caught by others.

He was controlled by his master Qian Huan, who used illusion to control him.

At this moment, the eyes of Patriarch Qian Huan emitted an inexplicable light, and there seemed to be two small worlds in them, and these two small worlds were spinning rapidly.

Patriarch Qian Huan looked at Lu Zhong who flew back, and said indifferently: "At present, the general trend is in Xuanming country. Since Xuanming country's attitude towards us has eased and is willing to reconcile with us, let's not go to this troubled water. .”

creak creak... creak creak...

Hundreds of miles away, the wooden domain of Venerable Ji Shi's avatar has been squeezed to less than 20 feet by the king and other three Yuanying monks from Xuanming Kingdom with their domains.

In the turquoise wooden field, Venerable Ji Shi sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and behind him hung a small tree about ten feet high, crystal clear as jade.

This is formed by shrinking the previous green tree.

The green tree with lush branches and leaves now has less than one-third of its branches and leaves, and its branches and leaves have become much thinner.

Just now, amidst the creaking sound, another branch on the green tree shattered, breaking into dots of green light.

With the collapse of this branch, the area covered by the wooden row domain was compressed by almost a foot.

Xiao Zhi could vaguely feel that this green tree was probably the origin of the wood row domain.

The moment when this green tree completely crumbled, it should also be the moment when this wooden field collapsed completely, which was the time for the death of Venerable Ji Shi's avatar.

He may not die, because he still has the hole card of the marker.

As long as this hole card is still there, he has a chance to survive.

But unless it was absolutely necessary, he really didn't want to give up this clone of Venerable Ji Shi.

This avatar of Venerable Ji Shi is his greatest reliance now, once he is killed here, it will be difficult for him to do anything, he is not reconciled!

Losing such an important avatar here, and then going back in despair, after returning, he has no face to see Venerable Ji Shi at all.

For Zhao Yan and Lu Zhong, Xiao Zhi no longer had any hope.

The fields squeezed together greatly affected his vision, making him unable to see Zhao Yan and Lu Zhong's situation clearly, but he could still hear some voices.

He had overheard the conversation between Zhao Yan and his master Yun Cangzi just now.

Zhao Yan, Lu Zhong and the others didn't want to save them, but they couldn't save them even if they wanted to.

Zhao Yan and Lu Zhong, their identities are junior disciples, not senior masters. As junior disciples, they can influence the master's decision to a certain extent by relying on the respect of the senior master, but that's all. If the master and the elders don't want it, they can't do anything about it.

It seems that Qianhuan Patriarch and Yun Cangzi, the two Nascent Soul Daxiu, obviously don't want to come to this muddy water.

Before, it was he who overestimated the status of Zhao Yan and Lu Zhong in the hearts of their masters and ancestors, which turned the beautiful plan in his heart into a joke.

He can no longer count on Zhao Yan and Lu Zhong.

The only one he can count on now is Venerable Kui.

According to the words of Venerable Ji Shi's avatar, Venerable Kui's strength is comparable to that of Jun Wuming. Although the strength is not as strong as this avatar of Venerable Ji Shi, it is not too weak. As long as he comes over, the situation should be fine. There are some turning points.

Counting the time, Venerable Kui should be coming soon.

Jianghan City is not far from here, and the speed of the Nascent Soul cultivator is very fast.

When Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, there was a clicking sound, and another large branch of the crystal green tree floating behind the Venerable Ji Shi's avatar was broken, and with the breaking of the green tree branch, it enveloped his body. The turquoise light shrank in a small circle again.

That's all, under Xiao Zhi's gaze, he was a little horrified to find that this Nascent Soul avatar of Venerable Ji Shi was becoming illusory at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Zhi, who discovered this, immediately changed his face.

What's going on, what the hell is going on here?

Before Xiao Zhi could ask, an intermittent weak voice sounded in his ear: "Lingshi..."

This is the voice of Venerable Ji Shi's avatar.

Lingshi? Could it be that there is no energy?

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out a few spirit stones emitting a hazy white light from the storage ring.

As soon as these spirit stones were taken out by Xiao Zhi, they were pulled by a force and floated towards the avatar of Venerable Ji Shi.

As soon as they floated to the side of Venerable Ji Shi's avatars, the hazy white light on their surfaces quickly faded and disappeared.

With the intake of energy, the somewhat illusory figure of Venerable Ji Shi's avatar quickly became solid again.

Xiao Zhi felt at ease with the once again solid figure of Venerable Ji Shi's avatar.

While feeling at ease, he was a little speechless.

Such a fast energy absorption rate...

"Lingshi." The weak voice rang in Xiao Zhi's ear again, and finally it stopped intermittently.

This time Xiao Zhi directly took out a dozen spirit stones from the storage ring in one breath, and dragged them to the avatar of Venerable Ji Shi with his true energy. The dozen spirit stones are worth more than one million yuan.

Soon, he took out more than a dozen spirit stones from the storage ring.

Then there were a dozen more.

At this time, Xiao Zhi couldn't care less about these consumed spirit stones anymore, as long as the Nascent Soul avatar of Venerable Ji Shi could continue to support him, he would be willing to have as many spirit stones as he wanted.

Crack... There was another crisp sound.

On the crystal green tree, there was another large piece of branch, which shattered into dots of green light.

The turquoise light covering him shrinks in a big circle, and its coverage area is less than 10 feet away!

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel a little bit desperate.

Why is Venerable Kui still not coming?

If Venerable Kui doesn't come again, they will really be finished.

At this moment, a pitch-black crack pierced through like a sharp black knife!

The pitch-black crack extended so fast that Xiao Zhi had no time to react, and white, cyan, and black lights burst out from his right arm.

Xiao Zhi was so frightened that he quickly stepped back several meters, avoiding the extending black crack.

There was a sharp pain coming from his right arm, Xiao Zhi looked down at his right arm, and couldn't help being shocked.

A deep gash was cut neatly on his right arm, the flesh and blood turned out, even the bones that were crystal clear like white jade were cut open, the incision was as smooth as a mirror.

In the severe pain, dark golden blood soon flowed out from the incision.

Terrible, really terrible.

If the place where the black crack extended just now was not his right arm, but his chest or head, he might be finished immediately.

In front of this terrifying space crack, his two Lingbao-level armors couldn't protect him at all.

When Xiao Zhi was horrified, a huge golden dragon head forcibly squeezed into the turquoise light, roared, and golden light flowed from its mouth.

Another white lotus flower that was bigger than a human head whirled and squeezed in, shedding a little bit of white light.

'They don't want to consume any more, and are ready to attack! ’ Xiao Zhi’s pupils shrank slightly, and a sense of crisis emerged spontaneously.

The cyan light of the green tree was blazing, and two green branches hung down. These two green branches turned into two treants with a height of more than ten feet, holding a large shield, and powerful aura.

A treant faced the golden dragon head, and a tree man faced the white lotus.

The branches of the green tree hung down again, and turned into a treant holding a large shield.

"Quick! Give me the spirit stone!" The voice of Venerable Ji Shi's avatar rang in Xiao Zhi's ear again.

The corners of Xiao Zhi's mouth twitched, he dared to say that these treants were all transformed by relying on the spirit stone he provided just now.

With such thoughts in his heart, Xiao Zhi did not dare to neglect in the slightest, and hurriedly took out more than 20 spirit stones from the storage ring, pulled them with the power of true energy, and sent these spirit stones to the avatar of Venerable Ji Shi , for him to absorb.

At this time, a voice faintly came over: "The rats of Xuanming Kingdom! Go to death!"

The voice was cold and full of anger, it was the voice of Venerable Kui.

Thank you for the reward from me and the wind.

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