This Game is Unusual

Chapter 71 Resurrection

Xiao Zhi didn't answer.

The aftereffects of the 'boiling blood' secret technique are still tormenting him.

His brain remained awake.

Money in the world of sentient beings, in a sense, is much more precious than wealth in the real world, and even if you have money, you may not be able to get it.

For example, if a player enters a city in the world of sentient beings, even if he has hundreds of billions of wealth in the real world, it may be difficult for him to gather the 100,000 yuan needed to buy innate skills. After all, even if you are in the real world again Wealthy people don't recognize the aborigines in the world of sentient beings either.

Money touches people's hearts.

He was thinking that Li Pingfeng would not attack him at this time.

This is when he is at his weakest, seemingly powerless to resist.

But Li Pingfeng is an acquired nine-dan martial artist, and his strength is well preserved.

Think about it differently, if he were Li Pingfeng, with so much wealth in front of him, he would also be very excited, and would have the idea of ​​killing people to seize treasures.

This is human nature.

However, under the influence of education and moral concepts in reality, Xiao Zhi has his own bottom line, and will suppress such evil thoughts in his heart, and will not do such things to his friends.

He won't, it doesn't mean others won't.

So, what should Li Pingfeng do in the face of this huge wealth that is 'at your fingertips'?

Will it be shot against him?

Xiao Zhi was still lying on the ground convulsively.

He is waiting.

If Li Pingfeng could hold back this temptation and not attack him, it would mean that Li Pingfeng was indeed worthy of friendship. From then on, he would treat Li Pingfeng as a true friend.

If Li Pingfeng couldn't bear this temptation and attacked him brazenly...

He, Xiao Zhi, was not powerless to fight back.

Today, he looks weak and has no power to resist, but in fact, this is just a superficial phenomenon.

There is still 23% of the true strength of the warrior in his body, and the secret technique of 'boiling blood' can be used at any time.

As long as he is willing, he can re-explode the ultimate fighting power of the day after tomorrow in the next moment!

"Xiao Zhi, why don't you talk? Could it be that you fainted from the pain?" A few meters away, Li Pingfeng, who was squatting next to the headless corpse of Boss Ba, suddenly turned his head and glanced at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi turned his head slightly, and said with difficulty: "It's uncomfortable, I don't want to talk."

"I said Xiao Zhi, we are friends, aren't we?" Li Pingfeng turned around and said.

"Yes..." Xiao Zhi said.

"I want to discuss something with you. The ticket you did this time has gained a lot. It far exceeds the 100,000 coins needed to buy the innate skills. I want to buy 100,000 coins from you, and the ratio is 1:10." Ratio, I offer a total of 1 million yuan, I wonder if you are willing to sell me?"

After Xiao Zhi was silent for a moment, he said weakly, "I'm feeling very uncomfortable now, let's talk about these things later."

"Okay then...we'll talk about it later." Li Pingfeng seemed a little helpless.

While waiting, about half a minute passed, and there were dense footsteps coming from far and near.

It was the warriors and young adults from Heping Village who rushed over.

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and struggled to get up from the ground...

Half an hour later, in an open space in Heping Village.

The light of the torches illuminated the surrounding area, and 19 corpses were lined up in the open space.

These are the bodies of the villagers of Heping Village who died tonight.

Wang Ji's body is here, and so is Yang Xu's body.

The family members, relatives and friends of the victims stood or knelt beside the corpse, some with numb expressions, and some weeping bitterly.

The other hundreds of villagers watched the scene quietly at a distance from the corpses.

The little girl, Yang Xi, knelt down next to her brother's body. She didn't cry loudly, she looked very quiet, but the tears kept rolling out of her eye sockets, and then slid down her cheeks, drop by drop. .

Xiao Zhi felt a little uncomfortable looking at it, he walked over and patted Yang Xi's shoulder, and said softly: "Xiao Xi, my condolences, death cannot be brought back to life."

The little girl, Yang Xi, just nodded her head lightly, tears still streaming out uncontrollably.

Xiao Zhi sighed in his heart, and when he was about to speak a few more words to comfort the little girl, he saw out of the corner of his eye that a corpse lying not far away suddenly moved.

Is it a scam?

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's heartbeat couldn't help slowing down, and he quickly turned his head to look over.

It is indeed a fraudulent corpse, and it is not someone else, but Wang Ji's corpse!

Seeing Wang Ji's corpse slowly sitting up, then slowly standing up again.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but widen his eyes, with an expression of seeing a ghost.

He glanced at Li Pingfeng who was standing next to him. Like him, Li Pingfeng also had the expression of seeing a ghost.

Xiao Zhi looked at Yu Cunzheng again.

Yu Cunzheng was standing not far from Wang Ji's corpse, his old face was full of sadness, he just stared at the corpses all over the ground in front of him, but turned a blind eye to Wang Ji who suddenly cheated.

Xiao Zhi turned his head again and looked at the other villagers.

The other villagers, who should cry, who should be numb, who should watch the excitement, also turned a blind eye to Wang Ji's sudden body fraud.

Damn, is this world crazy, or am I crazy?

Such a horrifying scene made the hairs on Xiao Zhi's body stand on end.

But even more terrifying is yet to come.

After Wang Ji got up, he walked straight towards Xiao Zhi, extended his hand to Xiao Zhi, and said, "Give it to me."

"What?" Xiao Zhi involuntarily took a step back.

"Give me back my saber." Wang Ji said again.

"Okay, okay, here, here..." Xiao Zhi stepped back a few more steps, and threw Wang Ji's sharp weapon-level saber back to Wang Ji.

After Wang Ji took the knife, he no longer looked at Xiao Zhi, but turned to look at Yu Cunzheng who was beside him: "Cunzheng, have you recovered the 30,000 yuan?"

"It's back." Facing Wang Ji's question, Yu Cunzheng nodded naturally: "The three gold ingots are all on the bandit under Boss Ba's hands. After we killed the bandit, we have The gold ingots were found from his body, and including our three gold ingots, there are a total of five gold ingots on this bandit, all of which are here."

When he said this, Yu Cunzheng took out a cloth bag from his bosom, opened it up and saw that there were five small golden ingots lying in it.

"That's good." Wang Ji exhaled lightly, with a smile on his face.

Xiao Zhi plucked up his courage, took a few steps forward, and looked carefully at Wang Ji's body.

He remembered that Wang Ji died of being pierced through the heart with a knife, and before he died, an arm was cut off.

But now, he found that not only the fatal wound on Wang Ji's chest was gone, but even the broken arm had grown back.

'It seems that this is not a fraudulent corpse, but that the game system has resurrected Wang Ji. ’ Xiao Zhi could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Now that Wang Ji can be resurrected, what about the other dead villagers?

Xiao Zhi couldn't help turning his head to look at Yang Xu's body.

However, Yang Xu's corpse is still a corpse, and there is no sign of resurrection.

Thanks to MoPu and Buliuhuyang for the reward.

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