This Game is Unusual

Chapter 719 Extreme cold region

"What?" The middle-aged man's voice was a little angry.

Wang Yong's voice: "Doctor Li, Xiao Zhi is still not sure whether he is brain dead or not. He may also be in danger and his consciousness cannot return to the real world for the time being. If this is the case, what he needs in the real world is a quiet place. Environment, we shouldn't disturb him at this time, so please go out."

"Major Wang, please pay attention to your identity. We were sent by the superiors to check the situation. What is Xiao Zhi's situation now? We must know the results in a short time and then report to the superiors." The middle-aged man said angrily.

"I know my identity and my duty. My duty is to protect Xiao Zhi's life and protect him from being disturbed by the external environment when he is struggling in the world of sentient beings. This is my duty. Please go out!" Wang Yong said in a stiff voice.

"Major Wang, you..." The middle-aged man was anxious.

Indistinctly, a somewhat old voice said: "The major is right, you all go out."

This voice sounded familiar to Xiao Zhi, it seemed to be the voice of Yang Lao, the commander of the All Living Army.


"Commander, you are here."


The voices came one after another. Obviously, Xiao Zhi's matter had already alarmed the high-level people of the All Living Army, and even the commander of the All Living Army came over in person.

"Let's all go out, let's all go out and talk." A calm middle-aged voice said: "Wang Yong, you send a few soldiers to guard the door, and ask the medical team to stand by with life support equipment. If Xiao Zhi passes 12 If Xiao Zhi hasn’t woken up yet, Wei Sheng will arrange for him. Moving Xiao Zhi’s body may affect him in the world of sentient beings, so don’t move him. After 3 days, if Xiao Zhi still hasn’t woken up If you come over, the brain waves will arrange it for him."

This is the voice of Liu Yi, the All Living Army.

Liu Yi also came over.

"Okay, let me go out, Xiao Zhi needs a quiet environment, don't disturb him." The voice of Yang Lao, the commander of the army of sentient beings.

After a slight sound of footsteps, followed by a soft closing of the door, in the real world, finally, there was no sound coming over.

Xiao Zhi regained his composure and continued to walk on the ice field.

The whole world is gray, as if cast a shadow.

Thousands of feet ahead, there are two monsters fighting.

A monster shaped like a wolf, and a monster shaped like a wild boar.

The body of the wolf-shaped monster is made of rock, and the body of the wild boar monster is made of blue ice. The reason why they fight is to compete for a white and crystal-clear flower.

The strength of these two monsters is not considered weak, and their strengths are similar. According to Xiao Zhi's visual inspection, they both have the strength of a big monster in the middle and late stages. In the outside world, this is also a big monster. They are just the lowest-level little monsters. Xiao Zhi has seen several waves of such little monsters along the way.

As for the white and crystal-clear flower that could cause the two monsters to fight, it is naturally not an ordinary flower. Xiao Zhi stared at it, and soon, a line of text appeared in front of his eyes:

"Ice snow lotus, taken by warrior cultivators has miraculous effects. It can be used for 5 years of cultivation. A player can take at most one plant, which has matured."

This ice and snow lotus is already the second treasure that Xiao Zhi has seen in this short period of time.

Xiao Zhi was a little baffled by the frequency of appearances of heaven, material and earth treasures here.

In this remote area, danger is danger, but there are also many things like heaven and earth treasures and heaven and earth rare treasures.

Some players who like to study history have read a lot of ancient books in the world of sentient beings. After studying the contents, they have come to an astonishing fact. Such good things usually come from places like dangerous places and extinct areas, and the probability of finding these things is extremely small in places other than dangerous places and extinct areas.

And when players come to the world of sentient beings, the probability of finding natural treasures and rare treasures in dangerous places and worlds outside the absolute domain is several times higher than before.

The reason for this situation is obviously that the system of the world of sentient beings has made some manipulations and changed some rules of this world.

When Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, the battle between the two monsters in front of him had already been decided.

The wolf-shaped monster was defeated. It left behind a pile of rubble that had peeled off from its body, let out a somewhat weird growl, and ran away with its tail between its legs.

After all, it doesn't have a flesh and blood body, so the roar of a beast is naturally not a real wolf, and it roars so authentically.

The monster in the shape of a wild boar also let out a somewhat weird hissing sound, chasing after it with its tail in its tail.

After chasing after Baizhang, the boar-shaped monster stopped chasing, but made a humming and chirping sound, and returned the same way.

Only halfway back, its body froze, and then, its body like an ice sculpture began to collapse, scattered into pieces of ice all over the ground.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Ever since he entered this mountainous cold domain, his [Vajra Dazzling] supernatural power has been turned on all the time. Just now, he vaguely saw a very faint blue shadow appearing in front of him. The monster in the shape of a wild boar is about to He crashed headfirst into this extremely pale blue shade, and died suddenly.

"Master Yaozun, what is that blue shadow?" Xiao Zhi pointed to the very light blue shadow in front of him and asked.

Ginseng fruit with a beautiful and delicate face showed a look of surprise on his face, and said, "You can actually see it?"

"Of course I can see it, and I don't even look at what I'm using. What I'm using is the high-level supernatural power [Vajra Dazzling] of the Perfection level. Many Nascent Soul major repairs outside have not mastered the pupil technique of the Perfection level." High-level supernatural powers. ’ Xiao Zhi said in his heart, and said on his mouth: "It's a fluke, it's just a fluke to see it."

The icy female voice said: "That is the extremely cold region, its appearance is difficult to perceive, the scope may be large or small, and the time of existence may be long or short, once accidentally entered this extremely cold region, the demon master will die, Even if the Yaozun strays into it, he still has to shed a layer of skin."

"Is it so scary..." Xiao Zhi couldn't help clicking his tongue after hearing this.

"What do you think?" The cold female voice said: "In the cold mountain prison, the most terrifying thing is not the monsters living here, but the extreme natural environment like the extreme cold region. The environment here is dangerous, don't say you There are human beings who broke in, even if it is a monster race that was born and bred here, if one is not careful, there is a possibility of death."

Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts, this time he said a few more words.

Xiao Zhi nodded, expressing his approval of Venerable Lanshuang Cannian's words.

Xiao Zhi saw how the wild boar monster died just now.

That extremely cold region was created suddenly, it accidentally broke into this extremely cold region, and died instantly!

It died so fast that it didn't even have time to let out a miserable howl before it died.

This is a big monster! Huge in size, rough in skin and thick in flesh, even if Xiao Zhi wanted to kill it, he couldn't kill it so quickly.

Xiao Zhi suddenly remembered that when he had just set foot in this mountainous cold land, he landed from a high altitude. Under the command of Lanshuang Yaozun Cannian, he changed his flight direction more than ten times in a row before landing. The wind was blowing too high in the sky, and the sky was still a little gray. He seemed to have vaguely seen this very light blue shadow at that time.

Xiao Zhi asked tentatively: "Master Yaozun, when you first came in, did the danger also come from this kind of extreme cold?"

"Not all." The cold female voice responded to Xiao Zhi.

"Then besides this kind of extreme cold area, how can there be such dangers?" Xiao Zhi asked while carefully recalling the scene at that time.

"Why should I tell you?" The cold female voice was a little wary.

'This damned remnant, really careful enough. ’ Xiao Zhi complained in his heart.

The ice lotus plant in front is a genuine natural treasure, and it is a new variety that Xiao Zhi has never tasted before.

With his big golden eyes wide open, he cautiously walked towards the ice lotus in front of him.

This time, Lanshuang Demon Venerable didn't say much about this remnant thought.

Seeing that the monster in the form of a wild boar suddenly died suddenly, the monster in the form of a wolf stopped running away and started to turn back.

This wolf-shaped monster is worthy of being a native-born monster here, and it should have experience in encountering this kind of extreme cold area. When returning, it deliberately circled a big circle to avoid the place where the wild boar-shaped monster died.

It successfully avoided the terrifying extremely cold region, but it didn't know that Xiao Zhi, a human being, was approaching.

Xiao Zhi performed the divine invisibility technique and was in a state of invisibility. Not to mention this wolf-shaped monster at the level of a big demon, even the demon king, or even those extremely powerful demon venerables, it would be difficult to find out if you don't investigate carefully. aware of his presence.

When the wolf-shaped monster approached the ice lotus, roared excitedly, and was about to pounce on the ice lotus, Xiao Zhi made a move.

He didn't do it himself, but sent out his Sad Spring Knife.

As a Lingbao-level weapon, the Beichun Knife possesses a spirit and a certain degree of self-awareness. It also possesses not-so-weak combat power when the supply of true energy is sufficient.

As soon as the Beichun Knife escaped from Xiao Zhi's body, it tore through the air with a hiss, and flew towards the wolf-shaped monster hundreds of meters away.

The wolf-shaped monster was very vigilant, and it sensed the danger immediately, turned around and fled without saying a word.

It's just that its speed is far behind Beichun Dao's speed of piercing through the air, and it was overtaken in the blink of an eye.

After a few swipes, the wolf-shaped monster was hacked to death by the Beichun knife.

Beichun Dao still looked unsatisfied, and after flying around the ice lotus a few times, he returned to Xiao Zhi's side unwillingly.

After successfully picking off the ice and snow lotus, he packed it in a spare jade box and put it in the storage ring. Under the urging of Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts, Xiao Zhi continued on his way on the ice field.

Time is passing by every minute and every second.

Xiao Zhi walked in this mountainous and cold domain, always maintaining the operation of the two high-level magical powers of [Divine Hidden Art] and [Vajra Dazzling], and occasionally using the magical power of [Shrinking the Ground to an Inch]. Due to the consumption of sex, even if Xiao Zhi has the realm of the peak of Jindan, and the true energy in his body is extremely powerful, he can't last for too long.

In the blink of an eye, two hours have passed.

Xiao Zhi took out a spirit stone from the storage ring, held it in his hand and absorbed it. Before that, he had already consumed several spirit stones.

Maintaining the Kun human form also requires energy consumption.

In order to save energy, he had already escaped from the Kun-human form and returned to his human form.

In fact, it is meaningless to maintain the form of a Kun in this mountainous cold domain.

The greatest existence value of the Kun-human form is the life-saving innate skills possessed in the Kun-human form. To use those innate skills, a larger water source is needed.

And from the moment he entered the mountainous cold domain, until now, not to mention rivers and lakes, he has never seen a drop of liquid water, and the underground river he used to put the markers in did not exist, they were all ice. .

While absorbing the spirit stone, Xiao Zhi took out a piece of demon king-level jerky from the storage ring, stuffed it into his mouth, and began to chew.

While chewing the jerky, Xiao Zhi whispered, "Master Yaozun, how long will it take before we reach our destination?"

The cold female voice said coldly: "What? Human, you don't want to go any further?"

"No, no." Xiao Zhi denied it firmly: "Master Yaozun, you have the grace of my life, and it is my honor to serve Lord Yaozun. How could I not want to?"

"Hypocritical human beings." The cold female voice snorted coldly.

Xiao Zhi pretended not to hear it, and said with a bitter face: "Master Yaozun, it's not that I don't want to, but that there are not many remaining spirit stones on my body, and there are only 21 left in total. If the distance is too far, I'm afraid I won't be able to persist to the destination, and my spirit stones will be exhausted."

There was obvious distrust in the cold female voice: "Your strength is not weak, and your status in the human world should not be low. How can you only have so many spirit stones?"

Xiao Zhi smiled wryly and said: "Master Yaozun, I did have a lot of spirit stones on me before, but I spent all of these spirit stones on the body of the Dao Nascent Soul clone of Venerable Ji Shi to maintain it. It exists, if you don’t believe me, look at it.”

Saying that, Xiao Zhi opened his storage ring, showing the Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant look, with a magnanimous appearance.

The cold female voice said: "Where is the other storage ring on your finger?"

Xiao Zhidao: "This is the storage ring of Wang Jiufeng, a Nascent Soul cultivator in Xuanming Kingdom. After he died, I got this storage ring by luck. I also want to know what is inside, but this storage ring There is a restriction, and I can't open it in a short time, or Lord Yaozun, can you open it for me?"

Thank you Xiaoyao OL for the reward, tomorrow is the New Year's Eve, I wish you all a happy new year~

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