This Game is Unusual

Chapter 724 Transformation complete, Nascent Soul Overhaul!

Xiao Zhi is now in a very mysterious state.

He felt his consciousness being split in two.

Part of the consciousness is still the original him, and the other part of the consciousness is the inner space of the golden core that has sunk into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. No, it should be called the inner space of the Nascent Soul now.

The part of the consciousness that sinks into the inner space of the Nascent Soul becomes a little person in the inner space of the Nascent Soul. The black and silver embroidered military uniform worn before the catastrophe.

This little man is the Nascent Soul condensed after Xiao Zhi survived the Nascent Soul Tribulation, and his soul transformed.

Nascent Soul has a relatively independent self-awareness, but also communicates with the main body. This is a very mysterious feeling, a bit like schizophrenia.

When the Nascent Soul was first condensed, Xiao Zhi still felt a little uncomfortable, but soon he got used to it.

In the inner space of the Nascent Soul, the Nascent Soul, which looks like a small person, is floating in mid-air, and the world around it is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

There was heavy rain, lightning and thunder, a blue dragon was swimming excitedly above the gray sky, and a black kun fish was swimming in the water below.

The torrential rain and accumulated water in this space are transformed by the energy of heaven and earth and true energy, while the lightning is transformed by tribulation thunder.

The whole space was rumbling and vibrating. During the violent vibration, the area of ​​this space was constantly expanding.

At the beginning, it was only 2,000 feet in a radius. With the sound of the boom, it expanded to 3,000 feet, 4,000 feet, 5,000 feet, and it got bigger and bigger. It didn’t stop until it reached 10,000 feet. Expanding, the rumbling sound began to get smaller.

Xiao Zhi's Nascent Soul had a panoramic view of this scene, which was like opening up the world.

Xiao Zhi's main consciousness is in the world of sentient beings.

His sea of ​​consciousness space is undergoing dramatic changes, and his body is also undergoing transformation.

After the nine thunderstorms, Jielei has changed from a terrifying and violent destructive power to the most nourishing panacea in the world. It is constantly nourishing and repairing Xiao Zhi's scarred body. Take his physical fitness to a higher level.

Not only the flesh and bones, but the true energy in his body is also changing. The purity of the true energy is getting higher and higher, and the density is getting higher and higher. Correspondingly, the power that can be erupted is also changing. will become stronger and stronger.

The embryonic form of his domain is also undergoing transformation, evolving into a real domain.

Whether it is the great change in the sea of ​​consciousness space or the transformation of the body, all these need a process.

Xiao Zhi is now in the process.

The man who is transforming is not as powerful as the real Nascent Soul cultivator, but compared to him before the catastrophe, he is much stronger.

In his current state, he would definitely not be able to deal with the real Nascent Soul Daxiu or Yaozun, but it would be a breeze to deal with the wind giant behind him.

Xiao Zhi still has this bit of self-confidence.

The cyan wind blade was broken, and the wind giant let out a howling sound like a gust of wind, and rushed towards this side.

It was obviously angry.

The cyan wind blade was transformed by one of its arms, and one arm was crushed by someone, how could it not be angry?

"It's just in time, just to give my Beichun Knife a try." Xiao Zhi's sliver of water floating next to Bing Xuelian said with a smile.

Water-like blue brilliance circulated in the air, and soon, another body of water appeared, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth.

These five water clones all looked exactly like Xiao Zhi, and they all held a saber that looked like a sad spring knife, and they all rushed towards the wind giant.

The wind giant screamed, but he was not afraid, and continued to rush towards this side, fighting with Xiao Zhi's five water bodies.

The size of this wind giant is too huge. From a distance, it looks like five little sparrows besieging an elephant.

With a chirping sound, a water clone of Xiao Zhi was cut into splashes by the huge cyan wind blade.

More cyan wind blades emerged from the wind giant's body, sweeping towards Xiao Zhi's body of water like a gust of wind.

Chi chi sounded endlessly.

These water bodies of Xiao Zhi were cut to pieces one by one by the wind blade.

Water-like blue rays of light circulated, and water bodies condensed out of the blue rays of light, charging towards him with a saber in the shape of a sad spring knife.

These water bodies were quickly crushed by the sharp blue wind blades, and then new water bodies were born in mid-air.

After several seconds of stalemate like this, a scorched black figure appeared behind the wind giant out of thin air,

The scorched black figure held the saber in both hands condescendingly, and slashed down with the saber, releasing a huge saber aura as thick as ink and like a shadow!

The cyan wind blades along the way, no matter how big or small, were all cut to pieces by this knife!

The saber energy continued to move forward, and with a chirping sound, it directly split the wind giant in front of him into two parts!

brush! brush! brush! A few more knives were slashed out, the terrifying knife aura criss-crossed, and amidst the screams, the wind giant's huge body intertwined with cyan whirlwinds was completely smashed, leaving only a cyan boulder lingering in the whirlwind , floating in mid-air.

This is the demon pill left behind by the wind giant after his death.

The scorched black figure beckoned, and the cyan boulder floated towards him.

With a soft click, a piece of scorched black skin fell off from the scorched black figure's face, revealing a small half of a face that was as crystal clear as suet jade.

There was another light click, and another piece of scorched skin peeled off from his face, revealing most of Xiao Zhi's face.

After putting this demon pill into the storage ring, Xiao Zhi chuckled and said, "My water body is indeed much stronger than before, and it is not enough to deal with the peak demon king." , I need to do it myself to kill it.”

This wind giant, even among the peak demon kings, belongs to the top category of strength, but Xiao Zhi instantly killed him with a single blow.

In other words, before crossing the catastrophe, Xiao Zhi should be able to kill it relying on his own domain prototype, but he couldn't kill it so simply and neatly.

His current strength has been greatly improved compared to before.

Even now, the transformation is not over.

After killing the wind giant, Xiao Zhi withdrew his own domain prototype, withdrew the sad spring knife, and slowly closed his eyes.

When he closed his eyes, he sent a sound transmission to the ice lotus floating hundreds of meters away: "Master Yaozun, it will take some time for me to transform, please trouble you."

From the ice lotus, came a cold female voice: "I'm very weak now, I can't carry you anymore."

Just now, when Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thought was chased by the wind giant, its weakness was already evident. At this time, it stopped hiding it and confessed directly to Xiao Zhi.

"It's simple, Lord Yaozun, you just need to lead the way." Xiao Zhi said.

While speaking, the Sad Spring Knife that had just been put into his body flew out again, rose against the wind, turned into a small metal boat, and connected Xiao Zhi's body to him.

As a Lingbao, the Sad Spring Knife has a certain degree of self-awareness. It can not only chase and kill enemies, but also carry people.

"That's about the same." The cold female voice said.

At this time, the ice snow lotus also spun and fell on the swollen blade of Beichun Dao.

"This way." Bing Xuelian raised a white and crystal-clear petal, pointing in one direction.

The Sad Spring Knife let out a joyful shriek, followed the direction pointed by Bing Xuelian, and the speed broke through the sound barrier in an instant, tearing the air and roaring away.

"Slow down!" The cold female voice screamed.

The speed at which the Sad Spring Knife erupted was really too fast, it was only remnant, its detection power was limited, and it couldn't adapt to such a fast speed.

The Sad Spring Knife had been ordered by Xiao Zhi through his mind to make it obey the orders of the Lanshuang Demon Venerable. Therefore, it obediently slowed down its speed, and its flying speed dropped sharply.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" said the cold female voice.

Beichundao obediently sped up a little more.

A few minutes later, on the mountainside of a huge iceberg.

A deep hole was dug out on the mountainside. In the deep hole, Xiao Zhi was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, as if he was resting his mind.

The transformation has been completed. At the moment the transformation was completed, he received a notification from the system. As the first player in this world to break through to Nascent Soul Realm, he was rewarded with 5 points of bone value.

Since then, Xiao Zhi has truly stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm and has become a powerful Nascent Soul cultivator!

The former Xiao Zhi might never have dreamed that the future him would be in the Absolute Territory, crossing the Nascent Soul Tribulation and breaking through to become a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The absolute domain is the absolute domain.

No matter how bumpy and dangerous the process was, he finally broke through successfully and became a Nascent Soul Daxiu!

At this time, he was adapting to his new body and new strength.

The Sad Spring Knife is like a swimming fish, happily swimming around Xiao Zhi.

A crystal clear ice lotus floated at the entrance of the cave, emitting a faint light.

After another minute passed, Xiao Zhi slowly opened his eyes, and a jade tablet appeared out of thin air, floating in front of him. This was his sound transmission jade charm.

Xiao Zhi is trying to use it to contact people from the outside world.

The icy female voice said coldly: "Don't waste your efforts, this thing in your hand can be used outside. It is impossible to have any effect in this cold mountain prison."

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhi took the sound transmission jade talisman and said with a smile, "I'll just try it casually, and don't expect it to be effective."

What he said was the truth.

As for whether he could contact the outside world through the sound transmission jade talisman, he had no hope at all, and he was already prepared for it.

If communication magic weapons such as sound-transmitting jade talismans can really work in this absolute domain, it is impossible for that Yu Xuzi who entered the mountain-cold absolute domain alone to go without news for so long.

Ji Yuanrong, the leader of Beilan Road who entered the Nine Nether Absolute Territory, also had no news after entering the Absolute Territory, and no news came out. He could only know that he was still alive through the soul lamp that belonged to him.

The test results just now proved that the sound transmission jade talisman is indeed invalid in this mountainous cold area, just like a mobile phone in the real world is out of the service area, unable to send or receive information.

After receiving the sound transmission jade talisman, Xiao Zhifu closed his eyes again, trying to return his consciousness to the real world.

Soon, Xiao Zhi frowned slightly, and then the frown became deeper and deeper.

He just tried to return his consciousness to the real world, but failed. After that, he tried a few times unwillingly, but still failed.

His consciousness cannot return to the real world, which means that he is still in a dangerous situation, which means that his current situation is not safe.

At least under the judgment of the sentient beings system, this is the case.

So where does the danger come from?

In this deep cave, the temperature is not particularly cold. With his current Nascent Soul-level physique, even if he doesn't use his body-protecting essence, he won't be frozen to death.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the ice lotus floating at the entrance of the cave. This is not an ordinary ice lotus. Inside this ice lotus is the remnant thought of the Blue Frost Demon Venerable.

Could it be that danger comes from it?

This idea popped up uncontrollably.

When the idea arises, the intent to kill arises!

Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts should have been very weak. The blue wind blade swung by the wind giant at the peak level of the demon king almost drove it into a desperate situation. Xiao Zhi is now The Nascent Soul of the Eight Classics has been overhauled, and its strength is several times stronger than that of the previous wind giant!

For the current Xiao Zhi, the remnant desire to kill Lanshuang Yaozun is a piece of cake.

As soon as this killing intent was born, it was forcibly suppressed by Xiao Zhi.

At least for now, Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts are still trustworthy, and there is nothing to be sorry for him.

The ginseng fruit fell into his hands after it gave up, and it also found the land of crossing the catastrophe for him.

Not only that, but when he crossed the Nascent Soul Tribulation, it also took the initiative to protect him, and reminded him how to take that ginseng fruit during the process.

After crossing the catastrophe, it was also the one who left the ice field with him who was at his most vulnerable.

In this way, the Lanshuang Demon Venerable's remnant thoughts not only have nothing to do with him, but also have kindness to him. Even if the Lanshuang Demon Venerable's remnants help him in this way, it is actually just for self-help, but kindness is kindness.

Even if you don't talk about kindness, you only talk about benefits.

Even though Xiao Zhi has already broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm, he is still the weakest among the Nascent Souls. In this perilous mountain and cold realm, once he leaves the local snake, the Lanshuang Demon Venerable, he will Become unable to move an inch, narrowly escaped death!

Not to mention leaving this mountainous and cold domain, it is probably very difficult to survive.

This is not what he wants.

Therefore, whether it's talking about feelings or interests, he shouldn't kill Lanshuang Yaozun's cruel thoughts now!

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi withdrew his gaze, and said silently in his heart: "I, Xiao Zhi, am not the kind of ungrateful person, as long as you don't think badly about me, want to kill me, or want to enslave and control me, Then, I will keep my promise and send you to the place you want to go..."

Thank you Wujianyinyue, these rustling, immortal Xiaoyao Dao rewards.

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