This Game is Unusual

Chapter 729: Ice Calamity

In the soil layer, compared to being exposed to the air, it always feels safer.

At least there is no need to experience the cold wind outside, there is a thick layer of soil to block the line of sight, and it can also reduce the chance of being targeted by those terrifying monsters.

Inside the deep cave, Xiao Zhi was sitting cross-legged, gnawing on a large piece of dried fish. He thought it was too troublesome to get a box of pastries, but he still liked such a simple and crude way of eating meat.

As for the taste, I have already used [Whale Swallow Skill] to eat, so what does it taste like?

After he made the big demon king fish into dried fish, he still hasn't finished eating it, but that was before, and now it's different.

After becoming a Nascent Soul cultivator, his food intake has increased several times compared to before. In addition, now that he has introduced the demon Li Kuo as the main force, his consumption of food is even greater. Although there are a lot of dried fish, he probably won't last long.

‘I have to find a way to stock up on some food, otherwise, I’ll just sit and eat…’

It's just that the problem of food is a bit difficult to deal with. He has come all the way, and he has seen a lot of monsters, either stone or ice. Here, there are very few flesh and blood monsters. They are monsters with flesh and blood, but facing these centipedes, Xiao Zhi really has a hard time talking, hard to swallow...

In the future, if you encounter normal flesh-and-blood creatures, such as lion monsters and tiger monsters, you must not let them go, and just dry them and store them as food reserves...

While eating the dried fish, Xiao Zhi was planning ahead for the food in his heart.

The ice snow lotus that was parasitic with the remnants of the Blue Frost Demon Venerable was still floating at the entrance of the cave, spinning slowly.

Li Kuo, the demon, stood beside Xiao Zhi, leaning his back against the cold wall, tilting his head slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

After eating a large piece of dried fish, Xiao Zhi picked up another large piece of dried fish, performed [whale swallowing skill], and stuffed it all into his mouth, making his cheeks bulge, and chewed stand up.

While eating, Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to the demon Li Kuo standing beside him through his thoughts: "Brother Li, miss your wife and son?"

Li Kuo denied it flatly: "No, it's only been how long, I'm thinking, how can I get out of this ghostly place."

Xiao Zhi sighed in his heart, and said, "Let's take a step and take a step. By the way, Brother Li, you are also a demon master now. When you were on your way, why didn't you see you expand your domain?"

Xiao Zhi actually wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but when he was just on his way, Li Kuo, the demon, needed to concentrate on his way. He was afraid that asking would distract Li Kuo, so he delayed asking until now.

Li Kuo was silent for a while, and said with a wry smile: "I don't have a domain yet, and the prototype of the domain has not yet been condensed. I guess it will take some time before I can condense the domain."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

Even before the embryonic form of the domain was condensed, it was already a demon venerable.

This demon is really a magical species...

Before, I thought that Li Kuo should be one of the weakest demon masters in this world after becoming a demon master.

Now it seems that "should" can be removed, and "one" can also be removed.

A demon master who doesn't have a domain may not even be able to beat a monk at the peak of Jindan who has a prototype of a domain...

"Brother Li, you have to condense the domain as soon as possible. You are a Yaozun now, and you can't do without a domain." Xiao Zhiyu said earnestly.

"I know, I will try my best." Li Kuo responded.

After eating more than a dozen pieces of dried fish in a row and filling a large tank of water, Xiao Zhi was finally full. He let out a long sigh of relief and rubbed his slightly swollen stomach with his hands.

It's strange to say that he is not that kind of huge monster. After eating food several times his size and drinking so much water, his stomach is only slightly swollen. It cannot be explained by common sense.

It can only be said that after walking a certain distance on the repair road, the current him can no longer be regarded as a normal human being.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged, did not get up immediately, but slowly closed his eyes.

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Zhi felt in a trance for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, what he saw was already the scene in the guest room of the villa in the real world.

'It is still possible to return to the real world...'

'This means that in the judgment of the system of sentient beings, the environment I am in is relatively safe. The remnant thought of Lanshuang Yaozun is either too weak to pose any threat to me, or It has no killing intent towards me...' Xiao Zhi said silently in his heart.

In the guest room of the villa where he was staying, it seemed very quiet at this moment, and he was the only one in the room.

The lights in the room were not turned on, but the sky outside was already dim, and the light coming in through the outside could still barely see things.

Xiao Zhi saw that the life-support equipment had not been removed, and the dining car and the tableware left after eating had all been quietly removed.

Xiao Zhi got up, found his mobile phone from the bedside table, turned on the screen and checked the time.

September 27, 2021 at 5:59 am.

It's only 1 minute to 6 o'clock.

Throwing the mobile phone's screen aside, Xiao Zhi closed his eyes, and with a thought, after a moment of trance, his consciousness re-entered the world of sentient beings.

After his consciousness entered the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi slowly opened his eyes. He still didn't intend to stand up, but with a thought, he called out the entrance to the Sumeru Realm of living beings.

He has already tried it, even if he is in the cold mountain domain, his consciousness can return to the real world. Now he is going to give it a try to see if he can enter the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings smoothly.

After a short period of trance, Xiao Zhi found himself in a world surrounded by black mist. The temperature here was much warmer than that in the cold mountains, but his strength was severely suppressed here.

This is the Sumeru Realm of all living beings.

Xiao Zhi is already very familiar with this world surrounded by black mist.

"It's Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi is here." A voice said in surprise.

Xiao Zhi turned his head to look over, and found that this was a young man from the Xia Kingdom who looked a little strange.

Those who can appear here are at least Golden Core level players. The player in front of him should be a newly born Gold Core player in Xia Kingdom in the past two days.

In my country of Xia, a new Golden Core player was born, Xiao Zhi was quite happy about this.

He smiled and nodded at the newly promoted Golden Core player.

"Xiao Zhi."

"Mr. Xiao Zhi, you are here."

Several other players stationed at the birth point also greeted Xiao Zhi one after another.

Xiao Zhi smiled and nodded in response.

With a sway of his figure, he floated out of the hill and floated in the air tens of feet above the ground.

'After becoming a Nascent Soul cultivator, I feel completely different. Even though my strength is still suppressed, I feel much more relaxed than before. I can already fly freely in the sky. '

When he was still a martial artist at the peak of Jindan before, he could also fly in the air, but when he was flying in the air, he would feel a sense of hindrance, which was far less smooth than it is now.

Xiao Zhi circled the hill representing the birth point, circled and danced for a circle, then hovered in the air again, looking forward.

After becoming a Nascent Soul cultivator, not only can he fly more smoothly, but he can also see farther. Even without using any magical powers like pupil technique, he can now see the distance of hundreds of feet, unlike before. Similarly, the previous him, if he didn't use pupil technique-like magical powers, the distance he could see outside was pitifully small.

You can see such a long distance without using any pupil-like magical powers, so what if you use pupil-like magical powers? How far can you see out?

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but look forward to it.

King Kong dazzles!

Xiao Zhi glared, and immediately used the consummation-level [Vajra Dazzling] supernatural power, and immediately, two golden rays of light, like two laser beams, burst out from his eyes!

In Xiao Zhi's field of vision, the darkness ahead receded like a tide, and everything in front of him was clearly visible!

Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank slightly.

so far……

This distance must have exceeded 20,000 zhang, right?

To be precise, it is 22195 feet away. Xiao Zhi's current brain computing power is no less than that of the latest supercomputer in the real world. He can calculate the precise distance in an instant.

Xiao Zhi himself was a little stunned to be able to see such a long distance.

You must know that in this Sumeru Realm of All Lives, his previous limit of visual distance was only a distance of more than a thousand feet.

A full increase of more than 20 times!

But if you think about it carefully, this kind of improvement is actually still within the normal improvement range.

After all, the increase in his viewing distance this time is a double increase.

His strength has crossed from Jindan Realm to Nascent Soul Realm, which is almost a qualitative leap, and the improvement is very large.

In addition to the realm improvement, he also upgraded the supernatural power of [King Kong Dazzling Eyes] from the previous Dacheng level to the Consummation level, which is also a very big improvement.

The superimposition of the two kinds of enhancements has the current effect.

Xiao Zhi didn't stay for too long in this Sumeru Realm of all beings.

Less than a minute later, he left the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, and his consciousness returned to the world of all living beings.

Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged in the world of sentient beings, cold mountain prison, and deep cave, slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, a cold female voice rang in his ears: "Xiao Zhi, can you go?"

"Let's go." Xiao Zhi said.

Li Kuo is still leading the flight, while Xiao Zhi is flying lying down.

When the demon Li Kuo was flying close to the ground, he still maintained the same speed as before.

As time passed, huge icebergs were left behind.

Suddenly, from far away, a ray of light lit up, illuminating the drowsy sky a little, and the ground faintly trembled.

The demon Li Kuo stopped immediately, turned his head and looked in the direction from which the light came.

Xiao Zhi also turned his head and looked over there, his eyes burst out with dazzling golden light in an instant, this is the vision presented by the supernatural power [Vajra Dazzling].

However, his sight was blocked by huge icebergs, and he couldn't see anything except that ray of light.

If you fly high in the sky, you may be able to see something from a high altitude, but the high altitude here is too dangerous, Xiao Zhi dare not vacate easily.

"Lan Shuang, what's that?" If he didn't understand, he had to ask, since he didn't dare to vacate, Xiao Zhi could only ask Lan Shuang Yaozun, a native of the Absolute Cold Mountain Region, for advice.

Lanshuang Yaozun didn't say anything about his remnants.

"Is there any treasure in the world?" Li Kuo said.

He has been following Xiao Zhi for a long time. He has followed Xiao Zhi and participated in several treasure hunting operations. Even he himself had an intersection with Xiao Zhi in one treasure hunting operation. Therefore, Li Kuo saw After this vision, the first thought that popped into his mind was, is there any treasure in that direction?

Judging by the movement, this treasure must be extraordinary!

In fact, not only Li Kuo, but also the first thought that came to Xiao Zhi's mind was also the same.

Xiao Zhigang wanted to echo Li Kuo, but at this moment, the cold female voice said coldly: "The ice disaster is coming soon, let's run away, let's run away quickly."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi and Li Kuo were startled.

Shouldn't that vision be a treasure appearing in this world?

Ice disaster? What the hell is this?

"Don't run away quickly!? Are you two looking for death?!" The cold female voice screamed: "This way, run towards this side!"

Saying that, Bing Xuelian raised a white and crystal-clear petal and pointed in a certain direction.

The direction it points to is completely opposite to the direction from which the light came.

At this time, Xiao Zhi also realized the seriousness of the problem, and he sent a voice transmission to Li Kuo, the demon with his mind: "Listen to it, let's run away."

"Okay." The demon Li Kuo replied to him with his thoughts.

The demon Li Kuo took Xiao Zhi and the ice snow lotus and flew close to the ground.

After flying for two seconds, the cold female voice screamed again: "Hurry up, hurry up, if you don't want to die, hurry up!"

This is a mountainous and cold area, and flying at super high speed is very dangerous.

Seeing Li Kuo's hesitation, Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and said, "Listen to it once and speed up. It's the local snake here. With it guiding the way, it should be fine if you go faster."

"Okay." For Xiao Zhi's words, Li Kuo, the demon, obeyed. He immediately accelerated his speed, which greatly increased his flying speed.

During this process, Xiao Zhi has always activated the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling], observing the situation in front of him and around him.

With his super vision, he found 6 monsters in the vicinity.

There are 5 monsters among them, wandering around as if nothing happened.

There was only one monster, looking very flustered, running in their direction.

The five monsters that were wandering around as if they had nothing to do were just monsters of the big monster level based on the strength of their aura.

The monster that ran away in a panic was a lion-shaped monster that was condensed from blue ice. Its aura was relatively stronger, and it was a monster at the level of a demon king.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and he asked, "Lan Shuang, what is this ice disaster?"

Thank you for the reward from me and the wind.

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