This Game is Unusual

Chapter 733 Two Mountains, God-Level Players!

Xingdi Yasha is the weakest among the three Xingdi monsters.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, didn't even need to use any ultimate moves to deal with it, and cut it in half with a single stab.

Looking at the corpse of the monster disintegrating into black mist, Xiao Zhi was thinking that using the [Divine Hidden Technique] to carry out a sneak attack is actually not bad.

Even though he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, he still has to engage in sneak attacks against these Jindan-level monsters, which feels a bit embarrassing and detrimental to the dignity of the Nascent Soul Daxiu.

However, it is really easy and labor-saving to engage in sneak attacks.

There is no need to use ultimate moves, just use normal attacks directly.

You must know that performing a killer move consumes a lot of real energy.

The real energy consumed by performing one ultimate move is enough for him to fully activate the supernatural powers of [Vajra Dazzling Eye] and [Shen Yin Technique], and it lasts for a long time.

As for Yuanying Daxiu's face, no one else is looking at it, so it doesn't matter what face it is.

Having tasted the sweetness, Xiao Zhi turned on the stealth mode and started his journey of killing monsters outside the 'New Village'.

He is a Nascent Soul martial artist, and when his strength exceeds his opponent by a large margin, he engages in sneak attacks. Not to mention Xingdi Yasha, even Xingdi Shura, the most powerful Xingdi monster, can kill him with a single blow. Get rid of.

Xingdi Rakshasa is a bit special, it can't be solved with one strike, it needs two strikes.

Xiao Zhi just flew all the way, killing all the way.

Wherever he passed, earth-like monsters died tragically under his knife, disintegrating into clouds of black mist. As for those black mist monsters that were not popular, even more died.

Before he knew it, Xiao Zhi flew more than 2,000 miles forward. On this endless plain surrounded by black fog all year round, he finally saw a mountain peak.

This is a mountain peak that is more than a hundred feet high, and there is a thick black mist that wraps this mountain peak.

This mountain... feels a bit familiar...

When he passed through the air wall for the first time and came to the world outside the air wall, he also saw a mountain peak. The height of that mountain peak also exceeded a hundred feet, and it was also wrapped in a thick black mist like ink.

Could it be the same mountain?

No, the location is different. At that time, not long after he passed through the air wall, he saw the mountain peak.

And the distance between the mountain peak in front of him and the air wall exceeds 2,000 miles!

But it's hard to say, if this mountain peak represents the 'birth point', then it can be moved.

Within the range of the air wall, whether it is the birth point of the players of their Dachang country or the player of Xuanming country, they have been moved many times, and they are no longer in the initial position.

Xiao Zhi gently flapped his pair of golden wings, staring at the mountain ahead that was wrapped in black mist.

At that time, his strength was still too weak to see through the black mist around the mountain peak, so what about now?

Xiao Zhi fluttered his wings lightly, and his nihilistic body shot forward like an arrow, quickly approaching the mountain peak.

10000 zhang...5000 zhang...1000 zhang...

At this moment, a figure floated out from the mountain wrapped in black mist.

This is a young man wearing a loose white robe and shawl hair. He has sword eyebrows and star eyes, an extraordinary appearance, and an aura like an abyss like an ocean!

Xiao Zhi's flying figure suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The intuition of the strong is often very strong. In order to avoid arousing the other party's vigilance, he did not dare to look at the young man directly, but only dared to look at the young man out of the corner of his eye.

This man is strong! It should be a Nascent Soul cultivator like me! From the perspective of breath alone, it is stronger than me.

The young man didn't deliberately restrain his breath, so Xiao Zhi quickly judged the general strength of the young man.

In Xiao Zhi's field of vision, there was a faint red light on the young man's body, which meant that, under the judgment of the world system of sentient beings, this man was neither an enemy nor a friend!

Xiao Zhi's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, many thoughts appeared in his mind.

This mountain surrounded by black mist should be a birth point. This person is likely to be a player like him, because only hostile players will be marked with red lights by the sentient beings system.

This person comes from the world outside the air wall, and should have nothing to do with the players of Xuanming Kingdom, but the system marks him as a hostile player. What's going on?

Just as Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, another figure rushed out from the mountain wrapped in black mist.

This is a dark-skinned, bald-headed man in black iron armor. He has a burly figure and knotted muscles, exuding a masculine aura from all over his body.

He also didn't hold back his aura, Xiao Zhi quickly judged his general strength, this is also a Nascent Soul major repair, in terms of aura strength, compared to the young man before, he was a bit stronger!

In the next second, another figure floated out from the mountain wrapped in black mist.

This is a beautiful woman with ethereal breath, wearing a pink robe, surrounded by pink petals, making her look like a flower fairy.

This woman's aura is also very strong, not weaker than that of the burly bald man, and even stronger.

In Xiao Zhi's field of vision, the bodies of these three people were faintly glowing red, which meant that in the judgment of the sentient beings world system, these were all hostile players.

In just a few seconds, three Nascent Soul-level hostile players emerged from the mountain wrapped in black mist!

The weakest one has stronger aura than Xiao Zhi!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being in a trance.

In this world outside the air wall, are Nascent Soul players so worthless? It can be seen everywhere, and I saw three at the first sight, and the weakest one of them seemed to be stronger than him...

"Who is it!? Come out!" The beautiful woman with ethereal breath turned her beautiful eyes, looked towards Xiao Zhi, suddenly frowned, and shouted loudly.

Following her roar, the young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and the bald man all turned their heads and looked towards Xiao Zhi!

was discovered? ! Xiao Zhi was startled, and his figure retreated like lightning, and he retreated thousands of feet in one breath.

"Hide your head and show your tail! Let me go and kill him!" The masculine bald man roared, and two laser-like golden lights burst out from his eyes.

This vision is exactly the same as the vision that Xiao Zhi displayed when he cast [Diamond Eyes]!

The pupil technique mastered by this bald man is actually a high-level magical power [Vajra Dazzling Eyes]!

After yelling these words, the bald man's body was covered with thunder, and there was a faint electric glow in the air around him. He was about to rush towards Xiao Zhi, but he was held back by the young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

Wearing a loose white robe, the young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes said: "This person is not from Qin, maybe he is just a passer-by. Don't make any troubles, lest you make too many enemies!"

The bald man snorted, stopped obediently, and stopped chasing Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi broke out in a cold sweat from the shock, and flew away from the mountain, and flew towards the depths of the black mist. After flying for hundreds of miles, he stopped.

Just now, he was almost a thousand feet away from those people, and he also cast the [Spiritual Concealment Technique], and he was in a state of divine concealment, covered by black mist. Is that woman a dog? Even though he was so careful, that woman could still find him!

'This woman is horrible! Stay away from her in the future! ’ Xiao Zhi secretly said in his heart.

No! Not only to stay away from that woman, but also from that mountain. His main task now is to collect enough sentient beings points to prepare for the destruction of the world, rather than to explore the world outside the air wall.

Exploring the world beyond the walls of air is just incidental!

When doing things, we must distinguish between primary and secondary!

Xiao Zhi secretly warned himself a few words in his heart, and then began to honestly pick up the blame.

He used [King Kong Dazzling] to find the target, then approached the target, waved the sad spring knife in his hand, killed the target with one blow, and easily eliminated the target.

Xiao Zhi has gone through this process many times today.

Unknowingly, more than a dozen "Xingdi" monsters died under Xiao Zhi's knife, and Xiao Zhi also unknowingly flew more than 1,000 miles in this direction.

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Zhi looked inwardly at himself.

True energy reserve: 23%.

The reserve of true energy in his body is already less than a quarter.

This is also because, as a Nascent Soul cultivator, the true energy in his body is much thicker than that of a Golden Core cultivator.

When he first entered the Sumeru Realm, his true energy reserves were 59%. Now, after killing so many monsters and walking such a long distance, he still has 23% of his true energy reserves left.

In other words, when he was a monk at the peak of Jindan before, after so long tossing around, the true energy in his body must have been exhausted long ago.

At that time, he went out to hunt monsters. In order to save his true energy and improve his battery life, when he was on the road, he used his physical strength most of the time. It will only be turned on occasionally, and it will only be fully fired when fighting. Even so, the 100% reserve of true energy when he and his friends set out can only last for about half a day. Just run out.

'The true energy in the body is only 23% left, it seems that we still have to turn on the 'save point' mode. ’ Xiao Zhi muttered in his heart.

Come out, Li Kuo!

A phantom floated out of Xiao Zhi's body, floating in the sky above Xiao Zhi's head, it looked like a ghost, it was Li Kuo, the demon!

Li Kuo in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives, although his IQ is not high, is far inferior to his real deity, but his fighting power is the same as his real deity, and he has also reached the level of a demon venerable!

Xiao Zhi must make good use of such a high-level tool person.

Xiao Zhi followed the previous method in the world of sentient beings, turning the demon into a 'battle armor' and putting it on his body.

The difference is that the armor in the world of sentient beings is a fully automatic armor, he can just lie down, and he doesn't need to worry about it at all. The one he is wearing now is a fully automatic armor. It is a semi-automatic armor, and occasionally he needs to use his mind to control it.

The invisibility ability is regarded as an innate skill of the ghost, so even if Xiao Zhi doesn't use the [Divine Stealth Art], he can still have a strong invisibility ability by relying on the ghost.

Although the fighting strength of the Yaoyao is obviously inferior to Xiao Zhi's, it is still a fighting strength of the Yaozun level, and it may not be able to deal with the same level of monsters. It is still very easy to deal with these monsters in the Zhushengxumi world.

In this way, Xiao Zhi only needs to activate the magical power of [King Kong Dazzling Eyes] occasionally, search for prey, and then set the attack target for the demon, and he doesn't have to worry about other things.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and a few hours passed just like that.

During this period, Xiao Zhi killed dozens of strong or weak "walking land" monsters, and Xiao Zhi walked thousands of miles along a curved line.

During this period, he encountered another mountain surrounded by black mist. This mountain was higher than the one he encountered before.

Xiao Zhi learned his lesson this time, he didn't get too close to the mountain, he just took a look at it from a distance, and left silently.

When he left, he had some guesses in his heart.

In this world, not only the world he is in, but the world where the players from Xuanming Kingdom are, has been pulled into the Sumeru Realm by the world system of all beings.

There should be many, many more worlds that have been pulled in...

The world he was in, and the world where the players from Xuanming Kingdom were, were just two novices in Novice Village.

The area covered by the air wall is the area of ​​Novice Village.

According to the game rules of the sentient beings world system, only one novice can come out of the novice village, and the remaining one will be eliminated, and the result of being eliminated is to be wiped out by the demon.

Winning this national war with Xuan Mingguo may not be the end of the game, it may just be the beginning of the game.

In this way, some things can be explained.

For example, why are the few people he met outside the air wall marked with a red light by the world system of sentient beings, because they are also players like him.

Why are these players so powerful? The weakest one in Yishui's Nascent Soul Realm is stronger than him. That's because they are official players who have walked out of Novice Village. players are still struggling in Novice Village, comparing the two, naturally there is no comparison...

The Nascent Soul players he saw today are probably just the ordinary players in the world they live in, not top players. Their top players will only be stronger...

It may even have surpassed the realm of Nascent Soul...

Nascent Soul Realm is the third and last realm in Dao Realm.

Above the Dao Realm is the legendary God and Demon Realm!

A few words suddenly popped up in Xiao Zhi's mind - god-level player!

A god-level player who is as powerful as the legendary gods and demons!

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling a little lost.

God level!

He has just entered the Nascent Soul Realm, and it is too far away from this legendary realm.

Thanks to me and Feng Jie for the rewards, thanks to asongger, and Feng for the rewards.

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