This Game is Unusual

Chapter 74 The special feature of Yangxi

This is a strange crow with a pair of blood-colored eyes. It stood on Boss Ba's shoulder from the very beginning.

Its strange blood-colored eyes, even when Xiao Zhi recalled them now, felt a little permeable.

Perhaps... the reason why Boss Ba appeared outside Heping Village and robbed Heping Village is all related to this weird blood-eyed crow!

Xiao Zhi recalled last night, from the appearance of Boss Ba until Yang Xi was captured by Boss Ba, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Boss Ba did last night was related to this weird crow, There is a great connection!

He recalled a detail. At that time, this strange blood-eyed crow flew from Boss Ba's shoulder once, and circled several times over the people in Heping Village. When it fell again, Boss Ba at that time He turned his head slightly, and made a movement of listening.

what is he listening to Could he understand the cry of this blood-eyed crow?

Afterwards, Yang Xi was called and taken away by Boss Ba.

Obviously, Yang Xi's capture by Boss Ba also has a great connection with this strange blood-eyed crow!

At that time, when he gathered warriors and youths from Heping Village to hunt down Boss Ba and the others, Boss Ba had only two bandit warriors under his command, and he even specially sent a bandit warrior to guard the unconscious Sunset.

This shows that Boss Ba attaches great importance to Yang Xi.

Xiao Zhi immediately thought of many things.

What kind of existence is this blood-eyed crow?

Is the reason why Boss Ba was able to escape from the pursuit of guerrilla Chen Yousong related to this blood-eyed crow?

Why does Boss Ba attach so much importance to Yang Xi?

Could the reason why he attaches so much importance to Yang Xi have something to do with this weird blood-eyed crow?

Did Boss Ba come to Heping Village to rob, just incidentally, and his real purpose was actually Yang Xi?

When it comes to the little girl Yang Xi, she is indeed a little weird.

For example, when she was in the mountains, she had an almost instinctive perception of danger.

Her perception of danger is as precise as a humanoid radar.

This point, Xiao Zhi, who is an acquired extreme warrior, can't do it, the dead Yang Xu can't do it, and none of the other villagers in Heping Village can do it.

Only Yang Xi can do it.

Yang Xi should not be an ordinary person.

In those fantasy and fairy tale novels, don't some special physiques often appear, such as the chaotic real body, the sky magic body, etc. Could it be that the little girl Yang Xi also possesses a special physique or ability, This successfully attracted the attention of that weird blood-eyed crow?

Xiao Zhi felt that this possibility was not only possible, but also very high.

At least it is much more likely than what he thought before, because he is the first player in the game, and the possibility of being taken care of by the game system is much greater!

"Well, Young Master Li, last night, standing on Boss Ba's shoulder, that crow with blood-colored eyes, do you still remember?" Xiao Zhi asked.

"Of course I remember, this crow is very weird, I can remember it for several months just because of its intrusive appearance!" Li Pingfeng said.

"After I went after Boss Ba, did this blood-eyed crow appear again?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Last night, since the blood-eyed crow was shot away by the arrow, Xiao Zhi's attention was attracted by other things, and he didn't pay attention to the blood-eyed crow.

"Yes, when you went to hunt down Boss Ba and I brought Yang Xi to join the villagers, this blood-eyed crow flew over again, but was soon scared away by the villagers with bows and arrows." Li Pingfeng said.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard the words: "This blood-eyed crow looks really weird, but its strength is too weak."

It was precisely because the blood-eyed crow did nothing later on and had no sense of existence that Xiao Zhi ignored it when he was thinking about Boss Ba.

Li Pingfeng said: "I think it doesn't matter whether this blood-eyed crow is strong or not. The important thing is that it is probably sent by a certain existence. Behind it, there may be other His people, in the novels of cultivating immortals we have read, don’t there often be such plots, some powerful monks can use their spiritual consciousness to control some creatures, let these creatures do some things for themselves, or use them as their own eyes. and exist.”

Xiao Zhi nodded when he heard the words, just now, he also thought of this.

We are all young people, who hasn't read a few fairy tale novels?

Even if you haven't read Xianxia novels, you should have watched Xianxia movies and TV series, right? Sometimes there are bridges like this.

Thinking that there might be a mysterious and terrifying existence behind that blood-eyed crow, Xiao Zhi felt a little headache.

Because of him, the calculation of the existence behind the blood-eyed crow has failed. This existence will not come to him in person in a fit of anger, right?

Things seem to be getting more and more complicated.

It's really a headache to think about it.

Forget it, let's take a step at a time.

Xiao Zhi decided that once the restrictions outside Xinshou Village were lifted, he would immediately rush to Linwu County.

As for the little girl Yang Xi...

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, he still decided to take Yang Xi to Linwu County together.

After all, Yang Xi is the younger sister he recognized in the world of sentient beings.

Yang Xu's death had already made Xiao Zhi feel guilty, so he couldn't leave his sister behind.

If he left his sister behind, Xiao Zhi would feel a little bit hard on his conscience.

If she was left in Heping Village and ignored, she would most likely be captured by the blood-eyed crow, a 'monster'.

Even if you don't talk about feelings, just start from the perspective of interests.

It is very likely that Yang Xi is not an ordinary person. With her extraordinary ability to predict danger, Xiao Zhi has only advantages and no disadvantages in bringing her by his side.

And take Yang Xi to Linwu County together, maybe you will encounter danger on the way.

But Xiao Zhi had already thought about it just now, the probability of the mysterious existence behind the blood-eyed crow coming to trouble him in person should not be high.

After all, if the existence behind it could really do whatever it wanted, it could have come here in person last night, and it didn't have to use Boss Ba's hand to take away Yang Xi.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi was relieved a lot.

In the final analysis, he still knows too little about the world of the 'world of sentient beings'.

Although he has been in touch with the game "The World of All Beings" for several months, and his own strength has also been raised to the acquired limit, but to be honest, Xiao Zhi feels that his understanding of the "World of All Beings" may not even be "a corner of the ice". 'It doesn't even count.

Perhaps, only when he left Heping Village, went to Linwu County, and became familiar with Linwu County, could he be said to have a little understanding of the 'world of sentient beings'.

Three hours later.

On a hill not far from Heping Village, here is a cemetery specially opened for Heping Village.

After the villagers of Heping Village died, most of them would be buried in this cemetery.

Yang Xu is no exception.

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