This Game is Unusual

Chapter 735 King Kong and King Kong Dazzling

At this time, the overwhelming pink petals turned into a long dragon-like rope, bound towards King Kong!

On King Kong's body, clusters of golden light flashed, it was the group of piranha-like flying swords, 'biting' him frantically all over King Kong's body.

At this moment, the long rod of lightning brought a sizzling electric glow, and smashed towards King Kong's temple from the side!

These few players are not only strong, but also cooperate very well. Xiao Zhi, who secretly fought for dozens of miles, watched with bated breath.

Under his gaze, the eight-armed vajra with a black ring of fire spun out from behind his head, his aura soared, and it also exploded at this moment.

King Kong waved his knife-holding arm like lightning, blocking the lightning rod that was hitting his temple.

The dazzling electric lights covered King Kong's body in an instant like boa constrictors.

Under the erosion of thunder and lightning, King Kong let out a muffled grunt. During the muffled grunt, the length of his other arm skyrocketed, and the black sword in his hand stabbed straight at the burly bald player who mastered the law of thunder and lightning.

Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank, it was too fast, the speed of King Kong's stabbing sword was so fast that Xiao Zhi barely saw an afterimage.

The black sword pierced through the burly bald player's body in an instant!

The extraordinary-looking black iron armor worn by the burly bald player, and the flashing lightning around his body, under this black sword, it seems that there is nothing, and it has no effect at all!

The burly bald player screamed loudly, his voice was extremely shrill.

At the same time, King Kong twisted his body, and the arm holding the spear suddenly became blurred. He threw the black spear in his hand, and threw the black spear towards the mountain-like human face above the sky.

The black spear pierced through the air, and a pitch-black flame ignited in the process of piercing through the air.

In the next moment, the huge human face was pierced between the eyebrows by the black spear.

An extremely painful expression appeared on the majestic huge human face, and amidst the wailing sound, the huge human face began to shatter.

With the shattering of the huge human face, the terrifying coercion descending from the sky also disintegrated in an instant.

King Kong, who was crushed to the ground with one knee before, stood up from the ground again.

He held the black long staff in both arms, and with a sweep, he swept towards the pink rope wrapped around him,

The sweeping speed of the pitch-black staff was also too fast to be seen by the naked eye. The pink rope that was swept by it collapsed into pink petals all over the sky again.

In the darkness, a woman's muffled groan sounded.

Xiao Zhi felt familiar with this muffled voice, it was the voice of the female player in the pink skirt!

Those piranha-like flying swords are still blooming with colorful and dazzling brilliance, frantically 'biting' King Kong's body, and 'biting' clusters of dazzling golden light on him.

However, at this moment, these flying swords seemed so powerless.

Don't look at them 'biting' very happily, and they also gnawed a lot of marks on King Kong's body, but Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that these were just superficial injuries, and they were harmless at all.

Too strong, this eight-armed vajra is really too strong.

After the black spear was thrown, the black mist surged, and another black spear appeared in the hands of the Eight-Armed Vajra, which held it and threw it out.

As soon as the black spear fell into the darkness, there was a scream. It was the voice of the female player in the pink skirt.

After throwing this black spear, the black mist rolled, and another black spear appeared in the hands of the eight-armed vajra, and he threw it like lightning!

In the darkness, another scream sounded.

This was the voice of a young man that Xiao Zhi heard very strangely, and it should belong to the player who hid in the dark and controlled the flying sword.

Because, with this scream, those flying swords that were crazily biting King Kong like piranhas wilted all of a sudden, their speed dropped sharply, and fell from midair one after another.

After throwing this spear, King Kong stopped throwing the spear, but slowly stood up straight, and the burly bald player who was pierced by him on the black sword, the flashing electric light on his body quickly became It dimmed until it disappeared.

King Kong lightly waved his sword, and his body was thrown tens of feet away, rolled and fell to the ground, motionless, he should be dead.

The pink petals floating all over the sky turned into phantoms and disappeared before they hit the ground.

The battlefield that was still very lively before suddenly became quiet. Only the King Kong was left standing in the field. His body was shining golden, as if painted with a layer of gold paint. He had eight thick and thick legs. Two arms hold staffs, and other arms hold different weapons such as knives and spears. There is also a black fire ring hanging behind his head.

It looks like a fierce demon god!

all dead? Those players are all dead?

Or, how many died and how many escaped?

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, witnessed the whole process of this battle, and the whole person seemed silent.

To be honest, the strength of those players is actually not weak.

Not only are they not weak, but they are also very strong, and their cooperation with each other is also very tacit.

Xiao Zhi was watching the battle just now, so he didn't have time to think about it. Now that he thought about it carefully, if he replaced that King Kong, under the siege of these players, he probably wouldn't be able to survive even a second and would have to be killed. !

He is not even an opponent to these players. It is ridiculous that he was planning to deal with this King Kong before, but now that he thinks about it, he is courting death!

Those who don't know are not afraid, in front of this "perfect" King Kong, he probably can't even hold a spear.

After standing in place for a while, the burning black fire ring behind the King Kong's head gradually faded and disappeared. With the disappearance of the pitch-black fire ring, King Kong's aura also fell rapidly.

The golden paint on his body also slowly faded away, and the six extra arms also retracted into his body.

The black mist condensed into a black monk's robe, which was put on its slightly pale and naked body.

This King Kong returned to the appearance when Xiao Zhi first saw him, walking forward on the desolate sandy ground.

Xiao Zhi noticed that the string of pale skulls that he wore around his neck before was gone.

Perhaps when the black fire was burned and turned into the black fire ring, the skulls were all burned by the black fire, right? Xiao Zhi thought so in his heart.

Suddenly, a thought popped up in his heart.

Those skulls were burning with black flames, and when King Kong's head turned into a black ring of fire, King Kong's strength skyrocketed.

This should be an explosive state, similar to the state when the small universe explodes in those novels and anime.

Now, this string of pale skulls is gone. Doesn't this mean that this King Kong can no longer explode like before?

Since this King Kong can no longer explode, then... maybe he can...

Xiao Zhi shook his head violently.

What is he thinking, this King Kong is so powerful, even if there is no black fire ring behind his head, he is not the opponent of this King Kong!

However, just watching this King Kong leave like this, he felt a little unwilling in his heart.

Killing this King Kong, it seems that a kind of fragment can be exploded.

This is what the four players outside the air wall shouted from the player who mastered the law of lightning when they attacked the King Kong.

His original words at the time were: "You are the evildoer, let's go together! Kill him! Explode the pieces!"

Xiao Zhi didn't know what kind of fragments could explode, but he could feel that this fragment must be unusual.

How could the four Nascent Soul players join hands to obtain something ordinary?

The strength of this vajra is so terrifying, how can the things that burst out of him be ordinary things?

"Let's follow it for a while, and see the situation before we talk..." Xiao Zhi, who was unwilling, quickly made a decision in his heart.

He is full of curiosity about this King Kong, even if he can't kill this King Kong, he still wants to observe this King Kong more and see what kind of monster this King Kong is.

Also, he only heard the screams, and only saw the scene of the player who mastered the law of thunder and lightning being killed. He didn't see the scene of the other three players being killed. There are various abilities. Even if he heard the screams and saw the picture of being killed, he still can't be sure that the players outside the air wall must be killed. There may be some of them alive.

In this way, he needs to be more careful.

Xiao Zhi, who is cautious by nature, didn't even dare to get too close, but kept the distance at about seventy or eighty miles. He felt that this distance was relatively safe.

King Kong stepped forward, and Xiao Zhi followed from afar. After a few minutes passed like this, a burly figure with dark armor and red skin appeared in Xiao Zhi's field of vision.

This is a walking earth Shura!

With heavy strides, the respectable Shura ran straight towards King Kong.

Xiao Zhi thought of the black mist monster in the form of a black panther. In front of King Kong, the black panther was as obedient as a puppy.

When Xingdi Shura meets King Kong, what kind of performance will it have?

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but look forward to it.

Soon, the walking Shura came running in front of Vajra.

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, the only Asura knelt down on one knee, directly in front of that Vajra.

Vajra, wearing a black monk's robe, walked slowly in front of it, stretched out his pale palm, and pressed it on Xingdi Shura's ferocious head.

At this time, a scene that surprised Xiao Zhi happened.

Xingdi Shura's ferocious head was actually picked off by King Kong's hands just like that!

Xingdi Shura's body collapsed into black smoke, and the flesh and blood on Xingdi Shura's head began to melt rapidly, and soon, only a pale skull was left.

'It turns out that those pale skulls hanging around King Kong's neck came from this way...' Xiao Zhi was stunned.

Hanging the pale skull around his neck, King Kong continued to walk forward.

'When King Kong's neck is covered with pale skulls, can he explode into a small universe again? ’ Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

‘Or, there is no need to hang all the skulls at all, a single skull is fine, but the outbreak time is much shorter? ’ Xiao Zhi guessed in his heart.

Just when Xiao Zhi was thinking about these things, a faint light flashed.

King Kong, who was walking forward, seemed to be hit head-on by a high-speed maglev train, and his body flew backwards hundreds of feet away!

A little bit of dark golden liquid drifted away.

King Kong let out a terrifying low growl, and after flying back several tens of feet, he finally hovered in mid-air.

Between his eyebrows, there was a small sword sticking out at this moment. This small sword was as thin as a willow leaf and glowed with pale golden light.

This should be a flying sword.

Xiao Zhi's pupils couldn't help shrinking after seeing this scene through the supernatural power of [King Kong Dazzling Eyes].

Very similar sword! Such a familiar sword!

No, it should be said to be exactly the same!

At this moment, he was almost completely sure that when he squeezed out of the air wall for the first time, it was this flying sword that suddenly appeared and killed him!

The murderer who killed him was precisely this man who hid in the dark and remotely controlled the flying sword!

This flying sword was very slender, and it was inserted between the eyebrows of King Kong, who was over three feet tall, and looked like a tiny toothpick.

The slender flying sword erupted with dazzling brilliance, and wanted to go deeper, but went a little deeper in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, another dark golden liquid seeped out from the wound between King Kong's eyebrows.

King Kong let out a low growl of pain. He stretched out his hand and pinched the flying sword firmly with two fingers, preventing the flying sword from going any further.

A golden lacquer emerged from the forehead of this Vajra again, quickly spreading all over his body, re-dying the Vajra into a golden figure.

From King Kong's back, the six arms stretched out again.

A black mist surged towards this side, transforming into different weapons such as knives, guns, and spears, and was held by these arms!

"How dare you sneak attack Ben King Kong! Kill...kill you!" King Kong let out a terrified roar like thunder.

The pale skull that was hung on his neck just now floated up immediately, burning a black flame, and drifted to the back of King Kong's head, spinning rapidly, and soon turned into a faint black ring of fire .

As soon as the black fire ring was formed, King Kong's aura surged a lot!

From his eyes, two laser-like golden lights burst out.

Xiao Zhi felt that this vision was very familiar, and it was exactly the same as the vision that he displayed when he cast the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling]!

This vajra, it seems, also possesses [Vajra Dazzling] supernatural powers...

Wait, King Kong... King Kong is dazzling...

Xiao Zhi seems to have figured out something...

King Kong opened a pair of golden eyes and glanced forward.

At this time, dozens of rays of light lit up in the darkness.

These are flying swords, blooming with dazzling brilliance, tearing through the black mist, and attacking King Kong!

Most of the rays of light were knocked away by King Kong waving weapons with several arms, and a few fish that escaped the net were not intercepted. On King Kong's golden golden body, several clusters of dazzling golden brilliance pierced out. !

Once King Kong unfolds his golden body, they can't break through the defense of this King Kong at all!

Thank you for the reward from me and the wind.

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