This Game is Unusual

Chapter 744 Another visit

Xiao Zhi kept his mind hidden and continued to walk forward.

Every once in a while, he would cast [Vajra's Dazzling Eyes] supernatural power and take a glance at the drowsy sky to see if he could encounter that new type of monster with wings again.

As a result, after more than an hour passed, he really met another one.

The one he met looked almost exactly the same as the previous one.

It should be a new type of monster of the same species.

The rich experience in killing monsters told Xiao Zhi that in the Sumi Realm of all beings, there may be some differences in the strength of monsters of the same species, but the difference in strength between them will not be particularly large. That is, a small boundary gap.

Xiao Zhi, who was looking up at the sky, with a pair of dazzling golden eyes, was firmly locked on the new monster above the sky. Without any hesitation, his figure soared into the sky, heading towards the winged flying monster. Monster-like monsters approached the past.

This time, Xiao Zhi learned the lesson from the last time, and with his sword fully prepared, he brought a thick shadow like ink, and slashed directly at the back of the monster's head instead of the neck.

Even with one blow, he still couldn't kill the monster directly, but it caused the monster to suffer serious injuries.

This time, it took Xiao Zhi a shorter time to resolve the battle.

The monster's body collapsed into black mist, and disappeared into the world. The place where it disappeared was empty, and no fragments burst out.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi had almost used up all the real energy in his body, so he did not continue to stay in the wild, and decisively chose to 'return to the city'.

An irresistible attraction acted on Xiao Zhi, and the scene in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly blurred, and when it became clear again, Xiao Zhi was already on the small mountain representing the birth point.

Xiao Zhi is still in a hidden state, so the few players stationed at the birth point did not notice Xiao Zhi's return.

After returning to the birth point, Xiao Zhi immediately called out his attribute panel:

Name: Xiao Zhi

Realm: Yuanying early stage

Affiliation: World 3091

Sentient points: 271850.

Xiao Zhi did a quick mental calculation in his heart, and quickly calculated the result. Today, he gained a total of 102,320 sentient beings points.

If you count the 10,000 National War Merit Points consumed by using the 'Return to City' function, then he has gained a total of 112,320 sentient being points today!

It can be described as a bumper harvest!

It has to be said that after breaking through to the Nascent Soul Realm, earning sentient beings points is much easier than before.

Now Xiao Zhi can easily get tens of thousands of sentient beings points a day, and when he is lucky, the sentient beings points he can even exceed 100,000!

This is an achievement achieved when his initial true energy is only 57%.

If his initial true energy can reach 100%, he will be able to penetrate farther into the depths of the Sumeru Realm of all beings, gain more points from all beings, and his daily income can easily exceed 100,000 , when you are lucky, you can even reach 200,000!

After looking forward to it in his heart, Xiao Zhi clicked on the details of the sentient beings point with his thoughts:

‘Kill 1 Xingdi Shura and get 1000 sentient beings points. '

‘Kill 1 black mist monster and get 10 sentient beings points. '

‘Kill 1 Flying Yaksha and get 10,000 sentient beings points. '


‘Kill 1 Xingdi Yasha and get 200 sentient beings points. '

‘Kill 1 black mist monster and get 10 sentient beings points. '

‘Kill 1 Flying Yaksha and get 10,000 sentient beings points. '


I was really fooled by myself, this kind of monster with a pair of wings, which is almost similar to Xingdi Yasha, is really called Feitian Yasha!

Killing a flying Yaksha can get 10,000 sentient beings points.

The strength of this Feitian Yasha is comparable to that of ordinary Nascent Soul Early Stage monks, and there is still a certain gap from the 'high-end' Nascent Soul Early Stage monks.

Like Xiao Zhi, who is accompanied by 3 spirit treasures and has mastered 5 perfection-level high-level supernatural powers, even if he does not use the method of sneak attack, it is still possible to fight this flying Yasha head-on. The only way to win is to spend more time and spend more hands and feet.

Xiao Zhi didn't stay long on the small mountain that represented the birth point before returning to the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi, who was curled up in a small space, slowly opened his eyes.

This small space was as silent as ever.

Through his thoughts, Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to the demon Li Kuo: "Brother Li..."

"I'm here." Li Kuo second replied.

Xiao Zhiyu said earnestly through voice transmission: "Brother Li, you work hard and gather the domain as soon as possible."

He recalled the scene in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, when the demon was smashed by the flying Yaksha and then brutally killed.

A demon who has not mastered the domain is really worthy of the title of the weakest demon master. Even a Nascent Soul-level monster with average strength like Flying Yasha can easily kill him.

It's too weak, it's really too weak, it's a disgrace to the Demon Lord!

Of course, Xiao Zhi would definitely not tell the demon Li Kuo what happened in the Sumi Realm.

If the demon Li Kuo knew that Xiao Zhi often used him as cannon fodder in the Sumi Realm of all beings, Li Kuo, the demon, would probably have the desire to strangle Xiao Zhi to death.

However, the things that happened in the Sumeru Realm of all beings are limited by the system of all beings, even if Xiao Zhi wanted to tell Li Kuo, he probably couldn't tell.

Li Kuo, the demon, naturally didn't know what Xiao Zhi was thinking. Seeing what Xiao Zhi said, he also replied seriously with his mind: "Okay, I will work hard, and try to unite the domain as soon as possible. Come out, this will help you a little more."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

He couldn't help but wonder, in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, was his attitude towards the demons too harsh? If there is nothing to do, I will push the ghost to be cannon fodder. It seems that it is not good to do so...

But Xiao Zhi thought about it again, and felt that it was actually nothing to do.

The demon Li Kuo in Zhusheng Xumi Realm is not the real demon Li Kuo, but a battle puppet condensed from the sentient beings system based on the demon Li Kuo.

The real demon Li Kuo, Xiao Zhi must be reluctant to let him die.

As for that puppet Li Kuo, Xiao Zhi felt that when he needed cannon fodder, he had to push it out as cannon fodder...

Soon, Xiao Zhi returned to the real world.

In the real world, the first thing Xiao Zhi did after he opened his eyes was to pick up his mobile phone from the bedside table, turn on the screen, and check the time.

September 29, 2021 at 3:23 pm.

Xiao Zhi got up from the bed, went to the bathroom to use the toilet, and after washing up, he opened the door of the guest room and walked out of the room.

Immediately, a staff member from the villa area came over here and said courteously, "Sir, what are your orders?"

'What else can I order besides eating? ’ Xiao Zhi complained in his heart.

The delicious food was quickly brought into the room. After eating and drinking, Xiao Zhi lay down on the sofa, took his mobile phone, and began to edit text.

He recorded in the text that he met a new player's birth point and encountered Feitian Yasha today in Zhusheng Xumi Realm, and described in detail Feitian Yasha's image, strength, and what he could do to kill it. Data such as the sentient beings points obtained.

These are very important materials for the world he lives in.

As the first Nascent Soul Realm player born in this world, and as the most powerful player in the world, Xiao Zhi now plays the role of a pioneer. Before him, players were limited by their strength. You can only act within the protection range of the air wall, even if you squeeze out of the air wall, you can't go out too far.

In the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, only he can walk such a long distance outside the air wall, and only he has the ability to kill the flying Yaksha.

It took more than ten minutes to edit the text, Xiao Zhi clicked send, and sent the text to his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji.

During this period of time, he has been in direct contact with Liu Yi, the high-level executive of the All Living Army, and has been in frequent contact.

This can no longer be the case. He feels that it is better to contact Liu Ji, his exclusive correspondent, for things that are not particularly urgent. The exclusive correspondent may have to be laid off.

Not long after the text was sent, Liu Ji sent a message back: "Got it, I'll report this to the higher-ups."

Xiao Zhi rubbed his eyebrows, stood up from the sofa, lay back on the bed, closed his eyes, and entered the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, in the dark and quiet space, Xiao Zhi curled up with his eyes closed, thinking about something.

He now has 270,000 sentient beings points on his body, which is already a huge number.

It takes 200,000 sentient beings points to descend to the world where the players from Xuanming Kingdom are located.

After subtracting the 200,000 sentient beings points, Xiao Zhi was left with 70,000 sentient beings points.

After the arrival is completed, 100 sentient beings points will be consumed for every second of staying in the enemy's world. In other words, Xiao Zhi's remaining 71,850 sentient beings points can stay in the enemy's world for a total of 718 seconds. , if converted into minutes, it is less than 12 minutes.

There is only less than 12 minutes, such a short time, it still feels too little...

It seems that we have to continue to work hard...

When Xiao Zhi was thinking about this in his heart, he vaguely heard the ringtone of his mobile phone.

This is the real world, someone called him.

As soon as Xiao Zhi made a thought, his consciousness returned to the real world.

He opened his eyes, picked up his phone and saw that it was Liu Yi, the All Living Army, calling him.

"Hello." Xiao Zhi answered the phone.

A middle-aged male voice came from the other side of the phone: "Xiao Zhi, I'm Liu Yi, are you free now?"

Xiao Zhi said: "Yes."

"Well, you wait for me, I'll come over." After saying this, Liu Yi hung up the phone.

Xiao Zhi put down his phone, feeling a little helpless.

This Director Liu has been a bit diligent in visiting recently.

Soon, Liu Yi hurried over with two people, and they met in the living room of the villa.

After Xiang Xiang sat down, Liu Yi didn't beat around the bush, and said straight to the point: "Xiao Zhi, how many sentient beings do you have on your body now?"

Xiao Zhi said truthfully, "270,000 points."

"270,000 points..." Liu Yi frowned and said, "It's still a bit small, Xiao Zhi, work harder."

"Well, I will work hard." Xiao Zhi nodded, he glanced at Liu Yi, and then at the two people standing beside Liu Yi.

Both of them were wearing the work clothes of the All Living Army. One looked relatively young, only about 30 years old by visual inspection, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and looked refined. The other was about 40 years old, ordinary-looking, and slightly fat.

Xiao Zhi withdrew his gaze from them, picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip of tea, and said, "Director Liu, you came here this time to find me not just to ask me about this matter, right? Straight up."

Liu Yi smiled and said, "I'm here to look for you this time, and I do have other things."

As he spoke, Liu Yi turned his head and glanced at the young man wearing black-rimmed glasses.

The young man understood, and hurriedly took out a tablet from the briefcase he was carrying, gently placed it on the desk in front of Xiao Zhi, and said softly, "Mr. Xiao, this is for you."

In front of Xiao Zhi, his peers, this young man has already used the honorific title and behaved very respectfully.

In this regard, no matter whether it was Liu Yi of the sentient beings group sitting opposite Xiao Zhi, or the fat middle-aged man standing next to Liu Yi, the expressions did not change. It seemed that the young man behaved like this beside Xiao Zhi. As it should be.

Before he knew it, Xiao Zhi's status became higher again.

Especially when his strength has broken through from the Golden Core Realm to the Nascent Soul Realm, the attitude of those in the know towards him has changed significantly.

For example, Liu Yi, the army of sentient beings sitting opposite him.

Liu Yi is one of the top executives of the All Living Army. When he was treated before, although he was very polite, he was treated more like a junior. Now it is different. Xiao Zhi can feel that Liu Yi is now It put him in the same position as him.

After the young man finished these, he retreated to Liu Yi's side again.

Liu Yi smiled and said: "Xiao Zhi, this tablet computer contains a lot of information about our hostile world. The information collected by our All Living Army and other countries through various channels is all on it. When you are free, you can read more, a lot of the content here is classified, Xiao Zhi, you can just read it yourself, don’t let it out.”

"I know that." Xiao Zhi nodded.

He stretched out his hand, opened the tablet directly, and flipped through it casually.

You can use this tablet to find relevant information about Mo Yi, Long San, Sha Wu, and other Xuanming players. After clicking on it, the information displayed is much better than the public archives of enemy players. It is much more detailed, and even every shot they make has a detailed record here.

Hey, this tablet actually has a global map of the world where the players from Xuanming Kingdom are located!

Thank you for the rewards from me and the wind are passers-by. Today's Goddess' Day, I wish the goddesses a happy holiday and happy every day.

Tonight, I have to drive the night train from Hunan to Guangxi. I will pick up my mother. I have to come back tomorrow. I think I will be in the car all day tomorrow. I don’t have time to code. I will take a day off and update the day after tomorrow. I hope everyone will forgive me.

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