This Game is Unusual

Chapter 747 The Strongest Clone

Liu Yi glanced at Xiao Zhi and said, "I just don't know if you can spare this time, Xiao Zhi."

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and said, "I'll do my best."

In Xiao Zhi's villa, the three of Liu Yi stayed until dusk, and then left in a hurry.

After the three left, Xiao Zhi lay down on the sofa in the bedroom, closing his eyes and thinking about something.

Yes, it's a bedroom, not a guest room anymore.

In fact, the bedroom has already been tidied up, but Xiao Zhi is more casual, no matter where he lives, he doesn't mind, so he lived in the guest room of the villa for a long time.

Soon, Xiao Zhi lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi's body was still curled up in that small space.

In the Sumeru Realm of all beings, two days have passed since the ice disaster appeared.

According to Lanshuang Yaozun's Cannian, the duration of this ice disaster can range from a few hours to two or three days, or even three to four days. They need to hide here for five or six days before going out. Only then is it safe.

If you are more cautious, you may even need to hide here for about ten days.

In other words, in this fairly safe place, he could stay at least another three or four days.

As for staying here, whether he will be found by the horrific ice disaster, and then be killed by the ice disaster, and die unexpectedly. Xiao Zhi is no longer worried about this matter.

Two days passed, and he already thought about it. This Lanshuang Demon Venerable is a local snake in this mountainous cold domain. He has lived in this mountainous cold domain for countless years. I don't know how many times I've been through it.

Following such a local snake and following its method to avoid the ice disaster, why should he panic?

If the method Lanshuang Yaozun used to avoid the ice disaster was useless, it was estimated to have died tens of thousands of years ago, how could it have survived until now?

In the cold darkness, Xiao Zhi curled up, seemingly sleeping. In fact, he had used his thoughts to call out the actual combat space of the sentient beings system, entered it with consciousness, and started a new day of fighting.

He set the enemy as Nascent Soul cultivator and Yao Zun who were similar in strength to him, and then started a series of 'actual combat exercises'.

After more than a dozen battles in a row, Xiao Zhi's winning rate increased a little.

He found that his winning rate against Yaozun was significantly higher than his winning rate against Nascent Soul monk.

Yao Zun generally have high blood and high defense, and their vitality is very tenacious, so they are difficult to kill. This is their advantage. Every time Xiao Zhi kills these Yao Zun in the actual combat space, he has to use all means and fight for a long time , to kill them.

Compared with Yaozun, Nascent Soul cultivators are much weaker in body, but Nascent Soul cultivators have all kinds of supernatural powers, and their methods are tricky, which makes people hard to guard against. The control of the field is also relatively fine. Fighting these Nascent Soul cultivators to the death, You need to be careful and careful, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will capsize and be killed.

After getting tired from fighting, Xiao Zhi looked for a battlefield with a quieter environment and more beautiful scenery, and then set up a weak opponent.

After easily suppressing this weak opponent, he began to think about his water field.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Zhi's closed eyes opened slightly, and the light blue brilliance surged out of his body, covering the entire battlefield space in an instant. Suddenly, the entire space was covered by the light blue brilliance. flooded.

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, the light blue brilliance suddenly turned from illusion to reality, turning into real water.

What was originally a quiet and peaceful grove suddenly turned into an underwater world.

Xiao Zhi's face suddenly turned pale, and he felt as if his body had been hollowed out.

His body was indeed hollowed out, and so much water was condensed at once, the true energy in Xiao Zhi's body bottomed out on the spot, leaving less than 10% of the true energy reserve.

It was in this actual combat space that Xiao Zhi dared to do this. In the world of sentient beings, he treasured the true energy in his body now, and he dared not waste any of it.

Xiao Zhi's opponent this time is a thin middle-aged man with a bitter face.

This appearance of the middle-aged man was not randomly created by the sentient beings system, but Xiao Zhi did it deliberately.

There is no other reason. It is really pitiful to be his opponent. If the setting is more friendly, he will not be able to fight.

It's better to look hideous. When Xiao Zhi suppresses him, at least he won't feel guilty.

The middle-aged man with a mean face was just an acquired martial artist, he was suppressed by Xiao Zhi on the ground, unable to move.

It was okay before, but now the ground has turned into the bottom of the water, and after being suppressed under the water, his face turned red after a short while.

Congenital warriors have true qi in their bodies, and they can use the true qi to build an internal circulation in the body. As long as the true qi is not exhausted, they can hold their breath forever, which is the legendary fetal breath.

Acquired martial artists don't have this ability. They just have better physical fitness than ordinary people, and they can hold their breath for a longer time, but they don't have the ability to breathe.

As time passed by, this middle-aged man with a mean face had already started to suck water and roll his eyes, and he was almost at his limit.

At this moment, the water all over the world suddenly disappeared.

The revived middle-aged man, with a flushed face, coughed loudly, and breathed greedily.

This is Xiao Zhi turning real water into illusion again. He who has mastered the law of water movement can do this through the field of water movement.

However, doing so also requires the consumption of true energy, and the true energy in Xiao Zhi's body immediately returned to zero.

Xiao Zhi had no choice but to 'restart' the battlefield.

Next, Xiao Zhi continued to think about his water domain. For example, if he expanded his domain, he could drain all the moisture within the coverage of the domain with a single thought, leaving nothing behind.

This trick is very effective in dealing with ordinary creatures. Everywhere in the field is dead, no matter plants or animals, all are extinct, even microorganisms that are invisible to the naked eye cannot survive.

However, this trick can also have a very good effect on ordinary creatures. Once a creature has mastered energy, it will have the ability to resist this trick.

The difference is whether it can be completely resisted and how long it can be resisted.

An innate warrior with true energy and a foundation-builder cultivator with true energy must be able to withstand this move for a different amount of time.

As for the Golden Core cultivator, this move alone cannot kill a Golden Core cultivator.

Not to mention the Nascent Soul cultivator, using this trick when fighting at the same level is a waste of true energy, and it will have no effect at all.

When fighting at the same level, monks seldom use these fancy abilities. It is usually the collision between domains, the collision between supernatural powers, and the collision between spiritual treasures. It is the confrontation of these hard powers.

However, if Xiao Zhi thinks about these things, it is of no use, that's not the case.

By doing so, he can deepen his understanding of his domain and increase his control over the domain. The stronger his control over the domain, the tougher the domain will become. When facing the enemy, whether it is used for attack or defense , will have some advantages.

A very vivid example.

A general leads 10,000 soldiers to an expedition. The soldiers don't know the generals, and the generals don't know the soldiers. No matter how well equipped this army is, its combat effectiveness is estimated to be limited.

If these 10,000 soldiers have fought with this general for several years, experienced dozens of battles, large and small, and gone through the baptism of blood and fire, and become an army of hundreds of battles. When these 10,000 soldiers go to the battlefield, they can do it like their arms and fingers, and the combat power they can unleash must far exceed the former.

In addition to pondering his own water field, Xiao Zhi became interested, and tried a clone to see how strong a clone he could create in his limit state.

This time, Xiao Zhi was willing to go all out. Anyway, this is the actual combat space of the sentient beings system. Apart from suffering, he will not have any losses.

As a result, just at the beginning, Xiao Zhi frowned in pain, grinned, and then died on the spot...

When he divided the soul, he cut too much, and the soul couldn't bear the damage, and collapsed on the spot.

It seems that there is still a risk in splitting the soul, and it cannot be cut too much...

The world in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes has turned into black and white at this time, he resisted the pain in his head like a needle, recalled the scene just now in his heart, and came to this conclusion.

Next, Xiao Zhi tried again and again, and after dying several times on the spot, Xiao Zhi finally obtained the limit value for cutting the soul without causing the soul to collapse.

After tossing for a long time, he finally successfully differentiated into a clone.

This avatar is the strongest avatar that he can differentiate at present!

After splitting into this clone, Xiao Zhi's face was paler than paper, his head seemed to be about to explode, and his whole body became precarious.

This avatar, which looks exactly like Xiao Zhi, stood about ten feet away from Xiao Zhi, looking at Xiao Zhi calmly.

Xiao Zhi glanced at him, and with a thought, the avatar floated in front of Xiao Zhi, and stretched out his hand to support Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi turned to look at him again.

Um... very real, without that kind of illusory feeling.

The strength is at the peak of Jindan, but he has not reached the Nascent Soul, but he has mastered the prototype of the domain, and his combat power is stronger than that of ordinary Jindan peak monks...

As for Xiao Zhi himself, after condensing the strongest avatar, Xiao Zhi felt that he was so weak that he couldn't get any more, and he was so uncomfortable that he died.

After separating this clone, he felt that he was very vain now. If Li Kuo, the demon, deserved to be the weakest demon sovereign, then he now felt that he could fight for the title of the weakest Nascent Soul. no.

No wonder those Nascent Soul cultivators generally seldom have clones, and even if they do, the clones are generally not very strong.

Because the price to be paid for condensing such a powerful avatar is really too high. If such a clone is released, the strength of the deity will drop a lot. If you don’t eat some natural materials and earthly treasures, it is estimated that it will take tens or hundreds of years. Not necessarily slow down.

Xiao Zhi naturally had to test him for the strongest avatar that had been condensed by cutting the spirit and soul.

He summoned the demon Li Kuo, and let this strongest clone fight against the demon Li Kuo.

After half a minute, the battle was over.

The strongest clone was defeated and died, and Li Kuo, the demon, won.

Xiao Zhi, who was already weak, couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of dark golden blood. His crumbling body almost fell to the ground.

After standing still, Xiao Zhi wiped away the dark golden blood from the corner of his mouth with his hands. Although he was physically weak, his mental state was not bad.

A mere golden core clone, in the hands of the demon master, the demon master, even persisted for half a minute before losing. The demon master is worthy of the title of the weakest demon master.

The reason why Xiao Zhi's avatar can last so long in the hands of the demon is because he has the embryonic form of the water field.

This is the record achieved without Lingbao.

Xiao Zhi felt that if he handed over all the three spiritual treasures on his body to his strongest avatar, the time his avatar could last would probably be longer, and it would last even a minute. It is possible.

Well, the fighting instinct is pretty good, not much worse than my real self, but it looks a bit dull, like a fighting puppet.

But this is also normal.

After all, his so-called strongest avatar was simulated by the sentient beings system, no matter how similar the simulation was, it was not a real avatar.

In fact, the demon has the same problem.

Whether it is Li Kuo in the actual combat space or the Li Kuo in the Sumi Realm, they are not real Li Kuo. They only retain their fighting instincts and have no emotional fluctuations, just like a fighting puppet .

Soon, Xiao Zhi withdrew from the actual combat space of the sentient beings system, his head still aching.

The pain sensation simulated by the sentient beings system in the actual combat space is too real, even if it is fake, there are still some sequelae, which made Xiao Zhi's head ache.

Through his thoughts, Xiao Zhi sent another meaningful sentence to Li Kuo: "Brother Li, you have to work hard and work hard to condense the domain."

Li Kuo felt a little baffled by Xiao Zhi's sudden remark, so he replied to Xiao Zhi through his thoughts: "Okay, I will work hard..."

After instructing the demon Li Kuo, Xiao Zhi curled up, closed his eyes and began to rest.

While resting, Xiao Zhi faintly heard the ringtone of his mobile phone, which means someone in the real world called him.

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, his consciousness returned to the real world.

In the real world, Xiao Zhi answered the phone.

On the other side of the phone, the voice of his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji came: "Xiao Zhi, let me contact you from above, and let you be in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings tomorrow..."

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon came the day of September 30, 2021.

As soon as the state in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings was refreshed, Xiao Zhi consciously entered the Sumeru Realm of Living Beings immediately.

As soon as he entered the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, Xiao Zhi used the supernatural power [Shenyin Technique] and entered the state of hidden spirit.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, floated out of the birth point like a ghost in nothingness.

He floated in the air more than ten feet above the ground, cast [Vajra Dazzling] supernatural power, and glanced in all directions.

Soon, he found his target about 2000 feet away from the birth point.

This is an extremely handsome young man, wearing a loose white robe that is not stained with dust, just like a character in a painting.

It was Zhao Yan.

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