This Game is Unusual

Chapter 765 Delay

On this day, Xiao Zhi took Lu Zhong to hunt monsters in the Sumeru Realm of All Beings, and collected more than 100,000 Sentient Points.

The reason why it is 100,000 points instead of 200,000 points is because Xiao Zhi's state in the Sumeru Realm of all living things has not been refreshed. When his state is refreshed tomorrow, he will use 100% of his true essence The power reserve has entered the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings. At that time, he can perform normally in the Sumeru Realm of Living Beings, and he can collect 200,000 sentient beings points a day without any problem!

As soon as his consciousness returned to the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi heard the cold voice of Lanshuang Yaozun Cannian: "Li Kuo, it's just a spiritual treasure, how long are you going to struggle?"

Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't take long for a Nascent Soul cultivator to sacrifice a spirit treasure and make it recognize its master.

Li Kuo said impatiently: "I am a demon, not a human Nascent Soul cultivator. As a demon, I can sacrifice spirit treasures and let the spirit treasures recognize me as the master, which is already very good. What's wrong with slowing down? Others Demons can't do that."

"Hurry up!" The cold female voice said coldly.

"Don't make noise, I've tried my best." Li Kuo responded coldly.

Xiao Zhi closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, and he sent voice transmission to Li Kuo with his thoughts: "Brother Li, try to delay as long as possible, preferably ten or eight days."

"Okay." Li Kuo responded.

Xiao Zhi was satisfied. He returned to the real world consciously, washed up, and had a good meal. map software.

The full name of this map software is - Xuanming World Defense Formation Distribution Map.

It records the distribution of various defensive formations in Xuanming World.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. Before the operation of "killing the general" begins, it is necessary to get to know the enemy well.

The map of Xuanming World will be updated every once in a while based on the information provided by the spirit-controlled ghosts of Xuanming World.

In addition to the map, this tablet computer will also update some information about Xuanming World and Xuanming players in real time.

After looking at the map for a while, Xiao Zhi looked at other contents in the tablet.

Just yesterday, in Xuanming World, the population of another small city had a large-scale migration, and the population migrated to a big city covered with the six square formations of Zixiao.

This is not the first time that population migration has happened in Xuanming World.

As soon as the Sumeru Realm appeared, the Xuanming World began a planned population migration, either moving the population to a big city, or evacuating the population to a sparsely populated place.

It's only recently that this kind of thing has become more frequent.

Also yesterday, a new treasure was born in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings. Suddenly, a stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves.

A great battle broke out between the players from our side and the players from the Xuanming World in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings.

After a great battle, the treasure was finally snatched by the players of Xuanming World.

"Without me, guys like Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan still can't do it..." Xiao Zhi couldn't help shaking his head, muttering something in his heart.

'By the way, why didn't Lu Zhong mention this matter to me today? ’ Xiao Zhi muttered again.

'It should be Lu Zhong, who didn't perform well yesterday, and was overwhelmed by Long San in the battle. Are you embarrassed to say it? '

Xiao Zhi has just read the detailed records of this battle. Lu Zhong's performance is indeed not very good. If he can perform better and control the magic one who controls the Xuanming world for a longer time, the ending may become worse. It's different.

In the real world, after staying for about an hour in total, Xiao Zhi lay back on the bed again, closed his eyes, and re-entered the world of sentient beings.

The world of sentient beings, in the cold mountains.

As soon as Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, the ice lotus spun and floated to Xiao Zhi's side, and said in a cold voice: "Xiao Zhi, Li Kuo is your parasitic demon, please tell Li Kuo to hurry up!"

Since Li Kuo was not easy to get along with and was difficult to communicate with, Lan Shuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts found Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi looked calm and calm: "Lan Shuang, don't worry, brother Li will sacrifice a lot of time to refine the spirit treasure, and it can be done in ten days and a half months at most. I heard that some Nascent Soul cultivators practice once , even a few years, or even more than ten years, a monster like you may have passed a hundred years after sleeping. You are also a veteran demon who has lived for countless years, so you have no patience at all. of?"

Although the other party was suspected to be a ghost, Xiao Zhi didn't become cautious when talking to it.

It's just a remnant thought, even if it's the remnant thought of gods and demons, it's still a remnant thought.

This is not the deity of the gods and demons, so why should he be careful?

Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, the delicate woman's face emerging from the ice and snow lotus stamens seemed a little anxious: "It's better to be faster, I think it's too slow to sacrifice two spirit treasures, otherwise, just Sacrifice one piece first, first sacrifice the Lingbao clothes, all you need to do is to increase his defense power, as for the attack power, it is useless to strengthen it so much, it is still weak, no matter how strengthened it is, it is not a cloud of smoke The opponents of those two bastards."

"Lan Shuang, if you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will strangle you to death?" Li Kuo, the demon, suddenly became upset, raised his head, and looked viciously at the ice and snow lotus floating in front of Xiao Zhi.

"Xiao Zhi, this is your parasitic demon, you don't care about it!" Bing Xuelian spun and hid behind Xiao Zhi, screaming.

However, Xiao Zhi turned his head to look at it, and from his eyes, two golden rays of light like laser beams shot out. At the same time, he also launched his own water field, instantly covering the ice lotus in the sky. in it.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi conducted a double inspection on the ice lotus, but in the end, he still couldn't find anything.

"Xiao Zhi, what are you doing?" The cold female voice screamed.

Like a frightened rabbit, this ice lotus spun and floated several feet back, and the delicate woman's face that emerged was watching Xiao Zhi vigilantly.

Xiao Zhi closed the field, and the two laser-like golden lights in his eyes dimmed at the same time. He said calmly, "I just want to see if you are hiding something from me."

The delicate woman's face that emerged became even more vigilant: "What can I hide from you?"

Xiao Zhi calmly said: "There is really nothing to hide from me? Then tell me, why are you acting so eager? Isn't it just a few days of delay for Li Kuo to sacrifice the spirit treasure? He sacrificed the spirit treasure , Strengthening your strength is actually to help you better. You were so anxious before, which is understandable. Now, the matter has been settled. Your cave has been destroyed by Yanyun Yaozun and Centipede Yaozun. It's useless to be anxious, but you are still in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

The delicate woman's face stared at Xiao Zhi, and said coldly: "What am I in a hurry for? The body I refined is in that cave. The greater the probability of the guy finding out, do you think I can take it easy?"

"So it's like this." Xiao Zhi showed his original appearance, but there was no disturbance in his heart. He had thought of this a long time ago, and what he said was just his excuse.

He was just taking this opportunity to take a closer look at the ice lotus in front of him.

It is definitely not acceptable to probe the other party with such 'full firepower' for no reason. You have to find a reason, even if you find any reason.

This time, although he still didn't see anything famous, judging from Lanshuang Yaozun Cannian's reaction just now, there must be a secret hidden in it, which made Xiao Zhi more sure of his guess.

This remnant thought of Lanshuang Yaozun is, nine out of ten, a remnant thought of a god and demon!

It took some time to perfunctory Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged, took out a spirit stone from the storage ring to absorb it, and was thinking about some things.

He was thinking, how should he deal with this remnant mind in the future, should he help it get that body, should he help it deal with the Yanyun Demon Venerable and Centipede Demon Venerable? What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this? , if you don't help it, what will be the consequences...

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi shook his head.

Let's talk about the smooth implementation of the "Slaying General" operation first. For now, this "Slaying General" operation is the most important thing for him. As for other things, we can postpone it until later.

Soon, the time came to October 6, 2021.

As soon as the state in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings was reset, Xiao Zhi couldn't wait to enter the Sumeru Realm of Living Beings consciously.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, floated out of the birth point like a ghost.

He looked inwardly at himself.

True energy reserve: 100%.

This feeling of true energy filling the whole body is so good!

Xiao Zhi stretched his body in mid-air, and then turned into an afterimage, shooting towards the darkness in the distant sky.

On this day, in the Xumi Realm, the world outside the wall of air, Xiao Zhi, who was hidden by the gods, cut down a row of yakshas into a cloud of black mist with a light knife.

'Another 200 sentient beings are credited. ’ Xiao Zhi muttered in his heart.

Today, the All Living Army didn't arrange for him to lead people to fight monsters anymore, so Xiao Zhi went to fight monsters by himself. Without the burden of those soy sauce bottles, he was more efficient in killing monsters.

After killing this Yaksha, Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, flew close to the ground and flew towards another prey about a hundred miles away.

Not long after flying forward, Xiao Zhi stopped abruptly.

Be a player! He spotted several players in front of him.

There are three players in total, all of which have the strength of Nascent Soul level.

Xiao Zhi resolutely gave up on the prey in front of him, turned around and flew away from the players.

Facing the players outside the air wall, Xiao Zhi avoided as much as he could, and tried not to conflict with these players outside the air wall.

After changing direction and flying hundreds of miles forward, Xiao Zhi finally found a new prey.

At this time, Xiao Zhi faintly heard a cold female voice again: "Li Kuo, can you hurry up, I beg you..."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but startled when he heard this voice.

This remnant thought of Lanshuang Yaozun actually made him beg for help, and what he begged for was Li Kuo, a person whom he looked down upon and who he did not deal with.

However, Li Kuo was unmoved by this.

Soon, Xiao Zhi vaguely heard this cold female voice say: "I have a bad premonition..."

Bad feeling?

Xiao Zhi's expression changed slightly, but he hesitated for a moment. Considering the 10,000 sentient beings points needed for the return trip, he decided to continue killing monsters.

A few hours later, Xiao Zhi faintly heard the sound of beeps in his hand, which means someone sent him a message.

If you send a message, it shouldn't be an urgent matter.

If it's urgent, then instead of sending a message, I'll call directly.

Thinking so, Xiao Zhi continued to spawn monsters in the Xumi Realm, avoiding another wave of players on the way.

Soon, Xiao Zhi met a flying yaksha, and he used the stealth technique to sneak attack, and easily killed the flying yaksha.

On this day, because the true energy in his body reached 100% in the initial state, Xiao Zhizu fought for more than 20 hours in the Sumeru Realm of all life before the true energy in his body was exhausted. Returned to spawn.

If he used his true energy sparingly as before, he felt that he should be able to survive 24 hours until the status refresh in the Sumi Realm...

At the end of the day, Xiao Zhi had collected a total of 230,000 Sentient Points. Adding the previous 270,000 Sentient Points, the Sentient Points under his name had exceeded 500,000 points.

‘Not bad, keep working hard tomorrow! ’ Xiao Zhi waved away the attribute panel in front of him, and his consciousness withdrew from the Xumi Realm of all living beings.

Xiao Zhi didn't stay in the world of sentient beings for a long time, but with a thought, his consciousness returned to the real world.

In the real world, Xiao Zhi, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, and through the window, he could see the deep night outside.

'The consciousness can return to the real world, which means that my environment in the world of sentient beings is still safe for the time being. ’ Xiao Zhi got up slowly from the bed, and said in his heart.

Earlier, the cold female voice said that it had a bad premonition in its heart, and Xiao Zhi was worried about it for a while, but now it seems that that remnant thought was probably lying.

Xiao Zhi found the phone and checked the time:

October 6, 2021 at 22:19 pm.

Before he knew it, he had been fighting until late at night in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings.

When turning on the phone screen, Xiao Zhi also saw several unread WeChat messages.

Xiao Zhi instantly remembered that this was a WeChat message sent to him when he was still fighting in the Sumeru Realm.

Xiao Zhi casually clicked on it to see that it was a message sent to him by his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji.

Here is a paragraph of text, and a few pictures.

When Xiao Zhi read this passage, his face quickly became ugly.

The content of this text made him feel shocking!

Aliza is dead...

Just today, Aliza, the top player in the UAE, was invited to participate in a large-scale tribal sacrifice. As a result, this large-scale sacrificial ceremony was attacked by a group of armed men, killing and injuring nearly a thousand people.

Aliza was hit by a rocket and died instantly...

Thank you for the reward from me and the wind.

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