This Game is Unusual

Chapter 781 Arriving in the Xuanming World

A strong sense of guilt surged into Xiao Zhi's heart.

During this period of time, he put his mind on the world of sentient beings, and neglected his parents.

It's been a long time since he called his parents, let alone took time to spend with them.

But the parents, they always remember him and are always thinking about him.

"Hello, Auntie." Li Pingfeng came over and greeted Hu Lanzhi with a smile.

"Hello, Auntie." Zhu Changwu also came over and said hello to Hu Lanzhi.

Then came Zhao Yan, Hu Yang and the others, and the other players also stood up and surrounded them. When they learned that the food delivery worker was actually Xiao Zhi's mother, the players who gathered , also said hello to Hu Lanzhi one after another.

"Good, good, good, all good, everyone..." Hu Lanzhi was a little flattered, and said in a flurry of voices.

At this moment, a staff member in black uniform hurried over, he came to Xiao Zhi's side, and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, Commander, please go over."

Xiao Zhi nodded when he heard this, and said to Hu Lanzhi: "Mom, they called me over there, I'll go there."

"Go, go." Hu Lanzhi waved her hand and said, "Work is important."

Xiao Zhi turned around and was about to leave with the staff member when his mother Hu Lanzhi's voice sounded behind him: "Wait a minute."

Xiao Zhi stopped and turned to look at his mother.

"Hey, this is for you, take it and eat it on the road, eat as you go." Hu Lanzhi said, packed a few steaming big meat buns in disposable oil paper bags, and handed them to Xiao Zhi.

After Xiao Zhi took it, she stuffed another cup of hot soy milk into Xiao Zhi's hand: "Take this and drink it on the road, drink it quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

"Okay, I know." Xiao Zhi nodded and took the food, feeling warm in his heart.

Xiao Zhi followed the staff member, and while walking, he ate the big meat bun in the oil paper bag, and drank hot soybean milk at the same time.

Soon, Xiao Zhi met Yang Lao, the commander of the All Life Army, in this huge command center.

Elder Yang and several high-ranking members of the All Living Army were listening to a report from a middle-aged man dressed as an officer.

What the middle-aged officer reported was some progress on the "Slaying General" operation, as well as some problems encountered.

This is the core of the command center, and all information will be gathered here.

Lu Zhong was sitting next to Old Yang, and was also listening to the officer's report.

Seeing Xiao Zhi approaching, Mr. Yang smiled and nodded at Xiao Zhi, motioning for Xiao Zhi to sit on the other side of the seat.

Xiao Zhi sat down, ate buns and listened to the lecture. A high-ranking officer of the All Living Army looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Xiao Zhi, it would be great if you weren't trapped in that extinct area now, we can prepare more for you. A few supernatural powers, especially curse-type supernatural powers, if you master these supernatural powers, your destructive power will undoubtedly increase greatly, Xiao Zhi."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard the words, he didn't want to be trapped in the cold mountain, but since this has become an established fact, what can he do? He can't help it either.

The middle-aged officer's report was coming to an end at this time.

At this time, Xiao Zhi finally heard something that he was more interested in.

According to the middle-aged officer's report, the leader of this "killing general" operation was not a player from the Xia Kingdom, but the top Jindan player from the Indian Kingdom—Singer.

Iron Man Singer is a player at the peak of Jindan cultivated by India with all its resources. He is best at defense, both physical defense and spiritual defense, and his attack power is also quite good. This is Xiao Zhi's world. One of the sequence players.

It is indeed a good choice to let Singer, who is good at defense, take the lead.

The high-level commanders of the All Living Army are responsible for coordinating the overall situation, and the specific matters of the "killing general" operation are still in charge of the staff below.

After the middle-aged officer finished his report, he saluted and left in a hurry.

As soon as Xiao Zhi finished his breakfast, a young man in the uniform of the All Living Army Staff Corps walked towards him and said softly, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, please follow me."

Xiao Zhi nodded, and followed the young staff officer of the All Living Army to a compartment in the command center.

The lower floor of this compartment is made of wooden baffles, and the top is made of glass, similar to a small office. In this somewhat noisy and huge command center, there is a good sense of tranquility.

There is a desk in the compartment, on which are placed electronic equipment such as laptops, and a stack of thick paper documents.

In this cubicle, there was already a young man wearing the uniform of the Staff Group of the All Living Army sitting there. Seeing Xiao Zhi approaching, the young man stood up quickly and said, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, my name is Li Shen. Staff officer, in this operation, I will be responsible for explaining the details of the operation to you, if you have any questions, you can ask me."

The young man who brought Xiao Zhi over also spoke at this time: "Shen Qi, the staff of the staff group."

Xiao Zhi nodded, walked into this cubicle, and placed the tablet he was carrying with him on the desk.

He sat down on the chair and began to look through the stack of paper documents on the desk.

He flipped through it quickly, because he basically knew everything recorded in the paper materials.

In the past few days, he also participated in the discussion and formulation of this plan, and some of the plans were finalized by him.

It can be said that he is not only the executor of this action, but also the maker of this action.

However, he is still unclear about the specific details of some actions, and he will not know until today.

After Xiao Zhi finished flipping through the paper documents on the desk, Li Shen, a staff member of the All Living Army Staff Group, operated the computer on the table and displayed a document.

There is a picture on the information, which shows that there are mobile phones, watches, and some things like rings and ornaments.

Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that these were the communication tools of Xuanming World.

In the real world, the most commonly used communication tool is a mobile phone, followed by a watch that can be used for communication. The Xuanming World is different. The technology of the Xuanming World is far superior to the real world. Those gadgets like ring ornaments are also The communication tool of Xuanming World is a portable communication tool.

Next to the picture, there are ten strings of numbers similar to phone numbers.

These are actually phone numbers, and each phone number represents an inner ghost of the Xuanming World.

Behind these phone numbers, there are general information such as the gender, name, and location of these ghosts.

Xiao Zhi now has the ability of photographic memory, and quickly memorized these things.

He said: "Xuanming World's technology is nearly a hundred years ahead of us. You say, if I talk to these ghosts, will I be monitored?"

Staff officer Shen Qi said: "According to the information provided by these ghosts, although Xuanming World's science and technology are advanced, it also pays great attention to the protection of people's privacy. Your communication with them should not be monitored."

Xiao Zhi said noncommittally: "Pay attention to the protection of people's privacy, do you believe that?"

Staff officer Shen Qi smiled and said: "So, we have to use code words, the following are the agreed code words..."

In the blink of an eye, it was almost noon.

At 11:39 am on October 15, 2021, a message came from the capital of India that Indian player Singh has come to Xuanming World!

This is the first player to come to the Xuanming World during the "Slaying General" operation!

When the news came, everyone in the command center held their breath.

At 11:43, Iron Man Singer successfully established contact with this world through the inner ghost of Xuanming World.

He randomly landed in the European Nahua Peninsula in Xuanming World.

Immediately, the topographic map of Xuanming World was projected on the huge screen in the command center, and soon, the Nahua Peninsula was marked on the map, presented as green dots, and at the same time, there were two red dots It lit up around the green light spot.

These two red dots represent cities within a thousand kilometers that are suitable for attack.

At 11:45, there was another news from India that Iron Man Singh had chosen a city called Scovina as his primary attack target and was currently flying to the city of Scovina at full speed.

Soon, information about the city of Scovina was displayed on the giant screen in the command center.

This is a small city with a population of 200,000, and there are two Qingyun quadrangles in the urban area.

At 11:47, Iron Man Singh flew to Scovina City and began to attack Scovina City...

The time soon came to 11:50.

In the huge command center, several photographic instruments set up turned the direction of the camera, aiming at the seats where the players were sitting.

These shots will faithfully record everything that happened in the command center.

This time's "killing the general" operation, regardless of success or failure, will become an important piece of history, be remembered by people, and even appear in future history textbooks.

Zhao Yan slowly stood up from his seat, and the corners of his mouth twitched on his handsome face, revealing a smile.

"I'm going to the battlefield, wish me luck!" He smiled and waved to the camera.

Xiao Zhi waited for the players, Qiqi stood up from his seat, and paid attention to him with a solemn expression.

Yang Lao, the commander of the All Life Army, and other high-ranking officials in the Xia Kingdom also stood up together, each with a solemn expression.

Everyone in the entire command center, whether they were players, officials or staff, stood up at this moment, all looked solemnly at Zhao Yan.

"Triumph!" An old voice resounded through the loudspeaker equipment.

"Triumph!" Everyone shouted together, including Xiao Zhi.

"Triumph!" Zhao Yan shouted himself.

He maintained the waving posture, and after a few seconds, he closed his eyes and fell back.

Immediately, a staff member supported Zhao Yan's body, carefully lifted his body, went to the row of reclining chairs, and placed his body on a reclining chair.

Zhao Yan's consciousness has left his body at this time, and has gone to the world of sentient beings. No, it should be said that Zhao Yan's consciousness has come to Xuanming World together with his body in the world of sentient beings!

"Zhao Yan is gone. Next, it's my turn." Zhu Changwu took a deep breath and said nervously.

Zhu Changwu is not a sequence player in this world, but this time, he also needs to come to Xuanming World.

His mission to the Xuanming World this time was not to sabotage or kill people, but to secretly develop the inner ghost, preparing for the protracted war that may arise next.

Even Xiao Zhi, the Nascent Soul player, can't guarantee that this time's action of beheading the general will be successful, and he will definitely be able to destroy the Xuanming World.

Although Zhu Changwu is not a spiritual body and does not have the powerful spirit of Lu Zhong, but as a late Jindan spiritual cultivator, his spirit is also very powerful, and recently he specially cultivated an illusion-like magical power.

With his cultivation in the late stage of the golden core, after coming to the Xuanming world, it is easy to use illusion-like supernatural powers to control those ordinary people in the Xuanming world, without any problems.

Xiao Zhi patted Zhu Changwu's shoulder with his hand, and said, "Don't be nervous. After you come to the Xuanming world, you will be a superhuman existence. As long as you don't provoke Mo Yi and others, you will be invincible. Don't be afraid of a hammer!"

Zhu Changwu said: "I know this, I know that I am not in any danger this time, but I am just a little nervous, what should I do, maybe this is the reason why I came to Xuanming World for the first time."

At 11:53, Zhao Yan got in touch with this world through the inner ghost of Xuanming World.

He landed near Mellon City in southeastern Asia in Xuanming World.

Immediately, Zhao Yan's current location was projected on the huge screen in the command center.

‘The place where this kid Zhao Yan descended is not bad, it can be regarded as the densely populated elite area in Xuanming World. '

Within a thousand kilometers of his vicinity, there are a total of five cities suitable for attack, all of which are displayed on the huge screen in the form of red dots.

One of the red dots was significantly larger than the surrounding red dots, and it was so red it was purple!

This is Dashun City!

In Xiao Zhi's mind, the relevant information of Dashun City was instantly recalled.

Dashun City is one of the important cities in Xuanming World, with a population of over 5 million!

There are two purple sky hexagonal formations, covering the sky above Dashun City!

At 11:54, Zhao Yan sent a message to this world through the inner ghost of the Xuanming world, using the world of sentient beings as the medium, that he will fly to Dashun City!

With his strength, although he can't break through Dashun City, he can still provoke him.

The coverage of the Zixiao Liuhe formation is limited, but it cannot completely cover the urban area of ​​Dashun City, and most of the urban area is still exposed to the formation.

With Zhao Yan's strength, it is easy to destroy these urban areas that are not protected by formations.

At 11:59, Zhu Changwu also set off and landed in Xuanming World.

At 12:02, Zhu Changwu got in touch with this world through the inner ghost of Xuanming World.

His luck was also relatively good, and he landed near the capital city of Xuanming World, which is less than 500 kilometers away from Kyoto city!

At 12:03, Lu Zhong took a deep breath and slowly stood up from his seat.

Next, it's his turn to come to Xuanming World!

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