This Game is Unusual

Chapter 79 County Government

In Linwu County, in a small inn.

The inn is called Yunlai Inn, and it is really small. There are only a dozen rooms in the entire inn.

The layout of the inn room is also very simple, with only a simple bed, a thin quilt, and two stools, apart from that, there is not even a table.

The reason why they chose to settle here, according to Wang Ji's words, was that it was cheap.

A better inn costs 100 yuan for a night, and a normal hotel costs 50 yuan for a night, but here, a room only costs 20 yuan.

Xiao Zhi didn't care about where he lived, so he left it to Wang Ji.

In order to save money, Wang Ji only opened a total of two guest rooms. Even with the resettlement fee and fodder fee for the mule and horse, the total cost for one night is only 50 yuan.

Wang Ji shared a guest room with the two warriors from Heping Village, Xiao Zhi shared a room with Li Pingfeng, and Yang Xi.

Each room has two beds.

Xiao Zhi stood in his guest room, pointed to a bed nearby, and said, "Xiao Xi, you can sleep here later."

"Okay." Yang Xi nodded obediently, walked over and sat by the bed, but just sat there blankly, watching Li Pingfeng practicing "Nine Bulls Violence Art" in a strange posture in the room, unprepared sleep.

Xiao Zhi didn't say anything, and after sitting on the other bed and thinking for a while, he stood up, walked to the corner of the guest room, picked up the black cloth package containing Boss Ba's head, opened the door and wanted to go out.

"Xiao Zhi, what are you going to do?" Li Pingfeng said while practicing "Nine Bulls of Violence", "Hasn't Captain Wang already said that the county government has long been closed at night?" , the door won’t open until tomorrow morning, even if you go there now with Boss Ba’s head, they won’t reward you.”

Before entering the city, Wang Ji had mentioned this matter.

Whether it's the bounty for Boss Ba or the purchase of innate skills, it's all done in the county government.

As for the Linwu County Government, as the power center of Linwu County, its 'office' hours are from nine to five.

In layman's terms, people in the county government don't go to work until 9 o'clock in the morning, and start to rest at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. If it is not within this time period, unless you are a powerful innate realm, no one will bird you.

"I still want to go there and give it a try. It's half a day sooner." Xiao Zhi said.

He remembered it very clearly, when he broke through to become the acquired extreme warrior, the second player who broke through to become the acquired extreme warrior was only a few hours behind him in time.

This is definitely a rival for him.

At this moment, his formidable enemy should have already left Xinshou Village and rushed to the neighboring county town, right?

He, Xiao Zhi, has no support behind him, and it is only a coincidence that the boss of Shaba got this wealth.

And this player, standing behind him, is likely to be the entire Xia Kingdom government.

Never underestimate the power of the state machine.

With the power of the entire Xia Kingdom government supporting this player, Xiao Zhi felt that it shouldn't be difficult for this player to collect the 100,000 innate money, and it shouldn't take too long.

And this is just one of his rivals.

All over the land of Xia Kingdom, and even around the world, there are probably many players hiding in the dark, all thinking about how to surpass him, how to become the first player to step into the Xiantian Realm!

Besides, even if you don't look at this point, the existence behind the blood-eyed crow is like a shadow, shrouding Xiao Zhi's sky, like a sharp sword hanging above his head. May fall.

Xiao Zhi didn't want to sit still, hoping that the other party would show mercy and spare him, or that there were too many things to do, and he was temporarily forgotten.

He just wants to step into the innate realm earlier so that he can have some self-protection power as soon as possible.

Therefore, his time is very precious, if it can not be wasted, it is best not to waste it.

After leaving the door, Xiao Zhi found Wang Ji and told him his intention, wanting Wang Ji to go with him.

After all, he had just arrived in Linwu City. Without Wang Ji's help to guide the way, it would not be easy for him to find the location of the county government in Linwu County at night.

Wang Ji hesitated when he heard the words, but under Xiao Zhi's constant persuasion, he finally reluctantly agreed.

Not long after, there was a rather magnificent government office with red walls and black tiles.

The gate of the mansion is closed tightly, and there is a plaque hanging on the gate, with the words "Linwu County Mansion" written in large characters. In front of the gate, there are two ferocious beasts carved out of stone. They are not stone lions, but a kind of Xiaozhi A completely unknown beast.

"This is the Linwu county government. I won't go there. I'll wait for you here." As for the county government, Wang Ji, who is a warrior in the village, obviously had a hint of fear.

With the gate of the county government about 20 meters away, he refused to go any further.

Xiao Zhi didn't force himself, but walked towards the gate of the county mansion step by step with the black cloth package in one hand.

Although he looked calm on the surface, Xiao Zhi was actually a little flustered in his heart.

After all, this is the first time in his life that he has dealt with the government forces in the 'World of All Beings', and he doesn't know if the government forces here are good at dealing with them.

After walking to the gate, Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, then stretched out his hand, and lightly knocked on the vermilion gate of the county mansion with thick copper nails inlaid with it, the sound was very soft.

There was no response from the door.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and knocked harder on the door.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This time, there was finally a reaction inside the door.

An impatient voice said: "Who is knocking on the door, disturbing the quietness in the middle of the night!"

Xiao Zhi said: "I am Xiao Zhi. I heard that the county government has issued a real reward order for the bandit leader, Boss. Now, this boss has been killed by me. I am here to receive the reward!"

Hearing the words, the voice from inside the door continued to say impatiently: "He came from the village? Don't you know the rules of the county government? Don't even check what time it is. If you want to receive the reward, come back tomorrow!"

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and said, "I'm the ultimate warrior!"

On the way to Linwu County, he had heard from Wang Ji that in Linwu County, warriors above the innate realm were different from others and had certain privileges.

Sometimes the county government will open some convenient doors for these innate warriors.

In his mind, he is an acquired ultimate martial artist, whose strength is comparable to that of an innate early stage martial artist, so he might also be able to enjoy such treatment.

Because of this, he came to this county to try his luck in the middle of the night, carrying Boss Ba's head.

It would be even better if the people in the county government could open the door for him because he is an acquired extreme warrior.

If he refuses to open the door for him, he has nothing to lose.

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