This Game is Unusual

Chapter 786 Breaking the Formation!

This feeling of being calculated and being led by the nose made Xiao Zhi feel uncomfortable and aggrieved.

He felt uncomfortable and aggrieved, but also helpless.

This time, the other party used Yangmou, even if he saw through the other party's plot at a glance, it was useless, and he could only be led by the nose.

That was countless human lives, and he simply couldn't bear the weight of so many human lives!

However, if he was allowed to leave in such a disheveled manner, he would not be reconciled!

Moreover, the opponent's trick of besieging Wei and saving Zhao, once there is the first time, there will be the second, third, and fourth time, so what is the meaning of his existence as a Nascent Soul player? Being played like a monkey?

At this moment, Xiao Zhi struggled in his heart and fell into a dilemma.

Do you choose to go back to rescue?

Or...don't go back?

Lu Zhong, who was next to Xiao Zhi, was also gnashing his teeth at this time, his eyes were red: "Shameless! Shameless! These bastards are really shameless! Damn, I don't have many points left on me, it's not enough to return Otherwise, with my strength, after returning to the real world, I should be able to hold that demon for a while!"

"We came to their world, killing people and destroying them. They didn't let a fart go. We just let us kill and destroy. It's really cruel and cold-blooded. For them, compatriots are abandoned children who can be ruthlessly abandoned. They When it came to our world this time, is it expected that we will rush back to rescue it?"

"They're betting... on our humanity, on whether we can be as cold-blooded as they are." Xiao insisted.

He heaved a long sigh in his heart, and after struggling in his heart for a while, Xiao Zhi finally made a decision in his heart.

He is ready to return to the real world and go to the rescue.

In the end, it was the countless human lives that prevailed. He was stubborn and didn't want to be that sinner.

At this moment, Lu Zhong's expression changed slightly and he said, "There is another news from the inner ghost."

As he spoke, Lu Zhong brought the wristwatch in his hand close to his ear.

Xiao Zhi was also listening attentively.

After listening to a few words, Xiao Zhi frowned slightly.

Just now, news came from this world, saying that the Xuanming player's invasion would be resolved by itself in this world, allowing Xiao Zhi to continue to break through without returning to the real world for rescue.

This is an order!

Lu Zhong fell silent.

Xiao Zhi was also silent.

Hearing the voice of the ghost player in Xuanming World, it continued to come out from the watch: "This is a war, and a strong man must have the determination to cut off his wrists. There is no kindness of women, which will only kill more people." Too many people! Come on, please continue your actions, this is what you should do, don't come back! That devil, someone will deal with him!"

Evil Lai is the code name of Xiao Zhi in the code, and Devil is the code name of Mo Yi in the code.

"That's what the sky said, and I've finished repeating it." The voice stopped here.

Lu Zhong looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Brother Zhi, what should we do?"

Xiao Zhi's complexion fluctuated for a while, and a vein protruded from his forehead. He gritted his teeth and said, "I choose to obey the order and not destroy this capital city! I, Xiao Zhi, swear to be human!"

Just now, he quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

Even if he desperately returns to the real world to rescue him now, so what?

The real world is so big, can he find the trace of Mo Yi immediately?

He returned to the real world to rescue and kill Mo Yi. That was the best result. The greatest possibility was that after the other party murdered and set fire to him, he walked away. He went back just to rescue a lonely man.

Instead of returning to the real world and doing useless work, Xiao Zhi would rather stay here and destroy the city!

Now that he has enough sentient beings points and enough spirit stones, he has a certain degree of confidence that he can successfully break through the formation and destroy this capital city in Xuanming World!

If the capital city of Xuanming World is destroyed, there will only be more people who can be saved indirectly!

It may even be possible to establish the victory of this national war in one battle!

Stay, stay in this mysterious world, and continue to break the formation. This is the decision Xiao Zhi made after a quick balance in his heart. Although the decision he made was cold-blooded, it was his current decision. The optimal solution is also the optimal solution in his world!

Lu Chong was silent when he heard the words. After a moment of silence, he patted Xiao Zhi's shoulder and said, "Brother Zhi, I have to go back. This is for you. The password for the communicator is...Finally, Triumph!"

Lu Chong roared out the word 'triumph'. He took off the communication wristwatch in his hand and handed it to Xiao Zhi.

After Xiao Zhi took it, he also roared: "Triumph!"

Lu Zhong left, his figure turned into nothingness, and disappeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

At this moment, a bright meteor streaked across the sky and came towards this side!

It was Lingbao's Sad Spring Knife!

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and withdrew from the hidden state.

Now, he no longer needs to maintain this hidden state.

"Knife!" Xiao Zhi roared, and stretched out his right arm towards Yuankong.

The Sad Spring Knife felt the master's call, it flew faster, like a cheerful silver fish, just a flash of silver light, it tore through the air, came in front of Xiao Zhi, was caught by Xiao Zhi Grab the handle of the knife and hold it firmly in your hand!

Xiao Zhi started to transform again, and in a blink of an eye, he transformed into a big fat man with dark skin, which was the Kunren form he had mastered.

Xiao Zhi, who is in the form of a Kun, holds the Beichun Knife in his hand, and points the tip of the Beichun Knife at the urban area of ​​Kyoto that is shrouded in purple light below. His expression on his face is very indifferent, and his voice is even more indifferent: "I don't hide it anymore. My name is Xiao Zhi, and I am a Nascent Soul cultivator. You should have guessed this a long time ago, right? I am preparing to destroy your capital city now, so please wait and see! "

"If you want to stop it, just come! As long as you have the ability to kill me!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's voice resounded throughout the sky, and everyone in the entire capital city could clearly hear his voice.

After all, Xiao Zhi didn't talk nonsense anymore, he began to prepare his ultimate move, and the blade of the Beichun Dao in his hand was covered with a layer of ink-like shadow visible to the naked eye!

"Xiao Zhi! Don't be too rampant! You want to destroy the city of Kyoto?" a voice said coldly.

This is Long San's voice.

Long San, whose golden body came down to Xuanming World, hadn't left yet, he floated in the sky within the protection range of the Zixiao Six Square Formation, raised his head slightly, and stared at Xiao Zhi coldly.

Xiao Zhi looked down at Long San inside the purple mask, and said indifferently: "You can come out and stop me, Long San, if you are not afraid of death, you can come out and stop me."

The expression on Long San's face was very ugly, but he didn't dare to take half a step out of the coverage of the defensive formation!

The gap between Jindan and Yuanying is ridiculously large, even if he is a top Jindan cultivator, he doesn't have the courage to go one step further!

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi let out a sneer, said no more, and came to the purple light curtain in a blink of an eye, raised the Sad Spring Knife in his hand high, ], with the power to split Huashan Mountain, he slashed on the purple light curtain in front of him!

The purple light curtain trembled! The purple light suddenly brightened!

Almost at the same time, the pitch-black spear in Li Kuo's hand stabbed at the same place, causing secondary damage to the purple light curtain in front of him!

After slashing with a killer move, the Beichun Knife in Xiao Zhi's hand brought out a real saber aura, and instantly slashed forward dozens of knives.

Although these dozens of knives were just ordinary attacks and not any ultimate moves, they were not weak, and the purple light curtain in front of him trembled violently.

Li Kuo also stabbed out a shadow of the Lingbao-level spear in his hand, and launched a storm-like attack on the purple light curtain in front of him.

This trick is called breaking the face with a point, and it is a common method to forcibly break the formation.

While swinging the knife forward, Xiao Zhi was gaining momentum, and not long after, Xiao Zhi's ultimate move [Destroyer Knife] had finished gaining momentum again.

After gaining momentum, Xiao Zhi did not hesitate to slash another [Destroyer Knife] fiercely on the translucent light curtain in front of him, slashing the purple light curtain until it trembled violently again!

Soon, another [Destroyer Knife] finished gaining momentum.

This time, Xiao Zhi launched his water movement domain and injected his own water movement power into the Beichun Dao, which can make the attack more powerful!

With a scoffing sound, the air was torn apart, and another [Mie Shen Dao] slashed on the purple light curtain in front of him, causing the purple light curtain to tremble violently again.

In less than 10 seconds, Xiao Zhi had already slashed three [Mie Shen Dao] in succession!

In less than 10 seconds, the color of this purple light curtain has obviously faded a bit. This is the defensive power of this formation, which is being consumed rapidly.

When the purple light is completely dimmed and completely faded, it is time for this purple sky hexagonal formation to be breached!

Long San, who was floating in the air within the envelope of the formation, looked at the purple light curtain above his head that was rapidly fading in color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his face was extremely ugly.

"What are you still standing there for? Attack! Hurry up and attack!" Long San suddenly yelled with a ferocious expression.

With laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons, Gauss weapons and other weapons, it is impossible to kill a Nascent Soul cultivator.

But these attacks can be used to consume the energy in Xiao Zhi's body.

These attacks can somewhat consume some of Xiao Zhi's energy.

'According to the information provided by the ghosts in the Dachang World, although Xiao Zhi has broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm, he is still trapped in the mountainous cold domain and cannot come out. Even if he is lucky enough to find some spirit stones in this mountainous and cold domain, the number of spirit stones on his body should not be too many, and if he uses a little, he will use less. In Kyoto City, there are currently 6 layers of Zixiao Liufang. The formation, some of the more core areas, are covered with several layers of Qingyun Sihezhen. The capital city has such a strong defense. Even if he is a monk of Yuanying, he, Xiao Zhi, can't easily destroy the city of Kyoto! ’ Thinking of this, Long San's ugly face couldn't help but ease up a little.

Within the enveloping range of the Zixiao six-square formation, in the inconspicuous seven-story building serving as the command center, the middle-aged officer in general uniform was roaring loudly: "Attack! Attack me!"

Following the order of the middle-aged officer, outside this building, there was another scene of thousands of guns being fired!

Countless dazzling laser beams, countless electromagnetic guns and even more Gauss bullets bombarded Xiao Zhi like splashing water!

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi let out a cold snort, and a water-like light blue brilliance bloomed from his body, covering an area with a radius of hundreds of feet. This is his water domain!

In this water field, he is an omnipotent god!

As soon as the dazzling laser beam entered his domain, it was bent and deflected by the power of the domain, and then returned on the original path, lasing on the purple light curtain above the city.

The same is true for the shells of the electromagnetic gun and the Gauss bullets. Under the influence of Xiao Zhi's domain, they all returned along the original road and bombarded the light curtain above the city.

This is the horror of the field.

There is a field and there is no field, the difference is very different.

Xiao Zhi continued to wield the Sad Spring Knife, slashing at the purple light curtain in front of him. He sneered in his heart and said, "These things are barely used against Lu Zhong, but they are used against me? Do you think I, a Nascent Soul cultivator, is a Can the mud be pinched?"

These high-tech weapons in the Xuanming world are okay to deal with the foundation-building monks, but they are a bit reluctant to deal with the Jindan monks, and they are not enough to deal with the Nascent Soul monks who have domains.

It's just that light cannon that destroys the world, there is something a little bit.

But although the power of this Extinguishing Death Light Cannon is good, its limitations are relatively large. If it can hit it, it will be useless. Even if it can hit it, at most it will only slightly injure the Nascent Soul cultivator, and it will not cause a fatal threat at all.

Under the all-out attack of Xiao Zhi and the demon Li Kuo, the purple light curtain in front of him lost its color at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The purple is getting lighter and lighter, and it has become more and more transparent.

The overwhelming attacks against Xiao Zhi stopped shortly after Xiao Zhi showed his prowess in his own domain, because it was useless. The defense value of the drop array.

In this way, another ten seconds passed.

Xiao Zhi landed another [Mie Shen Dao], slashing on the almost completely transparent lavender light curtain in front of him.

The light curtain fluctuated violently again, extremely violently.

At this moment, Li Kuo's attack also arrived, and a shot pierced the violently fluctuating light curtain.

Li Kuo's poke was like poking a balloon with a needle.

The Purple Sky Hexagonal Formation, which was about to reach its limit, shattered suddenly with a soft bang, and lavender light splashed in all directions, and then dissipated in the air.

The purple sky hexagonal formation in front of him was finally breached.

Xiao Zhi calculated the time in his mind. From the start of breaking the formation to the time when the six-square formation in front of him was breached, it took a total of 4 minutes and 19 seconds.

This time was within Xiao Zhi's expectations.

After all, he is not breaking the formation alone!

Beside him, Li Kuo, who was at the demon level, was following him!

Although Li Kuo, the demon, has not yet condensed his own domain, his attack power is at the Nascent Soul level!

Thank you for the reward from me and the wind.

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