This Game is Unusual

Chapter 789: The Azure Dragon Shows Its Might!

200,000 sentient beings points are needed to exchange for an optimized version of the Zixiao Hexagonal Formation.

To exchange for an optimized version of Qingyun Sihe Formation, only 10,000 sentient beings points are needed.

Ordinary Golden Core players are far inferior to general-level players such as Mo Yi and Long San in terms of combat power. The speed of killing monsters and collecting sentient beings points in the Sumi Realm of All Living Beings is naturally far inferior to Mo Yi, Long San, etc. A general-level player like Dragon Three.

For sequence players, it is not particularly difficult to accumulate 200,000 sentient beings points, but for most ordinary Golden Core players, it is very difficult.

Many ordinary Golden Core players, or newly promoted Golden Core players, even now, have not accumulated enough 200,000 sentient beings points in their names. When the crisis comes, they cannot redeem Zixiao Liufang like Long San and the others. The formation is used for defense, and the only thing they can exchange for it is the Qingyun Sihe Formation.

Although the defensive power of the Qingyun Quadrangle Formation is far inferior to that of the Zixiao Hexagonal Formation, its defensive power is still considerable when there are enough layers of the Qingyun Quadrangle Formation.

Somewhere in the urban area of ​​Kyoto, the Gold Elixir players of the Xuanming World gathered together, exchanging defensive formations one after another. This scene was noticed by Xiao Zhi.

His [Vajra Dazzling] supernatural power has a strong ability to see through. Reinforced concrete buildings can't block his sight at all. As long as he is willing, there is nothing in this capital that he cannot see.

Xiao Zhi slashed at the purple light curtain in front of him with his sword, and at the same time, through the translucent defensive formation, he looked at the gathered players of Xuanming World, such as Long San, from a distance of several thousand meters.

Among them, he saw quite a few familiar faces.

Xiao Zhi has the ability of photographic memory, no matter in the world of sentient beings or in the realm of Sumeru of living beings, as long as he has met him, he can leave an impression in his heart.

Among the general-level players in Xuanming World, Long San is present, Sha Wu is present, and the woman Yu Jiu is also present...

One of these players counts as one, and Xiao Zhi doesn't intend to let them go. After breaking the formation, they all have to die!

Xiao Zhi scanned the audience, but did not find Mo Yi and Wu Shi in it.

There are two possibilities.

The first possibility is that Mo Yi may still be wreaking havoc in the Dachang world where he is, and has not yet returned, and Wu Shi is also there.

Xiao Zhi didn't know Wu Shi's real name. Perhaps, among the two players who came to Dachang World with Mo Yi, there was Wu Shi. Wu Shi's name was either Kullak or Togu!

The second possibility is that Mo Yi and Wu Shi did not stay in Kyoto, but in other cities.

This is also possible.

Although according to the information provided by the inner ghosts in the Xuanming World, these general-level players in the Xuanming World have all stayed in the capital, but the information provided by the inner ghosts is not 100% accurate, because the social status of the inner ghosts Limited, they can only detect some relatively common news, and they cannot detect many confidential matters.

For example, the Mie Shi Shi Guang who almost killed Lu Zhong, the inner ghosts didn't detect it beforehand.

Both are possible.

Xiao Zhi thought of that watch.

The communication watch that Lu Zhong gave him before he left is not on him now, otherwise, he could use this watch to contact the real world, and through the information fed back from the real world, he can Know what kind of possibility it is.

Things in the world of sentient beings cannot bring about the world of Xuanming.

Things in the Xuanming world cannot be brought to the world of sentient beings.

Xiao Zhi accidentally lost it when he left.

However, it is not particularly difficult for Xiao Zhi to find it.

Xiao Zhi slashed at the purple light curtain in front of him with a knife, and recalled carefully in his heart. He recalled where he was sent away by the sentient beings system when he left before. The watch should have landed on the near that.

Xiao Zhi's current method of breaking the formation is simple and crude, just like driving wooden stakes. It has no technical content. In fact, it can only be regarded as physical work, not mental work, and it does not consume much brain power.

Therefore, when Xiao Zhi brandished his saber to forcibly break through the formation, he still had the energy to think about other things.

Soon, Xiao Zhi confirmed the location where he left before.

In the next second, Xiao Zhi's domain extended in that direction, and in the blink of an eye, it extended tens of thousands of meters in that direction!

After searching that area for a few seconds with the domain, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, and he found it!

The watch was lying quietly in the ruins of the city at this time, covered with dust, and next to it, there were broken glass and broken marble tiles all over the floor.

These city ruins are the masterpieces of Lu Zhong.

After Xiao Zhi arrived, he spent a lot of time and energy breaking the formations, but he didn't deliberately destroy the city buildings outside the protection range of these formations.

With a flash of light blue light like water waves, this communication wristwatch seemed to have been washed by clean water, and all the dust on it disappeared.

The next moment, the communication watch disappeared out of thin air, and when it reappeared, it was already beside Xiao Zhi.

The communication wristwatch is still usable, and all functions are normal. Through it, Xiao Zhi quickly contacted an inner ghost player in Xuanming World, and began to communicate with this inner ghost player.

At this time, the fifth layer of the purple sky hexagonal formation was also breached by Xiao Zhi, and it was shattered into light spots that filled the sky and dissipated in the air.

Xiao Zhi didn't stop, and together with Li Kuo, the demon, continued to attack the sixth layer of Zixiao's hexagonal formation!

The suicide car attack has gradually subsided at this time. After all, such people who are not afraid of death are still a minority.

Not long after, the insider player brought news about the real world to Xiao Zhi.

From the real world, the news is that Mo Yi is still in the real world, but he has been entangled by people and has not caused too much damage to the real world. , without worrying about what happens in the real world.

After hearing the news, Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, a little in disbelief.

Mo Yi was dragged back in the real world?

This is the magic one!

In the real world he is in, who has the ability to hold back Mo Yi?

Sequence players such as Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan, Ares, and Singer can barely hold back Mo Yi, but they all participated in this "beheading" operation, descended to the Xuanming World, and tossed in the Xuanming World again After such a long time, even if their sentient beings points have not been completely exhausted, it is estimated that there are not many left.

In the world of sentient beings, in major countries including Xia Kingdom, there are some Golden Core players who stayed behind in the real world as reserve personnel.

It's just that these Golden Core players who are responsible for staying behind are not strong, and they are not the opponent of Mo Yi at all.

For example, Li Pingfeng, Li Pingfeng, the Jindan player who is in charge of staying behind in Xia Guo, if he is asked to face Mo Yi directly, let alone hold Mo Yi, he can survive under Mo Yi's hands for a few seconds, even if he is powerful .

Could it be a hidden master secretly cultivated by other big countries?

"Who is holding back the devil?" Xiao Zhi asked the doubt in his heart.

Before long, he had his answer.

It's Huyang.

Xiao Zhi was startled again.

The person holding Mo Yi back turned out to be Hu Yang! This was completely beyond his expectation!

When did this little brother Hu Yang become so powerful? Isn't his speed of upgrading and becoming stronger too fast?

He couldn't help but think of what Li Pingfeng said not long ago.

Li Pingfeng once said that the Sanxian inheritance that Hu Yang obtained is very extraordinary, and the plan above focuses on cultivating him.

At that time, Xiao Zhi didn't pay much attention to these words, but now it seems that the Sanxian inheritance that Hu Yang obtained should indeed be extraordinary, otherwise, he would not be able to hold back Mo Yi.

After being surprised, Xiao Zhi was overjoyed.

Xia Guo has produced another powerful player, which is a great thing for Xia Guo and the world he lives in.

I hope this kid Hu Yang can hold on, and don't die in the hands of Moyi...

Xiao Zhi asked about the other two descendants.

At this moment, from the far sky, a large dense black spot flew towards this side.

Xiao Zhi took a closer look and found that these black spots were all unmanned fighter jets, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky, and there were thousands of them in number!

The unmanned fighter jets in the Xuanming world are obviously more advanced than the fighter jets in the real world. Not only are they faster, but they also become smoother when flying in the air. The weapons they carry have also become laser and precision-guided. Railgun.

In terms of combat effectiveness, one of these drones can fight more than ten of the most advanced fighter jets in the real world!

Soon, the drone swarm, like a flock of birds, approached Xiao Zhi. They were suspended in mid-air, shooting at Xiao Zhi continuously at a distance of tens of kilometers away from Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi launched his own water travel field.

The expanded water field, in this mysterious world, is comparable to absolute defense, and all attacks, whether it is lasers or electromagnetic guns, are easily resisted by it.

The laser beam shot at Xiao Zhi was reflected, and within a short time, dozens of drones were destroyed by the reflected laser beam.

Xiao Zhi used this method before, using the field to reflect the laser beams and electromagnetic guns fired at him from the downtown area of ​​Kyoto, making the attack in Kyoto dumb. Now, Xiao Zhi used the same method.

The laser beams fired at Xiao Zhi soon became sparse, and the number of electromagnetic shells fired at Xiao Zhi became more.

The electromagnetic shells fired at Xiao Zhi were not aimed at Xiao Zhi, but the field developed by Xiao Zhi. As soon as they approached Xiao Zhi's field, they were detonated immediately before being reflected by Xiao Zhi's field. It exploded into balls of dazzling arc plasma, distorting the air.

At the beginning, Xiao Zhi didn't think there was anything wrong, but as more and more electromagnetic shells were detonated at the edge of his field, Xiao Zhi felt something was wrong.

The consumption speed of the true energy in his body has obviously accelerated!

He also needs to consume real energy to expand the water field to resist these attacks.

Those electromagnetic shells were detonated at the edge of the domain, which would cause some damage to his domain. Although it would not cause his domain to shake and collapse, it would intensify the consumption of the true energy in his body!

When a single electromagnetic shell is detonated, the consumption of true energy is not obvious, but tens of thousands of electromagnetic shells are detonated one after another, even Xiao Zhi has to treat it with caution!

After being bombarded by these drones for a few seconds, Xiao Zhi finally responded!

A small green dragon swam out of his body, like a blown balloon, it swelled to a length of hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye!

It was surrounded by clouds and mist, let out a long dragon cry, twisted its body, and swam towards the drones dozens of kilometers away!

It is the imaginary green dragon that Xiao Zhi condensed through the [Canglong Visualization Map] when Xiao Zhi was in the foundation-building period. It takes a lot of real energy to condense this visualized green dragon to fight.

Faced with this huge group of drones, Xiao Zhi didn't want to waste time on them, so he could only consume a lot of real energy to manifest his visualization object, Qinglong, and let it deal with these annoying drones. machine.

As a visualization object, Qinglong also has a certain amount of wisdom, and his combat power is not weak, barely reaching the level of a quasi-Yuanying. Such a combat power is definitely enough to deal with these drones.

After releasing the visualization object Qinglong, Xiao Zhi continued to slash the purple light curtain in front of him fiercely with his knife, and he slashed out with another [Mie Shen Dao], which made the purple light curtain in front of him tremble violently, and the color changed again. It faded a little.

Soon, Xiao Zhi heard a series of violent explosions.

His imaginary green dragon has already started a "massacre" against those drones!

Qinglong was surrounded by clouds and mist. These clouds and mist are not ordinary clouds and mist. Once those drones touch this cloud and mist, their fuselages will be corroded and riddled with holes in the blink of an eye, and they will lose control and fall from a high altitude.

With a sweep of Qinglong's long tail, it can sweep several or even a dozen drones into broken parts.

The green dragon's dragon roar is also a terrifying sonic attack. The sound waves are as visible to the naked eye as water waves. Many of the affected drones are out of order. The fuselage exploded with balls of electric light and flames, and fell to the ground in a whirl.

Qinglong used various means to destroy hundreds of drones in a short period of time.

Many drones shifted their attack targets and launched an attack on this green dragon!

However, the speed of this blue dragon was extremely fast, and the lasers, electromagnetic guns and other attacks that Xiao Zhi couldn't name from these drones rarely hit it.

Even if it was hit by some stray bullets, Qinglong was still unharmed, and was still attacking these drones vigorously.

Don't look at it as just a visualization object. In terms of absolute strength, it is even slightly stronger than Lu Zhong. How can these stray bullets hurt it?

In this way, the previous battlefield has become the current two battlefields.

Xiao Zhi and Li Kuo are still attacking the Zixiao six-square formation above Kyoto City with all their strength.

Tens of kilometers away, Xiao Zhi's imaginary green dragon was showing off its power, fighting fiercely with those thousands of drones with its own power.

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