This Game is Unusual

Chapter 792 The World-Destroying Death Star and the Sky Demon Orb

"It's the Mieshi Death Star, that's the Mieshi Death Star!" Zhu Xiangui, the deputy director of the Propaganda Department who was mentally controlled by the demon Li Kuo, hurriedly said.

"The Death Star..." Xiao Zhi frowned.

One is the Extinct Death Light, and the other is the Extinct Death Star. Both of these two things can effectively kill high-level monks. They are not like simple high-tech weapons. Where do they come from?

Xiao Zhi asked this question directly to Zhu Xiangui.

Zhu Xiangui shook his head and said: "Master, I only know that this thing is called the Death Star. Its power is terrifying. If used properly, it can effectively kill Nascent Soul cultivators like you. My official position is limited, so I can only Knowing so much, I don’t know anything else.”

Xiao Zhi's expression turned cold.

Zhu Xiangui looked at his words and saw that Xiao Zhi's face was a little strange, so he quickly pointed to a middle-aged man not far away and said: "He is the Minister of Defense of the coalition government, and he should know the details of this Death Star!"

After being mentally controlled by the demon Li Kuo, Zhu Xiangui, a senior official of the world coalition government, seemed to be a different person, selling out his teammates without the slightest hesitation.

The middle-aged man who was pointed by Zhu Xiangui's finger suddenly changed his face, but he, who was in Xiao Zhishui's domain, couldn't move his body, couldn't speak a word, he was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered .

Xiao Zhi made a signal, and the demon Li Kuo stepped in front of the middle-aged man.

In an instant, the middle-aged man's expression became blank, and his eyes lost focus at the same time.

When his eyes returned to focus, he seemed to be a completely different person, showing a respectful expression, looking at Xiao Zhi.

This time, Xiao Zhi didn't even bother to ask the middle-aged man's name. He asked straight to the point: "How much do you know about this world-destroying death star? Tell me everything you know."

"Yes, master." The middle-aged man said respectfully.

After thinking for more than ten seconds, the middle-aged man began to tell: "Our world once experienced the destruction of the world by demons. It was a disaster. At that time, our world had a total population of 9 billion. One day later , there are only less than 10 million people left in the world.”

Xiao Zhi listened carefully.

The world of Xuanming once experienced the destruction of the world by a demon, and he knew about it.

As soon as the middle-aged man opened his mouth, he brought up the matter of the Heavenly Demon's Destruction of the World. Could it be that this World's Destruction Star has something to do with the Heavenly Demon's Destruction of the World?

Then the middle-aged man continued: "The Heavenly Demon Destroyer almost destroyed this world, but this world-destroyer Heavenly Demon also left some things in this world before leaving."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but move in his heart. Could it be that this world-destroying death star is something left by the world-destroying ancient sky demon?

His guess was soon confirmed.

Then the middle-aged man continued: "It left behind five black round beads of different sizes in this world. After the World Exterminating Heavenly Demon left, the human beings in our world built a new one on the ruins. Government, new order, not long after the new government was established, an adventure team responsible for exploring the ruins of the old era found these five black beads in a city ruins. Engraved with blood-red handwriting, this is the text left by the demon. It said that the world of sentient beings will come again. These black beads are called the demon beads. The team did not dare to be negligent, and immediately handed over these Heavenly Demon Orbs to the government. Since then, our scientists have started to conduct secret research on these Heavenly Demon Orbs..."

"The Mieshi Death Star and the Mieshi Death Light Cannon are the results of your research?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Although he was asking, Xiao Zhi was almost certain that the Mieshi Death Star and the Mieshi Death Light were obtained by studying the Heavenly Demon Orb left by the ancient Heavenly Demon.

It's no wonder that their names all contain the word 'Mieshi', because the reason why they were born has an inseparable relationship with that catastrophe of annihilation!

"That's right, master, these two things, the Mieshi Death Star and the Mieshi Death Light Cannon, are the results of our research." The middle-aged man nodded, and he continued: "Our scholars and scientists have studied the legacy of the ancient demons. These five Heavenly Demon Orbs have been researched for decades. At the beginning, there was no progress in the research on the Heavenly Demon Orbs. It was not until the great scientist Jacka Medie presided over this research that... "

The middle-aged man was about to discuss this matter in depth, but Xiao Zhi forcibly interrupted him: "Apart from these two things, have you researched anything else?"

Every second he stays here will consume 100 more sentient beings points. He doesn't have so much time to listen to what the middle-aged man said.

The middle-aged man thought for a while and said, "As far as I know, there shouldn't be any. The most powerful weapon we have developed based on this Heavenly Magic Orb is the World-Exterminating Death Star!"

When the middle-aged man said this, he had a very determined tone.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this.

It's fine if you don't have one.

Xiao Zhi is still very afraid of the things left by the ancient demons. The Mieshi Death Light Cannon is okay, its power is not too great, and it cannot pose any threat to him. The Mieshi Death Star is a bit scary. If it is close If it is detonated, it can pose a fatal threat to him.

This middle-aged man is the defense minister of the coalition government, and he is considered a real high-level person. What he said should be quite credible.

Xiao Zhi asked again: "Do you still have any stocks for the Mieshi Death Light Cannon and Mieshi Death Star?"

The middle-aged man said: "A total of three light cannons have been developed, one was destroyed by you, the master, and the other was destroyed by Zhao Yan, and the last light cannon is left, which exists in In the Earth’s synchronous orbit, as for the Extinct Death Star, there is only one in total, and it has been accidentally detonated just now.”

Xiao Zhidao: "You just said that there are five Heavenly Demon Orbs in total. Three Mieshi Death Light Cannons count as three, and one Mieshi Death Star counts as one. There are only four in total, and there is one Heavenly Demon Orb. Where?"

The middle-aged man said: "Going back to the master and conducting scientific research will also consume some energy."

In scientific research, is it consumed... Such a reason can be explained...

Xiao Zhi stopped asking about things like the Death Star and the Heavenly Demon Orb, but asked about other things: "Why did you guys escape, and the others? Are they not going to escape?"

The middle-aged man said: "The chairman insists on staying. He said that he is the chairman, and he should stick to the capital and live and die with the capital. As for General Lu Yi and the others, why they want to stay, I don't know the reason."

The chairman of the middle-aged population reminded Xiao Zhi of Daocheng Beilan.

Beilan Daocheng also lived and died with Beilan Dao City at that time, and finally died in Beilan Dao City.

That was a respectable old man.

"I see." Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Okay, I've finished asking what I want to ask, can go to hell."

After all, he took back the expanded water field.

Suddenly, there were screams everywhere!

Among the dozens of people in front of them, some were cursing, some were shouting, and some were screaming.

Under the action of the gravity of the earth, they started a free fall motion and fell from a height of hundreds of meters.

At a low temperature of more than two hundred degrees below zero, these people were frozen into ice sculptures by the terrifying low temperature before they fell to the ground, and then fell to the ground, falling to pieces.

Xiao Zhi watched this scene indifferently.

A few seconds later, his figure disappeared into the air like a bubble.

Kyoto City, the urban area shrouded in a purple mask.

In a certain building, the world's most advanced surveillance satellite clearly displayed images hundreds of kilometers away.

Looking at the picture presented on the huge screen, everyone hiding in this underground building is tearing their eyes apart!

Sandy is dead!

Li Hang and the other twenty or so Golden Core players were also dead!

They did not die on the battlefield, but died in Xiao Zhi's hands as ordinary people without any resistance!

"The devil! This Xiao Zhi is a devil!"

"This devil didn't run out of true energy, and didn't leave our world. He just guarded outside, waiting for us to go out to die! Throw yourself into a trap!"

"General Lu Yi's analysis just now is correct. He had guessed this possibility long ago, so he insisted on fleeing as a team. If it weren't for his persistence, we would all be doomed!"

"General Lu Yi, what should we do now?" General Sa Gen asked Long Sandao with sweat dripping from his forehead.

At this time, Long San was staring at the huge screen in front of him, his fists clenched tightly, his eyes flushed.

When General Sagan asked for the second time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Zhi came for the first time and returned to the world of sentient beings after breaking through three purple sky formations. This means that the true essence in his body The strength is only enough to forcibly break open three Zixiao formations, but cannot break through the fourth Zixiao formation."

The room suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Long San, listening to his analysis.

Long San slowly restrained his emotions, and continued: "The second time he came, he broke three more Zixiao formations, and also endured the aftermath of the world-destroying death star. The rest of the true energy in his body should not There are too many, and the real energy needs to be replenished again. If he still has spirit stone reserves in the world of sentient beings, he will only guard us once. Now there is a high probability that he should have returned to the world of sentient beings to replenish energy, for the third time. prepare for the world."

"What if he is in the world of sentient beings and has no spirit stone reserves? What will he do?" someone asked.

It was Yu Jiu with red eyes who spoke.

Long San was silent for a while, and said: "He will continue to guard outside, just like this, waiting for us to go out to die."

More sweat oozed from General Sagan's forehead. He wiped his forehead with his hand and said, "General Lu Yi, which one do you think is more likely?"

Long San said calmly: "I still prefer the former possibility. He should still have a reserve of spirit stones on his body. He has returned to the world of sentient beings to replenish energy with a high probability. If this is the case, we must get Arrange for people to evacuate from Kyoto City as soon as possible!"

"What is your basis, General Lu Yi, what is your basis?" A middle-aged general wearing a lieutenant general's uniform asked.

Long San shook his head and said: "There is no basis, this is just my intuition."

"Is it just an unfounded intuition?" The general in the lieutenant general's uniform shook his head and said, "No, it's too risky to do so, if General Lu Yi's intuition is wrong, why is that devil still guarding outside? We have already lost a general and more than 20 elite fighters just now, such a meaningless loss cannot be repeated."

"We still have a chance. There are three Zixiao defense formations above the city of Kyoto. We can still withstand Xiao Zhi's attack. There is no need to make a decision in such a hurry." Another old man in a general uniform said. .

Many people in the room nodded and agreed, including one of the main persons in charge here, General Sagan who was wearing the general's uniform!

Disagreements emerged.

The people in the house began to argue about this matter.

"Xiao Zhi returns to the world of sentient beings to replenish energy. It won't be long before the next time comes, he will destroy all the remaining Zixiao formations in one fell swoop! When the Zixiao formation is destroyed, how can the remaining Qingyun formation be destroyed?" Can you stop him? Then it will be the end of Kyoto City! Time is limited, I don't have time to argue with you here!" With a cold face, Long San squeezed away several staff members standing beside him, and came to Arriving in front of Yu Jiu, he grabbed Yu Jiu's slender arm and said with a serious expression: "Zhu Han, do you believe me or them?"

"Of course I believe you." Yu Jiu said.

She, Long San and Sha Wu formed a small team very early on and took risks together. The friendship between them is quite deep.

"Since you choose to believe me, you will come to reality now with your golden body! We have to leave here quickly!" Long San said in a deep voice: "This place can no longer be guarded, if we don't leave, all of us will die here! If we are alive, there is still a glimmer of hope, if we die, then there is nothing!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Yu Jiu nodded.

Like Sha Wu, she trusted Long San very much, she closed her eyes immediately, and her consciousness entered the world of sentient beings.

Soon, Yu Jiu descended into the Xuanming World with a golden body.

When the golden body came down, she stretched out a pair of swan-like wings from her back. These wings exuded a pure white light, making her look like an angel who descended from the mortal world.

As soon as he landed in Xuanming World, Yu Jiu flapped his wings and turned into a stream of white light, flying towards the isolated island-like Kyoto City located in the ice field hundreds of kilometers away.

She is a general-level player in Xuanming World, and what she is best at is speed. Her speed is the best in the entire Xuanming World. Compared with the Jindan player Li Hanglai who came before, her flying speed is obviously much faster!

Soon, she came to the sky above the city of Kyoto, and with a flash of her figure, she passed through the purple mask covering the city and entered the city of Kyoto.

Thank you for the rewards from me and Feng Jie, the big guys, and thanks for the decision on behalf of time, and the rewards of the sun and the moon.

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