This Game is Unusual

Chapter 801: Inheritance of Kunshan Demon Monarch

As soon as Mo Luosen thought of Xiao Zhi, piercing hatred appeared in his eyes!

Long San and the others are all dead, all died in the hands of this Xiao Zhi. The city of Kyoto was destroyed, and it was also thanks to this Xiao Zhi! And his uncle...

He hated Xiao Zhi deeply! Can't wait to eat its flesh and sleep its skin! But there is nothing to do about it.

Just because this Xiao Zhi is a Nascent Soul cultivator!

The strength of Nascent Soul cultivator made him feel desperate.

He originally thought that with that forbidden technique, after devouring millions of remnant souls, with the blessing of these millions of remnant souls, he should be able to fight Xiao Zhi, and even kill him in one fell swoop. Cruel, even with the blessing of millions of remnant souls, he is not Xiao Zhi's opponent. During the battle, he is almost being tortured by blood, and he has no power to fight back!

In the vast history of the world of sentient beings, there have been countless arrogances of the Jindan realm who tried to challenge the Nascent Soul, and they all failed without exception.

Moben thought that he, who had the inheritance of Kunshan Demon Lord, would be the exception.

In the end, he was still too naive, even if he possessed the inheritance of gods and demons and mastered powerful forbidden techniques, Jindan could not defeat Nascent Soul!

Only the Nascent Soul can defeat the Nascent Soul!

"Kunshan Demon Lord is considered a strong man among many demon gods. Compared with little gods like Emperor Xuanming and Dachang Zhenjun, he is much stronger! I have the inheritance of Kunshan Demon Lord, and I only need to practice and grow step by step. Go on, once the time is up, it will be a matter of course to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm, even the God and Demon Realm, there is not a big threshold in front of me..." Mo Yi muttered in his mouth.

He recalled some past events.

The inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord was not found by him, but was entrusted to him by the World United Government.

The inheritance of Kunshan Demon Monarch is located in the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave. It was not discovered by this generation of players, but by the previous generation of players who were wiped out by the Heavenly Demon.

Decades ago, the national war failed, and the demons descended to destroy the world. Few people survived. All the players of the previous generation were killed, and no one survived!

Although a person died, he left many precious materials and passed them on to future generations.

The inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord is recorded in these precious materials!

The inheritance of the Demon King of Kunshan does not exist in the barren mountains and swamps in Xuanming Kingdom, but in a place called the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave.

The Absolute Heavenly Cave Territory is a somewhat special absolute realm. No matter which dynasty country it is in, there will always be an entrance to the Absolute Heavenly Cave Territory within its territory.

In Xuanming Kingdom, there is an entrance to the Absolute Heavenly Cave, and Dachang Kingdom also has an entrance to the Absolute Heavenly Cave. Decades ago, Chengyun Kingdom, where the previous generation of players in this world lived, also had an entrance to the Absolute Heavenly Cave. .

Through this entrance, you can enter the Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory.

The previous generation of players, after entering the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave, how to avoid the dangers in the Absolute Territory, and how to find the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord in it, these are all recorded in detail.

Rao has these records that can greatly reduce the danger. The more than 10,000 innate warriors secretly sent by the World United Government at that time died shortly after entering the Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory. In the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave, he successfully found the Demon Lord's Demon Palace in Kunshan and entered the Demon Palace.

Then there is the test from the Junshan Demon Palace. Only those who have passed the test of the Junshan Demon Palace will be eligible to receive the Demon Lord's inheritance!

The test from the Demon Palace is still very cruel, and those who fail to pass the test of the Demon Palace will have death as their only ending.

As a result, everyone died, and only Luo Sen passed the test of the Demon Palace, survived, and successfully obtained the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord.

Before entering the Heavenly Grotto Absolute Territory, Luo Sen behaved very ordinary, his strength and status were far different from natural spirit body owners like Long San!

After coming out of the Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory, Luo Sen's status instantly surpassed that of Long San and the others, and he was given the title 'Magic One'!

"It will take two months to practice step by step before I can break through to Nascent Soul..."

"Two months... It will take another two months... Can this world last another two months..." Mo Yi gritted his teeth.

"In the inheritance of the Demon King, there is a forbidden technique called [Magic Infant Technique]. It only takes three days to practice [Magic Infant Technique], and I only need three days to quickly become a Nascent Infant! The Magic Infant Technique] is tantamount to counterproductive, it will exhaust my growth potential, my strength will always stop at Yuanying, and there will be no hope for gods and demons in my life.

The previous Moyi chose to practice step by step to become stronger, and only waited for the time to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm, and the gods and demons can be expected! This is also the will of the coalition government.

The coalition government is thinking long term.

The national war is not the end, it is just a novice trial. After the national war, there will be a wider world waiting for them.

When this national war is over and when you walk out of Novice Village, facing the more expansive world, a mere Nascent Soul is definitely not enough to watch. Among them, stand firm and not be bullied.

But the series of events that happened today made Mo's eyes tear open, and he almost fell into madness!

He wants revenge! He wanted to kill that guy named Xiao Zhi!

He really wanted to practice the [Magic Infant Technique] desperately!

But as time passed, the blood faded and the reason returned, and this idea became less intense again.

"Two months... Two months, it should be able to last..." Mo Yi's eyes flickered, and he murmured.

"Xiao Zhi, let's let you be arrogant for a while, after two months, I'll take your dog's life again!" Mo Yi gritted his teeth.

In the end, he still couldn't make up his mind to practice the [Magic Infant Technique], which has endless troubles!

The world of sentient beings, the mountains and cold mountains.

In the deep cave at the foot of the iceberg, Xiao Zhi silently absorbed the spirit stone and ate food.

After recovering his true energy and physical strength, Xiao Zhi summoned the entrance to the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, and his consciousness entered the Sumeru Realm of Living Beings.

He is in a very dull mood now and needs to vent. Killing monsters in the Sumi Realm is undoubtedly a better way to relieve stress.

Now that he has entered the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, Xiao Zhi no longer needs to hide it.

"Mr. Xiao Zhi."

"Mr. Xiao Zhi, you are here."

After seeing Xiao Zhi, several Golden Core players on duty at the birth point stood up and greeted Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi just nodded and said a few words, then flashed away, rushed out of the birth point, turned into a golden bird, and flew towards the darkness in the distance.

After killing monsters for a while in Zhusheng Xumi Realm, Xiao Zhi's mood has indeed improved compared to before.

While killing monsters, Xiao Zhi vaguely heard someone calling him. This is someone calling him in the real world.

Xiao Zhi frowned, but chose to return.

Soon, after a slight trance, Xiao Zhi's consciousness returned to the real world.

The real world is still the cubicle. After Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, he found that there was no one in the cubicle.

But when he propped himself up with his hands and got up from the bed, he saw through the glass of the cubicle that there were already people standing outside the cubicle, and everyone was looking at him.

When Xiao Zhi pushed the door and walked out of the cubicle, what greeted him was wave after wave of unfailing cheers.

Everyone present is cheering, cheering for him!

"Welcome our hero back." Standing at the front was the commander of the All Living Army, Mr. Yang. He looked at Xiao Zhi with a smile, and said.

At this moment, the flashes of countless cameras were shining, recording this highly anticipated scene.

"I..." Xiao Zhi opened his mouth. He wanted to say that he failed to kill Mo Yi when he came to the Xuanming World this time, and he failed everyone's expectations, but in the end, he didn't say these words. Instead, he chose to face everyone in front of him with a smile.

Half a quarter of an hour later, in the headquarters of the All Living Army, in a small conference room.

The only ones who are qualified to enter this conference room are Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan and other Golden Core players, except for the high-level officials of Xia Kingdom and several ambassadors stationed in Xia from various countries.

Xiao Zhi was standing on the rostrum at this time, making a report to the audience. What he was talking about was naturally the series of experiences he experienced after he came to the Xuanming World.

When Xiao Zhi talked about the scenes of killing Sha Wu, Yu Jiu, and Long San, those high-level executives could still remain calm and calm. The players were all young people, so they didn't have so many scruples, they were all excited Shouting and shouting, there was joy!

"Brother Zhi, you waited for the rabbit and the cow with this trick! You have guarded so many prey, are these people Shabi? They rushed out to die one by one, it's a pity I wasn't there at the time, if I was there, I would have to laugh Die!" Zhao Yan blushed because of excitement, he stood up and shouted.

"It sounds so frightening to relieve one's anger. It's just that some of these people are too cheap to die! If you want me to say, these people should be cut into pieces, then skinned and refined, and their souls made into soul lamps , practice it for seventy-seven forty-nine days before giving up, and then let their souls fly away and end their sinful life!" Li Pingfeng shouted a little excitedly.

"Forty-nine days is not enough. Let me say that every time they kill a person in our world, they will train them for one day. That's the best." A player said.

"Wouldn't it be necessary to refine them for hundreds of thousands of years?"

"If you want me to say, you should continue to refine your soul like this, so that they will be immersed in pain forever, and they will never be reborn forever, so that they can relieve their anger!"

Gold Core players were talking and talking about it!

A staff member in black uniform who was responsible for the order of the meeting frowned, and was about to call out for silence, but was stopped by Mr. Yang, the commander of the sentient beings army.

"Today is a great day, worth celebrating. Everyone is very happy, so don't spoil the fun." Old Yang said with a smile.

Hearing this, the staff member nodded helplessly, and retreated to the position next to the wall.

Xiao Zhi didn't continue until the meeting place became quiet. When he talked about his battle with Mo Yi and Mo Yi's defeat, the atmosphere in the conference room seemed a little silent.

The people in the conference room are all smart people, so they naturally know what this means.

"This devil is too scary, we must get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be endless troubles." Lu Zhong said with a solemn expression.

Everyone nodded, approving his words.

Liu Yi said, "Xiao Zhi, this is the fourth time you have come to Xuanming World, have you found any trace of Mo Yi?"

"No." Xiao Zhi shook his head, with a serious expression on his face.

The atmosphere in the conference room fell silent again.

"It's okay, now there is only Mo Yi, a fish that slipped through the net. This is a grasshopper after autumn. It has been jumping for a few days. After this meeting is over, we will all go back and think of a way. See Let's see how we can get this monster out." Li Pingfeng said with a smile.

Everyone nodded when they heard the words.

At this time, all that should be said has been said, Xiao Zhi walked down from the rostrum, and his seat was next to Yang Lao, the commander of the sentient beings army.

Judging from where he is sitting, it can also reflect Xiao Zhi's current status from the side.

After Xiao Zhi sat down, he found that there was a paper document on the table in front of him, which was the report on the "killing general" operation.

Xiao Zhi picked up the paper document and flipped through it.

Most of the content in this document is known to him, so he can turn pages faster.

After flipping through more than a dozen pages, Xiao Zhi fixed his eyes and found something he was interested in.

The next few pages record what happened after Mo Yi, Wu Shi, and the player named Kullak came to the real world.

This time when they came to the real world, the three Golden Core players from Xuanming World didn't hide their bodies, but after they came, they murdered and wreaked havoc with great fanfare, making a lot of noise.

Even though the satellites around the earth in the real world are far less accurate than the satellites in Xuanming's world, these three people were quickly locked on.

After Mo Yi and the other three players from the Xuanming World came to the real world, the command center at that time was full of excitement, and many people were at a loss.

At that time, the leadership was divided into two groups. One group proposed to immediately recall Xiao Zhi, a Nascent Soul cultivator, and let Xiao Zhi deal with Mo Yi.

Another faction insisted that Xiao Zhi stay in Xuanming World, and that the matter of Mo Yi's invasion should be resolved by this world.

At that time, these two ideas were at odds. As the commander-in-chief of this operation, Commander Yang Lao forcibly stopped the debate, and then overruled all opinions and chose to let Xiao Zhi continue to fight in the Xuanming World. He doesn't have to pay attention to reality.

"This old man Yang, who usually doesn't show his face, looks like a kind old man. I didn't expect that he would be quite courageous at critical moments." Xiao Zhi secretly said in his heart.

Just because of this, Xiao Zhi will give him a high look.

But, then again, if this old man is just a mediocre person who can stir up muddy water, it is impossible for him to sit in such an important position as the commander of the All Beings Army.

When Xiao Zhi was thinking about these things, Yang Lao, the commander of the All Beings Army who was sitting next to him, slowly stood up, and then walked towards the rostrum step by step.

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