This Game is Unusual

Chapter 835 Great Evil Kingdom

Vaguely, Xiao Zhi heard some voices, not only the sound of opening the door, but also the sound of someone talking.

These are sounds from the real world.

With a thought, Xiao Zhi tried to return his consciousness to the real world.

A sense of trance struck, and when Xiao Zhi regained consciousness again, he was already in the real world.

‘Being able to return to the real world with consciousness means that the place I am now is relatively safe and not dangerous. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi's originally tense heart also slowly relaxed.

In the real world, Xiao Zhi slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a quiet and tidy single room, and he was lying on the only single bed in this single room.

In the single room, there were two staff members wearing the uniforms of the All Living Army, standing in front of the door, talking in a low voice, and occasionally looking at Xiao Zhi who was lying on the single bed.

Because of this, the two staff members discovered Xiao Zhi's awakening immediately.

A staff member immediately said pleasantly, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, you're awake!"

Another staff member opened the door of the room, rushed out, and shouted: "Wake up, Mr. Xiao Zhi woke up!"

Following the shout of the staff, a group of people rushed in after a while.

Among them were Liu Yi, Lu Zhong, Zhu Changwu and others, as well as reporters from major media.

"Xiao Zhi, are you okay?" Liu Yi asked as soon as he entered the room.

"It's nothing serious." Xiao Zhi got up from the single bed in the room, shook his head and said.

"That's good, that's good." Liu Yi was obviously relieved when he heard this.

Lu Zhong smiled and said: "I have already said that Zhigeji people have their own aura, and nothing will happen. Look, it's all right now!"

A female reporter with a microphone squeezed into the room and said to Xiao Zhi: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, what happened just now, can you tell me?"

Next to the reporter, a photographer held up a video camera and took snaps of Xiao Zhi.

There was not just this one camera being held up high, but several.

The flashes kept flashing.

There was more than one reporter who rushed over. There were too many people rushing over. Several reporters were squeezed outside the door and couldn't get in for the time being.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning.

This kind of thing would never have happened before the start of the "Slaying General" operation. At that time, the area where the headquarters of the All Living Army was located was almost in a state of "military control". Except for the officially designated photographers In addition, other news media can't get in at all, let alone interviews.

After the "cut general" action, the society is gradually stabilizing, the economy is recovering, Xia Guo has gradually relaxed its control over this area, and some mainstream media reporters and photographers have been able to enter this area after strict censorship. area, conducted some limited interviews.

Xiao Zhi didn't answer the female reporter's question, he said: "Sorry, the environment I am in in the world of sentient beings is not safe, I have to return to my residence as soon as possible."

The female reporter held up the microphone and was waiting to say something, Liu Yi said in a dignified voice: "Quick, staff, protect Mr. Xiao Zhi and return to his residence!"

Soon, Xiao Zhi left the room surrounded by a crowd of people.

Those reporters and media who had been waiting for a long time wanted to rush over, but they were all stopped by the staff.

After leaving the headquarters of the All Living Army, the person in charge of Xiao Zhi's security work was changed from the security personnel of the All Living Army to Wang Yong and a team of soldiers from the Ministry of State Security.

Soon, Xiao Zhi returned to the villa where he was located in the Dachangyuan villa area.

As soon as he returned to his residence, Xiao Zhi lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and re-entered the world of sentient beings.

The world of sentient beings, inside the deep cave, is still the same as when Xiao Zhi left, nothing has changed.

After Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged in this cold deep cave for a while, he transformed into a golden roc and entered the state of hidden spirit again, before carefully flying to the ground.

When approaching the ice on the surface, Xiao Zhi cast [Vajra Dazzling Eyes] supernatural power, scanned carefully in all directions for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger, he broke through the ice, spread out a pair of golden wings, and flew close to the ground.

While flying, Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to the demon Li Kuo: "Brother Li, please help me pay attention."

What Li Kuo mastered is the field of ice and snow, which is more suitable for the extremely cold environment in this mountainous cold domain. He may be more sensitive to certain dangers than Xiao Zhi.

"Okay." Li Kuo responded.

The situation was really like this. When Xiao Zhi spread his wings and flew about 200 miles, Li Kuo warned in advance: "There is an extremely cold area ahead, hurry up and bypass the front!"

Xiao Zhi bypassed it according to his words, and said in a voice transmission with some surprises: "Brother Li, can you sense the extremely cold area?"

"I can vaguely feel it." Li Kuo responded.

"That's great." Xiao Zhi was delighted. This meant that his safety factor would be greatly increased when he walked in this cold mountainous region in the future.

After flying forward for hundreds of miles, Xiao Zhi landed at the foot of a huge iceberg. As usual, he drilled holes in the ground.

Soon, a new deep hole was dug out by Xiao Zhi.

Inside the deep cave, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged, his consciousness trying to return to the real world.

A slight trance came over me.

When Xiao Zhi opened his eyes again, he was already in the real world.

The fact that consciousness can return to the real world means that the deep hole he newly dug is still safe, and there should be no problem staying here temporarily.

Xiao Zhi lay on the bed, closed his eyes again, and when he opened them again, he appeared in the cold deep cave of the world of sentient beings.

Xiao Zhi, who was out of danger, entered the Buddhist world condensed by the [Dharma image of the Great Powerful Heavenly King] through his thoughts.

Soon, Xiao Zhi turned into a three-headed and eight-armed Dharma image of the mighty king of heaven!

Among the eight arms of Faxiang, one arm holds the big black seal, the other arm holds the magic pestle, and the other six arms are empty.

Neither the black short sword nor the black bowl could be condensed this time.

"Sure enough..." Xiao Zhi's heart sank.

It would be fine if these two weapons can be condensed again, but if they can't be condensed in the future... Xiao Zhi didn't dare to think about it any longer.

For the next time, Xiao Zhi soaked in the [Dharma Image of the Great Mighty Heavenly King], constantly trying to recondense the black short sword and the black bowl.

Finally, Emperor Tian paid off, and in the early hours of December 7th, Xiao Zhi successfully condensed the black dagger and black bowl again.

After condensing, Xiao Zhi finally breathed a long sigh of relief, a big stone fell to the ground in his heart, and a smile appeared on his tense face.

It wasn't until this moment that he felt a stabbing pain in his head and dizziness.

This is because I have been soaking in the [Dawei Tianwang Dharma] for too long, and I am a little exhausted physically and mentally.

After sitting and resting for a while, Xiao Zhi made a thought, and his consciousness returned to the real world.

Before, he was afraid that the black dagger and the black bowl would be destroyed, which would make the Dharma image of Dawei Tianwang incomplete. Xiao Zhi didn't have the time to think about other things. Now, these two weapons in the hands of the Dharma minister have been re-condensed by him Now, a big stone in Xiao Zhi's heart fell to the ground, and he naturally thought of Li Pingfeng breaking the boundary.

After returning to the real world, Xiao Zhi was not in a hurry, went to the bathroom to wash up, ordered dinner for himself with his mobile phone, then lay down on the sofa, and called his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji. phone.

The phone just rang once and was connected.

"Mr. Xiao Zhi, are you... all right?" Liu Ji's voice was full of concern.

"I'm fine." Xiao Zhi replied, and then cut to the chase: "Li Pingfeng broke the boundary and went to the outside world. Is there any news?"

"Yes." Liu Ji gave Xiao Zhi an affirmative answer, and she said, "Please wait a moment, I will send you the message."


After hanging up the phone, not long after, Xiao Zhi's cell phone vibrated one after another. It was Liu Ji who sent the information.

Just at this time, the food ordered by Xiao Zhi was brought over.

Xiao Zhi picked up his mobile phone to read the materials sent by Liu Ji while eating the steaming food.

At 8:23 a.m. on December 6, 2021, Li Pingfeng took the boundary-breaking stone and broke through the air wall at the border of Dachang country to go to the outside world.

At 5:51 p.m. on December 6, Li Pingfeng returned to the real world, stayed in the real world for 31 minutes, and then gradually entered the world of sentient beings.

Although he only stayed in the real world for a short 31 minutes, Li Pingfeng brought back a lot of useful information from the outside world.

Adjacent to the southwest border of Dachang Kingdom is called Dayan Kingdom.

The lord of the Dayan Kingdom is the True Monarch Dayan. Just by looking at the name, one can tell that this person is also a true monarch.

In this world of sentient beings, only god-level existences who have surpassed the Dao realm are eligible to be crowned the title of true king.

True Monarch Dachang is like this, so is True Monarch Dayan.

The territory of Dayan Kingdom is not peaceful now, even worse than the neighboring country of Dachang Kingdom, where bandits and demons are rampant.

The news that Li Pingfeng inquired was that two years ago, two gods and demons as deep as mountains descended on the territory of Dayan Kingdom. When these two gods and demons fought, even the sky was split open!

The capital of Dayan Kingdom was destroyed in this war of gods and demons, and Zhenjun Dayan also died in the capital of Dayan Kingdom!

In this battle, not only the capital of the Dayan Kingdom was destroyed, but most of the territory of the Dayan Kingdom was destroyed in this war of gods and demons. Countless people were killed and injured, and floating corpses were everywhere!

After the war, the two warring gods and demons were nowhere to be found, and Dayan Kingdom lost True Lord Dayan, the order collapsed completely, all kinds of monsters and ghosts appeared, it was completely chaotic!

These are what Li Kuo learned from a group of bandits who occupy the mountain as king.

A Golden Core Martial Cultivator of Dayan Kingdom gathers dozens of foundation-building monks, more than a thousand warriors, and a few big monsters, and occupies a deep mountain on the border of Dayan Kingdom as king. people.

In this line of work, this Jindan Wuxiu has been doing it for more than a year, and he has never missed a single shot. He has killed countless people, but this time he kicked the iron plate.

This group of bandits occupying the mountain as king, together they are no match for Li Pingfeng alone, they tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn't do anything to win Li Pingfeng, and Li Pingfeng took it all in one go.

This is the benefit of being powerful.

One person can be worth a thousand troops!

According to Li Pingfeng's description, the King of the Dayan Kingdom's golden elixir martial cultivator is actually not weak. He has the state of the late stage of golden elixir, and formations are arranged at the strongholds, which can be used to fight and defend according to the formation.

If Li Pingfeng was not a monk at the peak of Jindan and didn't have so many spiritual treasures on him, he would probably have difficulty protecting himself when he encountered these bandits this time, let alone capture and kill these bandits.

Under Li Pingfeng's harsh interrogation, the bandits told everything they knew.

The current Dayan Kingdom is full of chaos. There are many monks like this who occupy the mountains as kings. Several sect families with particularly strong strength have started to recruit soldiers and buy horses, sharpen their swords, and prepare to compete in this world!

In a word, it is chaos.

It is much more chaotic than the current Dachang Kingdom.

In Dachang Kingdom where they are located, although Zhenjun Dachang has disappeared, and most of the high-ranking Nascent Souls have their own thoughts and eat vegetarian food, the most basic order is still there. The villages and counties below, except for the war zone, are actually not It has not been greatly affected, unlike this Dayan country.

In the territory of Dayan Kingdom, as far as the eye can see, there are not a few villages left. What is more sad is that in these villages, those who survived only know that the world is in chaos and demons are rampant, but what is the reason for this world? Chaos, they don't know anything about it.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being silent for a while, and then continued to look down.

In addition to bringing back this information, Li Pingfeng also brought back a regional topographic map of the world of sentient beings.

The Dayan Kingdom has a total of nine states, and the territory of one state is similar to the land of one state in the Dachang Kingdom.

Dayan Kingdom is adjacent to Dachang Kingdom in the northeast, Taiwei Yao Kingdom in the southeast, Jichang Family in the northwest, and the most powerful Jimu Dynasty in the southwest.

Whether it is the Taiwei Yao Kingdom, the Jichang Family, or the Mu Dynasty, there are god-level townsmen in the territory!

The former Dachang Kingdom and Xuanming Kingdom also had god-level rulers, and the Dayan Kingdom before the chaos also had a god-level powerhouse, Dayan Zhenjun.

It is not difficult to see from it that a god-level powerhouse is the foundation of a country!

To establish a kingdom in this world of sentient beings, a god-level powerhouse is essential.

Also, in this world of sentient beings, there are not only human kingdoms, but also demon kingdoms. The Taiwei Demon Kingdom, which is adjacent to Dayan Kingdom, is one of them.

In addition, Li Pingfeng also reported a detail:

The monks in Dayan Kingdom knew the existence of Dachang Kingdom, and even knew the existence of Xuanming Kingdom!

They can even see the gray mist-like air wall across the sky!

Thanks Yu Tiansheng for the reward.

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